Chapter Twenty: Phase Two Prep and Valentines day

1400 Hours

February 14th, 2018

Herefordshire, England

Hereford Base, The Spire

Kade stood in front of his whiteboard, his eyebrows knitted together in deep concentration. The board was covered in pictures, scribbles and arrows pointing every which way. He was aware the end results of his planning often looked like evidence boards on cop shows but tried to not let it bother him too much. He had almost the whole team set, there was just one missing piece he couldn't seem to figure out. Thatcher's "social chameleon" comment had made Kade realize the other day that in the setting of Metropolitan college, that was exactly what he needed. Someone that would slip in and out. Unnoticed, unseen. Kade had no way of knowing how deep the White Mask had infiltrated his once beloved home, so having an operator who could infiltrate and provide valuable intel would be instrumental to their success. At the moment Caveira was a front runner. Though, the problem with assigning her that role was that she had such a powerful presence that the White Mask would likely notice her almost immediately; making her function there effectively useless. He was also heavily considering Alibi but she'd only recently joined the team. With how large the scope of the mission was, he wasn't sure he could trust her with such an important role. Yet. He nearly jumped out of his skin when two hands suddenly crept under his glasses and covered his eyes. He hadn't heard them at all. Was it Caveira? His heart began to pound. Not again.

"Might I have the pleasure of knowing who stands behind me? It's not often I'm hoodwinked so severely," Kade said carefully, his mind working rapidly in an effort to guess who was behind him.

"Not often is putting it lightly, Doctor Summers. I might one of the only people in the entire world who can." His heart immediately leapt with joy.

"Q!" he gasped, turning around as her hands receded. She was of average height and her visage was mostly hidden by a hood but Kade could see her smiling lips covered in black lipstick and the glint of her eyes. He embraced her tightly and she did the same. After a while they stepped back slightly, kissing each other's cheeks in standard Dutch fashion.

"It's Nokk now, actually. Your director told me as much. Said I might be needed for an upcoming operation," Nokk said, Kade shaking his head with mirth. Six was something else, to put it lightly. How did she know exactly what he'd needed without him even talking to her about it? "But of course, that doesn't mean you can stop calling me Q. I missed you, Kade." His smiled showed all his teeth.

"And I missed you my dear. We have so much catching up to do. First, however, I must give a debriefing of the upcoming operation. Care to sit in? You are the missing piece, after all," Kade said, motioning to a seat at his table. He went over to the bar and began the process of making coffee. "You still prefer decaf, two cream and sugar, yes?" Nokk nodded.

"I was worried you'd have changed after all this time. It appears I had nothing to worry about."

"Ah well I've gotten old while you were away, Q. Once you get where I am in life, you start to feel pretty comfortable in your own skin." Nokk snorted.

"Oh please, Kade. It hasn't been that long since we've seen each other. How are Robert and Anna? Your mother?" Kade only paused for a second making the coffee but it was a pause Nokk noticed nonetheless. "Kade? What's wrong?" The worry in her voice made Kade's heart break all over again. She had no idea. Kade brought her coffee over to the table then took a seat next to her.

"There's no easy way to say this, Q, but the White Mask attacked my home. Killed CJ, Benji and Ma. Eric managed to get Robbie, Anna and Mary out but just barely. There's nothing left. They razed it to the ground." A shudder seemed to travel through Nokk's body as she processed the information. Before Kade could say anything more she wrapped him in a fierce hug.

"Neuken Kade. I'm going to strangle my C.O for not telling me. I gave him clear instructions that if anything happened to you or Erik that I be notified immediately!" she said (translation: fuck), vehemence coated in her voice. Kade let out a chuckle, which made Nokk push him back to arm's length.

"Why are you laughing?!" she exclaimed.

"I'm assuming you didn't hear that Erik almost died in the last operation then, hm?" Kade could feel the anger radiating off her in waves. She took a careful, calm sip of her coffee before putting it down, standing up and pacing angrily, swearing viciously in Dutch. Kade held in his laughter despite the situation. Nokk was very protective of those she cared for. Similar to his relationship with Erik, Kade had been somewhat of a mentor to her in her early career. Over time their relationship had grown to resemble something closer to a father-daughter relationship, however. She'd been previously welcomed into the Summers household by Kade's mother as one of her own, which had fostered a deeper attachment between her and the Summers family almost immediately.

"We're holding a funeral service for them on the seventeenth. I'm glad you could be here for it, Q," Kade said, his tone forlorn. Nokk's body language reflected that of a person who was absolutely crestfallen.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here when you needed me, leraar,"(translation: teacher) she said, her voice heavy with emotion. Kade shook his head.

"Don't apologize, Q. Please. There's absolutely nothing you could have done. You had no way to know and no way to contact us. It's the life you chose and I understand that more than anyone. What we can do now is put all our effort into stopping these masked bastards." Kade could see Nokk physically tense up.

"Oh yes. I will be sure to put all my effort into burying them. Not a single one will escape my sight." Before Kade could speak again the door suddenly opened, his fellow operators flooding in. For this mission, he'd chosen Ela, Dokkaebi, Echo, Ying, Pulse, Maestro, Thatcher, Thermite and now Nokk completed the team. Thatcher nearly choked on the coffee he was carrying when he saw Nokk.

"For the love of queen and country, mate, do we have another spook?! I thought one was enough!" he exclaimed, making Kade chuckle.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce to you my good friend Nokk. She is a deep cover specialist and former member of the Jaeger Corps and will now lend her talents to Rainbow. I hope you all welcome her far more graciously than you did me. Let's all take a seat, shall we?" Ela was sure to grab a seat next to Nokk. Anyone who was connected to Kade's past more than sparked her interest. Though, before she could introduce herself, Kade began handing out his specialized battleplans, which Nokk seemed to absolutely absorb herself in. Her curiosity burned but she turned her attention to the documents. There was something far more important at stake here after all.

"Thank you all for coming. I'd like to preface this briefing with a few words. I know many of you are wondering why I'm heading this operation; after all I don't have the tenure here that a lot of you do. I know talk has been traveling around base about the importance of this mission and there is truth to it; this could be one of the most significant Rainbow team ops to date. It isn't because Six is playing favorites, we all know that title belongs to Charlie," Kade began, getting a chuckle out of most of the crew. "The reason is that I have firsthand experience with what you know as the Chimera Virus. Seventeen years ago my former place of work, Metropolitan college of New York, was attacked by an early trial of the bioweapon classified as the X-virus. It killed ninety-five. I was the only survivor." Thermite let out a soft whistle.

