"I'm going to help my sister." Caitlynn snapped. "You are not the man I'm with, the man I'm with is in the future."

"Indeed, I'm not. I can just take prisoner to get you not out there." Rumpelstiltskin snapped back.

"No, you will not!" Caitlynn looked angry. "I don't care, I will free my sister."

"Stubborn woman." Rumpelstiltskin scolded.

"Yes, I'm stubborn. I get that from my mother." Caitlynn looked at him. "Besides, why don't you want me out there, helping my sister?"

Rumpelstiltskin sighed. "To you be safe and unharmed, when you get to your daughter and future me."

"The future you has already learned that, he can't keep me locked up. He has learning me to control my magic, so I can defend myself. Besides I know how to fight without my magic." Caitlynn explained it to him. "You don't need to that either. Please I need to free my sister, if you had a sibling you want the free her or him as well."

"If the situation was reversed, I did the same thing you are doing right now." He admitted.

"Glad we understand each other." Caitlynn comment as then she started to leave, but was stopped by Rumpelstiltskin. "What now?" She looked irritated.

"Be careful." Rumpelstiltskin told her.

Caitlynn nodded to him. "I will." Then she walked out of the room and she looked at herself in the mirror and she saw a face that wasn't from herself, then she disappeared in grey/purple smoke.


Caitlynn appeared for Hook who was startled to see her. "Give me a warning next time, woman." He told her in shock.

"Sorry." Caitlynn told him.

Then they saw Charming and Snow White, she was in a net as Charming demanded to get his ring, she told something back. They walked closer to hear Charming well.

"And why don't I believe you?" He asked to Snow White.

"You should." Hook and Caitlynn came into view. "She's telling the truth, mate. Prince Charles. Lovely ball the other night. The mutton was a tad overcooked, but that happens. Snow White doesn't have your ring. But I can tell you who does. My princess. And I need your help to get it back."

"And she's my sister." She looked at them, seeing they wanted to know her name. "Oh, where are my manners, my name is Princess Elena."

"She has my ring?" Charming asked to them as they nodded. "That's two women who robbed me. Where is she?"

"Well, that's the problem." Caitlynn replied to him. "The Queen's castle."

"Actually, that's not a problem at all." Snow White told them. "I know it well. It used to be mine. I can get us in there but not from up here. So you let me down and you get your princess, your sister, you get your ring, and I never have to see your charming face again."

Then Charming cut the rope down as Snow White shouted while she fall down.


They were traveling in the cart as Hook caught Snow White's discomfort. "Apologies, lass." Charming chuckled as she glared at him, Caitlynn rolled with her eyes at parents from the past.

"You are really enjoying this, aren't you, Charming?" Snow White was still glaring at Charming.

"It is not my fault your face is plastered on every tree in the forest." He leaned closer to see something around her neck. "What's that around your neck? I thought you weren't the jewelry type."

"Don't worry about it." Snow White told him as he grabbed it. "No! Careful! That's a weapon."

"Dust?" Charming asked to her.

"Fairy dust. From a dark fairy. It transforms…" She grabbed it back and do it around her neck. "The most fearsome adversaries into a form that's easily squashed. I'm saving it for a special someone."

"The Queen?" Charming asked to her.

"Those charges on her posters are lies." She replied, explaining. "Didn't stop her from trying to kill me. That's why I'm trying to get out of this kingdom. That's why I tried to steal from you to secure passage on a pirate ship."

"What did you do to incur the Queen's wrath?"

"She blames me for ruining her life."

"Did you?"


Then they stopped as Hook told them. "We're here."

"We're going to need help to get past her guards." Snow White stepped out of the cart. "Wait here. We go at night. I'll be back with help." Then she runs away from them.


As they were waiting, Hook asked to Charming. "You excited for your nuptials?"

"I'm marrying Midas' daughter." Charming looked at him. "What's not to be excited about?"

"I don't mean to pry, mate, but you don't exactly look like a man who's doing this by choice." Hook guessed.

"I always thought I'd marry for love." Charming sighed. "And here I am about to enter into what amounts to a business transaction. A merger of two kingdoms. I don't know. This whole ordeal makes me wonder if there's even such a thing as true love."

"I once felt as you did, mate, and all it took was meeting the right person and everything changed." Hook said, smiling.

"Princess Leia?" He looked at Hook. "The one we're rescuing?"

