Thyrm, the King of the Jotunheim giants

Shirogane stares at her sword, the one she usually swings about, stabbing and severing people's body parts. She either uses all types of swords but she finds the katana in her hand her favorite.

[Thyrm is a brute and weak. On a normal fight I'd erase him instantly but we're at a disadvantage right now]

"Hela, do you think I don't have anything to deal with the Giant King?"


"If I'm going to deal with a giant then I'd have to use the power of one"

[Huh? The power of one? Where the hell are you going to get one?]

"Not just any giant but a giant with a divine status close to the Vanir gods"

She sheathed her sword, looking clearly concerned despite her implication she might have an ace on her sleeve. Walking past the hallways of her own castle and teleporting to the most secure section of her domain, she stops at the empty corridor.

[Your vault where you keep your treasures and items?]


Even at the corridor, a four-legged beast with elongated limbs quietly growls while clinging to the concrete wall and ceiling, guarding even the passage to the vault. Of course Shirogane won't leave the area where her most important items are stored unsecured. Just before entering the sealed door she can easily open by reaching her out hand, she briefly looked left and right. A masked maid and butler standing still as if they're inanimate objects stand guard while the master of the castle enters by herself.

[Do you even have an item for that huge bastard?]

"I have the perfect item but I don't know how long I could wield since I'm not a full God" Shirogane stretches out her hand and activated a magical circle


A full set of blazing red armor and sword is displayed before her, shocking Hela who recognized the weapon.

[Surtr's sword?! The sword of the Fire giant King. The Giant who is almost a God by power and divinity]

"Mezakuchi was Surtr's old host before he got killed off. Before he got killed in real life, he left his armor and sword to me"

[The sword that pierced the earth and brought Ragnarok, huh. At least that's what's according to human legend. Ours is a bit different]

"How different?"

[Freyja's old man adopted me when my brothers got kicked out. Her parents were nice but Freyja was a complete bitch from the start]

It's clear how Hela hated Freyja just as much as Freyja hated her. She doesn't know what stemmed their hatred for each other but Shirogane doesn't want to be a part of it.

"Anyhow, Surtr's sword can kill Thyrm but to use that killing move, I have to use it at the right time since I can't use his sword throughout the whole fight"

[Just run at him and chuck that sword in his face]

"Like that's easy. I'm a player and he's a God. I may be immortal but he can kill me with a special weapon"

[Oh right. His axe can chop our head off. Since you don't have a full God status you'd die a permanent death]

"That's why I have to time this right..."

Looking at the full set of armor and the sword emitting heat even if not being used, Shirogane couldn't help but miss her old outspoken friend. Despite his eccentric behavior, Shirogane trusted him because of his honesty and good-nature, a trait rare back in the old world.


Outside of their bases, Ainz and Shirogane met in the forest. The curious undead rubbed his chin, curious at the sword Shirogane is holding. He had never seen the item before and from a single glance, the weapon is exclusive.

"Oh? What kind of weapon is that?"

"Surtr's sword. It's a sword that can instantly kill when pierced in the heart. Back in the game, a critical hit can instantly kill anyone regardless of the health and defense" Shirogane explained

"So an instant death from a basic attack. Let me examine it"


Shirogane handed over the sword to Ainz who examined the sword's properties.

"The sword that declared the end of the world. Rather, the Gods"

"Surtr was the one who brought Ragnarok so Odin didn't like him and his host" Shirogane shrugged her shoulders

"Are you sure you want to face Thrym alone? He will certainly not play fair"

"That idiot is an arrogant ass despite being weak. He knows I'm not a full God so he believes he can stomp me right off the bat"

"What if you get killed? Hela once said you're immortal but you can be killed by the exclusive weapons the Gods use"

"That's true" Shirogane touched her neck


"But I have another secret card of my own. Like the sword, it's temporary but unlike the sword I would only use it as a last resort"


As Ainz returns the sword, he worried that Shirogane will get killed by another player but she insisted on facing him alone.

"Do you want to watch the fight?"

"I'd observe it in case it doesn't go according to plan"

"I see..."

She smiled at undead Lord, Ainz not certain whether it's a trait of Hela or Shirogane as the two is somewhat similar.

The next day...

Shirogane arrived at the frozen mountain which is Thrym's castle, finding his taste for a territory to be poor and quite hassle. Then again, stamina is not a problem for Shiro who reached the mountain without feeling the slightest fatigue. On the top is a wide flat surface of ice and snow, an arena built just for this.

"You sure prepared all of this, huh"

Shirogane furrowed her eyebrows and spoke at the giant King in a disgusted tone. The ice giant King with a pair of long and pointy horns returned the same expression of disgust and utter resentment.

"Hahaha, so this is Hela's pet in personal. The one the Goddess of Death couldn't dominate"

Thyrm slammed his axe on the ground, laughing at the player fused with a Goddess, mocking Hela's lack of control in the body.