"I remember that. They called it the Metropolitan Massacre. Said in the papers it was a gas leak," he said. Kade nodded shortly.

"Mm. Yes, they didn't want to scare the public with a bio attack for which they had no answers for. Anyhow, I have the most experience both with this virus and Metropolitan itself so Six chose me for mission leader. Is that a problem for anyone here?" Kade asked. No one said a word. Pulse shifted in his seat.

"No problem with you leading, Doc. Results don't lie and you get shit done. But don't the White Mask have you and El locked?" Pulse said. Kade shook his head.

"Only briefly. We apprehended those who possessed intel on us during Operation Stakeout before they were able to send it out so we should be all clear on that front. That being said, our sudden arrival on campus will not go unnoticed so we'll need to work quickly and quietly."

"What exactly are the stakes?" Echo asked. Kade knew this was coming, especially from Echo. Echo was a confident operator, more confident than many gave him credit for. Being chosen for such an important operation no doubt stroked his ego.

"March first is the fifty-fourth anniversary of Metropolitan College's creation and there will be approximately five thousand people visiting between the two campuses. If the White Mask's bio attack is successful, keeping the effects of the Chimera virus in mind, this could be the worst bio attack in human history. There isn't enough of the cure in production to stem the tide if the infection breaks out so failure here is not an option. An outbreak could very well mean the fall of America as we know it. So, the stakes here are very high," Kade said, the gravity of the situation hitting most of the operators for the first time. Ela was one of the few who didn't look visibly surprised; she had the inside scoop after all.

"Bloody hell those are some stakes. Looks like you've got a plan though," Thatcher said, tapping his manila folder.

"Ah! I finally get to see the master planner at work!" Maestro exclaimed happily.

"Your specific roles are all outlined in the itinerary but I'll give a basic overview. We'll be arriving on the twenty-second and setting up a base of operations, which, Dokkaebi, Echo and Maestro will be running." Kade said, Maestro punching the air in victory. Dokkaebi and Echo smiled at each other. After a rocky and short relationship, the two operators had buried the hatchet and become good friends. They hadn't done a mission together in a while so it would be a good time to catch up. Kade turned to Pulse.

"Ever since the attack Metropolitan has upped their security tenfold. Some of your former friends from the FBI have taken up residence there so your connections should give us an advantage in identifying how deep the White Mask have embedded themselves within Metropolitan." Pulse nodded. Simple enough for him.

"Is it confirmed the White Mask are there?" Nokk asked.

"No. But the White Mask is the largest terrorist organization ever recorded and initial intel reports that they are likely embedded in nearly every major organization and government in the world. Also, taking into account that they've been planning this attack for years would suggest they have people on the inside to ensure success of their plan," Kade explained. There was no indication that she absorbed the information thanks to her hood but Ela had a feeling that she had.

"Okay that's all fine and dandy but why do you need me, Mike and Siu?" Thermite said. Kade gestured to the manila folder.

"If you turn to page four, you'll see that when they initiate their attack, they'll try to take control of the most strategic positions; those being the courtyard on the main campus, the security box and the main visiting hall. I've deduced that the main visiting hall is where they are most likely to set up their detonation devices. I decided that you three would be the most effective when seizing control of these sites when the time comes," Kade said, Thermite flicking through the pages as he nodded slowly. "Let me reiterate once more. This is likely one of the most important Rainbow initiative operations in recent memory. There is absolutely no room for error here. Go over your documents carefully and memorize every detail relevant to your role. Failure could very well mean the end of life as we know it." Kade let his words sink in for a few moments before opening his mouth for the last time. "Now, if no one has any questions, I need to finish making final preparations and buying plane tickets." No one indeed had questions so they all shuffled out until it was only Nokk, Ela and Kade.

"Why is she still here?" Nokk asked, seeming entirely uninterested in Ela's presence. Ela raised her eyebrow starchily and was about to open her mouth before Kade caught her eye and shook his head.

"This, Q, is my partner, Elzbieta Bosak. Um, my romantic partner, I should clarify," Kade introduced, something immediately changing in the air. Nokk almost froze, looking slowly between Kade and Ela.

" finally found someone? Ha! And Erik said you never would! I knew he was wrong!" she exclaimed, her excited tone seeming not to fit her in the slightest. She ran over and hugged Kade, kissing him on the cheeks twice. Ela would've immediately bristled with jealousy had she not heard the Dutch accent in the woman's voice. She then darted over to Ela, vigorously shaking her hand,

"You can call me Nokk, Elzbieta. It is such a pleasure to meet you. You have no idea how much this news excites me," she said passionately, Ela still unable to see her eyes from underneath the hood. Ela smiled.

"I'm glad to hear it, Nokk. No need to be formal, you can call me Ela. Though, I am curious as to why Kade calls you Q," Ela said, glancing between the two operators. Kade made a noise,

"Ah! Right, that does seem strange to you, as it would most. Back when Erik, Q and I worked on the field together, I always had her written down in my battle plans as "Q" for quiet. I started addressing her by the moniker on and off the battlefield until it stuck," he explained. Ela nodded in understanding. She wanted to know more. The door to the spire opened once again, this time revealing Maverick with flowers in one hand and whiskey in the other.

"Hey, baby. If I knew you were coming I would've got the champagne you like, but whiskey will have to do," Maverick said, a big grin on his face. Nokk's painted black lips curved in a smile. She strode up to him and grabbed him by his shirt collar, giving him a deep, passionate kiss.

"Missed you, Eri. Seems like we have a lot of catching up to do, hm?" she said. Her voice was filled with love and affection and it was very clear to Ela then what kind of relationship she shared with both Erik and Kade. Erik, her lover. Kade, her mentor and teacher, similar to Erik's connection with him in a way.

"And just in time for Valentine's day too. Ah! The romantics! Crack open that whiskey, Erik, it's time to reminisce," Kade said. Ela's excitement grew. More stories about Kade's past? Yes please.

After nearly two hours Nokk had demanded Kade pull out the mission reports from his most recent operations; much to Ela's delight. At least someone else recognized how reckless he had been as of late.

