A/N: Hey, everybody. We're back, and a new chapter is waiting for you all! Sorry this took so long. Real life is a bitch.

Friendly reminder that I have a Poll up on my page. Give it a quick look, and check out other stories written by Writer of a Thousand Stories too!

"The... Conception?" Yuu repeated. Somehow that word, or better yet the way Naoya said it, sparked something inside of him, but it was gone just as quickly as it came. Unbeknownst to him Mika and Akane had felt the same way. "What's that?"

"If you look the word up on a dictionary it's the beginning of pregnancy, and in a way that's a good analogy: the Conception is the beginning of a new world." Naoya said. Kira, Fukutsuchi and Isuna were paying special attention to the man's words; as if they already heard them, but didn't dare to interrupt. "Every universe has a finite amount of energy, and once that energy runs out the only way to replenish it is for that universe to undergo the Conception and be reborn anew. However, like Kimitada said, only humans have the power to shape the universe through their beliefs. For that purpose, once the time is judged right fate conspires to send the instructions to initiate the Conception to those who have both the will and the resources to do so, usually in the form of a prophecy. The first phase of the Conception is to summon Kagutsuchi, the Avatar of Creation, into the world to destroy it."

"Excuse me?!" Mika interrupted him. "He's the Avatar of Creation, yet he destroys the world?"

"Correct. That's because the act of bringing a new world into existence is made possible by the annihilation of the old world. Death, followed by Rebirth." Naoya grinned, as if he found the concept incredibly amusing. "Everything outside of the area where Kagutsuchi is summoned will disappear − even time and space will cease to exist, leaving behind an empty void. At the same time every living being, with the exception of the Demons who may happen to be present there, will be killed and left as a wandering spirit. The only way to avoid the same fate is to be inside a special barrier. At that point Kagutsuchi... well, it's easier if I use an example."

Naoya stood up and walked to a nearby desk, opening a drawer and searching inside. Once he found what he wanted he returned to the table, on which he laid a blank piece of paper, a pen and a pair of scissors. "Imagine this is Kagutsuchi." He drew a small circle in the middle of the paper. "And this is the area he is summoned in, typically the size of a large city like Tokyo." he drew a bigger circle around the first one. "Everything outside the second circle is the rest of the world. As he comes into this world Kagutsuchi erases reality outside of this area." he drew jagged lines all around the second circle. "And, once he collects within himself all the energy of the old world, twists the remaining area into a shell with himself at the center."

Naoya picked up the scissors and cut off the part of the paper with the jagged lines, leaving behind the two circles. Then he took and folded the remaining paper until it formed a rough sphere. "I doubt you know what a Dyson Sphere is, so think of it like this: outside the sphere there is nothing, just an infinite empty void, while the inner layer of the sphere becomes the whole of reality, with all of its inhabitants walking on it and Kagutsuchi residing in the center. This otherworldly place is called the Vortex World. A very, very unsettling sight, or so I've been told."

The three children looked at one another with wide eyes. While they were slightly skeptical of Naoya's story, from the way he explained it even they couldn't help but want to believe an inkling of it. "So, the Conception brings about the end of the world by summoning this Kagutsuchi." Akane began, summarizing the events. "And afterwards, the area Kagutsuchi is summoned becomes the center of what's left. But what comes after that?"

"The second phase of the Conception." Naoya replied. "All inhabitants of the Vortex World, primarily the humans who survived the Conception, will seek out enough power to make their ambitions a reality. Kagutsuchi's ultimate goal is to act as an 'egg' for a new world: in order to create it an individual must possess a 'Reason', a philosophy that defines a new world order. By proving their Reason to Kagutsuchi they can then use the Vortex World to create a new reality: an universe that matches their Reason, with the new natural laws based on it."

He raised a finger. "For example... let's say someone develops a Reason dictating that 'All are at one with the world'. The result would be a world of stillness and unity. No individuality, no passion, no conflict and no destruction: just an eternity of nothing ever happening." he raised a second finger. "On the other hand, there could be someone with a Reason demanding that 'only the strong are necessary for the world'. This would results in a reality where those with power controls the world as they see fit, while the weak are crushed under their heel."

Yuu's jaw became unhinged. "You gotta be kiddin'!"

"I'm not. The world has undergone countless Conceptions in the past, and in four years the next one will descend, courtesy of the Hiiragi Family."

"The Hiiragi Family?"

It was Fukutsuchi who answered, a hint of malice in his otherwise polite tone. "The leaders of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, the last vestiges of human resistance here in Japan. Officially they're one of the most powerful and wealthy families in the country, with a strong presence overseas. But in reality?" He scoffed. "Before someone was stupid enough to break the taboo they controlled Japan from the shadows. Business corporations, governments, the Japanese ministry and even the military. To put it simply, the Hiiragi's controlled all of Japan."

"Weren't you in the Hiiragi's pockets too?" Kira asked.

"The Fukutsuchi were merely one of the lesser families that aided the Hiiragi's branch families. But yes, you can say I was, indeed, in their pockets." He looked at the kids, a hint of regret within his scowling expression. "You have to understand, both the Hiiragi and the families serving them are composed of magicians. I am one too: the existing styles vary depending on the country they originate from, as magic is a highly malleable force, but here in Japan we carry on the legacy of the Onmyodo system."

"But if your family used to serve the Hiiragi, why don't you do it anymore?" Akane asked.

"The Hiiragi, and the core of what will become the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, survived the Apocalypse Virus because they anticipated the possible risks that the research into the Seraph of the End could cause. Even then, not everyone was lucky enough to be in a safe place when the Virus hit." Fukutsuchi's scowl deepened. "I was fifteen years old at the time, and lucky enough to be inside one of the warded areas of the Hiiragi, but my parents and the rest of my family weren't. After a vaccination against the Apocalypse Virus was developed I joined the Army while aiding in the rescue of survivors and the rebuilding of what are now Japan's last human-controlled cities: Shibuya and Shinjuku. I was aware of the Hiiragi's bad reputation and understandably wary of them, but compared to the vampires and the Horsemen I thought they were the lesser evil. That changed, however, when they started selecting candidates to wield the newly developed Cursed Gears."

Yuu cocked his head. "Cursed what now?"

"Humanity's answer to fight against the vampires." Kira answered. "There are two kinds of demons: Lesser and Higher. Lesser demons are what becomes of vampires who have had their hearts removed, their Magnetite levels skyrocketing as a result: mindless, bloodthirsty creatures of depravity. Vampires, for all their faults, have some sense of honor. Lesser demons do not have any: they sink themselves to the depths of depravity in a desperate attempt to fill the void left inside them. Higher demons, on the other hand, are demons like Pixie and Nylarathotep and Zhen. They are made from pure Magnetite, and have perfect control over it. Lesser demons cannot control their magnetite levels, and thus sought other sources to feed on to try and stabilize it."

"Cursed Gears-" Isuna continued with a small smile while holding up a finger, as if pretending to be a teacher. "-are designed to seal a Lesser demon inside them, allowing the user to wield their power! Of course you have to be extremely strong-willed in order to do it, otherwise you'll become possessed by the demon and become their puppet!"

