Hello, Readers :)
I got a cute little email from by ethics committee being like, "Hey, remember that paper you wrote? Well, it's just been flagged because someone plagiarised it. Welcome to a new fresh hell of board meetings and paperwork". So naturally I jump on the scientist group chat (scientists are like gay people; we all know each other) and am like, "Yo. Dudes. For real? Whodunnit?" Turns out it was a fellow medicine and sport scientist, and they were like, "Ha, whoops, I 'accidentally' uploaded your report instead of mine, lol". Yeah, it's been a fun week.


Draco threw an arm over his closed eyes, trying to shield himself from the bright sunshine pouring in through thin curtains. He reached out the other hand, blindly patting at the mattress for a warm body that wasn't there. The door giving a creak of old hinges and a happy giggle meeting his ears had him sitting bolt upright, the sheets hastily drawn around his waist. He cocked his head to the side at the view that met his startled gaze, humming appreciatively.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack, but I think you've made it worth it."

Harry peered around his legs from where he was bent over in the doorway fussing with something on the floor, his shorts clad bum pointed in Draco's direction. He giggled, giving a little wiggle before standing, two neatly wrapped but squishy looking parcels in his arms. He came back to the bed, sitting cross-legged before Draco, dropping the packages between them in favour of grabbing the blonde's sleepy face and pressing a smacking kiss to his lips. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you; I know how you hate mornings. I wanted to surprise you with the first Christmas presents of the day."

"We have Christmas presents?" Draco asked, confused, his eyes dropping to the garish red and white wrapping paper. His gaze shifted to Harry's feet and his frown lifted to a smirk as he looked pointedly between them and his boyfriends face.

Rolling his eyes with a small chuckle, Harry shucked the fluffy bed socks off his feet and grabbed at Draco's, pulling the soft black and white polka dot material onto pale skin before they could lose his body warmth. He smiled affectionately when Draco gave a contented sigh and wriggled his feet underneath him. "For someone who suffers the cold in the winter, it's surprising I haven't seen a change in night time wardrobe from you."

"Trust me, normally at this time of year you wouldn't catch me in any less than four layers, but things changed when I got my own little personal hot water bottle." Feet sufficiently warmed, Draco shifted back, parting his arms and legs so Harry could sit between them. The smaller boy carefully moved the presents before leaning his back against Draco's chest, bare skin against bare skin except for two pairs of shorts.

Harry could feel the temperature difference between them and rearranged the blankets, tucking them around their legs. Long pale arms wrapped around him and he could feel Draco's chin resting atop his head as he pulled him closer. "You could be a little more subtle about wanting to steal my body heat, you know." He grinned, tilting his head to expose more of his neck as lips landed there, kissing and nibbling gently as the tip of a cold nose brushed his earlobe.

"Are you complaining?"

"Definitely not." He groaned when teasing lips left his sensitive flesh but smiled when he remembered the gifts he'd retrieved from the door. He checked the labels, pressing one into the hands at his waist before ripping into his own. He pulled out a sweater the colour of a dark, rich wine from the mess he'd created. A large H in shimmering gold decorated the front. Crooning happily, he bumped his head back against a pale shoulder, "Come on, open yours, open yours!"

His confusion reignited, Draco delicately slid a finger under one fold, meticulously opening up the paper with a lot more care than Harry had. Inside he found a sweater very similar to Harry's but in a deep forest green. Lifting the garment up before them showed a letter D knitted on the front in silver. "What…what is this?"

"A Weasley Christmas sweater! Mrs Weasley knits one for all of her kids each year. This is my sixth one. I've kept them all, they're so soft and cozy."

"Does this mean…" Draco looked at the painstakingly made gift with new eyes, his voice lighting with awe. Had he already become that accepted into Harry's family? Had Molly knitted this before they had even officially met? Was her love and support of Harry really that great that she had ignored every rumour and story and welcomed his boyfriend wholeheartedly into her home without any trepidations, and was allowing him to adopt family traditions without a second thought?

"Yes," Harry answered, awkwardly reaching up to press a chaste kiss to Draco's cheek. Not satisfied, he turned in his arms, bringing his legs to either side of Draco's waist as he felt hands settle comfortably at the small of his back. He peppered light kissed to Draco's stunned face, giggling as he watched the emotions play in stormy eyes. "They're my family, and you're my boyfriend, so now they're your family, too. Not just Mrs Weasley, but all of them. You're safe here, you're wanted. And, in time, if you don't already, they'll come to love you. And they'll love you for being you, not just for being Harry Potter's boyfriend. Do you understand?"

Draco ran a hand over the plush green wool, leaning in to press his cheek against Harry's, holding the other close as he spoke softly into his ear, "I think I'm starting to. It's all just taken me by surprise. Don't get me wrong, it's nice, really nice, but I'm just not used to it. I've never had anything like this, people like this. It's all so…different."