"Jesus, Kade! This is furthest from what I'd describe as taking it easy. You nearly overdosed in your last mission you dwaas," (translation: fool) Nokk said as she rifled through the reports. Kade shrugged,

"The risk I took were necessary. You know I wouldn't do things like that if it weren't vital to the mission," Kade said, just as unapologetic as he'd been when others had attempted to broach the topic.

"I didn't know you almost OD'd. That's some wild shit, man," was all Maverick said, deciding to be neutral in the discussion. Nokk glanced at him, no doubt some sort of spiteful glare hid under her hood.

"I will not let you do crazy things like this for the next mission," Nokk said resolutely. Kade gave her a withering look and crossed his arms.

"Well I'm the mission leader so I'm not exactly sure how you plan to do that." Nokk's raven-black lips twisted into a smile.

"Easy, my leraar. I will team up with Ela. Use your weakness against you just as you have taught me." (translation: teacher) Kade grimaced.

"Hm. Yes, I suppose you would do that, wouldn't you? Either way, let us drop the subject for now, yes? What's done is done." Kade lit a cigarette as Maverick poured another glass of whiskey. Nokk moved her lips to speak once more but stopped. After a moment, they moved again.

"Oh. Today is Valentine's day, is it not?" Ela and Kade glanced at each other, as if to test if the other one had remembered. Kade winked at her. She winked back. They'd already made plans. Maverick grinned.

"Huh. Maybe we'll have to go out and get that champagne you like after all," he said, his eyes on Nokk. She mirrored his expression in a more subdued way. Those who knew her and had gazed upon her unobscured face knew her eyes were most likely glittering with anticipation.

"I like how you think, Erik. How long has it been since all three of us have been together like this?" she said. Kade chuckled,

"When my hair wasn't beginning to gray, I imagine." Maverick snorted.

"You were funnier then, too." Kade punched his arm playfully. Nokk appeared thoughtful.

"I think you were quicker with your jokes," the Dutch woman said, making Kade throw up his hands in defeat.

"Fine, fine my age clearly shows in more than a few ways, can we move on please?" he said, unable to hide a smile. Ela noticed Maverick and those connected to his past always had that effect on him.

"I will say he is young in some other ways," Ela said, a playful glimmer in her eye. Maverick burst out laughing while Nokk covered her mouth, a soft chuckling could be heard from under it. Kade leaned back, an embarrassed smile and healthy blush decorating his face. Ela's enjoyment grew. It wasn't often she could see Kade like this and she was sure it was because only the three of them were there.

"Well, speaking of unmentionables, I think Q and I have some catching up to do," Maverick said, winking at Ela before getting out of his chair; Nokk mirroring him. Kade embraced Nokk once more, the deadly operator putting a comforting hand on his cheek.

"You know, Kade, if you need anything I will always be here," she said. Kade didn't need to look in her eyes. He knew what was likely held in them. He briefly touched her hand.

"I'll keep that in mind, Q. I'm glad you're here, it's been far too long. We'll have to go to the range before the mission; see if you've caught up to me," he teased, making Nokk remove her hand and smirk.

"Ha. Careful what you wish for, Doctor Summers." Kade turned to Maverick, his friend's hand extended. Kade chuckled, performing a series of slaps, bumps and movements that resembled a handshake of old.

"Damn, didn't think your old ass brain would remember," Maverick jibed. Kade pushed him towards the door,

"Get out of here, jackass. You've champagne to buy and trashy reality television to watch." Nokk made a sound of indignation.

"Excuse me, I watch it because it is trashy. Come, Erik. Leave the old man to his dusty old books and poetry," she said, starting to walk down the stairs. Kade let out a good-natured laugh, said his final goodbyes and finally closed the door. Ela looked at him, a slight smirk on her lips. Finally. She'd already taken off her shirt. Plans, oh plans, they had indeed.

Sometime later they laid in his bed, naked, a tangle of limbs and messy sheets. The curtains were closed, soft music playing in the background as Ela shifted so her head could lay more comfortably on Kade's chest. The only light came from candles interspersed throughout the room, the fireplace dancing frantically on Ela's bare skin. She once again took to tracing his tattoo's. Military insignias, skulls, bones, angels and scythes, a lobster trap and close by a lobster boat; Kade's body seemed to tell more stories than she could count. As she traced them, she'd often imagine what went behind the decision, making it a game of sorts to see how many she could get right once the story was revealed. She hummed softly as she moved along his body, her eyes feeling heavy from feeling an amalgamation of love, comfort and safety. She felt Kade shift slightly, letting out a light groan of feigned annoyance. Then she saw a small black box suddenly entered her vision. She got up in a sitting position, covering her breast with the blanket. She found, sometimes, after they'd make love, she'd feel strangely embarrassed for him to see her naked afterwards.

"What do you have there, my love?" Ela asked. Kade stretched his arm forward, urging her to take it.

"Open it. Got it while I was away," Kade said. Ela smiled. She lived the way his pepper black hair was all ruffled, how his stormy eyes seemed to crackle with hunger and desire at just the right moments. She let the blanket fall, feeling heat gather on her cheeks as she felt his gaze penetrate her chest. She slowly opened the box, revealing a choker with a bright, beautiful, glowing topaz in the center. She let out a faint gasp. It was by far the most beautiful gift anyone had ever given her. She slowly looked up at Kade. His eyes were so full of love and warmth she felt tears touch her eyes.

"Read the back," he said gently. She was hesitant at first, the jewel shining so brilliantly in the firelight that she was afraid to touch it. She tenderly picked it up and turned it around. There was a small metal plaque on the back that said "Jesteś moim sercem, Elizbeta"-Kade (translation: you are my heart). A single tear dropped, then another. Kade lovingly took her into his arms.

"Thank you," she whispered into his chest. Kade kissed her head, stroking her back in slow, methodic circles.

"Of course. I'm just glad you like it. I'm lucky I was able to find such a capable engraver in Colombia. He had a penchant for Earl grey and telling stories. Quite the charming fellow," he said, his voice low. Ela had decided early on that if anyone in the world were to read her bedtime stories, she'd want it to be him.