"And the more powerful the Lesser demon is, the more likely it is you'll end up taken over. The strongest Cursed Gears are known as the Black Demon series, which require individuals with considerably high mental fortitude. But I digress." Naoya shook his head. "Back to the matter at hand, the Hiiragi Family believed that humanity should be the dominant species, but more importantly they wanted Japan to become a global superpower. Hence why they too experimented with the Seraph of the End." At this the Hyakuya orphans blanched. To them it seemed like there was no end to human depravity. "Mind you, their attempts still paled in comparison to the Hyakuya Sect's cruelty, if only out of pragmatism. Nevertheless, before the Apocalypse the Hiiragi Family had been making plans to extend their influence across the globe and conquer other nations once they drive out the vampires here in Japan. However, when they discovered the nature of the Conception they decided to use it for the intended purpose of making their wishes a reality."

Fearfully Akane swallowed a lump in her throat. "W-what's that?"

"For the Hiiragi Family to reign as king of the new world order." Fukutsuchi spat with venom. "They'll develop a Reason and prove their worth to Kagutsuchi in order to remake the world in their image. One where they hold the world in the palm of their hand."

The children were stunned at the news. They were still in age when they didn't really care about who ruled the country, and were satisfied as long as themselves and those they cared about were happy and well-fed. However, after everything they heard about the Hiiragi and other organizations that experimented on the seraph gene they were understandably frightened at the thought that people like those could end up controlling not just the world, but one where their rule was as natural as the sky was blue.

"That's... that's not fair." Yuu gritted his teeth, tears threatening to spills from his eyes. "First the world went to shit, then we were threatened as fucking livestock by the damn bloodsuckers, and now that we finally escaped you're telling me some people are planning to destroy basically everything because they're power-hungry bastards? How is any of that fair?!"

"Life isn't fair, Yuuichirou Hyakuya." Naoya's cold tone slammed into the black-haired boy like a punch in the guts. "Your childhood was manipulated by humans craving forbidden power. Your world was ended by a spiteful God that cursed everyone for the sins of a few. Your last four years of life were a nightmare fashioned by monsters that deny your very humanity." He leaned forward, blood red eyes staring straight a Yuu, as if boring into his soul. "Let me give you a lesson born of experience: when the world pushes you down, you have only two choices. You can put on a fake smile and pretend nothing wrong... or you start pushing back."

Surprisingly Yuu managed to regain his bearings, a new edge in his voice. Something that made Naoya's smile widen. "And how the hell would you push back?"

"By taking control of the situation." Akane and Mikaela looked at Naoya in confusion. "When I told you it was possible to fix this broken world, I meant every word. And it's through the Conception that you can make it possible. Kagutsuchi's role is to give birth to a new world order, but one can also force it to restore the world to it's original state."

Mika gasped, eyes wide. "That's possible?!"

"Indeed it is. In fact, it was done once before. Forty years ago the Conception occurred at the hands of a man named Hikawa. However, a man bearing the body of a demon and the heart of a human stopped Hikawa and forced Kagutsuchi to return the world to its previous state, despite being forbidden from bearing a Reason. You see, demons are not allowed to possess a Reason of their own: instead, they must rally behind a Reason they can adhere to. That man was different, however, because he rejected the Reasons that were present back then. He was the proof that one can restore the world. And you can do the same, provided you have the strength to survive the Conception and what comes after it."

"But, but Naoya-san! How could we do that? We're just children!" Akane protested, feeling overwhelmed. "When will the Conception even happen?"

"In four years, four and a half at most." The eyes of the Hyakuya orphans widened at the immediate answer. "The preparations are already in motion. You may ask: why not stop them? The Conception may be prevented, true, but that would leave the world as it currently is." Naoya shrugged. "But this is something you also want, isn't it? The power to turn back the clock... and resurrect the dead." The children stiffened, and inside his mind the silver-haired man grinned. "To defeat Kagutsuchi and force it to restore the world to its previous state requires strength, something beyond what ordinary humans and demons can achieve. However, history proved that someone with the power of both can do it. Like a man with the body of a demon and the heart of a human... or a rare existence born of humanity but carrying the blood of God."

"You mean us." Mika's words were not a question, but a statement.

Naoya answered with silence and a knowing smirk.

Yuu, Mika and Akane looked at each other, their gazes seemingly carrying out a silent conversation. It was only after a few minutes that they turned back to the adults assembled before them. "Can... Can we think about this?"

A Seraph of the End x Shin Megami Tensei Crossover:

"Paradise Lost"

Capitulum Duo: Amissio Innocentia (Chapter Two: Loss of Innocence)

The children had all left, returning to their room. The only people were left were Naoya, Fukutsuchi, Isuna and Kira. Isuna and Fukutsuchi all wore frowns on their faces, whereas Kira was indifferent, drinking from his cup of coffee. Naoya, however, was fiddling with his phone, as if making preparations. A strained silence fell over the room, though it was quickly broken by Isuna as made her protests known. "I don't like this." she said, biting her lower lip. "They're kids. They should be having a happy life. Not... not whatever this all is!" She looked at Naoya, tears stinging at her eyes. "Naoya-sama, they won't make it. If-if the Hiiragi find out about them-!"

"They won't." Naoya cut her off. "I've already ensured that much. It took a bit of work, but Ichinose was able to pull a few strings."

"So we're doing it." Fukutsuchi muttered in distaste, looking at the ground. "We're heading to Shibuya?"

"Correction. Kira is."

Kira blinked. "...Beg your pardon, Naoya-sama?"

"My actions have, unfortunately, made the Hiiragi Family extremely wary of me." the silver-haired man said with a shrug. "The JIDA has been given explicit orders to apprehend me, especially since I've found a way to delay the Conception. They fear I may possibly dismantle their operations and want to eliminate me as soon as possible. That's why, if they choose the path I think they will, you'll be the Hyakuya children's caretaker."

"...Naoya-dono, with all due respect, why on Earth are you making me responsible for their well-being?"

"I agree!" Isuna protested. "He's a villain! A scumbag! Apathetic! He'd throw them to the wolves! Naoya-sama, please, let me take care of them!"

"For once I agree with the delusional attention whore." Kira continued, uncaring of the outraged and angry look Isuna sent his way. "I will still do it if it's your order, Naoya-sama, but I would like to know why me."

"First, stop fighting you two." The bespectacled girl swallowed her next words, settling for silently fuming. "And for why, that's easy: Kimitada is a defector from the JIDA, so he's in the same position as me. And when it comes to training you, Anko, would likely coddle them. Don't deny it."

"Uuuh... but it's an Idol's job to maker her fans happy..." She looked down and pouted, index fingers pushed together.

"Kira's training, on the other hand, is guaranteed to be harsh but effective. That said, I'm not sending them right now." Naoya leaned back on his chair, still fiddling with his cellphone. "Anko is right in that they're still kids at the moment. For the next two, three years they will stay here in Akibahara with us. Until then feel free to help in their training."

The three Demon Summoners nodded in understanding. "Naoya-dono, should I prepare the Amala Drum?" Fukutsuchi asked.

"Yes. They're not ready yet for Horsemen and Rogue Vampires. I'll prepare their COMPs."

Ferid Bathory grunted as another metal pike was rammed into his arm, the pain unpleasant but not unbearable. The first four pikes were used to pin his limbs to the wall, while the following ones were used on sensitive but nonlethal (for a vampire) areas. "Not that I don't enjoy your attentions, Little Krul, but don't you think its'-"

A fist, small and delicate but nonetheless deadly, slammed into the vampire's face with enough force to dislodge a few teeth. "Shut. Up." Krul Tepes, Third Progenitor and Vampire Queen of Japan, snarled. Her appearance was that of a petite girl with calf-length, rosy-pink hair tied up in pigtails with black, bat-like ornaments. She wore a black, frilly-style dress with a layer of white ruffles over another layer of black ones on the skirt part, a white choker with a red ribbon around her neck, detached black sleeves that extended past her hands and a black cape with a red interior. Her slender legs were clad in a pair of knee-length, black heeled boots. "Did you really think there would not be consequences for your little stunt? Especially after it ended in such a disaster?"

