(Hi this is my first ever fanfict story so please be nice. This is a HG SS story starting from just after the war is finished. Hopefully I wont get bored and stop writing this. So as this is my first story and I do intend it to be M rated, its not going to be just smut, I like my story line with a side of smut.)


without further ado... please enjoy this first chapter.

CHAPTER ONE: Back from the dead.

He's dead isn't he?" A familiar voice proclaimed. "It seems it professor..." a gruff voice replied. Footsteps still lingered around the limp body of one misunderstood Severus Snape.

"Hagrid" the voice paused, "please take him to the outskirts of the grounds, where I shall have a ponder on what to do with him. It was never Severus' style to have anything grand..."

Hagrid nodded his head gently, and waited a few seconds until he replied in a reflective way, " I guess he died a hero didn't he professor?"

"Yes. Yes, he did, I suppose... And that's headmistress now Rubius." She stated calmly.

"Oh, sorry headmistress " Hagrid grunted.

He gently picked up the bag of robes and bones that was the much feared, ex headmaster, Severus Snape.

As Hagrid began carrying snapes body out of the shrieking shack, he could hear a crack from where the new head teacher had been standing. As she apperated away causing a small but sharp gust of wind to touch the weiry half giant as he carried his colleague towards the castle.

Hagrid trudged slowly.

He was tired.

Granted, I suppose anyone would be, after what Hagrid had to endure only a few hours ago.

As he held Severus' body with his giant hands, he noticed something that caught him entirely off guard. That subsequently almost lead to him dropping the body in shock! He peered down, exspecting to see the blank expressionless face of Snape. However he was in for a big surprise, as he did not see such a thing at all... What he saw was Snape with his eyes open, staring at him!

Although on second thoughts it was weak stare, however he was alive!

"MERLINS BEARD!" Gasped Hagrid, now taking extra care to not drop him now THAT HE WAS ALIVE!

"Help me."

Snape weakly but coldly gasped...

McGonagall was pacing back and forth in the remainders of the once loved great hall. Checking on all the students, after all, they were all now her responsibility. It was indeed a mammoth task that she had ahead of her, as a great deal of the professors had injuries themselves, so not many of them were able to help. With all her pandering around the room, she did not notice the great half giant padding towards her, with a terribly shocked look plastered on his face.

" Hagrid! I told you to take the..."

"Minerva! He's alive!" He panted.

She stopped in her tracks.

"While I was on my way to the grounds, he suddenly woke like he was in deep sleep, then went still again, but I'm pretty sure he is breathing!"

"Right. Ok. Hagrid. Hospital wing. Now."

She didn't know what to do. Severus snape was still alive.