"Perhaps, tonight, you could read me a story? Or make one up. Maybe even read the ingredients off a soup label. Anything to hear your enchanting voice, moja mi∤ość." (translation: my love) Kade expelled air through his nose, tickling her head and making her smile. To make each other laugh, feel loved, safe and valued? What more could you feel on the hallowed day of love?

Ela, needing a dress for her plans with Kade, had quickly surfed the internet for cheap consignment shops relatively close to Rainbow base. She'd been getting ready to leave the dorm room when Caveira and Alibi approached her, a not so unlikely friendship having formed between the two operators.

"Heard you were going out, mind if we tag along?" Caveira asked. Ela eyed her. She still didn't trust her from her previous actions but, Kade had given his word that she was changing for the better. Might as well toss a bone, right?

"Sure, Taina. As long as either of you don't mind loud music," Ela said. Alibi shuffled her feet in impatience.

"I know I just got back to base, but I'm already convinced doing anything else will be more interesting than being here. Bring on the music," Alibi said with a tone of resignation. Something told Ela that Caveira may have dragged her along so it wouldn't be quite as awkward. Before long Ela was driving down the road, Caveira in the passenger seat and Alibi in the back, the screeching and thrashing of White Lung filling the car with chaotic energy.

"Any plans with Kade?" Caveira asked over the music, Ela glancing at her; surprised to see there was no lecherous look in her eye.

"Going out to dinner. He won't tell me the place but he told me to buy a dress, so I think I might be in for some fine dining. Or ballroom dancing. Sometimes I just can't tell what his aim is," Ela said, keeping her eyes focused on the road. Her mind briefly drifted back to when she and Kade were attacked on the way back from another date. It had made her a little nervous driving to and from the base ever since.

"Ah...didn't take you as one that had such exquisite taste," Caveira said carefully. Ela was baffled by her formal speech and lack of barbed statements. If not for the music, the atmosphere would surely be unbearable.

"Gesù Taina, this is why you dragged me here? I could be drinking mimosas with Adriano and watching Naked and Afraid," (translation: Jesus) Alibi said, exasperation layering her voice. Ela's eyebrows furrowed.

"Mimosas?" she asked.

"Naked and Afraid?" Caveira said immediately after, making Alibi raise her eyebrow.

"What else did you expect? That we'd be drinking Martinis and watching the Godfather reruns?" Caveira snorted.

"Nah. Just didn't expect that you'd be into Naked or Afraid."

"Or that Adriano is into Mimosas," Ela said, which made Alibi laugh.

"Oh he loves them. Won't drink them around anyone else, he's afraid the boys will make fun of him."

"Oh, Mike would definitely make his life hell. Smart man," Ela replied. Alibi nodded in agreement; her lips curved into something of a smirk. Ela could admire the fierce love the two Italian operators seemed to hold for each other.

"Valentine's day isn't really my speed. Always thought it was a little too much with all the candy, flowers and cards. I mean, if you have a significant other, shouldn't you show your love for them that much every day?" Caveira said, her thought filling Ela with a strange feeling. She could respect that point of view. Even more, she could agree with it. Perhaps...No, that would be silly.

It wasn't long until they'd found the consignment shop, which was a small, quaint business with simple construction and signage. There was a rustic air to the building and Ela felt the budding sense of excitement you always feel when going shopping. Her boots clacked on the wooden patio as she made her way to the door, Caveira and Alibi following close behind her.

"Sally's Consignment? Hm. Maybe I'll find something I like in here. Don't these kinds of stores have a little bit of everything?" Alibi asked. Caveira shrugged her shoulders. She didn't often go shopping.

"Yes. Back when I went to school, I'd go to thrift stores and consignment shops to find cheap art supplies. They were never the best but there was always something about drawing with used supplies that made me happy," Ela shared, surprised at her own openness. Alibi nodded slowly, the three entering the shop in comfortable silence. A kindly older woman greeted them as soon as the little bell rang, urging them to take their time and ask her any questions if needed. Alibi and Caveira appeared satisfied to peruse at their leisure whilst Ela had caught a glimpse of the clothing section in the back of the store. The styles were varied and unique, as was often the case at a consignment shop. There was no real order or organization to the clothes, pants, boots, shorts, skirts, shirts, everything was displayed in a neat yet varied fashion. Ela moved the racks back and forth, looking for something that would catch her eye. She almost always found the true gems hidden in plain sight or stuck behind piles of junk and baubles. There was a floral dress that made her pause but it seemed a little too casual for what Kade had hinted at. After a few minutes of intense scrutinization and rummaging through a particularly thick curtain of hanging clothes, she felt a soft material and stopped. A black dress with golden embroidery traveling down the sides had Ela already imaging what shoes and earrings would match best with it. She pulled it from the rack and inspected the full length. It was short enough to be enticing but not enough to be indecent; perfect for a night out with her lover. She walked past Caveira and Alibi who were looking through a healthy stock of dream catchers and other spiritual Knick-knacks, which made Ela raise an eyebrow in interest but say nothing. She put it on the counter, the older woman happily ringing the item up.

"This will look great on you, dear. Have something special planned?" the woman asked, Ela letting a tentative smile spread over her face.

"Something like that, yes. How about you? Do you have anything planned?" Ela replied politely. The woman eyes fell and Ela instantly knew she'd asked the wrong question.

"I do. I'll be visiting the hospital after this. My father has been fighting cancer for quite a while now." she said, Ela feeling something akin to a punch in the gut. Ela couldn't quite meet her eyes, despondent, she attempted to apologize.

"I'm so sorry I-" Ela silenced when the woman raised her hand and shook her head.

"Don't be sorry, young lady. You had no way of knowing and asked out of courtesy, and I still thank you for it. You're the first customers I've had all day-most likely the only ones I'll have today. Just know you've made an aging woman's day by simply walking through the door. I'll have something to tell my father about now, you know," she reassured, Ela's heart softening and breaking at the same time. In an act that surprised even her, she suddenly seized the woman's hand.

"I will come again," she said with such seriousness that even the woman's eyes widened. The woman's face was radiant with kindness and thanks, something Ela wasn't used to seeing on someone's face when they interacted with her.