"I have no idea what you mean." Ferid replied innocently, smiling despite the blood dribbling from the corner of his mouth. "What did I do wrong?"

Krul's response was to throw another punch, this one aimed directly at one of the metal spikes impaled into his body. It was shoved further in, making Ferid hiss in pain. "Don't play dumb." Krul said, her red eyes seemingly more feral than normal. "Not only did you kill my precious little Seraphs, you allowed a few of them to escape. I don't know who it was that managed to beat you to within an inch of your life, but I can assure you, I can do much worse." She narrowed her eyes and delivered another punch, causing another spike to go deeper into Ferid as he once again hissed, struggling not to scream. He didn't want to give Krul the satisfaction of hearing his pitiful cries. "You're lucky I'm not leaving you out in the sun to burn or throw you to the humans. Actually, I would find that to be an act of mercy."

"Mercy...?" Ferid gasped, struggling to breath as he gave the pinkette a mocking smile. "My dearest Krul, I don't think you're even capable of-"

He was cut off when Krul swiftly plunged her hand into his chest. His blood went cold when he felt her hands wrap around his heart, gripping it like a vice. This time he could not bite back his screams as pain ran through his body at full speed. Out of sadistic pleasure on her part Krul dug her nails into the thin, tender flesh in her hand, making Ferid squirm. "I would say that this is fair recompense." she said with a thin smile, fangs poking out from the corners of her mouth. "However, I might be willing to let you stay as you are, pinned here and tortured for a few more days, if you tell me who exactly it was that managed to injure you to this extent. It was obviously not a member of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army since very few possess such destructive power, if the ruined entrance we found you in was of any indication. Which means, it was someone else. Who was it?"

"I-I don't know!" Ferid gasped, struggling to breath. Krul's eyes narrowed as began to tug. Realizing she was serious he screamed. "I DON'T KNOW! IT WAS A MAN WITH A DEMON! T-THE CRAWLING CHAOS!"

Krul's stopped, the sadistic expression on her lips changing into a neutral one. "What did you just say."

"Nyarlathotep itself. A true Higher demon, not those poor mockeries the JIDA like to stuff inside their weapons." Ferid hissed. "I'm not lying: the blasted thing introduced itself. If you don't believe me go and check out the residual traces of Magnetite yourself: I know you met a Vile a few hundred years ago, it's impossible to forget the feeling they give off."

Krul gave another small tug, making Ferid scream again. "Are you telling me-" She snarled. "That it was a Demon Summoner who did it? A Demon Summoner who, in this day and age, managed to not only make a contract with one of the strongest demons there are, but also summon it to beat your ass? By himself?"

"There is more..." Ferid gasped, unused to being so weak. His battle with the demon could have gone differently if only he had his weapon, but he didn't thought it would be necessary for what he had in mind. "Through you're not going to believe me."

"Try me."

He frowned. "That man summoned Nyarlathotep using a device shaped like a cellphone. A device that also made him as fast and strong as me without using a weapon. Not only that, he was also able to use a demon spell."

Krul's eyes widened. A cellphone? One that put him on even ground with Ferid? Her mind raced, and eventually she came to a realization.

The only person she knew who had anything to do with those was a man she had met once before. A man that had managed to terrify her to the core, and earned quite the reputation among the Second, Third and Fourth Progenitors.

'What the hell are you doing, Cain...?'

"Let's do it."

Mika looked up from where he was sitting on the bed to stare at a determined-looking Yuu. The blonde was afraid he already knew what his friend meant, but he had to ask anyway. "Do what, Yuu-chan?"

"Let's kick this Kagutsuchi guy's butt and make him bring everyone back to life!" He grinned. "Except the bloodsuckers of course, they can rot in hell. I'm sure he can make an exception for them."

The blond boy stared at the black-haired one with a deadpan look before facepalming. "Only you, Yuu-chan, can say something so outrageous as easily as that."

"But think about it for a second." Yuu insisted, sitting cross-legged on his bed with his arms folded, a serious expression on his face. "That smiling bastard said it himself, right? All we have to do is beat Kagutsuchi using that whole Harmonizer whatchamacallit thingie. Everything can then go back to the way it used to be! We can see Chihiro, Kouta, Ako, Fumie and Taichi again, we can get rid of all the bad stuff that happened to us... We could-"

"But what if history repeats itself?" Mika interrupted Yuu, staring at his friend with an unusual expression. It almost looked like... doubt? "From what Naoya-san told us Kagutsuchi caused this Conception to happen before. And from the sounds of it, it has been done several times over. We can restore the world to how it used to be, true, but what if another Conception comes around later? Knowing what we do now; do you really want to go back to the orphanage, Yuu-chan?"

"Of course! If I didn't end up there I would have never met you, Akane-chan and the others." Yuu frowned: it wasn't like Mika to be so pessimistic. He looked over at Akane, who had been oddly quiet during the conversation. "What do you think, Akane-chan?" he asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. "You're involved in this too."

"I..." Akane bit her lower lip. "I want to see the others again. I'd give anything to never lose them ever again." Yuu smiled widely, but before he could say anything she continued on while shaking her head. "But Mika also brings up a good point: this Conception thing could happen again. It could happen years after we die of old age, sickness or accidents. It could happen not long after we restore our world. But it'll still happen. That, and..." She gripped the hem of her pants, tears stinging her eyes. "There's... there's what we are to consider too."

"Yes, we're part angel or something. So what?!" Yuu jumped off the bed and bumped a palm on his chest, startling the other two kids. "I'm still me! Mika is still Mika! Akane is still Akane! Nothing has changed! So what if the Conception will happen again even if we restore the world? If we can beat Kagutsuchi we can do it a second time, a third, however many times he comes back! And if it happens after we die..." He paused, as if considering something, before nodding sharply. "Then, before that happens we make sure there's someone to stop it in our place. But if we do nothing and just watch, we will still die in four years." He looked down, shoulders slumping and hands balling into fists. "I don't want to lose members of my family ever again."

"...Yuu-chan." Mika's eyes were wide in disbelief and happiness. "That's the first time you called us a family!"

"Yuu-chan!" A crying and sobbing Akane tackled the black-haired boy, sending both to the ground. "Yuu-chan! Yuu-chan!"

Yuu, reduced to a blushing mess, tried to gently pry her off but, seeing her cling to him like that, eventually relented and let her hug him.

And then Mika, also crying and smiling, went over and hugged him. "H-Hey!"

"S-sorry!" Mika sniffled. "But you asked for this!"

Yuu wanted to protest, but the warm and fuzzy feeling that was burning in his chest didn't allow him to. Instead he could only bask in their warmth as he slowly wrapped his arms around the other children, pulling them closer.

Suddenly everything started to come into focus; this was all that he had left now. The whole world was in shambles. Everyone they cared about was gone. The people they thought of like parents were monsters that were just using them. A man they knew nothing about was offering them a chance to make things right. And yet, in the center of all of it, they were all right here. Just three children, seemingly about to be thrust into something that they didn't fully understand. They could only see a small portion of the picture. But even so, there was only one thing within Yuuichiro Hyakuya's mind as he trembled, tears starting to fall from his eyes.

