[Piece of Shit - 9:13 AM] hello!

[Tiffany - 9:14 AM] Hi?

[Piece of Shit - 9:14 AM] wow! I'm surprised you responded!

[Tiffany - 9:14 AM] Bye.

[Piece of Shit - 9:14 AM] no wait! I just wanna make friends!

[Tiffany - 9:14 AM] I don't want to be friends with someone who asks for nudes from a stranger at midnight.

[Piece of Shit - 9:15 AM] it was still 11 when i texted you so technically it wasn't midnight yet.

[Tiffany - 9:15 AM] Oh my god I can't even.

[Tiffany - 9-15 AM] Goodbye.

[Piece of Shit - 9:15 AM] i'm sorry i'm sorry okay?! please don't go!

[Piece of Shit - 9:16 AM] hello?

[Piece of Shit - 9:16 AM] are you there?

[Piece of Shit - 9:20 AM] shit



[Piece of Shit - 3:16 PM] hi again 😀

[Tiffany - 3:18 PM] Ugh, could you stop texting me, please?

[Tiffany - 3:18 PM] How did you even get my number anyway?

[Piece of Shit - 3:18 PM] i just wanna make friends 😥

[Piece of Shit - 3:18 PM] actually i just dialed a random number and there you were.

[Piece of Shit - 3:19 PM] see how even fate wants us to be friends 😏

[Tiffany - 3:19 PM] Wow.

[Tiffany - 3:19 PM] You must have a lot of free time in your hands.

[Piece of Shit - 3:19 PM] yup 😊

[Piece of Shit - 3:19 PM] so what's your name?

[Tiffany - 3:23 PM] Sorry, not gonna tell my name to someone who's possibly a 50 y.o pervert.

[Piece of Shit - 3:24 PM] oh yeah?

[Piece of Shit - 3:24 PM] then why don't you block me?

[Piece of Shit - 3:24 PM]

[Tiffany - 3:26 PM] 😒

[Tiffany - 3:26 PM] I don't even know why I didn't block you.

[Tiffany - 3:26 PM] I'm doing it right now.

[Tiffany - 3:27 PM] Good Bye again.

[Piece of Shit - 3:27 PM] NO WAIT

[Piece of Shit - 3:27 PM] IM NOT 50 Y.O I SWEAR

[Piece of Shit - 3:27 PM] DON'T BLOCK ME!

[Piece of Shit - 3:27 PM] I JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS!

[Piece of Shit - 3:27 PM] DON'T GO~

[Piece of Shit - 3:28 PM] HEY

[Piece of Shit - 3:28 PM] HEYYYYYY


[Tiffany - 3:28 PM] SHUT THE FUCK UP!


[Piece of Shit - 3:29 PM] your back :))))))

[Tiffany - 3:29 PM] your you're

[Piece of Shit - 3:29 PM] who cares about grammar while texting?

[Tiffany - 3:30 PM] I do so if you want to keep texting me at least use proper grammar.

[Piece of Shit - 3:30 PM] Okay 😑

[Piece of Shit - 3:30 PM] See how nice I am?

[Piece of Shit - 3:30 PM] I'm even using proper grammar for you 😊

[Piece of Shit - 3:30 PM] You should be grateful.

[Piece of Shit - 3:33 PM] Are you still there?

[Piece of Shit - 3:45 PM] Are you ignoring me?

[Piece of Shit - 4:00 PM] 😞



[Tiffany - 7:49 PM] Sorry, my phone died and I was out.

[Piece of Shit - 7:54 PM] You're back!

[Piece of Shit - 7:54 PM] Thank god 😄 I thought that I had lost you there.

[Tiffany - 7:58 PM] Dude, we don't even know each other.

[Piece of Shit - 8:01 PM] Why did you assume I was a dude?

[Tiffany - 8:01 PM] Because the first thing you have ever sent was to send nudes.

[Piece of Shit - 8:01 PM] Well, you judged wrong. I'm afraid I don't have any meat hanging between my legs.

[Tiffany - 8:02 PM] Proof it.

[Piece of Shit - 8:02 PM] How ?

[Tiffany - 8:02 PM] Well, you can start by telling me your name.

[Piece of Shit - 8:02 PM] Oh that's easy.

[Piece of Shit - 8:02 PM] My name is Kim Taeyeon.

[Tiffany - 8:03 PM] Hmm

[Tiffany - 8:04 PM] I will trust you on it to not over complicate things since Taeyeon could belong to a guy or a girl, and if you wanted to lie to me you would tell me a name that is only used for a girl.

[Taeyeon - 8:04 PM] Wow Sherlock, you're so smart 😃

[Tiffany - 8:04 PM] Sarcastic much?

[Taeyeon - 8:04 PM] Now that I told you my name, will you tell me yours?

[Tiffany - 8:04 PM] It's Tiffany.

[Taeyeon - 8:04 PM] Wow 😮 are you American?

[Tiffany - 8:05 PM] Korean-American actually.

[Taeyeon - 8:05 PM] That's so cool 😧

[Tiffany - 8:05 PM] 😅



[Taeyeon - 2:05 AM] Hey, you awake? 👀

[Tiffany - 2:05 AM] I am.

[Tiffany - 2:05 AM] And no, I'm not sending you nudes.

[Taeyeon - 2:06 AM] HOW RUDE!


[Tiffany - 2:06 AM] Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Taeyeon.

[Tiffany - 2:06 AM] How did you know that I'm a girl anyway?

[Tiffany - 2:06 AM] You straight forwards asked for nudes.

[Taeyeon - 2:07 AM] If you actually sent me a nude, there's a high chance of it probably being a dick or some naked torso of a guy.

[Taeyeon - 2:07 AM] But you told me to fuck off which means you're a girl.

[Tiffany - 2:07 AM] Hmm

[Tiffany - 2:08 AM] You have a point there.

[Tiffany - 2:08 AM] But do you actually like girls to ask for nudes?

[Taeyeon - 2:08 AM] Yup.

[Taeyeon - 2:08 AM] I love girls a whole lot.

[Tiffany - 2:09 AM] So, you're like...lesbian or something like that?

[Taeyeon - 2:09 AM] Ugh, labels

[Taeyeon - 2:10 AM] I just respect the beauty of the human being, I don't really care what their gender is or what they identify as or how old they are or where they're from.

[Taeyeon - 2:11 AM] The heart likes who it likes and no one can control that.

[Tiffany - 2:12 AM] Wow

[Tiffany - 2:12 AM] How long did it take you to realize that?

[Taeyeon - 2:12 AM] Literally only 5 years.

