Beth can feel Daryl's ragged breath searing across her neck as he pins her against the wall, his broad chest covering her back and blasting her with heat, one hand still fisted in her pony tail, the other curling around her waist, crushing her against him.

He looks wrecked, and they haven't even started. His eyes are dark, pupils blown, hair wild from where she's dragged her hands through it. She's never felt so wanted, so desired as she does under his heated gaze. He's looking at her like she's his entire world, and she never wants him to stop looking at her like that.

"I need you inside me." She'd practically begged, her voice drenched in raw need.

His eyes had flared at that like she'd set him aflame. She could feel the heat of them running down her spine. Then he'd moaned - a desperate, wild sound that echoed her need and almost brought her to her knees.

She'd meant it. Whatever he wants, her body is screaming out for him. For him to mark her, fill her, claim her as his. He makes her feel irreplaceable. When he says she's his, she knows he means for the rest of their lives, however short that might be.

It shakes her to the core, knowing that no-one can take her place, that she can give Daryl something that nobody else ever has, or ever will. When he looks at her and she sees it in his eyes that he wants her, and not just her body, although he certainly wants that.

"Please, Daryl," she moans, halfway to undone as her eyes lock with his and they burn dark with promise.

"What do you want?" He murmurs, his voice tight like he's finding it hard to breathe, as he starts to mouth at her throat. A shiver runs down her spine and straight to her clit as she feels his teeth gently close over her pulse point.

She swallows hard, shivering again as he moves to the soft underside of her jaw, and she feels his scruff drag across her neck. She throws her head back against his shoulder and moans as he sucks on the side of her neck, hard enough to bruise. Arousal shoots down her spine and lands in her pussy, drenching her panties and trickling down the inside of her thighs.

"I want you to fuck me" she whispers, the words coming out all in a rush. Her voice comes out husky and adult, surprising them both.

Daryl moans against her neck and she feels the vibrations across her cunt as clearly as if his head was between her legs. He draws in a long and shaky breath, his chest expanding against her back. Her breath quickly falls in rhythm with the rise and fall of his chest.

"Where?" He asks, his voice low and rough, his hot breath wet against her ear.

Jesus Christ. She thinks she might faint. Her heart is beating too fast in her chest. Beth swallows, distracted by Daryl's proximity as much as by his question. She feels dizzy, her head swimming with the possibilities.

" Anywhere. Everywhere."

The sound that comes out of Beth's mouth is almost a sob as she feels how much she needs him. She thinks she sees that same need in Daryl's eyes. No. She knows she does. His breath pours out of him in a hot wave scraping its way across her bared throat.

"Beth" He growls, her name coming out somewhere between a warning and a plea.

Beth's head rolls to the side, exposing more of her neck, a moan falling from her lips as Daryl's low rumble vibrates through her back. He leans in close, pressing a hot kiss beneath her ear.

He hungrily mouths his way down her neck, devouring the expanse of skin with open mouthed kisses. Beth's breathing comes out in ragged pants, pleasure vibrating down her spine with each press of his lips, all the way down to her pulsing clit under her already soaked panties.

Suddenly she feels his large, hot palms landing on her waist and sliding down to her hips before they tighten and she's spinning in place.

Her eyes lock with his and all of the breath rushes out of her. His focused gaze sears into her soul as he holds her face with both hands and brings her mouth to his. He kisses her deeply but this time it isn't rough. This time his lips are tender as they cover hers and his hands are gentle as they cup her face. His mouth opens over hers and engulfs her lips in a hot wet heat and just holds, pressing them together. There's a reverence in his touch as though she's something sacred, each time he handles her it feels like an act of worship.

When he releases her mouth he leans his forehead against hers, meeting her eyes where they're pressed together so tightly, the rest of the world completely forgotten.

"Wanna see your face," he whispers, thumb grazing her cheekbone.

Beth's heart aches, her stomach flutters as he looks at her with so much affection it threatens to swallow her whole. He looks like he wants to say something but the words are caught in his throat as he starts to chew on his bottom lip.