"I'm glad to hear it, dear. It will be thirty-five pounds for the dress," she said, Ela looking like she'd protest. The woman winked. "A little discount for being so kind, sweetie." Ela exchanged the money along with her name and phone number so that the woman-now known to her as Suzie, could contact her when there were any items that might pique her interest. Meanwhile, Albi had settled on a dream catcher while Caveira a strange yet intricately carved rock with what looked like the face of a panther on the top. Ela said goodbye to the shopkeeper by name, asking her to call her if any art supplies came in. Caveira gave her a strange look.

"What?" Ela asked as they walked back to the car. Caveira made a face and shook her head.

"Nothing at all. Just never read you as the kind of person to make those kinds of passing relationships. Love does crazy things to a person. Or so I've heard," she said with a wink, some of her sarcastic wit finally coming back. Ela shrugged.

"I guess it does. At least I can say my man doesn't drink Mimosas," Ela joked. Caveira laughed, which made Alibi laugh.

"I would defend his honor, but Ari nearly vomits at the smell of Whiskey. You should have seen him when he met my father-a true lover of wine and whiskey. Ari's face was white as a sheet the entire time," Alibi revealed, Ela holding in a gut-wrenching laugh imagining the charismatic operator even remotely nervous. Caveira however had no such inhibitions and her laugh was both loud and unrestrained.

"The image! Imagine him there, stock straight and pale faced! Ha! What wonderful ammunition you've given me!" Caveira wheezed out. Ela couldn't hold in her laughter anymore and let it out as she unlocked the car and climbed in the driver's seat.

"Perhaps Ari can take my place at dinner tonight, drink all the wine and mimosas he wishes!" Ela added. They devolved into fits of laughter as Ela started the car and got back on the road. Such a small trip had proven to put Ela in quite the good mood. She knew when she told Kade about it he'd tell her something along the lines of "give me more details, I'd love to write a poem about that". He was a complete dork. Still cute though. Not to mention, she was sure he'd look absolutely smoldering in the ambiance of a candlelit dinner.

Kade sat at his desk, the light from his laptop screen reflecting off his glasses as he tapped away on the keys. He'd spent nearly the whole day sending encrypted emails to both security staff at Metropolitan and those in the FBI who would be supporting their operation. He was certainly used to it, as his short tenure as a professor had him sending over one hundred emails almost every day. With one final click he sent the last email. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes with both his hands. Something about the preparation for this operation made him incredibly tired and exhausted. The stakes combined with returning to a place that held such painful memories had been mentally and emotionally taking when preparing for the operation. He let out a long sigh, his hands not leaving his covered eyes. He suddenly felt hands on his shoulders and picked up the slight scent of lilac perfume; he instantly recognized it to be Ela. She began to massage his shoulders, going deep to take out all the knots. He rested his head against her stomach, closing his eyes and letting the feeling of Ela's hands take him away.

"Very tight shoulders, my love. Not too stressed, are you?" she asked. Kade could sense the worry hidden just under the surface. No doubt she'd caught on to how his return might be emotionally affecting him. He let out a pleased sigh as Ela's hands worked deftly on his aches and pains.

"I...I haven't returned there since the massacre. I haven't had to think on it in a long time. Uncovering old pain...," Kade paused again, his face starting to a faraway place. Ela kissed his head tenderly to bring him back. He looked up, his stormy eyes almost like a ghost's. "I've been dead to society for a long time. To go back to the person I was all those years ago...I don't know if I can," Kade said, Ela's heart breaking just a little. She stopped massaging his shoulders, reaching down his chest and burying her face in the crook of his neck.

"You may have spent years adopting personas and playing different characters for your work, but you know those people. Why not let your guard down?" she proposed. Her voice was soft and muffled from her position. She felt him stiffen slightly.

"What if they're compromised?" he whispered almost to himself. There was fear in his voice. The idea of old pain popped up in Ela's brain again. Imagining old comrades welcoming him back only to repay his trust with betrayal. He'd bury it, like he always did. Until his eyes glazed over and he became that Kade Summers. The one that makes her skin prick with irritation and spine shudder.

"I...I don't know. I wish I had the answer you need. But we could drown your feelings in expensive food and wine. Unless you aren't taking me out tonight," she said. Kade seemed to relax at this.

"My age must be showing, I was so far inside myself I almost forgot. Did you buy a dress?" he said, detaching himself from her embrace. She studied his face. It was kind, his eyes filled with warmth and his lips slightly upturned. It was honest and it was sweet. This was the Kade Summers she loved.

"I did. Would you like to help me put it on?" she asked. She felt a tingle travel up her spine. The look Kade gave her made her feel like a teenager; giddy, nervous and filled with desire. He took a step closer. She didn't move. She looked deep into his eyes, thundering with want. He pressed a kiss to her temple.

"I would. Will you let me?" he said, his voice thick with yearning. She kissed his cheek in a painstakingly slow manner.

"You don't even have to ask," she whispered into his ear. She felt his hands on her hips as he caught her lips with his. She fumbled with his vest as he tore off her shirt. Her skin tingled with chaotic energy. A far-off thought bounced around in her mind as she all but threw Kade onto the bed. Previous sexual encounters before Kade had never felt like this. Every moment with Kade dripped with a feeling that could hardly be put into words. She felt the same rush she did when entering a hot zone as she did when she rolled around the sheets with Kade. She let out a pleased growl as his shirt finally came off, revealing his muscled chest, the mouths of skeletons moving in unison as he did. Was it love? That was certainly a part of the equation but there was something else. Something she wasn't even sure she understood. Was it a different kind of love? The kind that she could tell what he was thinking long before he said anything? The kind where one touch would be enough to bring heat to her cheeks and make her heart hammer? The thought grew further and further away as Kade's lips snaked their way down her body. She couldn't wait any longer. She shoved his head between her legs. Bliss.

Kade inspected himself in the mirror. He'd chosen an outfit different from what he normally wore; an ironed, clean black sweater with grey slacks. He wore nothing underneath the sweater, so his tattoos on his arms, chest and neck were partially visible; he hoped it wouldn't be a problem at the restaurant they were going to. He'd slicked back his hair, a shiny black with a grey streak here and there. His mother had always preferred his hair like this, which made him smile at the thought. He thumbed the chain that hung around his neck, which held a ring his mother had given him. His mind briefly thought about the funeral service being held soon but he quickly threw the thought away. Tonight, was a night for happy thoughts. He turned from the mirror when the bathroom door opened, Ela stepping out in all her radiance. The dress looked stunning on her, the strapless garment making it difficult for Kade to keep his eyes off her. The choker he gave her was shining brilliantly from her neck, matching seamlessly with her carefully applied makeup. She smirked at him. He hadn't even looked her in the eyes yet, being so enamored with her appearance.