[Tiffany - 2:12 AM] What? 😂

[Tiffany - 2:13 AM] You realized all that when you were only five?

[Taeyeon - 2:13 AM] Yup.

[Taeyeon - 2:13 AM] It was that magical moment when I saw my kindergarten teacher bend down and her tight ass was sculptured perfectly with a pencil skirt.

[Taeyeon - 2:14 AM] I told my friends at the time about it and they all thought that I was weird so I just never mentioned it again. 😐


[Taeyeon - 2:15 AM] JESUS WOMAN CALM DOWN.


[Tiffany - 2:15 AM] Oh

[Tiffany - 2:15 AM] You're actually just a year older than me.

[Taeyeon - 2:16 AM] You're 21?

[Taeyeon - 2:16 AM] That's hot. 😏🔥

[Taeyeon - 2:21 AM] You still there?

[Taeyeon - 2:30 AM] God damn it. Did I fuck up again?

[Taeyeon - 2:30 AM] 😫



[Taeyeon - 8:02 AM] TIFFANY! 😃

[Tiffany - 8: 05 AM] Taeyeon 😐

[Taeyeon - 8:06 AM] Didn't think you would reply 😟

[Tiffany - 8:06 AM] It's Sunday and I'm bored.

[Taeyeon - 8:06 AM] Me too 😃

[Taeyeon - 8:06 AM] Hey Tiffany.

[Tiffany - 8:06 AM] 😶 ?

[Taeyeon - 8:06 AM] I'm curious of what you look like.

[Tiffany - 8:06 AM] Taeyeon, I'm not sending you nudes.

[Taeyeon - 8:07 AM] RUDE

[Taeyeon - 8:07 AM] I was going to ask for a selfie.

[Tiffany - 8:07 AM] Are you sure it's not a selfie of certain parts of the body?

[Taeyeon - 8:08 AM] Well, I'm not even going to lie.

[Taeyeon - 8:08 AM] If someday in the future you were suddenly okay with it just send away with no warning 😂

[Taeyeon - 8:08 AM] Okay, I'm sorry.

[Taeyeon - 8:08 AM] I will never ask again so DON'T GO!

[Tiffany - 8:09 AM] Still here.

[Tiffany - 8:09 AM] If you send a selfie first I will send you one back.

[Taeyeon - 8:09 AM] Promise ?

[Tiffany - 8:09 AM] Promise.

[Taeyeon - 8:09 AM] Okay, give me a moment to take one because I don't have one on my phone.

[Tiffany - 8:21 AM] Any day now, Taeyeon.

[Taeyeon - 8:25 AM] Hey, I love the robot face emoji. 😃

[Tiffany - 8:25 AM] Send the fucking selfie.

[Taeyeon - 8:26 AM] Okay okay, no need to swear.

[Taeyeon - 8:26 AM]

[Taeyeon - 8:27 AM] Are you satisfied now?

[Taeyeon - 8:30 AM] Tiffany?

[Taeyeon - 8:33 AM] Did your phone die again? 😑

[Tiffany - 8:33 AM] NO

[Tiffany - 8:33 AM] FUCK YOU'RE CUTE

[Tiffany - 8:33 AM] OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO CUTE

[Tiffany - 8:33 AM] YOU LIAR YOU SAID YOU WERE 22


[Taeyeon - 8:34 AM] I AM 22


[Tiffany - 8:35 AM] LIAR


[Taeyeon - 8:35 AM] I am 22 😰

[Tiffany - 8:35 AM] Okay, okay, sorry.

[Tiffany - 8:35 AM] I believe you. 😅

[Taeyeon - 8:35 AM] Well, thank god for that.

[Taeyeon - 8:35 AM] Now you send yours. 👀

[Taeyeon - 8:45 AM] Tiffany its been 10 minutes.

[Taeyeon - 8:55 AM] Any day now.

[Taeyeon - 9:00 AM] Still waiting.

[Taeyeon - 9:30 AM] Hey now. 😢

[Tiffany - 9:54 AM] Sorry, my phone died again 😑

[Tiffany - 9:54 AM]

[Taeyeon - 10:59 AM] AND YOU'RE TELLING ME I'M CUTE ?!


[Taeyeon - 11:00 AM] I was sleeping and I woke up to this.

[Taeyeon - 11:00 AM] I fell off the bed on my butt 😵

[Taeyeon - 11:00 AM] I almost died

[Tiffany - 11:24 AM] R.I.P Kim Taeyeon - 20XX



[Taeyeon - 10:12 PM] Hey

[Tiffany - 10:20 PM] What's up?

[Taeyeon - 10:20 PM] I'm bored. What are you doing?

[Tiffany - 10:21 PM] Texting you 😂

[Taeyeon - 10:21 PM] Wow Tiffany, you're so funny. 😂

[Taeyeon - 10:21 PM] 😒

[Taeyeon - 10:21 PM] Seriously, what are you doing?

[Tiffany - 10:23 PM] Watching a movie.

[Taeyeon - 10:23 PM] What movie?

[Tiffany - 10:24 PM] I don't even know cause I didn't even look up once 😂

[Tiffany - 10:24 PM] What about you?

[Tiffany - 10:24 PM] What are you doing?

[Taeyeon - 10:24 PM] You're curious about me now? 😃

[Tiffany - 10:24 PM] You know what ? Never mind.

[Tiffany - 10:24 PM] Now bye, I'm watching my movie.

[Taeyeon - 10:24 PM] I'M SORRY I'M SORRY DON'T GO

[Taeyeon - 10:24 PM] I'm just lazing around in bed 😑

[Tiffany - 10:25 PM] Hmm

[Taeyeon - 10:25 PM] Where are you from, Tiffany?

[Tiffany - 10:25 PM] Why do you ask? 👀

[Taeyeon - 10:25 PM] Just curious.

[Tiffany - 10:25 PM] California, U.S.A

[Taeyeon - 10:25 PM] That's cool. 👽

[Tiffany - 10:26 PM] You?

[Taeyeon - 10:26 PM] North Jeolla, Korea.

[Tiffany - 10:26 PM] Do you still live there?

[Taeyeon - 10:26 PM] Nope.

[Taeyeon - 10:26 PM] Moved to Seoul since high school.

[Tiffany - 10:27 PM] I live in Seoul too. 😃

[Taeyeon - 10:27 PM] Really?! What University do you go to?

[Tiffany - 10:27 PM] Seoul University. 😬

[Taeyeon - 10:27 PM] Oh we don't go to the same uni. 😅

[Taeyeon - 10:27 PM] I go to K-Arts.