"Well that's what we do, isn't it? Me and you, masters of different." He pressed his lips against smiling pale ones, whispering against them as hands begun wandering over his skin, "Merry Christmas, Draco."

His reply was drowned out by several other calls and shouts of "Merry Christmas" as the door to the bedroom slammed open, Ginny, Hermione and the twins spilling in. They all ignored the cursing and blushing couple to crowd onto the foot of the bed, bouncing excitedly in their own colourful assortment of Weasley sweaters.

Draco huffed a hot, annoyed breath against Harry's skin before dragging the bedsheets up as much as he could with four teenagers weighing them down. Harry shifted to sit beside him against the headboard, and they managed to preserve at least some of their dignity as both boys hastily pulled their gifts over their heads, covering exposed skin. "Bloody Gryffindors, no sense of privacy," Draco sneered, glaring at the intruders.

"We tried to get in fifteen minutes ago," Fred informed him cheerfully.

"But there was a good mix of spells keeping us out," George chipped in, his expression identical to that of his twin's.

"A mix, I might add, it would take a genius to come up with-"

"-Or two."

"When we checked again just now the spells were down-"

"-So we reckoned it was fair game." George finished smugly.

Draco levelled an accusing look at his boyfriend, "You, you did this."

Harry held his hands up in mock surrender, the move contradicted by the cheeky grin on his face, "I may have forgotten to reset the privacy charms when I got our presents."

"Talking of," Hermione smiled down at her own purple clad arms, "Congratulations, Draco, you've been adopted. Expect many, many years of overprotective older brothers, vast amounts of delicious food, and an invitation for tea or dinner at least once a week."

Taking Harry's hand in his, Draco gave it a squeeze before lifting it to place a kiss to tan knuckles. "I look forward to it."

"Why are we all in here?" Charlie managed to ask against a loud yawn as he stumbled into the room. He joined the growing group on the bed, flopping down when Harry folded his legs and patted the available space invitingly.

Bill and Fleur appeared in the doorway. "I told you they were all in here," The tall redhead stated, a lopsided grin on his face as he surveyed the room.

"Yes, by all means, please, come in. All are welcome, invade our privacy, feel free. Personal space, what is personal space," Draco grumbled moodily.

The eldest Weasley tugged his girlfriend by the hand to also sit atop the bed, not caring as springs and wood protested under the additional weight. Bill settled more comfortably, or as much as he could with too many bodies and limbs sprawled lazily in a too small space, Fleur tucked neatly at his side. He leant forward carefully, somehow managing to keep his balance as he ruffled hands through Harry and Draco's hair, further messing up their bedhead. He joined Charlie's deep, rumbling chuckle as his action spurred the Slytherin into further grumpy mutterings.

"Oh, stop it, don't pretend you're not happy," Harry nudged an elbow into his boyfriend's ribs, echoing his words from yesterday.

"I'm not happy, I'm tolerating," Draco stated, his chin jutted proudly.

Ginny rolled her eyes and laughed loudly, a finger pointed accusingly at the blonde, "Ha, that may have worked on us before, but you're one of us now. We know you. You're powerless, princess."

"This is a hundred percent your fault, scarhead." Draco told Harry, the bite of his taunt significantly reduced by a loud shriek ringing from the still open doorway. Heads whipped around just in time to see the horrified face of Ronald Weasley before thundering footfalls signified the redhead's hasty departure.

Ron's voice rose from the kitchen several floors below, the words indecipherable but their tone noticeable angry. It was chased by loud, stern shouts easily recognised as belonging to Molly Weasley. Suddenly silence rung through the house, only interrupted by softer steps coming back up the stairs. Molly peeked around the edge of the doorframe, as if worried by what she might find, before stepping fully into sight, a huge grin on her face as she looked around the faces smiling up at her. A camera was quickly pulled from some fold of her many layers of mismatched cardigans and shawls, and she snapped a pictre of the group before they could school their unguarded, happy features or complain.

"Wonderful. Now, make yourselves decent and come and have some breakfast."


The Weasleys, minus Percy, plus the guests from yesterday's tea, were piled into the Burrow's front room. Chatter and laughter filling the air as they exchanged gifts and lost themselves in the cheer of the holidays.

Harry and Draco where snuggled in an armchair too big for one person but too small for two, the twins perched haphazardly on the arms, and a pile of open presents at their feet. The couple had been met with delighted smiles as they had handed out their own gifts. Draco had accompanied Harry to Hogsmeade on the weekend he decided to do his Christmas shopping, unable to do any of his own since being cut off from his family, but happy to offer Harry the company. He had been surprised when Harry's head had almost bounced off his shoulders as he nodded his eagerness for Draco to accompany him. Realisation dawned when Draco soon discovered that his boyfriend was rather clueless in the gift buying department, and with a roll of his eyes and a secret smile, he had tugged the brunette here, there and everywhere over the sleepy town. Harry had just stood back in awe, letting Draco stack his arms high with perfect present after perfect present. When they returned to Gryffindor Tower, Harry had insisted that the gifts be from the both of them, especially when Draco took over wrapping duty after witnessing Harry's first attempt with paper and spellotape.

