Yuletide Hearts

Brenna grinned at Loki as they made their way back to their seats, the pom poms on their hats jiggling as they walked. This was the best Christmas Brenna could ever remember, and each day seemed to bring something new and surprising. "That was fun! We should do this again sometime."

"Yes," Loki agreed. "Only now we don't need to be afraid of pranking my father."

"Who would have thought the king knew how to prank like that?" Brenna giggled.

"I certainly didn't," Loki admitted, smirking. He began to eat some more of his blueberry pancakes and bacon.

Suddenly he spit out the piece of pancake he was eating and looked at the plate. He had sprinkled some sugar on the pancakes, but what he tasted was salt. He looked over at Thor, who was hiding his smile behind his hand and Loki sighed, rolling his eyes.

"What happened?" Brenna asked.

"Thor just pranked me," Loki said as she took a bite of the pancakes on her plate then made a face. She spit the piece out as she took a drink of goat milk and Thor broke out laughing.

"He got me, too."

"Well played, Brother," Loki said as he lifted his glass and Thor nodded and lifted his glass.

"Not as good as our pranks," she whispered and Loki nodded.

Odin watched his sons laughing and talking when he noticed Freya was looking at him and he wondered why she was smiling at him.

"Something amusing, Freya? Do I have syrup in my beard?" he teased.

Her blue eyes twinkled. "No, Odin. If you did I would have wiped it away."

The Allfather was startled to discover that he found the goddess quite attractive. That should not have surprised him, as Freya was the Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Magic. Half the men in Asgard wanted to worship at her feet. But Odin had never felt desire for any woman since Frigga's death. It was if that part of himself had burnt upon the pyre with her.

Brenna nudged Loki. "Do you see that?" She jerked her chin towards Odin and Freya. "Look at how they are staring at each other."

"Looks like he is in love." Loki said, laughing.

"That's wonderful. Don't you think?" she gazed at her best friend questioningly.

"I do. He has been lonely a long time." Loki said, grinning back at his friend.

"Like years?" Brenna surmised.

"Yeah." Loki said, smiling at his father. "Years and years."

"What the heart loves once it can love again," Brenna quoted. "I don't remember where I heard that, but I guess it's true." She eyed Freya. "Freya looks really happy."

"Yes she does. I hope they do marry." Loki said and handed her the strawberries from his plate.

"Me too," Brenna said, and in return gave him the rest of her bacon. "What's a royal wedding like here?"

"It is huge! With cakes and puddings. And a great ball to celebrate them."

"Wow!" Brenna exclaimed. Then her face fell. "By the Nine! Loki, is there dancing?"

"I will teach you. We have time because all weddings are held in the spring." He laughed.

"We might need that long for you to recover from me stepping all over your feet like a drunken ox," she joked.

"You're not that clumsy, Brenna." He refuted.

"I am when I'm nervous."

"So . . . don't be nervous."

"Easy for you to say, Mr. Laufeyson. I wasn't born knowing how to waltz."

"You will do well, believe in yourself." He said, and smiled.

"You have more confidence in me than I do," she admitted.

"Because I see what you don't. Just believe. It is actual Christmas today." He said and grinned.

"It is?" she exclaimed.

"Yeah." He said and gave her a wrapped box. "Merry Christmas."

She opened the paper, smiling and found a gold necklace in it. A simple disc, etched with half the words: "Best Friends" on it.

"Loki! I love it!" She flung her arms around him and hugged him, her eyes sparkling with delight. Then she noticed he wore the other half about his neck.

"I thought you would." He said and hugged her back.

"But . . . I haven't given you anything."

"Yes, you did. You gave me the best gift ever. You as my BFF."

"But that's not really..."

"Yes, it is."

"Let's stay best friends then. Forever." She said, smiling brightly.

"Forever and always," he vowed and his fingers intertwined with hers, like two missing pieces of a puzzle, they fit together perfectly.

"Merry Christmas, children." Odin said, raising his cup.

"Merry Christmas, Father!" Loki cried and raised his in return.

"Merry Christmas, Sire," Brenna said and raised hers.

"Friends." Loki said, smiling in pure joy about finding Brenna.

"Family," Brenna grinned back, for she knew that the unwanted orphan had at last found her true home and family, here among the ancient gods of the Vikings.

"New beginnings," Freya said and Odin noticed she was looking at him.

"Happy endings!" Idunn said, looking at Brenna.

"To reunions!" Thor added, raising his glass at Brenna and Loki.

Just then Thor heard a loud whinny coming from a window off to the left, where the royal horses were sometimes let out to graze in the pasture. He turned his head, his blue eyes widening in surprise.

Thor slowly rose as Loki and Brenna wondered what was going on and they followed him outside.

Standing by the pasture gate was the magnificent winged ebony stallion Dreamstalker with a large red bow about his neck.