"I guess I made the right choice," she teased. Kade finally met her eyes, looking slightly embarrassed when he realized what he'd been doing.

"Yes. Yes, you certainly did. Just yell when I start staring too much," Kade said, making Ela giggle.

"Oh? So you're saying it will happen again? I suppose it really is Valentine's day," she said, Kade letting a chuckle out himself. Ela wasn't nearly as obvious as her boyfriend when it came to ogling but his choice of apparel certainly caught her eye. "Anyways, shall we go, handsome?"

Kade grabbed her coat off the rack and helped her into it. "Would I be less of a woman if I admitted I like it when you spoil me with your chivalry?" she asked. Kade shrugged.

"Would I be a less of a man if I admitted I like it when you spoil me with massages, cuddles and sex? I don't believe so, no. There's no need to compare ourselves to anyone else's definition of conventional. Not when being with you feels this right," he said. Ela pecked his cheek as they made their way down the spiral stairs. With each step her excitement built. She always felt a bit of nostalgia before going out somewhere-the kind you felt as a child going out for a day of fun; where possibilities were endless and days were forever bright. It also added to the fun that Kade wouldn't tell her where they were going. She'd done research on all the high-class restaurants within an hour's drive and had narrowed it down to three or four; all of which made her stomach gurgle just looking at the menu. The evening was surprisingly nippy, Ela glad she chose to wear tights with her dress.

"Still not going to tell me?" she asked him, her arm looped through his as they walked along the pavement. Kade glanced at her,

"I could tell you, but I think I'll leave you guessing. Teasing you is quite a treat," he replied. Ela immediately donned a pout.

"I go out and buy a dress for you and you still won't tell me where we're going? I will remember this, Kade Summers," she teased. Kade offered a chuckle but no more. She'd realized rather quickly that comfortable silence wasn't something you came by often with another person. It was easy with Kade. He was by no means introverted like Mute but his silence would come and go and Ela always felt she could sit within it, sway to the rhythm of his silent breaths, the beating of his heart and the pulses of his brain; no doubt working around the clock. When they got to the garage, they were surprised to see Gridlock peeking under the hood of his late brother's newly restored 71' Camaro. Izzy was there too, her ears perking up when she saw the two approaching. Gridlock backed away from the vehicle, closing the hood and fixing them with an easy smile.

"Hey there, Kade. This beaut' yours?" she asked, nodding to Ela as she did so.

"Yes. It's my late brother's, beautifully restored by a friend of Ela's. Did a pretty decent job wouldn't you say?" he said. She felt his gaze on her and felt a sense of giddiness. Perhaps it was because it was Valentine's day, or maybe it was because Kade made her feel like she was twenty in art school again. Gridlock turned her head to look at the sleek car once again.

"Bang up job that's for sure. Tell me, when you aren't going on a date, would ya mind if I took her for a spin? Nowhere far-just want to hear this sweet engine purr," she said. Kade nodded,

"Don't have a problem with that at all, Tori. And I'm sure she'd purr extra loud in your capable hands." Ela smiled down at Izzy, scratching the Australian Shepherd in just the right spot between the ears. Ela giggled when she saw Izzy scratching frantically at her side; a clear sign Ela had found her sweet spot.

"Aren't you just the sweetest, hm?" she said quietly to the dog, who looked up at her with piercing eyes and what could only be considered a smile-flopping tongue included. Gridlock let out a laugh.

"Won't lie, this place has been great for Iz. She loves people and doesn't see too many-'sides Goose's wife and kids. But anyways, I've gotten in your way long enough. Happy Valentine's day you two, pour a glass for me, eh?" she said, Izzy moving along with Gridlock as soon as she took a step forward.

"I like her," Ela said as soon as the two got in the car. Kade chuckled,

"You like her or you like her dog?" Ela felt herself blush.

"Tori of course. Izzy is just a bonus. A very soft, very cute bonus."

"Uh huh. Pick a CD would you, love?" Kade said, making a shiver travel up her spine as he started the car, the dull roar of the engine making her bones vibrate. Of course, she immediately wanted to go for something loud, fast and angsty but it was valentine's day. She flipped through his case before deciding on a Michael Bublé record. Kade let out a sound of approval as he pulled out of the garage and towards the entrance. Ela settled back in her seat, getting comfortable for what would be a decently long drive. She had a million things to say and nothing at all. So, she decided to start with something simple.

"No GPS? Rather confident aren't we, darling?" Kade looked over her but her eyes weren't on his, rather the tattoo's just peaking over his collarbones. It was almost frightening how effective a simple wardrobe change could be.

"I memorized the directions, no need to worry. Just enjoy the music and the romantic ambiance, hm?" Ela sighed, settling back in her seat while overlapping his hand on the shift stick with hers.

"Why does an outing with you feel like I'm living in a dream?" she asked. A beat of silence.

"It may be the priceless cologne I put on for tonight. I was told it has a very incensing aroma," he said jokingly, making Ela chuckle.

"Ah, of course, I was told that you were a man of only the most exquisite taste," Ela fired back sarcastically. Another break of silence. She could feel it stretch and morph into something different, something comfortable just on the edge; ready to disturb the quiet piece with the slightest movement.

"I can't give you an answer to your question Ela, as flattering as it is." Ela lazily tilted her head in his direction.

"How do you feel, then?" She waited ever so patiently for those stormy eyes to glance her way. What she wouldn't do to capture the way his eyes captured her in the most mysterious ways.

"It's hard to describe. Something about being with you always feels staged; as if someone will pop out at any moment and tell me that the dream is over, that my time is up. Other times, it feels so painfully real that the world around me takes on an almost mystical quality. All I know is that being with you feels like nothing in the world I've ever felt before," Kade said. His tone made it sound as if it was the easiest question to answer in the world. Ela's heart seized up. She held his hand tighter.

"I... I think you described it perfectly, kochanie," (translation: darling) Ela said quietly, letting the music dance around the silence once again. Absolutely nothing could be sweeter than this. Except Zofia's baked sweets. She could never get the frosting right.