Draco leant away, offering as much room as he could as Harry shifted his hips awkwardly, digging into a pocket of his baggy jeans before pulling out a small, shoddily wrapped present. He eyed it with a gasp, a hand fluttering to his chest, "How did I miss one? That is atrocious."

Harry grabbed his hand with an amused snort, dumping the box into his open palm. "You missed it because I hid it, as this one's for you, git."

"I mean…" Draco picked it up tentatively with two fingers, dangling it carefully by the corner in front of his face for further inspection, "It's beautiful?"

"Don't sound too enthusiastic. Just open it, drama queen."

Prying open the heavy taping, Draco managed to release a small black jewellery box. With a wondering glance at Harry he lifted the lid, revealing a thin silver chain with a simple pendant made up of a clear, brightly shining square cut diamond. He lifted the fine jewellery from its confines, holding it up to the light. "Harry, it's beautiful," He breathed out.

"Yeah, that word has slightly less impact after you-" A hand clamping over his mouth had him silenced, and he peered up into warm, affectionate grey eyes.

"I mean it, dunderhead. I love it." He removed his hand away when he could feel lips curving upwards against his palm, replacing the hand with his own lips. He ignored the hoots and whistles from a few certain Weasley's and kissed Harry soundly, making sure the other understood his sincerity before pulling away. "Thank you, I really do love it. Put it on me?" He ducked his head and stilled, feeling Harry's breath against his face as leaned forward, usually clumsy hands being patient and gentle as they fastened the delicate clasp.

Harry settled the chain against a pale neck before dragging his fingers forward and up to cup a handsome face. He placed a sweet kiss upon pale lips before breaking the small moment of intimacy under the uncomfortable feeling of being watched. Letting Draco go with a sigh and a subtle caress of fingers, he turned back to the quiet room. Molly's face was hidden behind a camera as she took an amount of pictures that would put Colin Creevey to shame. Thankfully, they were spared from her spotlight when she swung the camera to focus on a cuddling Bill and Fleur who were sharing their own intimate moment as they exchanged gifts. Ron looked like he was about to be sick as he glared between Harry and Draco, and behind him Arthur was shocked, his mouth gaping, but a quick elbow from his daughter had his eyes crinkling up happily. Severus and Remus seemed to be in a similar state of shock, their eyes darting around the room, landing on anything other than the couple. That was until amber eyes accidentally locked with black, and the two delved into a heated debate, seemingly at war over who had the better 'son', and what they would do if their 'son' ever became heartbroken. Hermione, Ginny and Tonks were whispering conspiratorially, their heads ducked close together as they played exploding snap, but every now and then a bubble of laughter would escape one and eyes would dance up at the pair in the armchair. Charlie smiled cheekily at them and clapped a hand to George's shoulder, and in turn the twins ruffled Harry and Draco's hair affectionately.

"This is the second time today a Weasley had messed up my hair," Draco seethed as long fingers patted the locks back into place. He reached under their chair, pulling out the item he had stashed there earlier that morning. "If that's the go to response around here, maybe I shouldn't give you this."

Harry eyed the rectangle meticulously wrapped in the blue paper they had both chosen, an oversized green bow tied neatly on top. "Draco, you didn't have to get me anything."

"I know, but I did anyway. Besides, I can't take all the credit; it was a collective effort from many people at Hogwarts, especially the Gryffindors. Be careful when you open it," He hastened to add as he saw Harry's hands go to tear into the packaging. He watched fondly as Harry lifted out the wad of photographs, his fingertips lightly tracing over the moving images as he looked through them. "Hermione told me you had albums already, but hadn't updated them in a while, so now you can."

Warmth pooled in Harry's stomach as he took his time rifling through the stack. Most were candid, him caught off guard as he laughed with a friend or lounged with his housemates in the common room. He paused at a picture of him hoisted up on Neville and Dean's shoulders, his fists pumping the air in triumph as he celebrated a quidditch victory against Ravenclaw. In the background Draco was sputtering, hiding his face in shame as Ginny draped a red and gold scarf around his neck and Seamus spelled his shirt crimson, but every now and then he would look up at Harry, a look of utter pride on his face. Towards the back of the pile of photographs were ones Draco had obviously taken himself. There was one of Harry asleep on a half-finished transfiguration essay, the camera tilting slightly as a pale hand reached from behind it to add to the stack of inkpots, quills, and other objects the blonde was balancing on top of his snoozing boyfriend. Another was also of Harry sleeping, this time on Draco's chest as Draco held the camera above their heads, and the image cycled through pale lips turning to press a kiss to a tan forehead, Harry smiling in his sleep and snuggling closer at the contact. He pulled the photograph from the pack, "When did you take this one?"

Draco looked down at it before smiling a wide, genuine smile. He placed a kiss to Harry's forehead, right above his scar, much like his photo-self did. "Last week. The night of the first time I told you I love you."