"That's Dreamstalker," Loki and Brenna said.

There was a parchment card attached to the bow. Written in elegant black script was the following note.

"A Joyous Yule to you, Thor. He refuses to let anyone ride him, because he has chosen his rider. So I have given him to you. -Morpheus."

Thor looked at the dark stallion while Dreamstalker pawed the ground with its hoof and he gently raised his hand. The stallion looked at him when he sniffed Thor's hand and gently placed the tip of his nose against Thor's palm.

"Welcome home, boy," Thor murmured, stroking the satin nose.

Dreamstalker nuzzled his hair, blowing on him. Then he slobbered gleefully all over his new rider.

Loki burst out laughing.

Thor shook a finger at the stallion. "You did that on purpose!"

Dreamstalker whinnied, laughing at him as only a horse can. Then he cupped a wing about the Thunder God.

"Awww...," Brenna said.

"Here, Brother," Loki conjured a cloth and gave it to Thor, still smirking.

"Thank you," Thor said, using the cloth to dry off.

"He's some horse," Brenna remarked admiringly.

Loki reached into his pocket and pulled out a peppermint candy. He held the candy out on his palm for Dreamstalker to take. "Have some candy, Dreamstalker. It's Christmas."

The winged horse snorted at Loki then gently ate the candy, his muzzle tickling the little god's hand.

Brenna laughed and stroked the stallion's silky mane.

"What a great present!" she said.

Suddenly Glimmer scampered up and twined about her feet. "Pet me!" the black and white kitten mewed.

"Fine," Brenna sighed and picked the kitten up, stroking the soft fur.

"What about me?" Thori asked as he scampered to Loki and Loki knelt down to give the hellhound a hug.

The puppy slurped his chin with his long tongue.

"Aww, Thori!" Loki groaned. "Your breath stinks!"

"All the better to annihilate your enemies!" the dog barked.

Brenna giggled and Glimmer rolled his eyes.

"Better watch out, or else you'll annihilate Loki!" Glimmer warned smugly.

"Look who's talking, fish breath!" the hellhound growled.

"Guys, it is Christmas. Stop fighting like cats and dogs." Brenna said, holding her kitten.

Odin smiled at the scene as he walked closer and they looked at him.

"What do we have here?" he asked.

"This is Dreamstalker," Thor said.

"He is magnificent."

Odin slowly walked closer as the stallion tilted its head to one side and Odin lifted his hand. The stallion sniffed his hand then nudged it with its nose.

"He likes you, Father," Thor said.

"Where did he come from?"

"He's a present from my dad to Thor," Brenna said and Thor showed Odin the note.

"I hope it is alright," a voice said and they saw Morpheus standing near the pasture. Brenna ran to him as they hugged and she looked up at him.

"Merry Christmas, Dad," she said.

"Merry Christmas."

"To answer your question," Odin said, looking at him. "Yes, it is alright."


"Hey, what's going on?!" came from the sack next to Morpheus and Brenna walked closer. She opened the sack when she lifted Orpheus out of the sack and brushed the hair from his eyes. "Hello, Sister."

"What are you doing here?!"" Brenna asked.

"Father said he was coming to see you and I wanted to join him."

"By the Nine, what is that?" Odin asked.

"That is Orpheus. He's Brenna's brother," Loki said.

"But he's just a head," Odin said and Loki told him Orpheus' story. "Welcome."

"Thank you, Sire," Orpheus said and Morpheus took him from his sister.

Loki noticed the look on Orpheus' face when Loki sighed and Brenna walked to him.

"What's wrong?" Brenna asked.

"I was thinking it's not fair that he has to spend his life like that," Loki said, looking at Orpheus.

"Yeah. If I could, I would give him a new body."

"What about his wife? We should bring her back, too."

"Yeah. So he won't be lonely."

"It wasn't fair that she was taken away from him. Hades cheated."

"He would say he didn't. It was Orpheus' doubt that made him turn."

"Because he didn't trust Hades."

"How can we give him back his body?"

Loki thought for a long moment. "I need to do some research in the Librium Arcana-the Mage Library."

"Let's go," she said and they headed for the library. "Can I help?" Brenna asked.

"You could . . . if you knew how to read runes," Loki sighed.

"You're going to need to teach me that."

"Yeah." Loki said, the two of them running for the library.

The Librium Arcana was a tall white spired building that sat in the middle of a beautiful river which was currently frozen over. Brenna and Loki slid across it to the doors and then entered the library.

Loki led her to the card catalog and flipped through it.

He soon found what he was looking for—the transmutation section on making an inanimate object flesh and bone.

He approached a shelf towards the back and pulled down a thick tome whose pages were yellowed with age. The leather binding was creased and the runes upon it slightly faded.

"You're gonna read all that?" Brenna gaped at it.

"No. Just a certain part," Loki replied, opening the book carefully. He sneezed because of the dust and wiped his nose with a handkerchief.