[Tiffany - 10:28 PM] Wow 😧

[Tiffany - 10:28 PM] I have a friend who goes there. 😀

[Taeyeon - 10:28 PM] What's their name?

[Tiffany - 10:28 PM] Choi Sooyoung, she's in the second year.

[Taeyeon - 10:28 PM] Oh she's a friend of a friend of mine.

[Taeyeon - 10:28 PM] Don't know her in person, though.

[Tiffany - 10:30 PM] I'm surprised you even have friends if you text me this often. 😂

[Taeyeon - 10:31 PM] I could say the same for you since you always text back 😏

[Tiffany - 10:31 PM] 😒

[Taeyeon - 10:32 PM] 😏

[Tiffany - 10:32 PM] 😒

[Taeyeon - 10:32 PM] 😏



[Taeyeon - 2:14 AM] hey

[Taeyeon - 2:14 AM] Hey

[Taeyeon - 2:14 AM] HEy

[Taeyeon - 2:14 AM] HEY

[Taeyeon - 2:14 AM] HEYY


[Taeyeon - 2:14 AM] YEAH I KNKW

[Tiffany - 2:15 AM] Are you drunk?

[Taeyeon - 2:15 AM] YEEEEEEEP

[Tiffany - 2:15 AM] How much did you drink?


[Tiffany - 2:15 AM] That got you drunk?

[Tiffany - 2:15 AM] You sure don't have much tolerance, do you?

[Taeyeon - 2:15 AM] RUDE


[Tiffany - 2:15 AM] Okay, can you turn off the caps lock?

[Tiffany - 2:16 AM] It's annoying.

[Taeyeon - 2:16 AM] NO LOL

[Tiffany - 2:16 AM] Where are you?

[Taeyeon - 2:16 AM] HOME

[Tiffany - 2:16 AM] Taeyeon, drink some water and go to sleep.

[Taeyeon - 2:16 AM] I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SLEEP

[Taeyeon - 2:16 AM] I'M SAD TODAY

[Tiffany - 2:16 AM] Why are you sad?

[Taeyeon - 2:16 AM] IT'S TOO COMPLItED to explan

[Taeyeon - 2:17 AM] can i tak baak my wiords?

[Taeyeon - 2:17 AM] Im fine now

[Tiffany - 2:17 AM] It's okay if you want to talk about it.

[Taeyeon - 2:17 AM] good night tiffany

[Tiffany - 2:17 AM] Okay...



[Taeyeon - 8:10 AM] Well this is awkward.

[Taeyeon - 8:10 AM] I'm so so sorry, Tiffany.

[Tiffany - 8:10 AM] It's alright.

[Tiffany - 8:11 AM] Do you have a hangover?

[Taeyeon - 8:11 AM] Yes, but it's not bad thanks to you for telling me to drink water.

[Tiffany - 8:11 AM] That's good.

[Taeyeon - 8:11 AM] You're so kind, Tiffany. 🙂

[Tiffany - 8:14 AM] You just realized that? lol

[Taeyeon - 8:14 AM] No, I have realized that long ago.

[Tiffany - 8:14 AM] What long time?

[Tiffany - 8:14 AM] It's been only one week since you texted me for nudes.

[Taeyeon - 8:14 AM] Lol sorry about that.

[Taeyeon - 9:14 AM] It was actually my first time asking for nudes. 😅

[Tiffany - 8:14 AM] That explains a lot, Taeyeon. NO ONE asks for nudes from a stranger.

[Tiffany - 8:15 AM] Why did you want nudes anyway? 😕

[Taeyeon - 8:15 AM] I was horny, why else?

[Tiffany - 8:15 AM] What?

[Tiffany - 8:15 AM] Really?

[Taeyeon - 8:15 AM] Yeah.

[Tiffany - 8:15 AM] Okay.. 😳

[Tiffany - 1:06 PM] Hey Taeyeon

[Taeyeon - 1:37 PM] Sorry for the late respond, I was in class.

[Taeyeon - 1:37 PM] Wait, what?! You're texting me first?! 😱

[Taeyeon - 1:37 PM] Will pigs finally fly today?!

[Tiffany - 1:38 PM] 😒

[Taeyeon - 1:38 PM] Sorry

[Taeyeon - 1:38 PM] What did you want? 👀

[Tiffany - 1:38 PM] I wanted to ask for another selfie.

[Taeyeon - 1:38 PM] Why?

[Tiffany - 1:38 PM] I will tell you later. Just send one quickly.

[Taeyeon - 1:38 PM]

[Tiffany - 1:39 PM] Holy shit I can't get over how pretty you are.

[Taeyeon - 1:39 PM] Lol thanks?

[Tiffany - 1:40 PM] Thank you for the selfie.

[Tiffany - 1:40 PM] I will talk to you later.

[Taeyeon - 1:40 PM] I will be waiting 😄



[Taeyeon - 9:02 PM] Has later come yet?

[Tiffany - 9:05 PM] It just came 😄

[Taeyeon - 9:05 PM] So why did you want the selfie?

[Tiffany - 9:05 PM] Actually I was just playing truth or dare with my friends.

[Tiffany - 9:05 PM] One of my dares was to get the last person I texted to send me a selfie on the spot.

[Taeyeon - 9:05 PM] Oh.

[Tiffany - 9:06 PM] Thanks. You saved me from the penalty. 😂

[Taeyeon - 9:06 PM] Glad that I was of any help. 😅

[Tiffany - 9:07 PM] I hope you don't mind that I showed the selfie to my friends.

[Tiffany - 9:07 PM] Sorry for doing it without permission.

[Taeyeon - 9:07 PM] It's okay, I don't mind. 🙂

[Taeyeon - 9:07 PM] I hope none of your friends said anything mean about me, though.

[Tiffany - 9:07 PM] None sense!

[Tiffany - 9:07 PM] My friends are not the kind of people to judge someone based on their looks.

[Taeyeon - 9:07 PM] Those are some good friends you have got there.

[Tiffany - 9:08 PM] Yup.

[Tiffany - 9:08 PM] They're the best.

[Taeyeon - 9:08 PM] That's good to hear.

[Taeyeon - 9:08 PM] Or read(?)

[Tiffany - 9:08 PM] Dork.

[Taeyeon - 9:08 PM] I'm not going to deny that.

[Taeyeon - 11:32 PM] Hey, Tiffany.

[Taeyeon - 11:32 PM] Quick question.

[Tiffany - 11:32 PM] No.