"Also to be happen my sister." Caitlynn spoke up.

"Aye." Hook glanced at Caitlynn, then he looked at Charming. "I'd go to the end of the world for her… Or time."

"And she for you, I take it?" Charming guessed.

"I don't know." Hook shrugged.

"What's the problem?" Charming asked concerned.

"There are many complications." Hook sighed, making Caitlynn to look at him as she sighed as well. She just wanted to be done with everything and she wanted to go home to her daughter and Gold.

"Family?" Charming guessed. "Because my father is making things quite difficult for me."

"Aye. There's that." Hook told him. "I'm not so sure her parents approve of me."

"They accept you." Caitlynn muttered, but was unsure if even he was accepted into their family, well if they can accept Gold, then, there will be a chance for Hook to be accepted as well.

"Given the lengths you've gone to save her?" Charming reassured him. "They'd be crazy not to."

"I hope you remember that." Hook muttered, looking down.

Then they hear rustling as Caitlynn asked. "What the hell was that?"

"I think we're about to find out." Charming replied as it was coming closer.

"Hey!" it came into their vision, well it's a woman as Hook asked to her. "Who the hell are you?"

"Name's Red." Red replied to them as she put basket on the ground and took off her hood. "I'm a friend of Snow's. She sent me to help get you into the castle."

"How?" Hook demanded.

"You'll see." Red replied to him.


They managed to sneak into the castle with a transformed red next to them. Then she distracted the guard before Charming knocked him out.

"I'm glad the wolf's on our side." Hook told them as he tossed the hood over Red as she transformed back and stood up.

"Yeah, she's a fearsome one." Charming felt the guards heartbeat, it was still there as he stood up as well. "Better hurry. When he wakes, they'll be on to us."

"Wait." Red told them as she had heard someone was coming. "Someone's coming."

Hook turned in the direction of the footsteps and drew his sword, but only to let out received sigh as he looked at Emma and a stranger. "Swan?"

"Hook!" Emma smiled at him, then she saw her sister. "Sis."

"Welcome back." Caitlynn smiled at her sister.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hook asked teasingly. "You're depriving me of a dashing rescue."

"Sorry. The only one who saves me is me." Emma shook her head as she pulled the ring of her ringer and held it up. "Speaking of which I'm not gonna be around much longer unless we find where this belongs."

"I think that belongs to me." Charming grabbed the ring back.

"You guys have a way out of here?" Emma looked at them.

"Follow me." Red replied to her. "Snow told me where to meet her."

"Thank you, Leia." Maid Marian told to Emma as she walked past them.

"Swan, you didn't…" Hook looked at Emma.

"She was supposed to be executed in the morning." Emma looked guilty. "I couldn't just leave her there to die."

"Emma, do you know, how that is?" She shook her head. "That's Maid Marian, she supposed to die at the Evil Queen's hands."

"Actually, if she's to die, she pretty much has to." Hook agreed with Caitlynn.

"I can't take back, can't I?" Emma looked at them, Caitlynn just glared at her sister as then Charming went over to them.

"I hate to break up a reunion." He told them. "But we have to keep moving. We have to find Snow White."

They went up in the castle, when they saw a big window, they rushed towards it. Then Emma asked to Hook. "What is it? Did you find Snow?"

"I'm afraid so." Hook breathed out, seeing Snow White outside with the Evil Queen.

"We have to get down there before it's too late." Emma told him, panicking.

"I don't think we can." Charming told her, instead of Hook.

"Sis, can you anything?" Emma looked at Caitlynn.

She shook her head. "No, I can't."

Then they saw that the Evil Queen throwing a fireball towards Snow White as the black knights had tied her up to a pyre. It went up on flames as the twins shouted. "No." Even Red joined shouting no.


Eventually, Caitlynn waved with her hand as they landed in the woods, looking around them. When Hook and Emma sat down, Caitlynn pacing around as Charming and Red were by the cart.

"After my brother passed, all I could do was relive that final, terrible moment." Hook explained to Emma. "Don't do that to yourself, love. All we can do in times like these is try to live in the here and now."

"Here and now." Emma realized. "My sister and I still here. How is that possible? We saw her die. Which means we would never be born."

"You two should've faded from existence." Hook glanced at the pacing Caitlynn.

"Exactly." Emma stood up. "Well, then perhaps she's still alive? If Snow is out there, we have to find her."