"Bless you." Brenna said, looking at the book.

He scanned the pages when he closed the book and smiled.

"Let's go," he said after he placed the tome away. They left the library as they headed for the pasture. Odin was talking with Morpheus while Thor walked Dreamstalker around the pasture. "Lord Morpheus, may we show Orpheus the gardens?"

"It is up to him," Morpheus said, looking down at Orpheus.

"I wouldn't mind," Orpheus said and Loki took Orpheus from Morpheus. They headed off toward the statue gardens as they walked among the statues and Orpheus wondered what they were up to. "Right. What is going on?"

"You'll see," Brenna said.

Loki thought it was lucky that his magical talents ran towards transmutation, which otherwise was a difficult skill for a mage to master.

They walked on when Loki saw a male statue which was missing a head and smiled.

"What do you think of that one?" Loki asked.

"It's alright," Orpheus said. He noticed it looked like his old body when he blinked and his eyes widened. "Wait! Are you going to do what I think you're going to do?!"

"What do you think we're doing?" Brenna asked.

"You... You're going to make me a body!"

"Yes, we are," Loki said.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because it's not fair that you have to spend forever as a head," Brenna said.

"Oh, Sister, I don't mind."

"But you can't do anything."

"I can sing."

"Don't you miss having a body?" Loki asked.

"Yes," he said then thought for a few seconds. If he accepted, this would be the best present anyone had ever given him. He felt like a fool for denying their gift and he lowered his eyelids. "Thank you."

"You're going to let me do this?"


"What do we do first?" Brenna asked.

"You need to position his head on the neck of the statue," Loki said. She used her power to float up to the top of the statue while Orpheus glanced down and smiled.

"Remember to put my head on straight. I have been told many times that it wasn't," Orpheus teased and she giggled.

Brenna carefully positioned Orpheus on the statue.

Nodding, Loki gathered his magic when he started the spell and Orpheus closed his eyes. He felt a slight tingling sensation as his head became connected to the statue and Brenna let go.

Loki raised his hands as a green light spread over the statute and Brenna landed. She watched the statue start to change from white marble to tan flesh and she was glad the statue was wearing a short skirted toga.

Orpheus made a little moan as the pain moved through him and Brenna closed her eyes. She knew she had made a wish to bring Thor back, so she hoped one more wish would work for her brother and she moved her lips. She added something to her wish when she opened her eyes and looked at her brother.

Loki sketched one last rune, making the spell permanent and then lowered his hands, feeling very worn, but happy that he had succeeded.

Orpheus started sliding off the platform and Brenna used her magic to float him to the ground. They ran to Orphues when she knelt down and noticed he wasn't breathing. She placed her head against his chest, but didn't head anything and she sat up.

"He's not breathing," she said and thumped her fist on Orpheus' chest. She slammed her fist two more times when he gasped for air and slowly opened his eyes. He was surprised when he felt his heart beating again and breathed in the cool air several times. "Ory?"

"Is...," Orpheus said then cleared his throat. "Is that what you're going to call me now?"

Brenna felt the tears in her eyes as she went to lie on top of him and he slowly moved his arms up to hug her. She helped him sit up as Loki ran to him and hugged Orpheus.

"Thank you," Orpheus said, softly. They helped him stand as he felt his balance kick in and he smiled. He took a step then another as he walked in a circle and laughed.

"I have so missed that laugh," a voice said from behind him and his heart thundered in his chest.

"No. It can't be," he whispered when familiar fingers touched his bare back. He didn't want to turn around as he shook his head and they looked at the woman standing behind him.

"Please turn around."

"No! I will not fall for that again!"

"Then I will have to face you."

Brenna and Loki watched as the woman walked around to his front and Orpheus blinked the tears from his eyes. He recognized her face. Her dark hair. Her dark eyes. He moved his eyes up and down her body and shivered when she slid her arms around him.

"Eurydice," he whispered and she kissed his lips.

"Hello," Eurydice said after moving back.

"But how?"

"I made a wish," Brenna said and he gave her a puzzled look.

"You made a wish?"

"You mean like when you wished Thor was alive again?" Loki asked and she nodded. Brenna told Orpheus about her wish to bring Thor back and how she made another wish for him to get his body back as well as his wife.

"And who am I do deny such a selfless wish?" Death asked and they looked at her and she placed the lace umbrella over her shoulder. "Whoa, Nephew, you are smoking hot!"

Orpheus blushed as he held onto his wife and Death wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

"But how did you get Hades to release her?" Orpheus asked.

"It was simple, really," she said, walking closer. "The old boy knew he had cheated and I told him I would tell his wife about the times he was cheating on her while she was up here with her mother."

"Demeter would have his hide."

"True. So, he said he'd let her go if I kept my mouth shut."

"Thank you, Auntie."