He doesn't need to. She hears him. She hears him so loud and clear he might as well be shouting in her face.

She leans forward and closes the space between them, capturing his mouth in hers. His eyes flutter closed as their mouths begin to move more urgently, her tongue runs across the back of his teeth and he pushes forward in response, pushing her back against the wall.

As she kisses him her hands reach down to her belt, they're steady as she unfastens the buckle and pops the button quickly.

Her mouth only leaves his when she moves to push her jeans down her thighs as she toes off her boots. Daryl dips his head to reclaim her mouth, a little more fiercely as she tugs her legs free of the denim and his hot, rough palm slides down the small of her back to her bare ass.

He growls into her mouth as his fingers grab and squeeze her freshly uncovered skin feverishly, pulling her closer while simultaneously pushing her back into the wall. She puts her free hands into his hair and deepens the kiss, sucking his tongue as it pushes past her lips.

His hand reaches around to push her legs apart and slide between them. His fingers glide through her wetness easily and she gasps as his rough fingertips trace her lips. She sucks in another sharp inhale as his fingertips carry on running through her wetness past her lips to stroke across the rim of her asshole.

Daryl hums, burying his face in her neck as he glides back to coat his fingers in her wetness before returning to circle her hole with the tip of his index finger. He presses, gently testing the give of the muscle before slowly pushing the tip inside.

Beth moans through gritted teeth, arching her back away from the wall as he enters her.

Daryl pushes forward with agonising slowness until he's knuckle deep and then exhales, a hot stream of air blasting across her shoulder.

Beth squirms, pushing herself down, seeking more of him, feeling her tight hole expand around his thick finger.

He starts to mouth at her neck, gently pulling his finger out before thrusting it back in all the way.

Beth moans again, arching into his big, hot hand, pushing him deeper inside her and rubbing her chest against his. Her nipples are hard with arousal and the sensitive peaks graze his hot chest through the thin fabric of his shirt.

Daryl growls deep in the back of his throat, the vibrations against the sensitive skin of her neck making her whole body shiver and her hole clench around him. He starts to move his finger in and out while he grinds his palm against her clit.

Beth's hips rock forward of their own volition and blinding pleasure sends another tremor cascading down her spine. She hums low and throaty, her eyes fluttering closed, giving her a touch of relief before the tension starts to mount again and her body cries out for more.

"This ok?" He whispers, mouthing the words against her neck.

She swallows, drawing in a deep shuddering breath as his palm massages her clit and his index finger continues to slowly finger her ass, sensations ricocheting across her pelvis.

"Yeah," she breathes, "It's good, so good, Daryl."

He huffs a laugh and she feels his smile against her throat.

"You're still full of surprises, girl" he murmurs, then pulls his finger out, gliding it through her wetness before pushing two fingers back in to the knuckle.

Beth gasps, her muscle stretching around him with a twinge of pain as he pushes inside, Daryl's fingers pressing against something that makes the heat in her spine flare outward and cover every part of her body.

"I'm gonna fuck you here," he promises, murmuring against the hollow of her throat, "Gonna drag you back to our place an' fuck you here."

Beth's legs tremble as all of a sudden her orgasm hits her right between the eyes, her entire body tensing as blinding pleasure crashes through her like a wave. She lets out a high pitched moan as her head flies backwards, hitting the wall with a thud.

And then he's gone. Daryl releases her and steps away. Beth nearly collapses without his body there to hold her up. She turns her head to stare at him, mouth gaping as she gulps in air, legs trembling beneath her.

"I – I can't wait anymore," Daryl gasps, staring back at her, almost in awe, his gaze heavy lidded and threatening to set her aflame with its intensity.

Beth's eyes widen as his hands tear desperately at his belt. Beth watches him do it, her eyes greedily taking in his strong shoulders, his muscled arms as they jerkily tense and flex with his hurried movements. Daryl isn't wearing underwear and Beth's mouth goes dry when she sees his cock in his hand, hard and thick.