Hook stood up as well as then a bug flies around him. "Cursed vermin. We should head back to the Queen's castle. Take a look around. Perhaps it's a trick by Regina."

"No." Caitlynn stopped with pacing as she faced her sister and Hook. "Whatever happened, Regina thinks Snow is dead."

Then Hook saw that the bug was on Emma shoulder. "Stay still, love."

"Wait! Don't harm that thing." Charming shouted as he rushed over to them, grabbing the bug and put in his hands. "When we were coming to rescue you, Snow told me what her dust would do to the Queen. She said it would turn her into a form that could easily be squashed a bug."

"You think Snow turned herself into that?" Emma asked to Charming.

"Well, if she timed it right, she could've escaped that fireball. Faked her death, and flown away." Charming replied while examine the ladybug. "Yeah, that's her. Just need to find a way to bring her back."

"She's saying something." Caitlynn comment.

"Wonderful." Hook sheered dryly. "Anyone fluent in bug?"

Just then Blue flew towards to them. "She's calling for me."

"Blue." The twins greeted her happily.

"That's right." She nodded to the twins. "And you are?"

"Leia." Emma replied.

"Elena." Caitlynn replied as well.

"No, that's not it." Blue chuckled. "But your secrets can be yours. I sense it's better that way."

"Can you bring Snow back?" Red asked to her.

"Dark magic did this to her." Blue nodded to her. "Light magic can undo it." then she waved with her wand as then Snow White was transformed into human form.

Charming chuckled as Emma cried out happily. "You're alive!" She hugged her tightly.

"It would appear so." Snow White told flatly. "Thank you."

"Snow!" Red cried as Snow White made her way to her friend.

"Red!" She hugged her friend. "Oh, I'm so happy to see you." Then they walked away from them.

"Looks like we're back on track, love." Hook looked at Emma, smiling.


Then not much later, Caitlynn looked at her sister. "I will be at the castle from the Dark One."

Emma nodded. "We will see you there."

Caitlynn smiled at her sister as then she disappeared in grey/purple smoke. She arrived at the Dark One's castle, startling Rumpelstiltskin. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"Did you all succeed?" He asked to her.

"Yes." Caitlynn replied to him. "They will be here shortly."

"Hmm-mmm." He hummed.

Then Caitlynn saw that he was busy with the forgetting potion. "So, you are busy." She comment.

"Yes, I am." Rumpelstiltskin told her.

Before Caitlynn could say any further, Emma and Hook walked in, Hook had Maid Marian over his shoulder unconscious. "We did it."

"Your parents are together?" Rumpelstiltskin asked to her as Caitlynn rolled with her eyes.

"They're right back on track." Emma replied glancing at her sister. "We're ready to go."

"I see." Rumpelstiltskin looked at Hook. "And you brought some luggage."

"Long story." Emma brushed it off. "So, how's the portal coming? Can you open it?"

"I cannot." Rumpelstiltskin replied to her, showing the potion.

"Then what are you working on?" Emma looked at the potion in his hand.

"Oh, this is for me." He looked at her.

"He's making a forgetting potion." Caitlynn told her sister.

"You knew that he doing this?" Emma looked at her.

"Yeah." Caitlynn nodded.

"I know too much about my future." Rumpelstiltskin explained. "The only way to protect it is to forget it."

"Well, what about this wand?" Emma looked at him. "You said that could help us."

"Oh, that." He looked at them. "Well, apparently only those who used the portal can reopen it. So unless you can wield magic, I'm afraid you're going nowhere." He throws the wand to Emma, who caught it. "Can you?" He challenged as Emma remained silence. "Thought not."

"Well, I can." Caitlynn comment.

"You will need help, but your sister doesn't have magic." Rumpelstiltskin looked at her.

"So you just expect us to stay here?" Hook spoke up. "What about protecting your precious future?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." Rumpelstiltskin replied as Caitlynn eyed at him dangerously.

"You mean to lock us up somewhere." She snapped at him.

Then Hook grabbed his sword. "He means to kill us, Swan."

"No." Rumpelstiltskin shook his head. "I mean to put you someplace safe someplace even I dare not go. Where I store the magic that is too dark or unpredictable even for me."

"Rumple, no…"


Both Emma and Caitlynn were cut off as they were surround by purple smoke, when that cleared they were in a room, they were in a vault.