"Merry Christmas," she said then vanished.

Eurydice looked at Loki and Brenna then at her husband and he noticed the puzzlement in her eyes.

"Husband, who are these children?" she asked.

"This is Loki, Prince of Asgard, and this is my sister, Brenna," he said and Loki made a bow while Brenna curtsied.

"Pleased to meet you."

"Ok, now we have to go show Dad!" Brenna said and gently pulled on Orpheus' hand.

Her brother allowed Brenna to lead him back to the pasture where Morpheus was watching Thor ride Dreamstalker, Eurydice and Loki following them.

"He sure likes that horse." Brenna said, smiling. She took the necklace out of her pocket. "Can you help me with this?"

Orpheus fumbled with the clasp when he helped her put the necklace on and she smiled at him.

"Sorry. Still getting used to having fingers," he teased and she giggled.

Morpheus stopped talking when he saw Loki, Brenna, Eurydice and Orpheus coming towards him and his eyes widened.

"It's fine. Just take your time." Brenna said and smiled at him.

"Orpheus?" his father gasped. "You're whole again!" He stared at his son in amazement. "And Eurydice is here too?" He rubbed his eyes. "Is this some kind of illusion?"

"No, Dad, it's a Christmas miracle!" Brenna said as she explained and Morpheus smiled.

"Miracle provided by our very own Asgardian Christmas angel," Loki laughed.

"You helped too," Brenna reminded him. "You're the one whose magic restored Orpheus' body."

"I am proud to have such a strong mage as my son," Odin declared and Loki felt as if he had been given the highest honor in Asgard. For the first time ever, Loki felt as if he were truly worthy of being Odin's son.

Thor rode to them when he got off of Dreamstalker and smiled. Odin walked to stand next to him and Loki ran over, taking his father's hand.

"Who is this?" he asked, looking at Eurydice.

"This is my wife, Eurydice," Orpheus said and she curtsied. "Eury, this is Prince Thor and King Odin."

"Greeting, Your Majesties," she said.

"I have heard of the story about the two of you," Odin said then looked at Thor. "My Son, please place the lady on your horse. We do not want to repeat things."

"What do you mean, Father?"

"I was bitten by a snake and died," Eurydice said. Nodding, he helped her onto Dreamstalker and she patted the stallion's neck.

Orpheus smiled up at her as she held her hand out and Thor helped him get onto the stallion. Orpheus wrapped his arms around his wife as she blushed and leaned into him.

"Yuck," Brenna said.

"What's wrong?" Loki said.

"They're getting mushy," she said and he sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Shall we go back to the palace so they can rest?" Odin said and they left the pasture while Thor led Dreamstalker. Morpheus held onto Brenna's hand as she looked up at him and he squeezed her hand.

"Thank you, Daughter," he said.

"You're welcome." she said and he moved their hands back and forth.

A page wearing Idunn's orchard livery ran up to them. "Beg pardon, Lord Morpheus, but my lady wishes me to extend an invitation for you to accompany her on a picnic in her orchard."

"A picnic?" Morpheus looked astonished. "Well, that is very fine! I haven't done that since . . . I can't recall. When would she like to have it?"

"As soon as you are ready," the page grinned.

"Go on, Dad!" Brenna urged. "I'm going to hang out with Loki and watch videos on his phone."

Morpheus smiled down at his irrepressible daughter. "As you wish, little angel." He let go of her hand as they reached the palace steps and Brenna continued on inside while Morpheus went right and down a small path to Idunn's orchard.

"Let's watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation." Brenna suggested, giggling.

"I never heard of that one," Loki said. "Is it good?"

"It is super funny! There is a scene where a sewer blows up and the SWAT Team busts into their house." She giggled.

"That sounds hilarious. Let's get some snacks and go watch it," Loki said excitedly.

They stopped by the kitchens on their way to their room and were given some strawberry turnovers and hot cocoa.

"Wait until you see the cat get shocked."

Loki looked alarmed. "Does it die?"

"Not for real. But it does in the movie." She said back.

"If you want, we could watch Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever instead."

"What is that one about?"

They had reached their room and were sitting on the couch and Loki was holding his phone in one hand.

"A lonely girl finds Grumpy Cat in a pet store, and together they stop two robbers from stealing a super expensive dog. In the end, they become best friends." Brenna said, smiling at Loki.

"Let's watch that first," he said, as Thori went and lay on his feet, gnawing a bone.

"OK. It is funny in parts too." Brenna said and smiled.

As the two watched the movie, Morpheus and Idunn were sitting on a gold and red blanket, sharing a bottle of apple wine and eating some chicken sandwiches, potato salad and strawberry turnovers.

"I am glad I finally got you out of your castle," the Orchard Tender laughed.

"I wasn't aware you wanted me to come out," he teased, and saluted her with his goblet.

"I may have." She replied and smiled at him.