"And the first time that I said that I love you. I think this is my favourite one." He leant in closer, enjoying the familiar comfort of Draco's arm wrapping around him. "Thank you."


The Weasley's kitchen wasn't large enough to accompany the numerous guests pouring in to join the current household for Christmas dinner, and so with a little help and a lot of magic, the wall that separated the room from the garden was vanished. The table was extended far out onto the grass, and invisible barriers kept out the gently falling snow and kept in the warmth. Dumbledore's arrival heralded delight as the elderly wizard floated candles above the table and into the sky, lighting up the party much like the Great Hall.

Harry looked up in awed amazement as he ignored the people trying to draw him into conversation in favour of watching the snow fall around their protected bubble, listening instead to the gentle sounds of wind and nature that provided the backdrop to the happy chatter of the dinner guests. He looked to Draco as a cool hand clasped his underneath the table, watching as the warm candlelight flickered in grey eyes and made his pale skin glow. "I like your face."

"I know," Draco smiled, amused. "Now stop ignoring your friends, scarhead, it's rude."

The two eased into light, cheerful conversations with people around them. The dinner was strictly informal, and people talked to, over, and around others as they drew everyone and anyone into friendly discussion, passing dishes in every direction and speaking in between bites of delicious, lovingly prepared food.

"I've never had a Christmas like this," Draco whispered into Harry's ear as he spooned some roasted parsnips onto his boyfriend's plate. "Every occasion and event was always so cold and distant, everything had to be proper. I was always so focused on being the perfect Malfoy, using the correct fork and saying the right things, that I never even thought that they could be so…loud. It's so…Gryffindor."

"Hermione's right, Neville, they're better," Harry told the disgruntled boy as he added his two cents to a conversation his classmates were having about wizard versus muggle Christmas carols. He dropped his voice as he gave Draco his attention, leaning into him as he stole a carrot off his plate. "Do you like it?"

"I think so," The Slytherin nodded, looking around at all the smiling and laughing faces. "Yes, I do. It just feels a little jarring, like the first few times I was in Gryffindor Tower. Like I don't really know my place, how to act. I think I'm starting to get used to it, but you'll have to forgive me if I'm a bit uncertain, if I'm acting a little off."

Harry smiled at him, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. He knew how difficult it was for Draco to share what he was thinking. It was difficult enough for him to admit feelings of vulnerability and unsureness in the privacy of the common room or dormitory, murmuring them into Harry's ear as not so subtle eyes burned into them was a whole other level. "There's nothing to forgive. I want you to feel comfortable, and I know you're more comfortable being the quiet observer. Don't force yourself to do anything you don't want to, and please, please don't fake it." Harry pressed a small kiss to his cheek. "Because, that's where you're wrong; there is no acting. The key to all of this is to just be you, the real you. That's all that's expected of you, nothing more." He placed one last kiss to pale skin before pulling away, a dopey smile on his face. "Just be you, Draco, show them who you are. You're good enough, more than good enough."

Draco retuned his smile, feeling his fingers tingle with warmth where they twined loosely with Harry's. Somehow Harry had managed to say exactly what he needed to hear, again. Feeling more relaxed and stealing some of his boyfriend's carefree attitude, Draco allowed himself to be drawn into a conversation with Charlie about being seekers, telling stories from their times playing for their respective teams. Before he knew it, he had talked to a number of different familiar and unfamiliar faces. He had excitedly reminisced with Fleur in rapid, flowing French, much to the startled amusement of many within earshot, and had shared anecdotes about Hogwarts with a couple of older Order member who had graduated many years before.

He was brought out of a rather insightful debate with professor Flitwick about possible career paths he might follow by a soft tap against his knee from Harry. The couple and their friends had been subject to quite a few subtle and not so subtle comments and pointed questions throughout the meal, but any negativity had been swiftly ended with polite words and kind, almost patronising smiles.

"Harry's sexuality in no way effects his abilities as a leader, teacher, and friend," Neville had dismissed with a small yawn.

"No, Harry, Draco and I are not in a love triangle, I am not jealous, I am not desperately pining after what could have been, and I do not hate Draco," Ginny had shut down a nosy older witch, a tinkling laugh slipping past her red lips.

"We are not forcing students to do anything. We have no intentions other than to teach those who are willing to learn how to better defend themselves. Would you please the potatoes?" Hermione asked with a challenging look in her brown eyes.

Draco had voiced his concerns to Harry after the first few remarks. Harry in turn had just waved a hand dismissively, saying that he and the Gryffindors were more than happy dealing with it, and that he should carry on being a happy little Slytherin. Draco didn't like it but gave in under his boyfriend's stubbornness when Harry promised he would ask for his help if he needed it. He wasn't sure if the hand currently on his knee was asking for that help, or whether Harry was just after his silent support, but whatever he needed he would gladly give to him. Excusing himself from the professor, he focused in on Harry's current conversation, noting the tight set of the brunette's jaw even as he smiled.