"No." Emma whispered to herself.

"Oh." Hook stood for a mirror. "Well, at least he did us one favor. I'm devilishly handsome again." then he went over a closet and grabbed an urn.

"Wait." Caitlynn warned him. "Don't touch anything!"

"If Rumple's afraid of this stuff, there's gotta be a reason." Emma added.

"I'm just trying to figure a way out." Hook defended himself.

"I don't think there is one." Caitlynn comment.

"And what's the point?" Hook looked at the twins.

"You heard what he said." Emma replied to him. "We can't reopen the portal."

"But you can. All he said we need is magic." Hook looked at her. "You're the Savior, Swan. You can do it."

"And I need help with the wand, sis." Caitlynn told her. "Connect with you magic."

"Not anymore. I lost it." Emma argued.

"When Zelena died, all of her spells were undone." Hook argued back. "Your powers should've been restored."

"Believe me, if I could make it work, I would." Emma glanced at the wand in her hand. "You think I'm faking it?"

"I think not having magic makes it a hell of a lot easier for you to run back to New York and pretend to be somebody else." Hook told her. "But listen to me, Swan. You're not. It's time to stop running."

"You think I don't know that?" Emma snapped at him. "Yes, I run away. That's how I've always survived. But believe me, I want this to work. I want to go back. I want to stop running."

"What's changed your mind?" Hook asked in surprise.

"Watching my mother die." Emma replied to him as Caitlynn eyes widened. "Thinking she was dead… You saw what happened. I was so relieved when she was okay. And I hugged her. And you know what I saw in her eyes? Nothing. She didn't know who I was. I had saved her and lost her, too. And that's what I've been doing to her since I met her. It's got to stop. When Henry brought me to Storybrooke, he told me I was the Savior. I didn't see what he was really doing. He was not bringing me back to break a curse. He was bringing me home. Neal was right."

"About what?" Hook asked softly.

"You don't have a home until you just miss it." Emma replied to him. "And being with my parents the last few days but not really being with them? I've never missed them more. Storybrooke. It's my home." Then Caitlynn and Hook looked at the wand in Emma's hand. "What?"

"Look down, sis." Caitlynn looked at the wand.

"I'd say you've got your magic back. Now, shall we go?" Hook grabbed the unconscious Marian. Then Caitlynn grabbed the wand the as well as they both concentrated and the portal opened. "Well done, Swan." Hook stepped first in it with Marian.

As Caitlynn and Emma walked towards it, Rumpelstiltskin stopped them. "You opened it?! Wait!"

"Let us go!" Emma shouted.

"My son." Rumpelstiltskin asked to them. "What happens when I find him?"

"I thought you wanted to forget!" Caitlynn comment surprised.

"Before I do, I need to know…" He looked at the twins. "Does he forgive me?"

"Yes." The twins replied to him.

"Yes. But what?" He threatened them. "What aren't you two telling me? Tell me or you two will never leave!"

"He dies." Emma replied with tears in her eyes. "He forgives you. He loved you."

"He died to save all of us." Caitlynn added with teary eyes. "Don't let that be in vain.'

Rumpelstiltskin shook with his head. "No, I… I can change what happened. I… I can save my boy!"

"You think you can change the future, but you might make it worse." Emma told him crying. "I loved him, too. I wanted to save him. He died a hero. You can't take that away from him."

"You have to drink the potion." Caitlynn told him, pointing at the potion. "You have to forget everything we just told you."

Then he throws them into the portal as he drink the potion. Portal closing behind the twins.


They all landed in Storybrooke as the portal closed behind them. They all stood up as Emma looked at Hook. "Hey, do me a favor. Fill her in." She told him. "Make sure she doesn't freak out."

"Where are you going?" Hook asked to her.

"I have some people I need to see." Emma smiled at him.

"Well, sis, since you magic back. I let you see a cool trick were we will be faster than running." Caitlynn smiled at her twin.

Emma nodded to her. "Do it then."

"Okay." Caitlynn said to her as she waved with her hand and they were by Granny's.

The twins walked into Granny's as they saw their parents, they immediately towards them. Mary Margaret spotted her daughters, she was holding her son in her arms. "Emma, Caitlynn." Then the twins hugged their parents.

"You weren't answering your cell." David told her. "We were worried."

Then they went apart as Emma told her parents. "I'm fine. I'm home."