"Hela, you've become pathetic the moment you chose a pitiful human as your host. Not to mention I feel sorry for you that you can't even overtake her"

"Sorry but you're talking to Shirogane, the demon who will shove that axe into your skull!"

Shirogane pointed her sword, declaring what she will do to Thyrm by shouting at the top of her lungs. Before the duel begins, Ainz along with Sebas observes the battle through a special projected screen just near the mountain.

"Ainz-sama, that's the fearsome giant King you speak of?" Sebas focused his eyes on the frost giant with animalistic features

"Correct. That is the opponent Shirogane must face and defeat"

"Can a foe like that be defeated by her?"

"Are you saying she will lose, Sebas?"

"Forgive my rudeness, Ainz-sama. I didn't intend to say that"

"It's alright. In a battle, we all must assume we will lose and win"

"Of course Ainz-sama will always be the victor. None in this world can ever match your power"

Sebas knelt, confident and certain that there's no one Ainz could not hear as he is the strongest in the eyes of his floor guardians. While Ainz is unmatched in New World, only another player could prove a challenge to him. While Ainz continued observing, Shirogane prepares herself.

"To think my beloved Freyja was humiliated by a reject like Hela. Unbelievable!"

"Your ex-wife dumped you a long time ago, you know!"

"Be quiet!"

Shirogane insulted him by reminding him how Freyja left him a long time ago since she's annoyed at how she calls Freyja her "beloved" like they're still in love and married.

"Even my guard-dragon Fafnir laughed at how you got dumped because your pathetic!"

After the second insult, Thyrm swung his axe with great force that he created a shockwave of freezing winds. Even without being a full God, Shirogane is highly resistant to ice due to Nilfheim and Helheim.


She rushed towards the frost giant King, her katana meeting his axe. Thyrm furiously pushes Shirogane back who didn't lose her balance despite the force used to knock her away. Again, she tried again but by trying to stab him but he blocked the stopped her by blocking the tip of the sword with her palm.


Thyrm is only caught off guard when Shirogane's sword pierced right through her his hand and slid downward, cutting right through his forearm. Despite being at least twelve feet tall, the frost giant quickly jumped back as portion of her arm was split unevenly. Shirogane landed a blow but such wounds is trivial as his flesh reconnected, his arm sewed itself back together.

"You pierced my arm? How?"

"It took me about three tries to attack you to know this ain't working out for Shirogane"

Shirogane's tone changed and the right portion of her hair turning black as she swept it backwards. Then dark markings appeared on the right side of the face as well.

"Hela. You've managed to come out partially. Hahahaha, still pathetic!"

Even if Hela managed to be the one in front talking and fighting to Thyrm, he laughed at her since she can't be in full control due to unknown reasons.

"You can't kill me in that state, Hela!"

"Who says I'm going to kill you instantly? I'll cut you from head to toe and hang you sorry corpse for Freyja to see for herself!"

Hela released magical energy, the power of the Goddess of the dead made Thyrm take a step back, shocking him to why his body felt fear even if he is "stronger" than a prisoned God.

"Let me tell you something, Thyrm. Just because I've become weaker doesn't mean you've become stronger! Don't overestimate yourself, dumbass!"

Hela leaped at full speed that the giant King couldn't react in time when Hela swung her sword and pushed back Thyrm.

"Don't overestimate yourself, child!"

Furious, she grabbed Hela and tossed with all his might, slamming her against the thick ice wall. Before she could recover, he swung his axe right in front of her, aiming for the neck but Hela caught the axe by the tip.

"You're forgetting something, I'm the third strongest for a goddamn reason! And you're at the bottom for a goddamn reason as well!"

Seeing how a partially released Hela is suddenly overpowering him, Thyrm decided to unleash his power as well. His face grew more animalistic, his head resembling a sabertooth with a pair of fully grown fangs. He protruded spikes of ice on his back and armor of pure ice protecting certain parts of his body.

"I am the King of Giants who managed to take the legendary Mjolnir from the foolish Thor!"

"You are a King but I am a Goddess. You're not born from a God so you're just fake one. At least my old man is a God!"

"Your mother was a bitch for giving birth to an abomination like you!"

Furious that her mother was insulted, Hela aimed for the head only to be slammed by a swipe of his hand but Hela prevented herself from being thrown to a wall by blocking with her arm and shoulder though it took strength to defend herself.


Before she could recover, Thyrm charged at full speed and impaled Hela with mammoth like tusks serving as a pair of horns on top of his head. He gored the unreleased Goddess, piercing right through her abdomen and sending her flying like flicking off trash.

"Fuck I felt that"

Hela spat out blood while the blood spills out of her pierced abdomen. She can't die from normal attacks but she's not fully used to the pain since she's still using Shirogane's body and not her own. She stands up while her open sound regenerates but Thyrm swings down his axe, the tip slowly cutting down the shoulder and only held back by Hela desperately pushing it away.

"If we're going all out then I have no choice, huh"

Bela is forced to release a bit more of power, her right eye's sclera turning black but blood closed out of the eye. She is putting too much strain on Shirogane's body but she didn't forget on the limit.