She feels the cold stone against her shoulders and his hot palms under her thighs as he lifts her and then her breath is ripped from her body as he plunges inside her, nailing her to the wall with the force of his cock thrusting into her wet pussy.

He feels huge, almost painfully big, as he presses past her entrance, her slick helping him to glide inside her pussy walls as they stretch around him. A shudder ricochets up her spine as his cock brushes past something behind her overstimulated clit.

"Fuck" Daryl chokes, his breath fluttering out in uneven pants as his fingers tighten and tremble on her thighs, "Fuck, Beth."

He sounds almost pained, and when her eyes lift to meet his she feels her stomach somersault as she watches the relief wash over his face. The tension in his brow melts away and his pupils expand further until his eyes look black.

Seeing how affected he is, watching his need met as he draws back and thrusts back inside her, drawn to her like she's the sun, she feels a great wave of arousal threaten to render her senseless.

She bites down on her lip hard; both to suppress a moan and drag herself back from the brink.

"No" Daryl growls, and he tightens his grip on her, hard enough to hurt, hard enough to make her eyes widen and fly up to his, "Don't you dare keep quiet."

Her eyes flutter shut as he pounds back into her, punching a gasp from her lungs. She feels his mouth peppering open mouth kisses down her neck and can't help the low moan that spills from her lips.

His hips snap with a feverish pace, hammering her into the wall with each thrust. He continues to kiss her neck with reverent softness as he brutally fucks into her with the same unrelenting intensity.

It takes her a moment to realise that there are words coming out of his mouth between the harsh pants stroking her neck. She tries to steady her own gasping breaths as she wraps a hand around his neck and pulls him up so that his lips are brushing her ear as they move.

"Hate when other men look at ya... can't stand seein' their hands on ya," he rumbles and the corners of her mouth twitch as she hears the scowl in his voice. His hands roam her body like they're trying to commit her to memory, stroking and grasping every inch of her within reach.

"I need ya, Beth" he says, and there's a desperation in his voice that makes her heart bleed and her pussy walls flutter around his driving cock, eliciting a frenzied cry from her throat.

He has her, in every way she can be had. She's his until her heart stops beating. Can't he see that? It's written all over her face. Does she really need to spell it out for him?

"God, Daryl, I'm yours." She moans, wrapping her arms around his neck.

As he pulls back, she slides down the wall and he slips out of her. There's just a moment for her to whimper at the loss of him before his rough hands reach under her ass and haul her up before he's plunging back between her thighs.

Beth shrieks as Daryl's cock slides through her slick pussy lips, catches on her rim and thrusts half way inside her ass. A jolt of pain burns through her muscle as it stretches and splits around his thick, pulsing head, her nails digging into his vest and leaving little crescent moons in the leather.

"Shit, Beth, 'm sorry," Daryl hisses.

His whole body tenses as he draws back to look at her guiltily, his eyes drowning in panic.

Beth feels as he starts to gingerly pull out of her, but her hand that comes to rest firmly on his ass stops him nicely.

"No, don't stop," she says. When she reaches down to cup Daryl's ass, her hold is almost soothing.

He tilts his head back, locking eyes with Beth, fixing her with a searching gaze. Beth lets her eyes run across the thick muscles of Daryl's throat, watches the strong pumping of his pulse, before looking him in the eyes again.

"I don't wanna hurt ya" Daryl rasps, he's stiff as a board and when he looks Beth in the eye he actually looks scared.

"You're not," Beth whispers, pulling him down by the hair and kissing him.

Trembling, Daryl pushes back inside her before drawing back with torturous slowness, and then he starts to move his hips in careful, shallow thrusts. Beth arches into the stretch and the heat of him spreads through her, she wraps her arms around his neck as he presses his forehead to her neck and takes in short, gulping gasps.