"Do you mean that you're not leaving?" Mary Margaret asked to her.

"No." Emma smiled at them. "I'm not going anywhere."

"We're staying in Storybrooke?" Henry stood up from where he was sitting.

"Yeah, kid. This is where we belong." She pulled him into a hug. "This is where our family is." She still looked at her parents. "Mom… Dad, I missed you." Then she pulled them into another hug.

Then Caitlynn went over to Gold, who was sitting in a chair, also seeing their daughter in a children's high chair. She grabbed his arm to stand up, so he did, and then she hugged him. "What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"Oh, I have missed you." Caitlynn muttered to him.

Then they went apart as he asked again. "What's wrong?"

"We fell through the portal as I had tried to get them away from the portal." Caitlynn finally replied to him.

"Oh, so, then you have met myself from the past and the others as well?" Gold asked to her.

"Yeah." Caitlynn replied to him. "Why don't you come to my parents and sister? We can them explain the whole thing?"

"Okay, we do that." Gold replied as then he picked up Aubrey and they went over to the others.


Emma, Henry, Caitlynn, Mary Margaret sat in the booth as the David and Gold stood behind them. Caitlynn had her daughter by her as she and Emma told their story of what had happened, when they were in the enchanted forest. Then Emma opened the book and let see a picture of her and Hook dancing.

"You're Princess Leia?" Mary Margaret asked in shock.

"Nice alias." Henry chuckled.

"I was in a pinch." Emma comment.

"At least I made up a better name than you, sis." Caitlynn comment as Gold chuckled.

"Well, there you two go." David smiled at his daughters. "You're officially one of us."

"A fairy-tale princess at last." Mary Margaret added.

"Yeah, and as my first princess-y request I would like to know the name of the baby." Emma told to her parents.

"Right, that." David looked at her. "Ready?" Then he asked to Mary Margaret, who nodded to him. Then he looked around in the room. "Excuse me, if I could have everyone's attention just for a moment. This coronation ceremony is something we've looked forward to for a long time. The arrival of our new son has been the cause of great joy for our family. And we hope you can share in it as we name him for a hero. Someone who saved every one of us. Who we loved and he loved back."

"People of Storybrooke, it is our great joy to introduce you to our son Prince Neal." Mary Margaret told them all as the whole dinner applauded.

"It's so nice to meet you, Neal." Emma grabbed her little brother's hand.

Caitlynn also looked at her little brother. "Indeed, it is nice to meet you Neal."


A little while later, Emma, Hook and Marian where sitting at the counter, Marian was drinking as Regina arrived with Robin and son Roland, the boys sat down as then Marian saw Regina. "It's the Evil Queen."

"It's okay." Emma reassured her. "She's different now. She's not the same person anymore. You'll see. I I'll Just stay here." Then she walked over to Regina. "Regina, there's something you should know. I brought someone back from the past… This woman, and she still thinks of you as…" She was trying to find to right word.

Regina found the right word. "Evil."

"I'm gonna bring her over." Emma told her. "I already told her that it's okay, but it's a little delicate. And I feel like If she met you, she'll see I understand." Then Emma walked back to Marian and Hook as then she brings Marian along with her to Regina. "Regina, I would like you to meet…"

Robin interrupted her. "Marian? Marian?"

"Robin?" Marian gasped.

Then he walked over to her and hugged her. "I thought you were dead. I thought I'd never see you again."

"And I you." Marian told him happily.

Just them Roland walked over to them. "Mama?"

They went apart as then Marian looked at her son. "Roland? Oh, my baby!" Then she hugged him. "Roland!"

"You." Regina's voice breaks. "You did this."

"I just wanted to save her life." Emma's eyes widened.

"You're just like your mother never thinking of consequences." Regina shook her head.

"I didn't know." She told her in shock.

"Of course you didn't." Regina told her angry. "Well, you just better hope to hell you didn't bring anything else back."

Little Emma did know, she did bring something else back.

Winter was coming to Storybrooke and it's going to be one hell of a ride.


Author's note: I hope you liked the chapter and a thank you who has favorited and followed and reviewed. Please favorite, follow and maybe review from you guys, so I can hear your comments and reactions on the story. Also a thank you for the 2,601 views. *Smiles very happily.* and this story is complete, I will put the sequel up in a few days.

Until the next installment of this sage, bye everyone.