"Shirogane, this will hurt a lot by the time you wake up but bear with me a little longer"

Hela grabbed a piece of gem from the inside of her pocket and broke it, unleashing Surtr's armor and sword.

"Surtr's - so you're the one he gave it to"

The giant King backed away, fearful of the flaming sword the fire giant is known for.

(Five minutes. That's the amount of time I can use this weapon and the amount of Shirogane can last)

Without a moment to waste, Hela charged forward screaming and forced Thyrm to be on the defensive as Hela furiously swings her sword. With each swing, Thyrm noticed pieces of his armor breaking, the flaming sword nullifying and shattering his "unbreakable" ice.

"Just die already so I can murder Freyja next!"

The axe made out of pure ice and the sword of eternal flames clashed, two contrasting elements trying to overtake the other.

"The end of flames..."

Straining the body further, Hela pushed Thyrm again and as he staggered back, Hela severed his hand, missing the left one where he is holding his axe.


Hela failed to swing the second time when she felt a rush of pain, making her vomit blood and both of her eyes bleeding now. Unleashing a portion of her "divinity" is damaging Shirogane's body that she is careful not to overtake.

(Shit! Shirogane!)

Within the consciousness, Hela sensed Shirogane being consumed by her darkness and by her power. She knew is Shirogane is fully consumed, she might not be able to retrieve her so she is forced to prevent herself from releasing more power.

"You reached your limit now, Loki's bastard child!"

Even with the blood on her eyes and mouth, Hela chops off one his leg, forcing him to kneel and cancel his swing. Before she could reach her limit, Hela swings the flaming sword with all strength in her body, screaming as she tries to dig the blade into the giant's neck but he is persistent.

"I am the King...of Jotunheim. A bastard you...will not take me down!"

"Just fucking die like the shit-ass that you are!"

Using both of her hands, Hela endured her hands and forearms being burned as she unleashes more of the sword's power over flames.

"Take this as payback for killing my friend!" Shirogane furiously yelled

"I should have killed you when you were nothing but a mere human woman"

The sword then went through, separating the head from the body. The head flew somewhere and before it disintegrates, Thyrm has a few words to say.

"Haha...hahaha...I wish I could see the could learn the truth...about the previous vessel..."

Thyrm maniacally laughed with eyes widened with sadistic excitement. When the head burned away and disintegrated, the body is slowly reduced to ash like the aftermath of a fire that consumed everything.

"The previous vessel, huh"

As the armor and sword disappeared, Shirogane almost fell to the ground, coughing out blood when Hela strained her body too much.

"That went well better than I thought..." Shirogane sighed

[You look like shit]

"You used too much power...more than I can handle"

[Either that or we both like little shits]

"That's true..."

Exhausted and feeling like she's about to collapse, Shirogane grabbed Thyrm's gem which was on his chest but didn't disappear along with his body. Before he could leave, Thyrm's giant general and soldiers surrounded her.

"For fuck's sake..."

"His majesty fell and so we will avenge him!" The giant with a sash and shoulder place declared

"Ah damn it..."

Shirogane lowered her head for a few seconds, just wanting to lie down but Thyrm's Giants are blocking her. She only raised her head when she heard their screaming before their collapsing.

"Surprisingly, they didn't choose to attack you during the battle"

Ainz appeared before her and immediately killed all the giant's while Shirogane is thinking how she just wanted some rest after getting horribly beaten up.

"Thanks for saving me the effort..." Shirogane greeted Ainz with a smile

"Your wounds will regenerate quickly, right?"

"It will. I just need a bed to lie down and take a nap. Hela overdid a bit"

"The battle ended faster than I expected. Was be really that weak?"

"His host was weak so he was weakened himself. Gods need compatible vessels to be able to use our full strength" Shirogane quickly switched to Hela


"Shirogane passed out so I took over"

"I see. In that case, I want to ask about Thyrm's last words..."

Hela imme became serious as that topic is sensitive to her for a reason but she knew Ainz would bring it up since he was watching the fight.

"I can't tell Shirogane just yet but I will tell you since after this battle, there will be no time to play around"

"So you are hiding something" Ainz suspected it

"Yeah. I'm not the honest and open type. Besides, this isn't something Shirogane should know just yet"

"What was he talking about?"

Ainz immediately ask while Hela is still in control and Shirogane currently unconscious.

"How about I talk about my old life over a drink? I haven't told you who I was before I met Shirogane"

"Perhaps after Shirogane recovers"

"Yeah. You're right. I'll be heading home for a while..."

Shirogane opens a portal using the Gate spell and limped herself through while Ainz quietly watches the Goddess drags away her vessel's wounded body.

"Hela, I wonder who was the previous host he was talking about..."

Ainz clearly heard those words before Thyrm disappears and wondered how is the previous vessel connected to Shirogane who he saw as clueless to what he meant when Thyrm said that.