[Taeyeon - 11:33 PM] But I haven't even asked yet. 😟'

[Tiffany - 11:34 PM] That's why.

[Taeyeon - 11:34 PM]

[Tiffany - 11:34 PM] 😁

[Taeyeon - 11:34 PM]

[Tiffany - 11:34 PM] 😁

[Taeyeon - 11:34 PM] What are you majoring at?

[Tiffany - 11:34 PM] So you just ask away even though I said no?

[Taeyeon - 11:35 PM] Yup.

[Tiffany - 11:35 PM] Business.

[Taeyeon - 11:35 PM] And you just answer away? 😂

[Tiffany - 11:35 PM] Yup.

[Taeyeon - 11:35 PM] Okay, fair enough.

[Tiffany - 11:35 PM] Well, actually, I thought you were going to ask for nudes again, so...

[Taeyeon 11:35 PM] RUDE

[Tiffany - 11:36 PM] What about you?

[Tiffany - 11:36 PM] What are you majoring at?

[Taeyeon - 11:36 PM] So you are curious about me. 😏

[Tiffany - 11:36 PM] Maybe a little, yeah.

[Taeyeon - 11:36 PM] Didn't expect you to be honest. 😳



[Tiffany - 11:37 PM] DON'T YOU DARE SWEAR AT ME

[Taeyeon - 11:37 PM] YOU SWORE AT ME FIRST

[Tiffany - 11:37 PM] BITCH FIGHT ME

[Taeyeon - 11:37 PM] Oh, I'm sorry.

[Taeyeon - 11:37 PM] I'm scared I would ruin your pretty little face.

[Tiffany - 11:38 PM] Oh you didn't just say that. 😧

[Taeyeon - 11:38 PM] I didn't.

[Taeyeon - 11:38 PM] I typed it on my phone.

[Tiffany - 11:38 PM] ✋

[Taeyeon - 11:38 PM] What's that?

[Tiffany - 11:38 PM] Taeyeon, I have never facepalmed so hard in my whole life.

[Taeyeon - 11:38 PM] That's good to hear, I helped you break your record. 😜

[Tiffany - 11:38 PM] Can you please just answer the question?

[Taeyeon - 11:38 PM] What question? 😶

[Tiffany - 11:39 PM] Reread the conversation and find out.

[Taeyeon - 11:43 PM] Oh yeah, what I'm majoring at.

[Taeyeon - 11:43 PM] Music and visual arts.

[Tiffany - 11:44 PM] Ohhhh double.

[Tiffany - 11:44 PM] I'm surprised you even have time to text me.

[Taeyeon - 11:44 PM] I'm good at managing my time. 😛

[Tiffany - 11:44 PM] Oh really?

[Tiffany - 11:44 PM] What's on your schedule right now?

[Taeyeon - 11:45 PM] Actually, I'm supposed to be sleeping right now but I was waiting for your text earlier so I had to make some changes.

[Tiffany - 11:45 PM] Aww I'm sorry for making you wait.

[Tiffany - 11:45 PM] Now I feel bad for making you stay up.

[Taeyeon - 11:45 PM] Don't be.

[Taeyeon - 11:45 PM] I did it because I wanted to text with you one last time today.

[Tiffany - 11:46 PM] Wow, Taeyeon.

[Tiffany - 11:46 PM] I don't even know what to say.

[Taeyeon - 11:46 PM] You don't have to say anything.

[Taeyeon - 11:46 PM] Good night Tiffany.

[Tiffany - 11:50 PM] Good night Taeyeon.



[Tiffany - 2:15 PM] Hey.

[Taeyeon - 2:20 PM] Hey nugget. 😀

[Taeyeon - 2:21 PM] Whatchu doin?

[Tiffany - 2:21 PM] I'm bored talk to me.

[Taeyeon - 2:21 PM] So I'm just someone you run to when you're bored?

[Tiffany - 2:21 PM] Yup 😛

[Taeyeon - 2:21 PM] Ouch

[Tiffany - 2:22 PM] So what are you doing?

[Taeyeon - 2:23 PM] Out, running some errands.

[Taeyeon - 2:23 PM] And what are you doing? 👀

[Tiffany - 2:23 PM] Nothing.

[Tiffany - 2:23 PM] I'm bored as hell 😑

[Taeyeon - 2:24 PM] What do you usually do for fun?

[Tiffany - 2:24 PM] Party moderately, hang with friends, try not to burn my kitchen down by attempting to cook, Netflix, YouTube, read.

[Taeyeon - 2:25 PM] And you're bored with all of that?

[Tiffany - 2:25 PM] Yes my friends are going to a party tonight and I don't feel like going, so there is no one to hang with.

[Taeyeon - 2:26 PM] Okay.

[Taeyeon - 2:26 PM] Wanna hear a joke?

[Taeyeon - 2:26 PM] Or read for that matter.

[Tiffany - 2:26 PM] Sure, shoot away.

[Taeyeon - 2:27 PM] What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?

[Tiffany - 2:27 PM] What did he say?

[Taeyeon - 2:27 PM] Aye Matey.

[Tiffany - 2:27 PM] Taeyeon, that is so stupid.

[Tiffany - 2:27 PM] Not gonna lie, though.

[Tiffany - 2:27 PM] That got a chuckle out of me.

[Taeyeon - 2:28 PM] Want another one?

[Tiffany - 2:28 PM] Why not.

[Taeyeon - 2:29 PM] What's the difference between a dirty bus stop and a lobster with breast implants?

[Tiffany - 2:29 PM] I don't know.

[Taeyeon - 2:30 PM] One's a crusty bus station and the other is a busty crustacean.

[Tiffany - 2:30 PM] Oh my god, where did you even hear these?!

[Taeyeon - 2:31 PM] The internet.

[Tiffany - 2:31 PM] You sure have found some good ones.

[Taeyeon - 2:32 PM] Do you like Leonardo DiCaprio ?

[Tiffany - 2:32 PM] FUCK YEAH.

[Tiffany - 2:32 PM] I LOVE HIM.

[Taeyeon - 2:33 PM] Wow, okay.

[Taeyeon - 2:33 PM] I saw this on Tumblr...

[Taeyeon - 2:33 PM]

[Tiffany - 2:35 PM] Oh my god 😂😂😂

[Taeyeon - 2:37 PM] Did you laugh?

[Tiffany - 2:37 PM] Yeah 😄

[Taeyeon - 2:37 PM] Good my job is done.

[Tiffany - 2:37 PM] Because I'm such a nice person I'm offering you a thank you gift.

[Tiffany - 2:37 PM] Tell me your wish Taeyeon.