"Is there a problem, Auror Shacklebolt, Mr Dresden?" Harry asked lightly.

Draco frowned, remembering Kingsley Shacklebolt from when Tonks introduced him along with their other colleagues. Dresden was a familiar name that often came up as the author of fluff pieces in the Daily Prophet, he wasn't sure what earned the leering reporter an invitation, but he presumed he was the Order's media contact. He regarded the two men, watching them with a completely neutral expression as he assessed what had put Harry on edge.

"Not a problem, Harry," Kingsley's rich, smooth voice placated, "More a suggestion. Surely you are aware of current public opinion of you? I am simply inquiring as to whether you would consider keeping a quieter profile. Wouldn't you prefer to stay out of the spotlight until you are viewed more favourably?"

"I have no control over where the spotlight points, if I did, it would never have landed on me. And yet, here we are, sixteen years in the making." Harry shrugged noncommittedly. "Honestly, I don't care what the public thinks. Their opinion of me is continuously switching from good to bad. With all due respect, why should I change how I choose to live my life just to temporarily satisfy such fleeting opinions?"

Draco leaned in closer, smoothly joining the conversation, "Surely after everything Harry has done, after all his fighting for the sake of good, and all his successes where the Ministry has been…less successful, him being alive, well, and happy should be enough? It is enough for the people who truly care about him. If it isn't enough for the greater public then maybe it is their actions that should be questioned and not Harry's. Don't you agree, Auror Shacklebolt?"

Dresden's eyes lit up with eagerness, looking as if he was about to score the biggest story of the century. "Mr Malfoy, I most thank you for your openness with your public statement about your opposition to the Ministry of Magic and wizarding Britain. Now, as a former Death Eater, can you tell me-"

A wine glass being set down loudly onto the table had many gazes drawing to the coldly furious face of Severus Snape. Eyes filled with morbid curiosity watched the professor as he spoke in a slow, icy tone, "Draco Malfoy is neither a Death Eater nor a former Death Eater, and he expressed no such statement. He was having a mere discussion with Auror Shacklebolt about some…suggestions the auror had made. If I see one word published that lies about Draco or takes him out of context, I shall be taking legal action against the Daily Prophet."

An insistent tapping of a fork against another wine glass had attentions focusing on the dinner host. "That is enough," Molly Weasley addressed the table, a tightly forced smile on her face. "It's Christmas Day, let us enjoy ourselves."

"Here, here," Albus Dumbledore added as he stood, silencing the few grumbled comments Molly's words had garnered. "Eat, drink, and be merry."

Harry and Draco returned to their meals, quietly talking to each other as the atmosphere slowly grew lighter. Once conversations had picked up to a level where the small group were ignored, Dresden once again tried to engage the couple.

"I am sorry for any misunderstandings you have made," Dresden said with a sickly-sweet smile, ignoring Harry's grimace at his words and expression. "It happens in this industry, but it wouldn't if we got our information straight from the horse's mouth, as it were. I am willing to allow you the opportunity to be interviewed by me."

Harry met Draco's eyes, struggling to hold back a laugh as his boyfriend reflected the incredulous look he could feel on his own face. With a knowing wink he returned to Dresden with a shake of his head, "Sorry, I refuse your offer."

"I wouldn't be so hasty if I were you, Mr Potter," Dresden replied, his tone taking on an almost threatening note. "It can do to have friends in high places, contacts of high influence. You won't get the opportunity to express yourself on such a large scale very often. You are a celebrity, you have a certain duty to your loyal fans. No matter how much you claim not to care, you must, you have to." He sneered, leaning across the table towards Harry. "You should be thankful that I am giving you the chance to better your name and reputation, Mr Potter. Don't you want to clear up the rumours going around about you, and your so-called Grey Army, and your relationship with Mr Malfoy?"

Forcefully reminded of Rita Skeeter, Harry lifted his chin, his eyes narrow and stubborn as he went on the defensive, "There wouldn't be half as many rumours if your newspaper didn't insist on printing every thread of gossip it comes across. Professor Snape made an excellent point; you have been lucky so far that I haven't sued for slander, you might not stay so lucky. I owe nothing to anyone, and I certainly have no duties or wants that in anyway involve you."

"So, you admit that the rumours are just that; rumours and slander? I knew the Grey Army couldn't possibly be as big of a deal as I've heard. And I knew that you and Mr Malfoy were never in a relationship. The idea is laughable. To think, the Saviour of the Wizarding World, a homosexual! I knew it was ridiculous. Thank you for the exclusive insight, Mr Potter, now if you would allow me to write-" He was cut off as a firm hand landed on his shoulder and half dragged him from his seat. The man looked up into angry yellow-brown eyes.

Molly spoke up from her place beside Remus, her hands planted on her hips, "Mr Dresden, you are a guest in my home. As a guest, I would expect you to treat my family with due respect and courtesy. You have repeatedly insulted and upset many people at this table, and I must ask you to leave."