She can tell by the gentleness of his thrusts that he's holding himself back, still scared of hurting her. Her heart swells a little at that. All the bruises and the spanking, it's all a game, a show to get her off because as soon as there's even the smallest suggestion that he might actually cause her pain she can feel the anxiety coming off of him in waves.

After taking a moment to adjust she rocks her hips forward, using her hands on his shoulders to angle herself and sink down onto his cock until he's buried inside her. Daryl makes a strangled sound against her shoulder.

"Jesus fucking Christ girl."

The initial sting of pain she feels blurs into pleasure as he starts to move and he fills her, the fullness satisfying an ache in her chest.

He starts to snap his hips faster, harder, almost desperately, groaning loudly and burying his head in her shoulder as he continues to thrust, pounding her against the wall as she tangles her hands in his hair and pulls just enough to hurt. When he bites down on her shoulder and she feels the pain in the press of his teeth, knows the bruises they must leave - it sends her screaming over the edge.

She comes hard, spikes of hot pleasure burning their way up her spine and she clings to Daryl as she feels her body turn to molten liquid.

There's a beat and then Daryl barks out a grunt and begins to gush inside her, she feels the heat spreading as his thrusts stutter to a stop and he collapses against her, crushing her into the wall. She can barely breathe from where she's trapped between him and the wall, and he's not much better as he gasps for breath against her collarbone.

Daryl's arms are shaking as he lowers Beth down to stand on her own wobbly legs. One hand stays cupped lazily over her ass while the other comes up to hold her neck, his huge palm spanning the length and his thumb stroking the corner of her mouth.

Her entire body is thrumming with the aftershocks of her orgasms as her blood pumps around her body too fast and she feels Daryl's cum trickling down between her thighs. She feels another deeper wave of satisfaction knowing that he's cum inside her and a part of him will remain inside her even when they leave the roof top. She purposely redirects her thoughts back to right now, not wanting to think too hard on what she really craves, deep down.

She can feel his chest expand against hers where they stand pressed together, breathing heavily, reluctant to part. Beth lifts her head, eyes locking with Daryl's as she finds him studying her face. He's got that look again, like he wants to say something, but the words are stuck.

She smiles up at him, unable to fight the stupid grin that spreads across her face. Her body sings with a happy post orgasm high, even as her legs still tremble and her ass aches.

"You ok?" She asks softly.

He snorts. "I should be asking you that" he says, as his hand starts to gently stroke up and down her ass.

"Daryl..." She holds his gaze a moment, searching his face. She won't push him, but there's something lurking just under the surface; she can feel it like a stray eyelash in her eye.

Ocean blue eyes stare back at her, and right now they're raging.

He bites his lip as though chewing over what he's going to say, the hand on her ass still absently stroking back and forth, while the hand on her neck becomes comforting in its stillness.

"You're mine, aren't ya?" Daryl asks, finally, and she doesn't miss the slight tremble in his voice or the uncertainty in his gaze.

"Yes" she answers instantly, her eyes softening as he visibly relaxes at the word, his eyes becoming a calmer blue, "Completely," she adds, stretching the syllables for emphasis.

He hums in acknowledgement, stroking her cheek softly, his eyes pooling with care, and affection and dark rivulets of lust. She thinks that she might drown in them.

"I never had anythin' I cared about before," He whispers, voice low like he's sharing a secret.

Beth thinks her heart might have stopped in her chest because it suddenly feels too tight. She could swear she sees Daryl's cheeks start to turn a little pink under her widening eyes as all she can do is stare back at him for a moment.

Before she realises what she's doing and without conscious thought, her hands reach up to cup Daryl's face, and she's leaning forward to kiss him, sighing as he licks across her lips before sliding his tongue inside her mouth. Beth slides her hands into his hair to pull him closer, deepening the kiss hungrily. Daryl's breath releases into her mouth and she takes the opportunity to slide her own tongue past his and into his mouth, moaning softly at his taste. Beth's mind goes blissfully quiet; it's hard to think at all when Daryl kisses her with his mouth that fits her like they were made for each other.