This was his only family now. Mikaela and Akane were all he had left.

And he'd be damned if he was going to lose them. He'd do whatever it took to protect them. God, Angel, Demon, Vampire?

'Bring. It. On!'

Their decision made the children returned to the room where they had breakfast, only to find Kira playing with his cellphone and the others nowhere in sight. "Naoya-sama is waiting for you." Without looking up from the screen he pointed at the other door with a thumb. "If you have something to say, tell it to him."

"Couldn't ask for a better deal." Yuu walked past him with a snort. "Who want to have anything to do with a jerk like you?"

"Sorry!" Mika and Akane apologized to Kira before following after Yuu, but it was like Kira didn't even hear them.

After the Hyakuya orphans left they found themselves inside what looked like a shopping center, both sides of the corridor full of shops selling batteries, earpieces and other electronic products. All of them were in an obvious state of disrepair, being left untouched for four years, but it wasn't quite as ruined as the outside world.

"I remember this." Akane softly said while looking up at a poster showing five girls in colorful clothes posing over a dazzling background. "The director said she would buy this film for New Year if we were on our best behavior..."

"A good one, but sadly films inspired by anime aren't always up to the standards of the original series." Isuna leaned with her elbows on the counter of a shop that, if the lack of dust and good conditions were of any indication, has been cleaned regularly. "I still have the DVD. Do you want to see it together?"

"Really?!" The brown-haired girl's eyes sparkled. The vampires never bothered giving the children some kind of entertainment, so the thought of being able to watch anime after so long was, to Akane, amazing.

Mika and Yuu chuckled softly. How long had it been since they had seen her this cheerful?

"You know, I've been meaning to ask something." Yuu said to Isuna. Out of everyone that was affiliated with Naoya she seemed the most trustworthy. That, and she actually had made the effort to get to know the three of them, whereas Kira was cold and uncaring. They couldn't tell much about Fukutsuchi yet, beside the fact the man was skittish around them, if only because he seemed to have more important things on his mind. "What the hell crawled up that Kira bastard's butt and died?"

Isuna sighed, shaking her head. "That's how he's been for as long as I've known him." she told them. "The only person he treats with even a modicum of respect is Naoya-sama. He even took on his family name for whatever reason."

"Eh?" Mika blinked. "His surname isn't Minegishi?"

"Nope. Anyway, have you guys decided what you're going to do?" The three children nodded in unison. Isuna didn't need to hear their answers, because the look in their eyes told her everything. It was saddening to think about what these children had to go through, and it was even more so when she thought about what they were about to get themselves into. Rather than let them see her own sadness, however, she put on a smile. After all Idols were meant to cheer up people. "That's great~ You'll find Naoya-sama at the end of the hall!"

Mika bowed to the older girl. "Thank you Isuna-san."

"No!" She thrust her arm forward, one finger waving left and right. "Call me Anko-chan!"

"...You're older than us." Yuu pointed out in a deadpan.

The girl flared her nostrils, a clear sign she would not be moved in her demands.

The first to cave in was Akane. "Thank you... Anko-chan?"

"Oh my! You are so cute!" Isuna took another dazzling pose, as if getting ready for people to take her picture. "It is only natural for an Idol to help her adoring fans!"

Yes, the children reflected, Isuna seemed the most trustworthy of the bunch... and also the most odd.

After saying their goodbyes to the older girl the Hyakuya orphans kept walking down the corridor, and at the end emerged into an open circular area, an escalator on one side leading to the second floor of the building. Naoya was waiting for them there, sitting on one of the unmoving stairs, while Fukutsuchi was standing to the side with some kind of large metal cylinder covered in strange symbols next to him.

"Do you know why I chose Akihabara as my base?" Naoya greeted them with a question. Before Yuu, Mika and Akane could reply he continued. "It is quite simple: the technology that makes running the Demon Summoning Program possible requires complex components, and Akihabara was the biggest source of electronics of old Tokyo. A simple solution to a complicate problem. There is a lesson to be learned here, I'm sure."

Naoya stood up and began to walk towards the children. "I can tell it from your eyes, but I still want to hear your answer. Yuuichirou Hyakuya. Mikaela Hyakuya. Akane Hyakuya." He stopped and looked at them with a neutral expression. "What is your decision?"

"We'll do it!" Yuu declared resolutely, Mika and Akane nodding on either side of him and resting a hand on his shoulders. "We'll beat Kagutsuchi and restore the world!"

The silver-haired man tilted his head, silently observing them for a few seconds before smirking. "Excellent choice. Kimitada."

"Here." Fukutsuchi walked up to the children and handed to each of them a cellphone: black and green for Yuu, black and white for Mika, and black and copper for Akane. "Your own cellphones, modified to run both the Demon Summoning Program and the Harmonizer. We call them COMPs. Insert your info, but don't open the DSP yet."

"Why not?" Mika asked as he turned on his own cellphone. He never used one before, but the controls seemed easy enough.

It was Naoya who answered. "Because we must make sure you are ready for your Initiation as a Demon Summoner, otherwise you'll die."


"There are a few ways to forge a contract with a demon. The most generally accepted one is to force it into submission. In simpler terms, defeat the demon and prove your strength. After that you earn its loyalty." Naoya told them. "Ordinarily it would be a difficult feat to accomplish for an ordinary human, but the Harmonizer more than makes up for that. And thankfully it also applies to weapons you have on your person." He then walked over to the odd cylinder. "This is what we refer to as an Amala Terminal. It's one of many scattered throughout Tokyo, all connected by a series of virtual pathways. The connection, the Amala Network, is a cyber world all on its own, and it's inhabited by demons."

Fukutsuchi spoke up. "This Terminal, however, has been slightly modified to allow us to directly enter the Amala Network. It will serve as your training ground and a place to increase the power of contracted demons. The Demon Summoning Program has a few more features, but we'll get into those later. Before you even think you're ready to take on demons, you'll need something to make up for your constitution."

"Hey!" Yuu cried indignantly. "What's that supposed to mean?"

The man gave Yuu a deadpanned look. "...Do you honestly expect me to believe that a child little over a decade old can kill a demon with his bare hands, Harmonizer or no?" He was met with utter silence. "That's what I thought. At any rate, follow me. I've already procured some equipment for you all. Choose whatever you feel is best, just don't expect to find a Cursed Gear."

Naoya watched them leave: so far everything was going as he thought it would. 'Now, the only question is whether or not that goal of returning the old world back to normal will remain unchanged once they become exposed to the allure of Kagutsuchi's power.' He reflected: he was sure that the odds of them clinging to their original goal were low, especially once they entered the Vortex World.

As he waited the air suddenly shifted; Naoya chuckled as he glanced outside, finding the world unchanged. "Quite the fast response." he remarked to no one in particular before he left the hall for the outside. It was early morning, so the sun had already broken out. The air was frighteningly chilly, a thin layer of frost having developed over anything that wasn't already covered in snow. "There's hardly a reason for you to be hiding, Krul. In fact, it's rather unbecoming."

A small petite figure stepped out from the shadows of a nearby building. It was a young girl who looked around Akane's age, but Naoya knew better. This woman was old; not as old as he truly was, but old enough to understand that she was in enemy territory, and the man before her was dangerous. Extremely so. "That's quite the youthful form you've taken on, Cain." she said with a huff, showing clear animosity. "And it appears you've become quite brazen. Taking my angels."

"I should ask how you knew where to look for me, but I believe I know the answer." Naoya shrugged his shoulders. "I take it Ferid sung like a bird when you threatened to turn him into a Lesser demon?"