[Taeyeon - 2:39 PM] What, really? 😶

[Tiffany - 2:39 PM] Wish away.

[Taeyeon - 2:40 PM] I wish you would send me a second selfie (Not a nude).

[Tiffany - 2:40 PM] Got it 😂

[Tiffany - 2:57 PM]

[Taeyeon - 2:57 PM] You're so beautiful, my heart is squeezing tightly.

[Taeyeon - 2:57 PM] You're killing me Hwang.

[Tiffany - 2:58 PM] That's just sweet, Taeyeon 😆

[Taeyeon - 2:59 PM] Thank you for the selfie I'm pretty pleased.

[Tiffany - 2:59 PM] Nope. Thank you for making me laugh.

[Taeyeon - 3:00 PM] Anytime, Tiffany

[Taeyeon - 3:00 PM] If you're ever bored again, please do text me.

[Taeyeon - 3:00 PM] I will make sure you turn off your phone with a smile on your face.

[Tiffany - 3:00 PM] I appreciate that 😊

[Tiffany - 3:00 PM] You're such a good friend, too.

[Taeyeon - 3:01 PM] I'm actually low-key celebrating in public because you called me a friend.

[Tiffany - 3:01 PM] Lol

[Tiffany - 3:01 PM] Dork

[Taeyeon - 3:02 PM] Again, I'm not going to deny that 😐

[Taeyeon - 3:02 PM] Unfortunately, I have to go now.

[Taeyeon - 3:02 PM] Text me later?

[Tiffany - 3:02 PM] Sure 😉

[Tiffany - 4:00 PM] You know what?

[Tiffany - 4:00 PM] This is for your eyes only because you're sweet to me.

[Tiffany - 4:00 PM] -NSFW Picture Sent-



[Taeyeon - 6:33 PM] YOU CAN'T

[Taeyeon - 6:33 PM] YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!1


[Taeyeon - 6:33 PM] YOU

[Taeyeon - 6:33 PM] CAN

[Taeyeon - 6:34 PM] NOT

[Taeyeon - 6:34 PM] DO

[Taeyeon - 6:34 PM] THAT

[Taeyeon - 6:34 PM] THAT'S UNFAIR

[Taeyeon - 6:34 PM] FUCK

[Taeyeon - 6:35 PM] Oh my god, that ass, and that side boob, though.

[Taeyeon - 6:35 PM] You're fit as hell 😳 I honestly did not expect that.


[Taeyeon - 6:35 PM] I can't even touch myself here, Tiffany.

[Taeyeon - 6:35 PM] How are you going to take responsibility?

[Tiffany - 6:38 PM] Lol you're the one who told me to send one whenever I feel like it's okay 😜

[Taeyeon - 6:39 PM] That's not fair, Tiffany.

[Taeyeon - 6:39 PM] THAT IS NOT FAIR!

[Taeyeon - 6:39 PM] Thank god I'm not a dude or I would have been already arrested for having a boner in public 😓

[Tiffany - 6:39 PM] 😅

[Taeyeon - 6:39 PM] Ugh

[Taeyeon - 6:39 PM] The sight of your bare back is making me throb in unmentionable places 😷

[Tiffany - 6:39 PM] Good 😏

[Taeyeon - 6:40 PM] I hate you

[Tiffany - 6:40 PM] You like me 😂

[Taeyeon - 6:41 PM] Confident much?

[Tiffany - 6:41 PM] Well, your reaction made my self-esteem skyrocket.

[Taeyeon - 6:42 PM] And that's where it should be.

[Taeyeon - 6:42 PM] Gotta go, I will text you later tonight.

[Tiffany - 6:42 PM] Don't forget to relief yourself 😉

[Taeyeon - 6:43 PM] 😧

[Taeyeon - 11:00 PM] Hey, hi, hello.

[Taeyeon - 11:00 PM] What are you doing?

[Tiffany - 11:04 PM] Watching Netflix.

[Taeyeon - 11:04 PM] Fun.

[Tiffany - 11:04] And what are you doing?

[Taeyeon - 11:04] Chillin in bed.

[Tiffany - 11:04 PM] Fun 😏

[Taeyeon - 11:04 PM] NO

[Taeyeon - 11:05 PM] DON'T GO THERE.

[Tiffany - 11:05 PM] Okay okay 😂

[Taeyeon - 11:07 PM] Can I ask you something?

[Tiffany - 11:07 PM] Ask away.

[Taeyeon - 11:07 PM] Why did you send me that picture?

[Tiffany - 11:07 PM] To thank you for being sweet to me.

[Taeyeon - 11:07 PM] No Tiffany, that's not really a reason.

[Taeyeon - 11:07 PM] Why did you do that?

[Taeyeon - 11:07 PM] You know that I'm attracted to girls.

[Taeyeon - 11:08 PM] Does someone like me looking at you that way not make you feel uncomfortable?

[Tiffany - 11:08 PM] I don't feel Uncomfortable, Taeyeon.

[Taeyeon - 11:08 PM] If you're looking for an experiment, you can just say so.

[Tiffany - 11:08 PM] No, Taeyeon, I swear I'm not experimenting.

[Taeyeon - 11:09 PM] Really?

[Tiffany - 11:12 PM] I'm sorry.

[Tiffany - 11:12 PM] That was a lie.

[Tiffany - 11:13 PM] I wanted to know what it feels like to be looked that way by a girl.

[Taeyeon - 11:14 PM] Thank you for saying the truth.

[Taeyeon - 11:14 PM] How did it feel?

[Tiffany - 11:14 PM] I'm feeling flattered.

[Taeyeon - 11:14 PM] 🙂

[Taeyeon - 11:14 PM] Are you lying?

[Tiffany - 11:15 PM] I swear to the god of chocolate chip cookies that I'm not lying.

[Taeyeon - 11:15 PM] Wow 😳 to go as far as the god of chocolate chip cookies, you must be feeling really good right now.

[Tiffany - 11:17 PM] I'm feeling myself right now, Taeyeon.

[Taeyeon - 11:17 PM] 😧

[Taeyeon - 11:17 PM] What are you trying to say, Tiffany?

[Tiffany - 11:18 PM] I'm saying that the thought of you getting horny after seeing a picture of my naked body made me horny.

[Tiffany - 11:18 PM] Will you take responsibility?

[Taeyeon - 11:21 PM] I will be happy to.



[Tiffany - 12:06 AM] Well that didn't take long.

[Taeyeon - 12:06 AM] Was I up to your expectation?