A not so light shove from Remus had the reporter snapping his mouth shut, silencing whatever excuse he had been about to make. With a final look at Harry he turned on his heel, marching from the room. Only when the distant sound of apparition echoed in the silence did the two adults return to their seats. The rest of the dinner flowed without incident, aided by friendly chatter and banter between loved ones, and a healthy dose of fear of inciting the wrath of a certain Weasley matriarch, werewolf, and potions master.


"So, what's it like, Harry?"

Harry looked over from where he was stacking the dry dishes back into the cupboard. After the Christmas dinner Harry had insisted on helping Molly clear up as everyone else either went home or vanished to the living room. A stern look from Molly and a dopey grin from Harry had their respective partners joining them. "What's what like, Mr Weasley?"

Arthur took another soapy dish from his wife, rinsing and drying it with his wand before floating it over to Harry. "Being gay in the muggle world. I know what it's like for us, but I've always wondered."

"There's more than just being gay or straight, Mr Weasley, I don't know where I fall on the spectrum." Harry paused, shrugging thoughtfully as he watched Draco half-heartedly wipe down the large wooden dining table, grey eyes looking up at him curiously. "I can't speak for everyone everywhere, but from what I've heard, it varies. In some places it's a lot like it is in the wizarding world, with a lot of prejudice and discrimination. In some countries it's even illegal. But some places celebrate it. There are clubs, centres, and other things specifically made to provide a safe, accepting space for everybody. During pride month some towns and cities decorate their streets and shops with rainbows to show their support, and there are parades."

"That sounds really nice," Draco murmured, perching on the edge of the table as he smiled at Harry wistfully.

Harry returned his smile, "Maybe we could go to one, one day. How great would it be to be surrounded by happiness and acceptance, to be part of a group of people embracing and celebrating their true selves."

Draco stared at him, a single eyebrow raised, "Sounds a lot like what you've been saying about what the Grey Army is hoping to achieve." He snorted when Harry just tapped the side of his nose knowingly.

"Sometimes that's what it takes," Harry replied. "It took riots at Stonewall to bring about some much-needed change. Maybe it will take three sixteen-year olds starting an Army to do some good, too. Sexism, racism, homophobia, blood-status purity; I think it can all be fought, and beat, the same way; by uniting despite our differences and growing stronger because of them. At least, I hope so. That's what I hope for."

"Another thing that muggles seem to be doing better than us, how fascinating!" Arthur declared excitedly, almost dropping the plate in his hands in his enthusiasm. "We could learn so much from the muggle world's progression with anti-discrimination, maybe if we paid more attention to them we could have stopped this war on blood-status prejudice a long time ago."

"Maybe there wouldn't be a war at all," Molly added, speaking up from where she had been quietly observing the conversation. She heaved out a sad sigh, but her expression turned fond as she looked at the two teenagers. "I know we said we wouldn't talk about this, especially today of all days, but I need to say it. I'm proud of what you, and Hermione, have achieved at school. I'm not that saying I'm not worried; I'm frightened about what this means and why it's so badly needed, and I don't want to think about any of you children needing to fight, let alone being forced to…but I'm proud. Really proud of you all."


Harry stiffened as strong, heavy hands landed on his shoulders, but soon relaxed against the warm body behind him. He didn't bother to take his eyes off of the heated game of wizard's chess that was taking place in a secluded corner of the Burrow's living room. Severus and Draco were glaring at each other as they commanded their pieces with calculating precision, each move followed with a biting quip or insult that had any curious spectators sharing worried looks. Harry chuckled as one of Draco's pawns was viciously thrown from the board and Severus taunted that Draco might as well leave the game in the same fashion.

The brunette knocked his cheek against the scared fingers on his left shoulder. "Hey, Remus."

"Cub," Remus greeted, his eyes also on the game. He sighed as Draco smirked at his godfather, sugar sweet tone belying his spiteful words as a white rook tore down a black knight.

"Is something wrong, Moony?"

"I just…I don't…" Remus sighed again, words warring in his head as he tried to find the right way to speak his mind without hurting the boy he had come to think of as a son. "You know I support you, don't you? I don't care who you date, I hope you know that, I would never be against you loving anyone. But…I'm really trying, but I'm struggling. I just don't understand. Why him?"

Harry tensed again, crossing his arms stubbornly across his chest, "Is this because he's male? Look, I thought you of all people would-"

"Oh Merlin, no, Harry," Remus broke in, quick to dismiss the notion. His thumbs worked in soothing circles across tight shoulders, waiting until Harry relaxed, leaning his weight back against him. "Please don't ever think I think like that. I'm a werewolf, I know exactly what it feels like to be shunned by society, I wouldn't wish that upon anybody. It kills me that you're also having to experience what that feels like, cub. I have never thought that way, and I never will. I wouldn't stand a chance with Tonks if I was that small minded. I would've lost Sirius as a best friend, too."