"MY Angels." Krul ignored him, narrowing her eyes as she put a hand to her hip. "I want. Them. Back."

"I would say you seem to have forgot myself and the Angels aren't on the best of terms, but it's clear my poor attempt at humor is wasted on you right now." He put one hand in his pocket, the other one hanging freely. "So I'll instead give you three reasons to retract your demand. The first is that trying to force the issue will end very poorly for you: that armband protects you from UV light rays, but it will be useless against a full powered Hamaon."

"Oh, really?" She revealed her fangs. "I can buy you contracting a demon that is a perfect counter against me, but you forget I have all the vampires of Japan at my command. Can you counter that?"

"Second reason: do that, and the other members of the Progenitor Council will learn how you willingly broke one of their most important rules."

Krul's eyes widened in disbelief before snarling. "You son of a bitch!"

"Technically it's my aunt who is one." He shrugged before showing a smirk that managed to make Krul shudder. "Third reason: Mahiru Hiiragi offered to reunite you with your brother. I am offering you a way to restore both his physical body and memories."

Following those words it was as if all emotions were drained from Krul Tepes, leaving her an emotionless doll that stared at Naoya with an empty gaze. They remained staring at each other for a long time, only the occasional gust of wind breaking the silence, before the pink-haired girl spoke again, her tone completely emotionless. "If you know about that, then you also know what I told her I would do if I discovered she was lying to me."

"Something horrible, I'm sure." Naoya stopped smiling. "Do you think you can do worse than God?"

"I will certainly try. So damn you, Cain, and start speaking already. Because I'm listening."

Fukutsuchi lead the children to the second floor of the ex-shopping center and inside an airsoft guns shop, the glass of the display window having been shattered a long time ago. "The owner of this place apparently sold real weapons under the counter, probably to the organized crime. It didn't help him when the Virus struck." He gestured to the racks and shelves full of weapons. "No guns for now, and that includes the one you're hiding under your clothes." Mika froze, cheeks blushing at the thought of having being discovered. "Even with the Harmonizer you need very powerful bullets to harm Demons and vampires, and trying to use a gun that can shoot them would just hurt you now."

He reached to one table and picked up a wakizashi. "Close and medium-ranged weapons, on the other hand, are more reliable. This is because they remain close to the Harmonizer, and so there is less energy loss. Cursed Gears, as the name indicates, have a curse on them that hinder a vampire's regeneration. Luckily for us there is a Demon Spell capable of doing the same: I'll teach it to you once you're ready. Now, choose a weapon."

The children moved around the room, seeking out anything that they felt would suit them. Akane was the first to find a weapon that was adequate for her: it was a spear fashioned similarly to a naginata, though the curved pointed blade looked like it had seen quite a bit of combat. Yuu was the second to discover a weapon, that being a simple nodachi. It was slightly chipped and the grip looked worn out, but he thought it would work well for him; he had more than enough practice with the bokken back at the orphanage after he was old enough to actually be allowed to hold one. Mika was the last, deciding for what looked like a simple rapier, albeit an odd one that had a golden hilt with a violet-red blade.

Fukutsuchi smiled thinly at Mika's weapon. "An odd choice, but not one I would disagree with." he said, slightly amused. "That's a Relic. It's similar to a Cursed Gear, except its true power can only be wielded by vampires and non-humans. Likely for the best, since if a human tries to use it they'd die of blood loss." Mika paled and stared at the rapier warily, looking as if he was expecting it to come alive any second. "Relax. It won't kill you. As I said, only a vampire can unlock its power."

"Why do you even have a vampire weapon?" Yuu asked, eyeing the weapon with suspicion.

"I picked it up after killing one of the vampires that came to investigate Akihabara. I wanted to study how it worked." He replied. "Just remember to never utter the words 'Sword, drink my blood' while holding it and you'll be fine."

Mika still felt uncomfortable, but he stuck with his choice: it was, after all still a powerful-looking weapon. Fukutsuchi then led the children away into another room, this one being bare and rather spacious. "Now we can get into the brass tacks. Here's how this will work: you'll be activating your COMPS and booting up the Demon Summoning Program. However, you'll do it one at a time: if all three of you are fighting at the same time you'll get distracted. And believe me, that is the very last thing you want to happen."

"What kind of demon will we summon?" Akane asked. "Will it be something like Kira-san's Nyarlathotep, or a Pixie?"

"It depends on you, actually. We're not entirely sure why, but Naoya-san believes that certain demons of specific Races resonate with a particular summoner. For example, Kira has a natural affinity with Vile demons. It's also partly the reason why he can control Nyarlathotep so well." the man shrugged. "However, if you're worried you'll face off against a monster like that, then don't worry: the first demon you summon will be relatively weak. It will be up to you to increase its power, or use it to call on something stronger. We'll get into that later though." He then put a hand to his hip. "So, which of you three wants to start us off?"

Yuu immediately raised his hand into the air. "I'll do it!" he said, eager to summon his demon and tame it. "All I gotta do is beat it, right?!"

"That's generally the only sure way to make a demon submit to you." Fukutsuchi hummed. "Of course you could try to reason with it, but that rarely works out unless you are very familiar with how that type of demon think. In any case Yuuichiro-kun, step inside the circle. Once you do I'll erect a barrier: this will prevent the demon from escaping. Of course, it also means you won't be able to leave it either."

"That's it? No need to worry: I'll beat my demon in less than a minute!" Yuu grinned with confidence. He quickly made his way inside the circle, nodachi already drawn and ready to strike.

"In that case you'll be interested in knowing that you're holding your sword like a bokken, which is wrong." Fukutsuchi informed Yuu with a dispassionate tone. "One hand near the top of the hilt and one near the bottom. Keep it horizontally and to the side. A nodachi's length is made to keep your enemy at a distance, never let them get too close or you'll unable to properly move it."

"Uh? Oh, okay!" Yuu hurried to follow the older man's instructions.

"Better." From within one sleeve Fukutsuchi took out an ofuda and held it in front of his face, eyes closed as he quietly muttered a magical formula. The circle under Yuu's feet began to glow before a translucent half-sphere of energy formed around the outer edge of the circle, sealing it from the outside world. "Now, Yuuichiro-kun: open your cellphone and start up the Demon Summoning Program. Once the demon appears quickly put it back into your pockets: you'll die if you lose it!"

"Gotcha!" Without wasting time Yuu took out his cellphone and pressed with his thumb on the five-pointed star icon. Immediately the screen turned black, white strings of numbers and letters scrolling down too fast for the boy to read. Then another window appeared over the still rolling script.

...All conditions green.



None is righteous, no, not one.

Peaceful days died.

Let's Survive.

'Holy cow! Can it be more ominous?' Yuu thought in shock, even though he had to admit those world fit the current state of the world, before the screen lit up like a flashlight, streams of black and red energy shooting out and gathering in front of him.

At first it was no bigger than a giant writhing ball. Then it began to expand, forming into a somewhat human shape: first came the torso, then the arms and legs and finally the head, only it wasn't shaped remotely like a human skull. After that the physical skin of the creature began to develop, revealing patted fur and and a leather breastplate, metal pipe in hand. True to Yuu's observations the head was shaped like a dog: pointed ears, a narrow snout lined with teeth and blazing eyes.

Upon its arrival the demon lowered itself into a crouch and released an ear-splitting howl, causing the Hyakuya orphans to cringe and put a hand over their ears. "A Kobold, huh?" Fukutsuchi mused. "One of the weakest demons around, provided it doesn't use that annoying Racial Ability."