He recalled the dream he had seen while he and Brenna had been trying to figure out who the prankster was and he felt himself color slightly-the God of Dreams who had long since ceased being embarrassed by mortal's sleeping fantasies. But no mortal ever dreamed of you that way, Mr. Sandman. No woman has since Seraphina, and that relationship was never meant to last.

He gazed upon Idunn and thought her as fair as the summer dawn, and unlike Seraphina, she would not have to give up being what she was for him. As a Norse goddess she was free to choose whom she gave her heart to and who she made her life partner.

"Is there anything wrong?" She asked, frowning a bit.

"It's been a long time since we have done this," he remarked softly. "I have missed our talks together, Idunn."

"So have I." She reached for a turnover and their fingers brushed. She chuckled and broke it in half. "Here. Half for you and half for me."

"I'll only eat it one way," he smirked, and opened his mouth.

Giggling, she fed him half the turnover, getting strawberry juice on his nose. "Uh oh. You have a red nose."

"I do?"

Idunn leaned forward and kissed his nose, licking the juice off.

Morpheus groaned in pleasure.

"Norns, lady, but you test my control!"

"As you test mine," she grinned.

"Then let us be done with testing," he challenged, and then he drew her into his arms and kissed her.

She fit into his embrace as if she had been born to do so, wrapping her arms about his shoulders and kissing him back fervently.

"For so long I have dreamed . . ." she murmured when she could speak again.

"Of me?" he queried, one eyebrow arching over his handsome face.

"Of us," she corrected. "Together."

"I can make all your dreams reality," he said, his eyes glowing with love. "You and I, we have loved and lost," he said, referring to Seraphina and her husband Braggi who had died along with her daughter when fire giants had attacked their home back on Asgard.

"But now we are free to love again," Idunn told him. "This is the season of beginnings. Now let us begin anew, my love."

In answer, Morpheus dipped his head, and kissed her passionately.

And even in the depths of winter, their love kept them warm.

In Loki and Brenna's chambers:

"I told you this was funny." Brenna said as they both laughed at Grumpy Cat shooting the bad guys with a paintball gun.

Loki sipped his cocoa, watching the screen, a chocolate mustache around his lips.

"It is funny." He laughed. "But why do they call her Grumpy Cat?"

"Because of her face," Brenna replied, indicating the cat's permanent frown.

"Oh. I thought that was just how her cat breed looked. The way a Persian has a pushed in face like it ran into Mjolnir."

Brenna nearly fell off the couch laughing. "Loki, you have the funniest way of putting things."

"Well, I am the God of Mischief," he replied, his emerald eyes twinkling merrily.

"Uh, you have a chocolate mustache!" she pointed out, smirking.

"Hand me a napkin?" He asked, laughing.

She did so, her hazel eyes glistening with mirth.

"Do you want to watch the other movie?" She asked and laughed.

Loki put his chin in his hand, thinking. "Brenna, I just got an idea. My father and Freya are kind of . . . shy and reserved. At least from what I've seen. They might take all year just to hold hands. But what if we helped speed them along?"

"What do you want to do?" She asked, drinking more cocoa.

"We need to get them to meet somewhere alone. Where they won't be disturbed," Loki answered.

"Where can we do that?"

"What if we got them to have dinner together on the terrace in back of Father's chambers? That's really private, the guards are there but they make sure they can't be seen by anyone actually on the terrace. When my mother was alive they used to eat lunch there all the time." Loki suggested.

"How do we get them out there though?"

Loki smirked. "We invite them . . . or rather, they invite each other. With love notes."

"Love notes?" Brenna squeaked. "But Loki! I don't know how to write a love note!"

"Relax! I'll write the first one-to Freya from Father."

"You think she'll believe it's from him? What if she asks him?"

"She won't. Because I'm going to send it when he's off in a meeting with the Council. I know how to forge his handwriting."

"You do?"

"Yes. And Freya's too." Loki replied blithely.

"Do you really think it will work?"

"I hope so. I already could tell they were attracted to each other. They just need some help expressing it."

"I really hope this works." She sighed and looked at the wall.

Loki poked her playfully. "Oh ye of little faith!" he teased. Then he summoned a piece of parchment and a refilling pen to him. "Now . . . how shall I begin?"

Brenna thought. "Would he call her by her name?"

"Yes." He wrote, "My dearest Freya,

I regret having been so busy with my duties that I have not spent any time with you this holiday. Perhaps I can remedy that if you are willing with a private dinner on the terrace of my quarters tonight?"

"That sounds good." She watched him write, awed at how he made his writing look like the king's-which she had seen on official documents.

"Please do me the favor of sending a reply. I will await your pleasure.

"Signed-Odin Wanderer."

"Odin Wanderer?" Brenna asked.

"It's his nickname. But only really close family are all owed to use it," Loki explained.