[Tiffany - 12:06 AM] Actually, you were a bit more than that 😉

[Taeyeon - 12:06 AM] 😁

[Tiffany - 12:07 AM] That didn't seem like your first time sexting, though.

[Taeyeon - 12:07 AM] Because it's not.

[Tiffany - 12:07 AM] Oh yeah?

[Tiffany - 12:07 AM] How many times have you done it before now?

[Taeyeon - 12:08 AM] I don't keep count but it's not a lot.

[Taeyeon - 12:08 AM] Just a couple of girls from school who wanted to also experiment.

[Tiffany - 12:08 AM] Are you still talking to any of them?

[Taeyeon - 12:08 AM] Nah, they stopped talking to me after getting what they wanted 😑

[Tiffany - 12:08 AM] You know that I'm not going to do that to you right?

[Taeyeon - 12:08 AM] Well, you're a nice person so I guess not.

[Taeyeon - 12:08 AM] I hope that you enjoyed my service, though 👽

[Tiffany - 12:09 AM] Oh, I did.

[Tiffany - 12:09 AM] Actually, I need to change my bed sheets now, they got a bit dirty because of you.

[Taeyeon - 12:09 AM] Thank you very much for boosting up my self-confidence 😂

[Tiffany - 12:09 AM] You're welcome 😂

[Tiffany - 12:10 AM] As much as I would like to continue chatting, I really wanna get to sleep now.

[Taeyeon - 12:10 AM] Good night Tiffany 🙂

[Tiffany - 12:10 AM] Good night Taeyeon

[Tiffany - 1:12 PM] Hi

[Tiffany - 1:12 PM] Watcha doin?

[Taeyeon - 1:19 PM] Having lunch with some friends 😬

[Taeyeon - 1:19 PM] You?

[Tiffany - 1:19 PM] Watching Netflix with my puppy.

[Tiffany - 1:19 PM]

[Taeyeon - 1:20 PM] THANK YOU!

[Taeyeon - 1:20 PM] THAT IS ADORABLE 😍

[Taeyeon - 1:20 PM] What's your dog's name?

[Tiffany - 1:20 PM] Prince.

[Taeyeon - 1:20 PM] Not gonna lie, that is so cheesy.

[Taeyeon - 1:20 PM] But it fits him somehow 😅

[Tiffany - 1:20 PM] It does, doesn't it?

[Tiffany - 1:26 PM] Taeyeon?

[Taeyeon - 1:51 PM] Yeah, so...

[Taeyeon - 1:51 PM] My friends caught me texting you and they began to interrogate me 😷

[Taeyeon - 1:51 PM] They caught up to our relationship.

[Tiffany - 1:52 PM] Oh, no 😱

[Tiffany - 1:52 PM] Wait...

[Tiffany - 1:52 PM] I'm not sure myself, but...what is our relationship?

[Taeyeon - 1:52 PM] Really?

[Taeyeon - 1:52 PM] You ask that after what we did last night?

[Tiffany - 1:52 PM] Just to make sure, we're not dating, are we? 😰

[Taeyeon - 1:53 PM] Tiffany, how are we dating if we have never actually met?

[Taeyeon - 1:53 PM] No, we're not dating.

[Tiffany - 1:53 PM] Well, thank god we're on the same page on that.

[Tiffany - 1:53 PM] But what's our relationship then?

[Taeyeon 1:53 PM] You just called me a friend only two days ago but then again we just had sex through text last night, so...

[Tiffany - 1:54 PM] Friends with benefits?

[Taeyeon - 1:54 PM] Yeah, I guess.

[Tiffany - 1:54 PM] What do your friends think though?

[Taeyeon - 1:54 PM] Think of what?

[Tiffany - 1:54 PM]

[Tiffany - 1:54 PM] What do they think of you having a friend with benefits?

[Taeyeon - 1:55 PM] Oh no, they already know that I have done this a few times before, in fact, one of them is just like me.

[Taeyeon - 1:55 PM] But, Tiffany believe me...

[Taeyeon - 1:55 PM] There is nothing worse than having your friends tease you over finding your sexts.

[Taeyeon - 1:55 PM] Nothing.

[Tiffany - 1:55 PM] 😳

[Taeyeon - 1:56 PM] Be careful Tiffany.

[Taeyeon - 1:56 PM] Be very careful.



[Taeyeon - 5:37 PM] Hi 😃

[Tiffany - 5:44 PM] Hi...

[Taeyeon - 5:44 PM] What?

[Tiffany - 5:44 PM] No, it's just...you haven't talked to me for almost a week.

[Tiffany - 5:44 PM] I thought that you felt awkward after what we did.

[Taeyeon - 5:45 PM] Lol, no 😂

[Taeyeon - 5:45 PM] I have been extremely busy with school, double majors here if you have forgotten.

[Tiffany - 5:45 PM] Okay 🙂

[Taeyeon - 5:45 PM] So what have you been up to?

[Tiffany - 5:46 PM] Class, assignment, friends, Netflix, sleep, eat, repeat.

[Taeyeon - 5:46 PM] Where are you?

[Tiffany - 5:46 PM] In my room.

[Tiffany - 5:46 PM] Why?

[Taeyeon - 5:46 PM] Are you on your period?

[Tiffany - 5:47 PM] No. And again, why? 😕

[Taeyeon - 5:47 PM] What are you wearing, Tiffany?

[Tiffany - 5:47 PM] Oh

[Tiffany - 6:15 PM] That was hot 😷

[Taeyeon - 6:15 PM] Did that turn you on?

[Tiffany - 6:16 PM] Yeah, I'm still recovering.

[Tiffany - 6:17 PM] Your experience definitely shows

[Taeyeon - 6:17 PM] 😅

[Tiffany - 6:17 PM] It's not fair if I'm the only one receiving, though

[Tiffany - 6:17 PM] Can I be the one giving?

[Taeyeon - 6:18 PM] Oh no, you don't have to worry about me, I get plenty of pleasure from just giving.

[Tiffany - 6:18 PM] I don't see how that works

[Taeyeon - 6:20 PM] I don't know why but my body reaches a certain point of pleasure that I don't know, I guess I can't handle going further than that point I get satisfied at that point and I don't even need to cum.

[Tiffany - 6:20 PM] Wow 😳 that's kind of convenient.

[Taeyeon - 6:20 PM] Yeah, but it takes some time to reach that point on my own, while sexting though 😏 is a whole other story.

[Tiffany - 6:20 PM] What about while doing it IRL?

[Taeyeon - 6:20 PM] It doesn't even take a touch to reach that point 😅 I can get there with just pleasuring my partner.