"Racial what?!"

"Focus, Yuuichiro-kun. The battle's already begun. By the way, duck."

Yuu barely had time to comprehend the magician's words before he saw the now-named Kobold leap at him, pipe in hand. Wisely the child rolled out of the way, letting the demon strike the ground fruitlessly. For a moment the pipe looked to be stuck into the ground, but with a tug it was smoothly removed. Yuu immediately fell into the stance Fukutsuchi taught him earlier, eyeing the demon warily.

"FIGHT ME, HUMAN!" The demon growled, the tone so high it sounded like it was constantly shouting. It sniffed the air like a real dog, its blazing eyes showing something similar to confusion. "ANGEL? BOTH?"

Yuu glared in anger at the demon. "Shut up! I'm human!" With a shout he dashed forward and swung his weapon in a vertical arc. The blade slashed the Kobold on the stomach, cutting through its leather breastplate.

"GRAAAAH!" The demon roared in pain. "ME WIN THE SAME!" The metal pipe caught Yuu in the side and tossed him to the ground.

"Yuu-chan!" Akane cried out in fright.

Mika was about to leap into the battle to help Yuu, but Fukutsuchi's hand on his shoulder stopped him. "No need to worry. Look."

"Damnit! That hurt!" Yuu stood up, grimacing as he held his side... only to blink in confusion. "That... didn't hurt as much as I thought?"

"Did you forget already? The Harmonizer allows humans to fight like demons. That include their extraordinary toughness." The magician reminded Yuu. "Now, keep fighting! Even a demon as weak as a Kobold will not stay down unless you destroy his brain or heart."

Yuu opened his mouth to retort, but the Kobold was already upon him again, charging and swinging his steel pipe like a madman. Dodging to the right Yuu took hold of his nodachi with both hands and dived right at the wolf, blade aimed at its leg. 'A smart move.' Fukutsuchi thought.

The blade struck and pierced into the demonic flesh. Red seeped into the blade and splattered into the floor, causing the Kobold to cry out in pain. "AAARGH!" Yuu quickly pulled out his weapon, evading the revenge strike from the Kobold. "ME EAT YOU WHOLE!"

"Just try it, asswipe!"

"GRAAAAHH!" The Kobold clenched his fists, his muscles bulging out and blood spurting out of his wounds.

"Yuuichirou-kun! Dodge!" Recognizing the signs Fukutsuchi warned the boy.

"Why-WOAH!" Reacting on pure instinct Yuu dived to the side, barely managing to get out of the way of the demon's next assault. Unlike the first time, when it merely pierced the ground, this time the steel pipe shattered the concrete, creating a deep crack. The boy's eyes widened at the sight. 'Holy shit! If that hit me I would have died!'

"Every member of a specific Race of demons share a certain skill, their Racial Ability." The magician quickly explained. "Touki demons like Kobold possess the [Aggravate] Ability, which allow them to sacrifice part of their own health to increase the damage of their blows."


"Yes. Also, dodge again."

Yuu wanted oh-so-badly to punch Fukutsuchi, but for now he needed to focus on his survival, doing whatever he could to avoid being smashed by a steel pipe wielded by a monstrous wolf hell-bent on turning him into mush.

Still... if things were this dangerous for him, how were Akane and Mika going to fare?

"So, what's your decision Krul?"

"...You make an interesting point, Cain." the Third Progenitor gritted her teeth, hoping that if she glared hard enough the man in front of her would burst into flames. "I'll allow you to hold onto my angels. But, if you're attempting to cross me in any way..."

"I'm afraid that you'll have to take my word for it." Naoya shrugged before grinning viciously. "Or, if that is not enough, you can certainly trust the fact the target of my hatred is only one, and that everything I do is for the sake of revenge."

"Your hatred." The vampire Queen repeated with an unimpressed tone. "How long have you held on that hatred, Cain?"

Naoya's face turned into a mask of granite. "How long have you held on your desire to see your brother again, Krul?"

She wanted to gag at the thought they had something in common, yet decided to not comment on that. "Never forget our agreement. I don't take kindly to being used."

With that she turned around and walked away, vanishing back into the shadows. Naoya watched her disappear before smiling thinly. 'It's so easy to manipulate someone like her.'he thought in amusement while walking back into the building. 'I didn't lie about being able to revive Asura Tepes, however. Still, she really should be more careful: if she puts her begrudging trust in someone, they could easily take advantage of her.'

Then again, he supposed he wasn't any different. He'd do anything to make sure his little brother would be safe.

'Speaking of which, I should contact him soon. As much as I appreciate his efforts in destroying the remaining labs we're still on a time limit. I should-'


The building shook violently for a few seconds. Naoya blinked. "...What in the world?" He muttered while making his way into the room where Fukutsuchi was allowing the children to obtain their demons. The sight was somewhat boggling, but nothing quite so outlandish as the one time he met Mara for the first time. The ground was partially scorched within the barrier, with Yuuichiro lying flat on his back, clothes somewhat smeared in soot. Akane and Mikaela looked stunned while Fukutsuchi looked impressive. "What happened?"

"He sneaked a grenade in when I wasn't looking." he said, lips curled into a grin. "Quite the resourceful little brat. Unfortunately..."

Yuuichiro let out a small whine, clutching his shoulder.

"...He had to let the Kobold smash his shoulder first. It'll need to be fixed, but a few Dia should make it right as rain."

The demon, meanwhile, was missing both an arm and almost half of his chest. Yet he still stood tall, red and black energy pouring out of his wounds instead of blood. "GRAAAGH... ME LOST. IF ME DEFEATED BY ONE WHO SUMMONS ME, THEY BECOME MASTER. ME TOUKI KOBOLD. TO MEET YOU, NICE!"

Kobold's body completely scattered in streams of black and red energy that flowed back into Yuu's cellphone. Fukutsuchi waved another ofuda, and the barrier disappeared. Despite the pain Yuu found himself grinning widely at his victory. 'Being clever pays off!' He thought with glee before looking at the other orphans. "Mika, Akane. Did you-"

That was as far as he got before Mika punched him the face. "YOU IDIOT!"

"Make it more than a few." Naoya commented dispassionately as both Mika and Akane began to berate Yuu for his recklessness. He had to admit, he found the sight quite amusing. "On a scale of one to ten, how well did he do?"

"I'd say a solid six." Fukutsuchi shrugged. "Sloppy and full of holes, but plenty of potential." He looked at the children, which were still in the middle of beating Yuuichiro over the head for his recklessness and called out to them. "Alright, that's enough. Save your complaints to the idiot for later."

Yuu groaned, rubbing his now sore head while a fuming Mika stomped away, leaving him alone with Akane. "I can't believe how stupid you were." the girl grumbled, causing him to backpedal. An angry Akane was always scary, but the look she was giving him scared him far more than any vampire right now. "Not to mention reckless! Were you trying to get yourself killed?!"

"B-but I-"


Another whack from the flat end of her naginata came down on Yuu's head, creating another throbbing bump. "Ouch!"

"Children." Fukutsuchi muttered. "Little wonder Kira finds them so annoying." He then looked up at Mika, who had already drawn his rapier. "Are you prepared for this, Mikaela-kun?"

"Yes." the blonde replied. "Will I have the same demon as Yuu-chan?"