"Was gay, cub. I hate to think it, but I think it was part of the reason he was so easily cast from his family, and why the wizarding world was so quick to rally against him." Remus's bittersweet voice took on a fond quality as he reminisced about his best friend, "He was always so fierce. He was one of the best wizards in our year, could have been one of the most powerful wizards of our generation. It would have been so easy for him to hide who he was, to stay in society's good graces and live a false but highly respected life. Instead he fought to change people's minds, he never backed down or gave in, no matter what was said or done to him. Unfortunately, it was mostly a losing battle, but he did have some successes. Your father, for one."

Looking up at the face above him, Harry gaped in shock, "My father was…"

"Raised as a traditional pureblood, with traditional values. And the Potters would have remained like that, if it wasn't for a certain Black turning their lives upside down," Remus gave a soft chuckle. "I wish you could have had more time with him, cub. You would be so proud of him. And I know he would be so proud of you."

Harry let his mind wander as his gaze fall back on the squabbling chess players. Despite the harsh words spoken between the two, he could hear the affection undercutting the jabs, and he knew Draco well enough to see the playful challenge flashing in grey eyes. He didn't know Severus beyond his role as a professor, but every now and then a soft snort of amusement or the slight curving of thin lips would break the stern man's mask as he lost himself in the game. From what he had seen, and from what Draco had told him, he knew the two were close, and he couldn't help but wonder what his relationship with his own godfather would be like if Sirius had lived. "You think he would like what I'm doing? At Hogwarts, with the Grey Army."

"He would love it. I would even go so far as to say he would be trying to break in at every opportunity to badger you with advice and questions." Remus moved around Harry, draping an arm over his shoulders as he pulled up a free stool to sit beside him. "I know it's not the same, but for what it's worth, I'm proud of you and what you're doing, too. The work you're doing, it's fantastic."

"Of course it's the same. You're my family, Moony. It might not be official, but in my eyes, your as much my godfather as Sirius was." Harry let out a contented sigh, a small but happy smile playing at his lips. "Thank you, for everything."

Remus let them enjoy a moment of companionable quiet before he slanted his amber eyes towards Harry. He waited until green met his worried, questioning gaze. "But why did you choose to do all of this? You've left the Horcruxes in the Ministry's hands, why not let them deal with everything else? You've put faith in some of your teachers and the Order, why not let them handle the war? You're allowed to give the responsibility to someone else, you don't have to carry it all. I hate that you've been forced to grow up too fast, but you're still so young, you should try and enjoy your childhood, or what's left of it. I am proud of you, so very proud, but I also want you to be safe, and able to live your life, cub."

"I could never have that, Moony," Harry replied, his voice wistful. "I could never have a normal childhood or life. This is my life. I am destined to be a soldier, to kill Voldemort. I'm done fighting that destiny." He let out a breath, resting his head against the shoulder of the older man. "It's inevitable, and I'm damn well going to make sure I'm as prepared as I can be for the inevitable. I am going to war, Remus, no amount of wishful thinking or good intentions or pretending can change that. I don't want to die, and I don't want anyone else to die, either. Not if I can help it."

Remus wanted to argue, he really did, but nothing he could think of held any weight, even to his own ears. He ducked his head defeatedly, tightening his grip on the boy who was wise beyond his years. "You're right. The Grey Army was an excellent move and, unfortunately, I think it might be quite necessary. I've heard whisperings, and I think Hogwarts needs to be prepared. I hope that Dumbledore having access to the Ministry and the Order would be enough to defeat any evil that might come, but that may be too optimistic. I dread to think it, but you and your Army might be a much needed factor in this war."

The two sat in comfortable silence as they mulled over their thoughts, only half watching the chess game as it began drawing to a brutal close. The players remained elegantly posed, gracefully relaxed in their chairs as they directed their pieces, but their playful banter had taken a darker turn. A rather gruesome death threat hissed from the blonde's lips as Severus called his first check, his only response a slowly raised black eyebrow and a sarcastic, drawling, "There, there, Draco."

"If it's not about him being male, then why else are you struggling with our relationship, Remus?" Harry asked softly.

"He's just so…" Remus searched for the right way to sum up his confusion. "Slytherin. You hear the way he speaks to his own godfather? And I've heard the way he talks to you, too, you're always throwing insults at each other. I can never tell if you're on the brink of a fight, about to jump each other, or about to declare your undying love. I just don't understand it. Don't hate me for this, but I always thought you would end up with someone who's, well…nice."

Harry snorted in amusement. "Yeah, he's a total git," He agreed easily. "But he's exactly what I need. He's good for me. We might be a little strange and different, but that doesn't necessarily make us bad. I don't know how it works, and I don't really think it matters. We're just us, and that's all there is to it. I don't put much thought into it; if it works, it works, and I don't care for anything beyond that."