[Tiffany - 6:21 PM] That is too convenient to be true 😂

[Tiffany - 6:21 PM] Lucky you, I guess.

[Taeyeon - 6:21 PM] Yup, lucky me.

[Tiffany - 6:21 PM] But haven't you ever wondered what it feels like to cum?

[Taeyeon - 6:21 PM] I do wonder what it feels like, but I just can't reach it

[Tiffany - 6:22 PM] Well, poor you, I guess 😅

[Taeyeon - 6:22 PM] I get satisfied in the end so...meh 😑

[Tiffany - 6:25 PM] I just realized that I know more about you sexually than I know about you as a person.

[Tiffany - 6:25 PM] Let's play 5 questions cause ain't nobody got time for 21 😊

[Taeyeon - 6:25 PM] Sure, I got nothing better to do anyways 😑

[Tiffany - 6:25 PM] 😒

[Taeyeon - 6:25 PM] I'm just kidding 😅

[Taeyeon - 6:26 PM] Even if I had something to do I would pause it and play with you.

[Tiffany - 6:26 PM] 😒

[Taeyeon - 6:27 PM] Shall I start? 😃

[Tiffany - 6:27 PM] Go ahead.

[Taeyeon - 6:27 PM] Do you have a Korean name?

[Tiffany - 6:27 PM] Ugh yes It's Miyoung and don't you dare call me by it because I will murder you on the spot if you do.

[Taeyeon - 6:27 PM] 😨

[Tiffany - 6: 27 PM] Why did you ask that?

[Taeyeon - 6:28 PM] I have this friend who's name was Soonkyu but she hated the shit out of it so she literally changed it to Sunny.

[Tiffany - 6:28 PM] Wow 😳 I imagine her to be a strong willed girl.

[Taeyeon - 6:28 PM] Oh she is.

[Taeyeon - 6:29 PM] She's like the cutest girl you will ever see in your life but she's actually the only daughter of Satan.

[Tiffany - 6:29 PM] 😨

[Taeyeon - 6:29 PM] Your turn

[Tiffany - 6:30 PM] When is your birthday?

[Taeyeon - 6:30 PM] March 9th, you?

[Tiffany - 6:30 PM] August 1st.

[Taeyeon - 6:31 PM] So we're 1 year, 4 months and 23 days apart.

[Tiffany - 6:31 PM] That was some quick math right there 😳

[Taeyeon - 6:31 PM] Well, I don't have all these useless degrees resting in my drawer for nothing.

[Tiffany - 6:32 PM] Honestly, that kind of turned me on again.

[Taeyeon - 6:32 PM] Tiffany, it's been only 17 minutes since our last session.

[Tiffany - 6:32 PM] Enough time for recovery.

[Tiffany - 6:33 PM] NO WAIT

[Tiffany - 6:33 PM] Let's finish the game first, 3 more questions, let's finish them fast.

[Taeyeon - 6:33 PM] Okay. Any siblings?

[Tiffany - 6:33 PM] Nope, only child here. You?

[Taeyeon - 6:34 PM] I have a little sister.

[Tiffany - 6:34 PM] Do you have a roommate?

[Taeyeon - 6:34 PM] No. You?

[Tiffany - 6:34 PM] Yes I do, my best friend Jessica, also Asian-America.

[Taeyeon - 6:34 PM] Nice. Do you have any allergies?

[Tiffany - 6:35 PM] No. You?

[Taeyeon - 6:35 PM] Yes, nuts.

[Tiffany - 6:35 PM] How sad! 😱

[Taeyeon - 6:35 PM] ?

[Tiffany - 6:35 PM] You can't enjoy Peanut Butter & Jelly 😢

[Taeyeon - 6:36 PM] I actually did enjoy it twice. Once when they first found out I have nut allergies and the second time in middle school because I didn't remember what it tasted like.

[Taeyeon - 6:36 PM] Both ended almost fatal 💀

[Tiffany - 6:36 PM] Don't be sad 😭

[Taeyeon - 6:36 PM] I'm not really that bothered 😑

[Tiffany - 6:37 PM] Oh wait!

[Tiffany - 6:37 PM] Maybe we could be like Peanut Butter & Jelly 😃

[Taeyeon - 6:37 PM] And how will we do that, exactly?

[Tiffany - 6:37 PM] Well 😏

[Tiffany - 6:37 PM] You could start by asking me how wet I am right now.



[Taeyeon - 2:18 AM] so I have been wandering

[Tiffany - 2:18 AM] Taeyeon it's 2 in the morning.

[Taeyeon - 2:19 AM] you responsed on the same kinute wwhich means you weree aready awake. texting someone may bee

[Taeyeon - 2:19 AM] you have no tight to complain about dis

[Tiffany - 2:19 AM]

[Taeyeon - 2:19 AM] so I hafe been wodering

[Tiffany - 2:19 AM] Enlighten me.

[Taeyeon - 2:19 AM] are eyepraws considered faciallll hair?

[Tiffany - 2:20 AM] I think so. What got you wondering such a thing?

[Taeyeon - 2:20 AM] it's just that I was hafing a heated conversation with one of my frients about faciall hai earlier, and sshe said that I have no fajial hair on ma vegania because my eyepraws are light

[Tiffany - 2:20 AM]

[Taeyeon - 2:22 AM]

[Tiffany - 2:22 AM] No comment, Taeyeon. No Comment.

[Taeyeon - 2:23 AM] can I ahsk anathar question?

[Tiffany - 2:23 AM] Spare me, please 😩

[Taeyeon - 2:23 AM] if an ambuleance is on its way to save someone, and it runns someone ovver, does it stop to help dem?

[Tiffany - 2:23 AM] I'm pretty sure that yes, they would stop and help

[Taeyeon - 2:24 AM] i mean it's their fucking sault, it's onlyyyy the tight thing to do to top and hel

[Tiffany - 2:24 AM] Yup.

[Taeyeon - 2:24 AM] another questionnn

[Tiffany - 2:24 AM]

[Taeyeon - 2:25 AM] if a baby's leg popps out at 11:59 PM butt his headd doesn't come oUT until 12:01 AM, which day was he porn on?

[Tiffany - 2:28 AM] Damn it, that actually got me thinking I don't know.

[Taeyeon - 2:28 AM] i will foofle it later.

[Taeyeon - 2:28 AM] i have pne more quesTION

[Tiffany - 2:28 AM] Kill me now.

[Taeyeon - 2:29 AM] do they have the worrrd (dicktionary) in the dikctionary?

[Tiffany - 2:30 AM] Taeyeon how about I ask you a question now?