"Maybe you need to add something about how he misses her?"

Loki added, "I missed you so much but didn't know how to tell you. I need you like a flower needs the sun."

"Don't over do it."

"He would say something like that."

"He would? But it sounds so . . . mushy."

Loki shrugged. "People say all kinds of things like that when they're in love. Because the one they love likes to hear it."

He sealed the envelope and then sent it from him to Freya's quarters, where there was a silver and gold embossed receiving tray for letters.

"Now what?" Brenna asked.

"Now we wait and see if she responds. When she does, I'll intercept the letter and write a reply to it," Loki said. "In the meantime, I'll write Father one from her."

Loki picked up his pen again, this time writing in Freya's handwriting,

Wanderer mine,

I was wondering if you would care to meet me on your terrace for supper at six this evening? I have often wished to watch the sunset with you but your duties keep you so busy it is hard to find time to ourselves. But perhaps we need to make time. If you feel so inclined, that is. Even a monarch needs to relax.



He sent it to the king's receiving tray. "There! Now we need to tell the cooks to bring dinner once we have their replies. What shall we order?"

"How about some chicken or ham?"

Loki nodded. "Ham with brown sugar glaze, potatoes with rosemary and garlic butter, peas, onions and mushrooms? What about dessert?"

"What about that apple pancake dessert we had a few nights ago?" Brenna suggested.

"That will work. My father loves that," Loki confirmed. "With some tea and coffee,"

"Good. We better order it then."

They waited and then Loki used his Seeing globe to check if Freya and Odin had responded yet to their messages. To his delight, they both had, and he summoned the letters from the trays.

"What do they say?" asked Brenna eagerly.

Loki carefully opened them. "They both said yes!" He resealed them and tucked them into a drawer. "Now we need to send a letter to the cooks."

He wrote out what they wanted in Freya's handwriting and sent it down to the kitchens. It appeared on their message board and Kendra and the other cooks began preparing it immediately. Everything Loki had requested was readily available.

Brenna and Loki high-fived each other.

Freya spent a few hours trying to find the right gown and hairstyle for her dinner with Odin and settled on a royal blue gown with silver accents and matching slippers and some silver jewelry.

Odin had his maid wash and brush his hair and beard until they were glossy and smooth then he dressed in his best armor and boots.

Loki and Brenna had watched from the Seeing globe as they giggled and watched Freya head for Odin's rooms.

"Oh this is exciting." Brenna said and giggled.

"It is." Loki laughed, both of them watching closely.

The maid opened the door to the terrace when Freya saw Odin standing near the railing and Freya silently admitted she liked how he looked in his armor. She cleared her throat as Odin turned and his eye widened.

By the Nine, she looks amazing, Odin thought as he approached and Freya did a little curtsy.

"Good evening," she said and he took her hand, moving her toward him.

"Good evening," he said as he led Freya to the table and helped her sit. "You look lovely this evening."

"Thank you. You look very handsome."

"Thank you," he said as he sat down across from her and she smiled. The servant poured the wine as Odin nodded and Freya took a sip of wine. She noticed how shy he was as she smiled and Odin raised his eyebrow. "I am glad you requested we have dinner out here. It's a lovely night."

"I didn't. You asked me to come have dinner with you," Freya said and Odin frowned.

"No, I didn't."

"You didn't send this?" she asked, showing him the letter. He looked at the letter when he noticed a slight difference in the handwriting and blinked his eye a few times.

"Hold," he said as he got up, went into his room and retrieved the letter he received. He walked back to the table when he sat down and she gave him a puzzled look. "Read this."

He handed her the letter as she read it then noticed the slight difference in the handwriting.

"I believe we have been a victim of a prank," Freya said.

"Uh-oh," Brenna said and Loki sighed.

"I don't think this is a prank as much as it is matchmaking," Odin said, placing the letter on the table.

"Who would do such a thing?" Freya said.

"I don't know, but I feel that they weren't wrong about the match," Odin said.

"What makes you think so," Freya said and he went silent. He knew he had been alone since Frigga died, but he also knew she would want him to find love again.

"Because I am in the presence of a woman who is not only beautiful, but is gentle and kind." He said and smiled.

"I could say the same of you, because you welcomed me when my own people used me as a bargaining chip to end the wars between our people." Freya declared softly. "My twin and I were the youngest of the Vanir royal house and so we were the ones who were sacrificed on the altar of the greater good. I was a stranger in a strange land, a woman without a realm, a sorceress in a realm where mages were distrusted. But you changed all that. You made me welcome and gave me a home and a position of my own. You did not need to do so. You could have simply kept me and Frey as hostages. That has always meant much to me."

"I could never treat the two of you so poorly. And I chose you both for a great reason, you were so wise, and your brother so well educated. Bringing you both here was a decision I have yet to regret."

