
He could not believe it, even when it is in front of him.

"I… I…!"

The people He and his friends fought hard not to lose…

The Doctor that always had a smile to show…

The high strung Director that taught him the ropes...

"You… You can't…"

The Doctor that was always there for him and Mashu.

The Director that he slowly cared for as they try and fix the first singularity.


The Doctor that was always the source of laughter.

The Director that is harsh yet slowly became more caring.


The Doctor that sacrificed himself to save them…

The Director that he failed to save...

"...This, is too cruel."

Currently standing in front of him is Dr. Romani with Olga Marie Animusphere in winter clothes, and another Mashu with her shield directed at him. All of them protecting a girl with orange hair that is as bright as her amber eyes, Filled with determination and courage. Courage that he himself held before coming here.


He could not take it. It was too much to just see them alive, and another entirely to see a person that wasn't him, a person who lived instead of him. The person who became the world's savior of this timeline.

The person who did what he could not.

He could not take it, yet he could not take his eyes off of them… As tears constantly flows down his cheeks, He could not help but recall the parameters he saw before going here…

Humanity Foundation Value: F

"...Is just too cruel."

Inspired by an art I saw while browsing reddit.