Naoya shook his head. "Most likely not. Even so don't let your guard down. Underestimate a demon at your own peril." Mika nodded, taking the man's advice to heart. He stepped into the arena and whipped out his COMP. Fukutsuchi brought out an ofuda, erecting the barrier again. "Sorry I was late. We had an unexpected guest."

"Let me guess, our esteemed landlord?" the mage asked with a droll. "Unless there's another Third Progenitor who can sneak into Akihabara. I assume she was none too pleased by us taking the Seraphs?"

"I made her see reason, though she's made it clear she doesn't hold us in high regard. How did the demon react to Yuuichiro?"

"It could feel the Seraph Gene in his body, which means demons will be able to identify them."

That was useful information. Of course it also meant the brats might end up being targeted by demons more frequently than normal given how they'd kill for the chance to get more magnetite and kill an angel in one fell swoop, but that would only make the children grow stronger faster.

Mika started the demon summoning program, creating another writhing mass of black and red. It expanded and formed into another figure: unlike Yuu's Kobold it was avian in nature, with wings and a bird-like form to it. However it also had a humanoid body, armed with talons and claws: instead of a mouth it possessed a sharp beak lined with teeth that looked more like daggers. Fukutsuchi promptly whistled. "A Fallen? How ironic."

"I'm the Fallen Gagyson." The demon declared in a proud voice. His baleful eyes narrowed as he stared at a nervous Mika. "This smell... I see. Child of man, you bears the blood of the Trumpet Blower. Has the End of Days already come to this world?"

"Don't call me that!" The blonde gritted his teeth as he pointed his rapier at the creature. "I'm not going to destroy the world! I will... I will save it!"

"Kakaka! Do you plan to rebel against your fate? How amusing!" The demon laughed as his gaze swept past Mika to the others outside the barrier, though he seemed to falter slightly when catching sight of Naoya. "You think you have a choice? You are but a vessel for a power that exists only to fulfill the will of the True Enemy. If you truly believe you have the strength to overcome your fate, show it to me now or die!"

Gagyson's claws begin to crackle with electricity. "Get away Mika-kun!" Fukutsuchi urged the blonde. "He's going to use a spell!"


Mika barely rolled out of the way in time to avoid a bolt of electricity that came flying right at him. This shocked Yuu and Akane (no pun intended), who immediately rounded on the two adults. "What the hell was that?!"

"Demons are capable of utilizing magic spells, albeit of a different art than those of your standard magicians." Naoya answered, watching the fight carefully. "The spell Gagyson used, Zio, as you saw is an electric-based attack. Unfortunately for the demon, using magic means expending spiritual power: sooner or later, it'll run out. It all comes down to whether or not Mikaela can outrun the demon and capitalize on its weakness."

"This is also a good opportunity to explain about a Demon's strength and weaknesses." The magician explained. "There are many types of demon spells, but those that inflict damage are generally either physical or elemental in nature. For example, there are demons who take reduced damage from fire, are completely immune to it or are even able to absorb it to heal themselves. This may even apply to physical attacks, so attacking without knowing what your opponent is weak against will end poorly."

"In the case of Gagyson he's weak to the element Force, which you can think of as wind strong enough to hurt." Naoya continued. "Using it would not only cause more damage to the demon but would also stun it temporarily, earning you precious time."

Akane frowned. "But, we can't use magic." Naoya stared at her with a knowing smile. "...Can we?"

Mika rolled out of the way, avoiding another thunder bolt coming his way. Gagyson quickly closed the gap, talons bearing down on the blonde, who skillfully deflected them with his rapier. Sparks flew between them; as Mika pushed Gagyson out of the way he fell into a combative stance: his feet were evenly spread, hips squared and sword held firmly in front of him at an angle.

'I can't beat this thing like Yuu-chan did. Brute force won't work here.' Mika thought. 'Gagyson's too fast. I can barely block its strikes. I need to slow it down somehow.' His eyes traced over the demon's features, looking for any possible weakness he could exploit. Cracks in the armor. Anything like that. 'Listening to Naoya-san's talk about magic... Could this be like rock-paper-scissors? One weak to the other?' If lightning was Gagyson's forte, then would the opposite be its weakness? But what could it be? 'And how can I exploit it? Am I even capable of using magic?'

"Focus, Mika-kun." Fukutsuchi advised the young boy. "The COMP does more than summon demons and make you fight on equal footing. The tools of victory are already at your disposal."

'What does that mean?!'


Mika side-stepped, avoiding another blast. Gagyson dive-bombed after the blonde, intending to crash into him. Mika's mind raced, trying to think of a way he could stop the demon's advance. If only he had some way of defeating this damned demon! If only he could conjure wind-!

'Wait... Conjure wind?' Fukutsuchi's words rang in his head. His eyes widened in realization: that could work, but what did he have to do? Visualize it? Thinking on the spot Mika did just that: he envisioned wind dancing in his palm. A small, whirling vortex that would knock that damned annoying bird right of the sky.

And somehow Mikaela Hyakuya's desperate attempt bore fruits: razor-sharp wind, tinted a bright green, swirled into his hand, tightly wrapped into a ball. "Zan!" Mikaela found himself screaming as he threw his hand up, launching the ball of wind right at the demon just as it came within striking range. The ball of wind exploded right in Gagyson's face, releasing sharp crescent-shaped blades that sliced straight into its body. The creature let out a high-pitched whine before it found itself smashing into the ground, tumbling away from Mika.

"Human magic is something that everyone with the right amount of talent can learn if they put enough effort into it, but it's not very useful against Demons." Naoya said to the stunned children. "So I made the Demon Summoning Program able to analyze, copy and replicate Demon spells. Your own COMP already contain the data of four spells that use fire, force, ice and lightning, the most commonly used elements."

"Awesome! Go Mi-wait." Yuu shot an accusing glare at Naoya. "If I can use magic too, why didn't you tell me when I was fighting Kobold?"

"I was going to, but then a certain someone thought it was a good idea to use a grenade against an enemy in close proximity." The magician calmly remarked, as if it didn't bother him at all.

Yuu, at the very least, had the decency to look embarrassed.

Before the demon could recover Mika was already upon it: with a single slash he cut off one of the demon's wings. "Gaaah!" Gagyson cried as it retreated, leaping away from Mikaela. With its wing now severed, leaking dark red energy from the open cut, it could no longer fly. Even so it wouldn't accept defeat; not until the Angel in front of him had proved itself worthy. Electricity danced across its form before it released another blast.

Mika ducked while dashing at the demon. When it fired off another Zio he took a page from Yuu's book and chose to get reckless. He leaped, his body jumping higher than it should have, avoiding the bolt entirely before calling on another ball of wind. "Zan!" he shouted before throwing the magic wind at Gagyson. It struck true and knocked the demon to the ground. Grasping the rapier with both hands he fell upon the demon and slammed the blade straight into its chest; right where the heart would've been.

"G-ghe..." the winged demon croaked. A few seconds went by before its body began to break down. "So... A child who wields the Trumpet intends to rebel against God? How interesting... Very well." Its beak curved, just as its disintegration reached up to its neck. "As per the terms of the contract I shall follow you. Do not disappoint me, Son of Man."

The demon vanished and returned to Mika's phone. Yuu and Akane promptly let out cheers, excited by Mika's victory. Naoya looked quite impressed. "Quick on his feet." he remarked. "Fast, agile and with a plan at the ready. How would you rate this performance?"