When they arrived Ela had fallen asleep with a small smile on her face. Kade looked down at her with a fond expression.

"Ela," he whispered, kissing her lightly on the forehead. She slowly opened her eyes, like a princess slowly awakening from her slumber. When she realized what she'd done she sat up immediately, looking rather embarrassed.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't think I'd-" her words died in her throat when she saw what they were parked in front of. Moor Hall, a two Michelin star restaurant, hotel and spa in which she'd casually mentioned that, when she could afford it, would like to visit. It was a beautifully constructed manor on the countryside with breathing taking views of the nearby forest, fields and river. Kade stepped out of the car, a valet standing close to their vehicle.

"Dr. Summers, I presume? I will be sure to take the utmost care of your car," he said, just a hint of a French accent surfacing through his words.

"Wonderful, see that you do, it's a treasured gift," Kade said, dropping the keys in the valet's hand and extending his elbow out for Ela to take. She took it with a smile, the stunning pair making their way up the softly lit cobble pathway. Even the garden was well taken care of during the winter, in season flowers and vegetation planted in perfect harmony with the snow.

"How did you get reservations to this place, Kade? The wait list must be miles long," Ela asked in wonder, her head on a constant swivel taking everything in.

"Contacted a few friends. The how isn't important, however. We have ourselves a romantic evening to enjoy, Miss Bosak" Kade said, her questions only multiplying as they made their way up the path and to the entrance. The restaurant itself was a beautifully restored barn with simple yet elegant furnishings. The light was easy on the eyes and made Ela half believe she'd been transported to a magical fantasy land.

"Dr. Summers, table for one?" the seater asked politely. Kade nodded, the couple wordlessly following the sharply dressed woman to a table with a perfect view of the surrounding facilities and the famous river that surrounded Moor Hall. "Your waiter will be with you shortly. Please, enjoy all that Moor Hall has to offer this evening," the seater said, Kade nodding and smiling in thanks before turning his gaze to Ela's. He had to admit, in the soft glow of the restaurant and the street lights outside, Ela looked like a shining jewel in his eyes. Ela fixed him with a quizzical look.

"Helloo? Dr. Summers? What are we getting for drinks?" she said, waving the menu in front of his face. He finally escaped his trance, blinking and focusing in on the menu.

"You like white wine, don't you? Why not some of the Pape Clement Blank?" Kade proposed. Ela looked at him then down at the menu again.

"Huh. You realize that's gibberish to me, right? Just get something that will get us drunk fast and doesn't taste like cough syrup," Ela said. Kade let out a laugh that came deep from his belly. He could see just a bit of red dust her cheeks as she gave him a look that was something between a smile and one of embarrassment. She looked around, glad to see that the few other guest were so absorbed by their own conversations they hadn't looked to see the source of the laughter. "Is my lack of sophistication that funny to you?" she said, her voice low and accusatory but she couldn't fully conceal the smile hiding just underneath.

"Not at all, I just thought about how rousing your straightforwardness is. You don't waste time with societal intricacies that have little meaning; you pay close attention to the things that matter and bulldoze through anything that doesn't. It is one of the many aspects of you I find myself drawn to," Kade explained, which made Ela drop her upset persona and sit back straight in her seat. She couldn't meet his eyes directly. Didn't he know he couldn't just say things like that out of the blue? The waiter came shortly after and got their order for the biggest bottle of Pape Clement Blank they had. Ela poured herself a generous glass, raising her glass towards Kade.

"To a blossoming romance," she proposed. Kade nodded,

"To a blossoming romance."

They took long sips from their glasses. This was the night of all nights to let loose, after all.

"Listen, I want to ask, before we both get drunk and giddy...are you prepared to do the funeral service?" Ela asked, worry evident in the undertones of her beautifully accented voice. Kade felt a pang of negative emotion. He grimaced. His grieving process up to this point had been simple; store everything up into a mental box and slowly let the difficult emotions and memories one at a time. Talking about it with Ela would only serve to make the box implode. Though perhaps tonight, he could let up on the breaks just a little bit. The funeral service would feel like opening Pandora's box after all.

"I think so. I've been to countless funerals for work, whether it be undercover or for my brothers in arms. But the last time I felt this apprehensive about a funeral was Ryan's. I...I'm not sure how it's going to go. If I can hold it together, I mean," Kade said, his honesty molding Ela's face with a sympathetic look. She took his free hand from across the table, holding it tight.

"No one is expecting you to be, you know. You can't be strong all the time. No one can."

"Robbie is relying on me to be strong for him. I can't just..." Kade trailed off when he saw the raised eyebrow Ela directed at him.

"Did he ever say that?" she asked quizzically. Kade sighed and shook his head. Ela chuckled. "You're just like Zofia this way. When we started talking again, she thought she had to be the big sister and shoulder a whole load of shit by herself. Which isn't what you have to be. I'm sure you feel like you have to be after you lost Ryan. But don't you think Robbie would feel a little better if you actually opened up to him? Let him see that the CIA didn't turn you into a merciless, unfeeling robot?" Kade was struck by her acute perceptiveness. He felt a lump in his throat. He nodded, unable to say a word. Ela smiled warmly. "Plus, all your friends will be there. I'll be there. Erik will be there. Nokk now too. You're not alone. You'll never be. Not as long as I'm here," she reassured. Kade squeezed her hand tight, still too emotional to form any words. They sat like that until the waiter came to take their order for food. Kade had decided on some roasted duck while Ela went for an elegant pasta dish.

"Tell me your absolute favorite memory with your Mother. I think it'll make you feel better," Ela said, Kade holding back a smile. He could say something about what psychological research said but he decided against it. He decided he liked Ela's recommendations better. Kade tapped his nearly empty wine glass in thought, sifting through years of vivid memories. Ela refilled his glass, ignoring Kade's raised eyebrows as she filled it nearly to the top.

"I think it was the night Ryan snuck me out to a beach party when I was twelve. The neighborhood kids were throwing one, most of them Ryan's age but he decided I needed to live a little and more or less dragged me out of the house in the dead of night," Kade said, making Ela laugh.

"I can't possibly imagine you holing yourself up in room for weeks at a time. Preposterous," she teased, Kade hiding his smile with a large gulp of wine.