The brunette slowly stood up as the chest game ended, heading towards the players as Severus sat back, his arms crossed over his chest and amused black eyes locked on the seething form of Draco. Draco in turn gave his king a sharp flick, sending it tumbling across the board and making the other pieces scatter. Movement out of the corner of his eye had the blonde halting his grumblings, his fiery gaze swinging up to land on his approaching boyfriend.

Remus watched in stunned silence as hateful stormy eyes lit up the second they focused on Harry, his loss immediately forgotten. Draco stood up to meet him, his arms open in invitation. Taking the smaller boy by surprise, Draco pulled him tight as soon as he was within reaching distance, lifting him cleanly off his feet and spinning them around until loud giggles slipped past Harry's grinning lips and bounced around the room. Once Harry had been set back down Remus could see the bright, affectionate smile on Draco's face, and it never dropped as the two bickered about the mess that Harry liked to call hair. Remus shook his head, a small smile playing at his own lips. Maybe he didn't understand, but one day he might, and until then Harry was right; it didn't matter.


"Why him?" Severus murmured almost silently as he played chess with his godson. He titled his head in the direction of the quietly talking Remus and Harry at Draco's questioning look. When yet another white pawn hurtled off the board he allowed his voice to rise, "Your turn, unless you want to concede defeat now and save face."

"Why would I do that? I will not lose to your pathetic playing ability. You do know the goal is to win, right?" He sneered before dropping his volume, "Of course it's him. Wonderful, perfect Potter. Who else would be good enough for me? I am amazing."

Severus snorted, shaking his head in amusement, but quickly fixed his features back into a scowl when he felt green eyes watching him. "Insufferable creature."


The last few lingering guests had left for the night, and only the Weasleys, Harry, Draco, and Fleur were left at the Burrow. Harry lay on his stomach on the floor before a cross-legged Bill, his hands planted on each of the redhead's knees. Bill was bent over, examining his handiwork closely as he painstakingly applied black polish to Harry's nails. A few whispered words from Harry earlier had had the twins pulling Bill into a quiet corner and attacking his hair, and the curse-breaker deemed this as appropriate revenge for the pigtails he now sported. His satisfaction had been lessened significantly when Harry had just shrugged and flopped down onto the carpet, wiggling his fingers expectantly.

"You're enjoying this way too much," Bill stated as he swiped the tiny brush over an index nail.

"Says the one who's got his tongue poking out in concentration," Harry quipped back with a grin. "Not that black isn't your colour, but I'm surprised you own this. Didn't think you had it in you."

Bill let out a bark of laughter, careful not to smudge his masterpiece, "It's Fleur's…but I think I could rock it."

Harry let his eyes fall to the girl in question, smiling fondly. She and Draco had commandeered the small radio and had put on an obscure station that played songs that only they seemed to know. They swayed slightly to the music as a rushing stream of French flowed between them, hands gesturing animatedly as they talked. "Your girlfriend better not steal my boyfriend," He joked.

"And your boyfriend better not steal my girlfriend, or else," Bill played along.

"Or else what? What brilliant plan of revenge have you come up with, as your last one was so successful." Harry's smirk grew into a cheeky grin, "Does it involve me and you hooking up on the rebound and becoming the ultimate power couple? You know, purely to show them that we're better off without them, obviously."

A deep, rumbling chuckle fell from weather chapped lips as Bill shook his head in amusement, "Sure, kid, why not."

Fleur stood up with a yawn and stretched tiredly yet elegantly. She called goodnight to the room before heading towards Harry and Bill as she made her way to the door.

"Tell her." Harry shot the eldest Weasley brother a mischievous look, egging him on when he sputtered indignantly, "Oh, come on, it'll be funny. Where's your Gryffindor courage?"

"Fine, but you're dealing with the repercussions," Bill murmured before reaching up to catch Fleur's hand as she neared. "Fleur, I'm leaving you for Harry."

The part-veela crouched down gracefully, ruffling Harry's hair before cupping his face and making him look up at her. "Ah, at least he's pretty." She stood fluidly, gave her boyfriend a quick kiss goodnight, and floated from the room.

"That…that was not the reaction I was expecting," Bill murmured, his eyes on the open doorway long after the blonde disappeared. "I know I should be relieved that our relationship is so strong, but I feel strangely disappointed."

Harry laughed at his puzzled friend before calling across the room to Draco, "Hey, prat."

"What do you want, Gryffindork?"

"I'm leaving you for Bill."

Draco nodded amicably, his bottom lip pushing out slightly in thought. "Send pictures. Sexy pictures."

The brunette returned his attention to Bill with a bright smile as the redhead's confusion was replaced by amusement. "Not the reaction you were expecting, either?" Bill laughed.

"No, that was exactly the reaction I was expecting," he replied happily. His gaze once again fell to his boyfriend, warm affection pulling up his lips as his eyes met grey filled with unguarded adoration. "I love you," He mouthed silently, grinning when Draco rolled his eyes but blew him a kiss in return before wondering off to join Ginny and the twins.


To Be Continued (within 5 days).

Happy Reading,
Bambi x