"I do not regret coming here. This is now my home," she told him. She gazed at him admiringly. "I know that you loved Frigga very much. I am something of an expert on matters of the heart," she chuckled. "Except in my own case."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because my heart has fallen in love with you, and I don't know if you would be willing to risk your heart again," she admitted honestly.

"I may be persuaded dear Lady. And my heart may have found a new home elsewhere." He said and patted the back of her hand.

"I think that is a wonderful idea beautiful lady."

They ate, talking quietly and laughing together. Somewhere during the course of the meal, Odin found that he enjoyed being with Freya as much as he ever had Frigga. She was easy to talk with, and she listened, but was not afraid to offer her own opinion on things. She also had a quirky sense of humor, one that reminded him of Loki's in a way.

"You are a delight My Lady!" He laughed, holding his stomach.

"And you are not half as serious as you like to think," she grinned at him. "You really need to laugh more, Odin. You have a wonderful laugh-it reminds me of your youngest son's."

"He is a good boy. A bit more playful than Thor ever was, and very smart."

"Yes, he is." Freya agreed. "You must nurture that intelligence, Odin. He is akin to my people in his love and knowledge of the arcane. I believe someday he will outstrip even me with his abilities. He would be a fine Archmagus of the Nine. But you must make sure that even with such great responsibility, he never forgets how to find joy in himself and those around him. In that way the dark shall never be able to seduce him. for evil does not know laughter."

"Very wise lady, and I agree with you fully. He will one day save all of us." Odin said, drinking his wine. "When he is not planning a new match for me."

Loki gasped. "By the Nine! He knows!"

"Are we in trouble?" Brenna asked.

"I don't know," Loki said uncertainly. "He doesn't seem angry . . ." But his heart began to beat faster with trepidation.

"Maybe we should stay out of his way. Just in case?" Brenna suggested.

Loki swallowed sharply. "Maybe." He returned to watching the globe, anxiety making his palms sweat.

"Of course!" Freya laughed. "He's the only one who could do such a thing, because only he would be clever enough to forge our handwriting!" She began to giggle. "By the Nine, he must think we are totally desperate!"

"Desperate?" Odin started laughing too. "I may be getting on in years but I haven't forgotten how to woo a fair lady!" Then he too was giggling insanely.

"Well, why don't you charm me?" She challenged, smiling over her goblet at him.

"Loki, it's okay!" Brenna cried. "Look, they think it's funny."

Loki wiped sweat from his brow. "I was just a little worried."

"A little worried my Aunt Matilda!" Brenna snorted. Then they hushed so they could hear what Odin replied.

"Any silly charm would be an insult to an intelligent woman such as yourself." He replied, Freya blushing suddenly at the compliment.

"You are wise too," she stated. "For most men will praise my beauty before my mind, for that is all they see."

"I see much more in you my dear. You are quite the wise lady yourself." He said and smiled.

She finished her last bite of ham and said, "Now I know where Loki gets it from. You could call the sun from the sky with your smile, darling."

The maids came back and removed the plates soon afterwards and then served the dessert. Odin's eyes lit up.

"Apple pancakes! My favorite!"

"They are mine too," Freya admitted. "He knows us well, the clever scamp!"

"That he does. He gets it from observing the people around him." he said and smiled.

"Thor will need a clever advisor like that. Such a person is indispensable to a king," Freya told him.

"You are correct," Odin agreed. "Frigga served that role to me many times, though she was my queen."

"She was most wise herself. I do hope you find another like her."

"I believe I have," he inclined his head to her.

They finished the dessert and then Odin invited her to look at the stars with him.

"It is a lovely night." She said and smiled.

He gazed up at the heavens. "Yes. Clear and bright." He cautiously slid an arm about her. "Like the woman beside me."

"And yet so strong and proud, like the man beside me."

She leaned into his embrace, turning to stare into his single blue eye. Her hand came up to cup his cheek, unbothered that he was blind on one side.

"My Lady?" He inquired, smiling back at her.

He saw the unspoken attraction shining in her face and on impulse he lowered his head slightly and kissed her.

"Wow." Brenna said, giggling. "That is some kiss!"

"I think we've seen enough," Loki laughed. He waved a hand and the globe went dark. "Looks like we did a good job."

"Yup. Now let's watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation," Brenna said.

"All right," Loki agreed and he called it up on his phone.

Halfway through the movie, the midget matchmakers fell asleep, with Brenna leaning against Loki and Loki sleeping against the couch, his phone in his lap.

An hour later, two happy couples came to share their good news with the children. only to find them deeply asleep, looking angelically innocent in repose. For a moment, all the gods and goddesses did was stare at the children with identical silly grins on their faces.

"Those two will be together forever." Idunn said and smiled.

"Of that I have no doubt," Morpheus murmured. "They walk each other's dreams unknowing."

hey do?" Odin sounded surprised. "Brenna I knew is a Dreamwalker, but Loki?"