"Eight of ten." Fukutsuchi answered as he waved an ofuda, dispelling the barrier and allowing Mika to rejoin his family, who proceeded to shower him with praise and congratulate him. "He fumbled slightly. If I were to describe him in three words or less, he would be a fragile caster. His proficiency with magic is remarkable, the opposite of Yuuichiro's preference for upfront confrontations. However, if I were to estimate his endurance it would be quite lacking. He'd go down in a couple of well-placed hits."

"I see." Naoya hummed. He stole a glance at Akane. "That just leaves her. What do you suppose her demon will be? It was rather surprising for Mikaela to summon a Fallen of all things."

"That is, assuming his name isn't related to Michaela."

"Hm. A fair point."

Akane approached the center of the circle with trepidation. She was scared at the thought of facing a demon, and while she was happy at the victories of her siblings it also made her nervous she would be unable to perform just as well as them. Would she end up in need of being saved? Again?

The thought of being nothing but a hindrance left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Suddenly remembering something she turned to look at the COMP's creator. "Naoya-san, you said the COMP already contains four spells. How do I use them?"

"I was waiting for one of you to ask that." The man smirked. "As Mikaela-kun showed, 'Zan' is the command to use the wind spell. For fire, 'Agi'. For ice, 'Bufu'. And for lightning, 'Zio'. Visualizing the element in your mind and using your hands to gather and toss it is the easiest method."

"I understand, thank you." Now a little more reassured Akane lifted her COMP and pressed the icon of the demon summoning program.

Moments later the demon appeared before them. However, the sight of it was enough to make Mika and Yuu do a double take, as if unsure if they were hallucinating or not. Fukutsuchi raised an eyebrow, while Naoya couldn't help but smile in amusement. "How ironic."

The demon was human. At least, that was how it appeared at first: it had a feminine body, almost completely naked save for the black straps of leather that shielded its modesty. Its eyes were blindfolded with an eye marked over the cloth, blonde hair tied back into a ponytail and spilling over the shoulders. Both young boys couldn't help but admit just how beautiful the demon looked, momentarily wondering if it was a demon at all.

What solidified, and at the same time confused them about this fact were the brilliant white wings that spread out from behind the demon's back.

"I am the Divine Angel." the demon spoke, possessing a beautiful voice that made the male children want to swoon. "Are thou the one who called for me, Son of Man?"

Akane, stunned momentarily by the beauty before her, nodded. "Y-yes. I am Akane Hyakuya."

"...Ah." Angel leaned forward, a smile gracing her lips as she gently cupped Akane's cheek. "I feel the Trumpet sleeping inside of thou. It has been a long time since I have felt this power. For what reason hast thou called for the power of demons?"

"I... uuuh." The girl blushed at the intimate gesture, but then managed to steel her nerves. "I would like you... to make a contract with me."

The smile on the Angel's lips dimmed slightly. "Thou already have more power than I can offer. All thou have to do is awaken the Trumpet within thyself."

"No!" Akane shook her head. "I was told that I wouldn't be myself anymore if I do it! I don't want that!"

"Thou choose to be a Son of Man rather than the Trumpet Blower? So be it. By decree of the Great Will, to choose is the privilege of mankind." The Angel removed her hand from Akane's face and gently floated backward, arms raising to the sky before being crossed behind her head. "And by the laws put into place by the King of Bel, you must prove your right to command me... by defeating me."

Akane tensed, preparing her naginata and taking up a battle stance.

"King of Bel?" Mika wondered. "Who's that?"

"A long time ago, a powerful demon named Bel managed to conquer the demon world and unite the demons under him. God, however, defeated him before it could come to an open rebellion." For a moment Naoya's amusement was gone, his tone even. "Before his defeat he created a set of laws to regulate the summoning and contracting between humans and supernatural creatures. That includes both demons and angels."

"In other words, demon summoning is simply the exploiting of those laws." Fukutsuchi finished.

With a mighty flapping of her wings the Angel flied forward, one hand poised as if to skewer Akane. The girl reacted by moving the blade of her naginata in the Angel's path: the weapon opened a deep gash into the creature's side before the hand hit Akane in the stomach, pushing her back.

Whatever sense of accomplishment the girl had at the mutual hit vanished when the Angel called out "Dia!". A green light shone over the wound on her side, closing it.

"What the-! Healing?" Yuu cried. "That's cheating!"

Akane remained focused while the Angel put distance between them. Light danced between her hands, forming into a ball that was sent flying her way. Quickly the girl moved out of the way, using her naginata as a makeshift pole launcher. The ball of light exploded, kicking up dirt and debris. Turning around Akane opened her palm and aimed it at the Angel. "Bufu!" A shard of ice formed in her hand, shooting straight at the winged female. She dodged the projectile with ease, making Akane under her breath.

"Don't use ice, she's resistant to it!" Fukutsuchi warned. "Use wind!"

"A-Alright! Zan!" A ball of compressed wind formed in her hand, which she promptly threw at the Angel. The winged being tried to dodge again, but was less successful: the spell hit her arm, making her spin in the air before crashing against one side of the barrier.

Without wasting time Akane ran ahead and impaled the Angel in the stomach. 'Can she heal herself if the weapon is still inside the wound?' She thought. It was a nasty method, but the only one she could use right now. She raised her hand again. "Zan!"

A poor choice, using it a point blank: Akane found herself flung back, falling and skidding across the floor.

"Akane!" Yuu cried out.

"Thou... are persistent." The Angel wheezed out as she pulled out the naginata and tossed it away. "But I... have my duty." She pressed her hands on her stomach. "Di-"

That was when Akane, who already got up, ran up to the Angel and punched her chin from below. The incantation got cut in half, the physical blow's damage increased by the Harmonizer, and the spell frizzed out. "Agi!" Akane shouted with all her strength, gouts of fire streaming out of her open palms and engulfing the Angel's head.

The Angel screamed in pain, recoiling back as the flames continued to spread. Using the distraction Akane ran over to the naginata: with her weapon in hand she turned around charged at the Angel. "Zio!" Thunder spewed from her hand, striking the Angel and staggering it.

"...Hey, Mika."

"Yes, Yuu-chan?"

Yuuichirou gulped. "Was Akane... always this violent?"

"...Once, before you came." Mikaela admitted. "Eventually she grew out of it, but now-"

"Ah, say no more. I'm scared enough as it is."

"So this... is your determination..." The body of the Angel began to break down into black and red energy. Despite that she smiled at Akane. "Thou hast proved your right to command me... Even if the Great Will shall not bless thou, know that I shall always stand by your side..."

White feathers danced in the air as the COMP finished to absorb the Angel, until even those vanished.

Akane panted slightly, but was otherwise only slightly winded rather than hurt. The battle wasn't nearly as tough as Mika or Yuu's earlier fights, but she had been quite scared: despite the kind and caring visage the Angel carried, the killing intent she gave off was palpable. Dangerous. She honestly thought she was going to suffocate.

And she was going to have to fight more monsters like this?

"Well done, all three of you. But this is only the beginning." Naoya spoke, as if reading her thoughts. The barrier vanished, allowing the white-haired man to walk where the angel once stood and turn around to look the three children in the eyes. "From now on it will be an uphill battle not just to win, but to survive. Such is the price... of free will." He tilted his head, as if having a sudden thought. "That's why, I will not resent you if one day you decide to give up."

"And then what? Go back to being a snack for the damn bloodsuckers? No thank you!" Yuu replied with a determined expression as Mika help Akane standing up. "It doesn't matter who... I'll punch in the face anyone that threaten my family! Even God himself!"

"If all things are in fact preordained, then why... why is humanity able to think for itself?"