"Anyways, it was fun. That was the night I had my first sip of beer. And my first kiss-" Kade held up his finger as Ela opened her mouth "-on the cheek," Kade said, his significant other instantly deflating. "Fortunately, I was tasked with driving us back home. Ryan had taught me the basics some time before so I could pull it off, but I was barely above the steering wheel so you can imagine what it looked like; twelve-year-old me going twenty below the speed limit while trying to keep a very inebriated Ryan from throwing himself out of the car," Kade continued, Ela beginning to laugh as she imagined the scene. "Now we were lucky as my father had passed out in a drunken stupor; we'd have had hell to pay if he was awake when we got back. However, what I didn't expect while half carrying, mostly dragging, Ryan through the mudroom was my mother sitting on the kitchen table, in her favorite purple robe, smiling like we'd just come back from playing down at the creek or something of the like. I'm sure my face was as white as a sheet and Ryan went from plastered to sober in under a second. She had two mugs of tea prepared steaming on the table and had us sit. We thought she'd hit us with the classic "I'm very disappointed in you" conversation but it never came. Instead, she told us stories about when she was young, when my Father wasn't a lousy drunk and essentially allowed us to reflect on and celebrate our youth up to that point. To this day, it's a memory I have the clearest recollection of. I'd give anything to experience it just one more time," he finished whimsically, Ela wiping a tear from her eye; a biproduct of her laughter.

"See? Don't you feel just a little bit better?" she said. Kade nodded, raising his glass.

"To my mother." Clink.

"To your mother."

When their food came, they took it slow, going back and forth. Kade asked about her mother, her father, some more of her childhood memories. Ela asked about Benji and CJ. Kade then on how it felt to be an Aunt, referencing his experiences as an Uncle. As the drink slowly got to them, Ela began asking classic questions like "what's your favorite thing about me?" and "if you could live anywhere, where would it be?". By the time their bill came, they were laughing, drunk and without a care in the world. Kade bought another bottle on their way out, heading on glowing cobble pathways towards their room in the hallowed Moor Hall. It was a gargantuan English manor built with brick and accented with white, a building Kade immediately decided looked like Thrushcross Grange from Wuthering Heights. Ela held in her drunken giggles as Kade checked in at the front desk, the master strategist surprised to find they'd already brought the single bag he'd left in the Charger to their room. As soon as the two entered the elevator, Ela pounced. Her lips tasted like wine and pasta sauce, her breathing was uneven and god damn did she look good in her dress. How was he supposed to resist? He nearly dropped their fresh bottle of wine but was the last vestiges of his awareness kept the bottle safely in his grasp. He could feel Ela's presence next to him like a furnace on full blast in the deserted hall; he knew they'd be all over each other as soon as they got through the threshold of their room. With a click and a beep, the door opened and Ela all but dragged him in, pushing him against the wall. She threw her jacket to the floor, then his. He hardly had time to put the wine bottle on the desk before her lips were upon his once again. Not that he minded, but he'd observed alcohol increased her libido tenfold. It made for some especially enjoyable nights, after all. His belt was off and thrown to the floor just like his sweater and jacket, her high coordination almost unnerving as she moved lower and lower. She looked up at him, hazy and glazed over from the wine.

"What do you want tonight, baby?" she said huskily, her tongue just barely tracing over the head of his member. He shivered in anticipation. He smirked.

"To fuck like it's Valentine's day, doll face." Ela let out a giggle,

"Naughty boy, I'll give you what you want, but you have to ask nicely," she teased. Kade took his glasses off and threw them on the desk.

"Please, make love to me," he said, making Ela's mouth stretch in a feline smile.

"Good boy." She took him in eagerly. Mounting pleasure flooded his mind. God bless Valentine's day.

Later in the evening, when they'd worn themselves ragged and the peak of their intoxication had passed, they discovered a hot tub on a private balcony overlooking the river. They stuck the bottle in a bucket full of ice, slipping into the tub and settled comfortably onto one another. Ela sat between his legs, letting her head rest on his chest. She could hear the scratch of his lighter and breathed in the scent of cigarette smoke. Cigarette's always hit different during a night out, always bringing those who shared one that much closer; if only for that night. She looked up at the sky, pleasantly surprised to see it full of bright, twinkling stars. She grabbed the wine bottle taking a long swig. The heat of the water, her body and Kade's body created a perfect equilibrium where she was just relaxed enough to feel sleepy but aware enough to enjoy the comfortable atmosphere. The couple traded; Ela took a long drag of the cigarette while Kade mirrored with the wine.

"This...might be the best Valentine's day I've ever had," she said, seeming to talk to the open air rather than Kade directly. One of Kade's hands settled on her bare thigh, Ela letting out a hum of pleasure.

"I'm glad we're of the same mind, this is the first Valentine's day I've ever spent with a woman," Kade murmured, planting a soft kiss just behind her ear. Ela smirked.

"Does that mean you've spent one with a man?" she said cheekily, letting out a surprised laugh when Kade pinched her thigh.

"Careful, there are other people here," Kade warned with a mock sternness. She could tell her couldn't give less of a fuck. She sucked in another long drag, turning to face Kade. She brought his lips down to hers, transferring the smoke through a dance of tongue and saliva; allowing for a strangely euphoric sensation travel through the pair. After a few moments she slumped against him once again, her entire demeanor languid and slothful.

"So? Let them stare. You're the only one who can hold me like this. Tonight, is ours, my love," she said, the sleepiness coming and going in waves. She felt his chuckle rattle in his chest, making her nuzzle even closer.

"Ours indeed, kochanie," (translation: darling) Kade whispered, bringing his eyes up to the stars. Nothing in the world could possibly top this. He smiled, his cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. It was then that he realized these were the moments people lived and died for. The smoke stung his eyes but he kept them open, connecting the dots and tracing the lines of Andromeda and Aries. He was about to point them out when he heard a light snore from Ela. He chuckled quietly. He'd bring her in soon. He just had to secure this moment in his mind just a little longer. That way, in times of struggle and hardship, he could think back vividly to now, when everything felt absolutely perfect. He stayed so he would remember the stakes of what was to come. To protect this moment and moments like these that all of humanity shared. There would be no fuck-ups at Metropolitan. He would crush the White Mask under the heel of his boot. For his mother and brothers in the ground and any other pour soul swept up in their chaos. He would protect them all.