(Here is one last little bit just incase you wanted to know about Mr Weasley... unfortunately due to this issue I am having I may re-upload this story. Enjoy :) and Thanks )


After his guilt made him admit his sins to his family and friends... Ron ran away.

He couldn't cope with the magnitude of shame that he had bought on himself.

He had betrayed everyone, and put his best friend in danger over one selfish thought. And he knew it.

So he ran and ran and never looked back. He needed to start a new but had no clue on where to go.

For a few months Ron stayed in Romania with his brother Charlie and learnt to become a dragon rider, something that Ron actually excelled at.

Ron then travelled around Europe for 2 years breeding different dragons and caring for them.

He eventually settled down in a little wizarding town in Italy, where he fell in love with a beautiful Italian woman, and then had Sage...

However when Sage Weasley became 2 years old his mother became seriously ill and 3 months later she died.

As Sage grew up Ron had a great deal of time to think... About how he was going to raise his child? Will his family ever accept him again? And mostly how he was going to finally talk to Hermione.

Only until sage was 11 he finally moved back to the English wizarding comunity. He eventually started building bridges with his parents, but he cirtainly found it difficult when he finally started to talk to Ginny and Harry. Well of course meeting Sage was a shock to them too. They eventually let him back in again.

Ron was exceptionally pleased when all of a sudden Sage recived his Hogwarts letter. He then finally made the decision on staying in England once again. Ron also had plans that after saying goodbye to Sage, that he would go to wherever Hermione and Snape resided and appologise, if she still was. After all theese years Ron had matured and when he found out that Hermione and Snape had a family, he wasn't angry, no upset. Sage had taught him that. Sage meant the world to him.

Although this plan, like many things in his life, did not go accordingly. When they arrived at platform nine and three quarters Sage was so excited, to get on the train, he shot off... And who did he bump into? Well he wasn't sure... until he saw the child's parents.

Ron knew he had to swallow his pride and take the plunge.

After an awkward talk at the leaky cauldron, they left as mutual aquatences and even shook Snapes hand...

At that moment in life Ron knew that he had now grown up.