"It's a strange thing, but he can do it also, although he only seems to wish to be in her dreams."

"Should we start praying for Asgardia now?" Odin laughed.

"Among the Vanir it is said the best marriages begin with friendship first," Freya remarked.

"Then let us pray they remain friends forever," Odin said.

"We ought to put them to bed, Dream," Idunn said to her beloved. "They will get cricks in their necks sleeping that way."

Freya looked at Odin holding Loki close and thought what a touching scene that made. "Odin, let's put him in some sleepwear," she said and waved a hand. Loki's clothes were transformed into his favorite green sleep tunic and socks.

"Of course. We can't have them be uncomfortable." He laughed and turned Brenna's clothes into a lovely flannel nightgown.

"Thank you, Odin," Morpheus said. He carried Brenna to her bed, which Idunn had turned down and plumped up the pillows.

The God of Dreams gently tucked his daughter in bed, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Good night, sleep tight, sweet dreams only tonight."

"No nightmare would dare plague her," Idunn said, and she jerked her head towards a corner of the room, where a certain shadow wearing jeans, a white shirt, and sunglasses stood.

Odin carefully put Loki in bed, for his son was a light sleeper. As he tucked the covers up around him, he said to the Corinthian, "You will stay all night like that?"

"It's not a problem. I don't need sleep," the Corinthian answered.

"They are safe here, you don't need to-" Freya began.

"I know but I want to," he replied. "If it's okay with you, Boss?"

"It's fine," Morpheus replied, waving a hand. "And thank you."

"Ahem! Don't thank me, Boss. I kind of like the little scamps." The Corinthian admitted with a small cough. "But you never heard anything like that."

Freya picked up Glimmer and put the kitten by Brenna. Glimmer curled up on her chest, purring sleepily.

Idunn put Thori on Loki's bed and the hellhound curled up by the boy's feet.

Then they slipped silently from the room like wraiths. Until Morpheus turned and waved a hand. Sparkling dream sand drifted down over the sleeping occupants.

"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

And so it came to pass in Asgardia that two lonely children discovered the best gift of all that Yule season, one that did not come in a box or a bag or from a store, but from the heart. It was a gift that would continue to grow and bloom throughout the years, steadfast and true, until it became something more.

The Dreaming:

Years pass, and a young woman wearing a gold dress with roses on the skirt, petite with her dark hair piled on her head to give the illusion of height, her heart shaped face gazing hopefully towards the line of trees, stood in the snow. She turned, seeing a tall man in green and gold armor with flyaway ebony hair ride toward her on a black stallion. His smile bloomed, and she waved a gloved hand at him.

"Loki! You are back from Jotunheim early!" Brenna said, running to hug her friend.

"I know, because I had to ask you something important, Brenna." He replied, dismounting to kneel before her.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her face filled with worry. He fumbled in his pocket, taking out a small ring set with frost opals.

"Many years ago, we promised at Christmas to be friends for all time. Would you, on this Christmas, promise to be my wife?" He asked, a slight bobble in his speech.

She gasped at him. Her face showed nothing but shock, and then a smile bloomed on her face.

"Of course... Yes!" Brenna said, wrapping her arms around her closest friend and kissing him.

"I should say yuck to a girl kissing me." He laughed, both of them laying in the snow.

"If you do, I will refuse to marry you." She returned and their laughter mingled as the gentle flakes fell from above.

They stuck out their tongues and caught the snowflakes, grinning, then they turned as if by mutual unspoken agreement and their lips met in a kiss that should have melted the snow around them into steam.

When she could speak again, Brenna pushed up on one elbow, and looking deeply into Loki's evergreen eyes, said, "Today I marry my best friend forever. I love you, Loki."

"As I love you, Brenna," he murmured. "Forever, darling."

She smiled, hugging close to him and laughing.


As the sun rose, it gently touched the faces of the sleeping children, waking them from their beautiful dream.

Brenna stretched, yawning. She looked over at Loki and giggled, recalling her grown self kissing him.

Just then, Loki also woke, and sat up, blinking. "Morning, Brenna."

"Morning," she said. "Loki, I had the strangest dream. I dreamed that we were—"

"Getting married," he finished.

"How did you know?"

"Because I had the same dream," he answered.

"Weird." Brenna said. "Not in a bad way though."

"No. Then you don't mind that someday we might get married?"

She shook her head. "No. But someday's a long way away."

Brenna looked down and saw her Best Friend's gold half circle glinting upon her nightgown. She gave a happy grin.

"It wouldn't be so bad to marry you." She said and shrugged.

"At least you know who you're marrying," he chuckled.

"My BFF," she said, and they placed the two halves of their pendants together.

They looked at each other and smirked identically.

"Now-let's go make some mischief!" Loki declared, and they giggled together, their laughter rising into the air in a joyous refrain.

The End