[Taeyeon - 2:30 AM] dure.

[Tiffany - 2:30 AM] What the fuck did you smoke?

[Tiffany - 2:30 AM] Are you drunk?

[Taeyeon - 2:31 AM] Lol. I'm not drunk.

[Taeyeon - 2:34 AM] (NSFW Picture Sent)

[Taeyeon - 2:34 AM] see I can stillll take my clotes off.


[Taeyeon - 2:35 AM] LOL I'M DUNK.

[Taeyeon - 8:35 AM] Well this is embarrassing 😳

[Taeyeon - 8:35 AM] So yeah, I might have chugged a can of beer last night.

[Taeyeon - 8:35 AM] Drunk Taeyeon seems to have come to like texting you.

[Tiffany - 8:56 AM] I can see that.

[Taeyeon - 8:56 AM] Sorry.

[Tiffany - 8:56 AM] It's alright, you kept me entertained when I couldn't sleep.

[Tiffany - 8:57 AM] In more ways than one if you know what I mean 😉

[Taeyeon - 8:57 AM] About that picture...

[Tiffany - 8:57 AM] You're so fucking sexy, Taeyeon. You have no idea how wet your body made me.

[Taeyeon - 8:58 AM] I'm so embarrassed, I don't know what to say 😅

[Taeyeon - 8:58 AM] I don't think of myself as sexy, but thanks, I guess.

[Tiffany - 8:58 AM] You don't have to act humble, everyone has the right to be confident about their body.

[Taeyeon - 8:58 AM] I have to go now, I have a class to get ready for and Pajama pants to look for.

[Tiffany - 8:59 AM] Lol, you must have forgotten to put it back on after taking the pic last night.

[Taeyeon - 8:59 AM] That might be it 😅

[Taeyeon - 9:00 AM] I will text you later.

[Tiffany - 9:00 AM] Okay.

[Taeyeon - 7:25 PM] What's up girl? 😃

[Tiffany - 7:28 PM] Netflix is up.

[Taeyeon - 7:28 PM] Why does it seem like you're always watching Netflix when I text you?

[Tiffany - 7:29 PM] Because that's actually all I do Taeyeon.

[Taeyeon - 7:29 PM] I doubt that.

[Tiffany - 7:29 PM] Whatever.

[Taeyeon - 7:29 PM] Bad mood?

[Tiffany - 7:30 PM] Yeah.

[Taeyeon - 7:30 PM] May I ask why?

[Tiffany - 7:30 PM] It's just

[Tiffany - 7:30 PM] Ugh you won't understand.

[Taeyeon - 7:30 PM] Try me.

[Tiffany - 7:31 PM] How do you deal with people judging you?

[Taeyeon - 7:31 PM] Don't care what people think of me.

[Tiffany - 7:31 PM] Must be nice being you 😐

[Tiffany - 7:32 PM] Whatever I say or do, people are always watching, judging, putting fails expectations on me and it hurts to see someone disappointed in me.

[Taeyeon - 7:32 PM] Whatever you say or do will not stop people from talking or judging or putting expectations.

[Taeyeon - 7:33 PM] That's how people are, you learn to live with it eventually.

[Tiffany - 7:33 PM] But that's just not right!

[Taeyeon - 7:33 PM] That doesn't mean people will stop doing it.

[Taeyeon - 7:33 PM] Example

[Taeyeon - 7:34 PM] I bet my life that you thought I was a horrible person as a whole when I asked you to send nudes.

[Tiffany - 7:34 PM] Guilty.

[Taeyeon - 7:34 PM] See? Even you do it.

[Taeyeon - 7:34 PM] Hell, even I do it.

[Taeyeon - 7:34 PM] That's just how humans are.

[Tiffany - 7:35 PM] That sucks

[Taeyeon - 7:35 PM] I thought about this a lot when I was younger.

[Taeyeon - 7:35 PM] And not caring is the answer I found.

[Taeyeon - 7:36 PM] But that's just me. I think everyone has their own ways to get through.

[Tiffany - 7:36 PM] I wish I have all that figured out, it's keeping me up at night.

[Taeyeon - 7:37 PM] Well, you know who to come to when you're up and bothered in the middle of the night 😉

[Tiffany - 7:37 PM] I will keep that in mind 😏

[Tiffany - 7:40 PM] You know what?

[Taeyeon - 7:41 PM] What?

[Tiffany - 7:41 PM] Let's continue the 21 questions game.

[Tiffany - 7:41 PM] We still have 16 questions to go.

[Taeyeon - 7:42 PM] But of course because Ms. Hwang is too lazy, we're only doing another set of 5, right?

[Tiffany - 7:43 PM] You already know me well 😆

[Taeyeon - 7:43 PM] I try 😁

[Taeyeon - 7:43 PM] Shall I go first?

[Tiffany - 7:43 PM] Go ahead.

[Taeyeon - 7:44 PM] What do you have in your pockets?

[Tiffany - 7:45 PM]

[Taeyeon - 7:45 PM] What?

[Tiffany - 7:45 PM] That's kind of creepy.

[Tiffany - 7:45 PM] I'm not wearing pants.

[Taeyeon - 7:45 PM] 😳 Unf

[Taeyeon - 7:46 PM] Wait, and you call me creepy?! 😂

[Tiffany - 7:46 PM] Well, what do you have in your pockets?

[Taeyeon - 7:46 PM] Nothing.

[Tiffany - 7:46 PM] Boring 😑

[Tiffany - 7:47 PM] Whateves, my turn.

[Tiffany - 7:47 PM] Do you have any pet peeves?

[Taeyeon - 7:47 PM] Oh god, lots!

[Taeyeon - 7:47 PM] Mothers who don't look out for their kids at the mall 😠

[Taeyeon - 7:48 PM] Like, bitch your kid is about to jump off the stairs and kill himself while you're busy asking if that skirt comes in pink.

[Tiffany - 7:48 PM] Ugh, I hate that too.

[Tiffany - 7:49 PM] But it's the most annoying when couples sit on the same side of the booth when there is no one on the other side.

[Taeyeon - 7:49 PM] Screw them and their happiness

[Tiffany - 7:49 PM] Yeah!

[Taeyeon - 7:49 PM] Next question.

[Taeyeon - 7:50 PM] How was high school for you?

[Tiffany - 7:50 PM] Horrible in the first year, fine in the second, fun in the third.

[Taeyeon - 7:50 PM] Would you tell me why?

[Tiffany - 7:50 PM] Well

[Tiffany - 7:51 PM] First year I have just arrived in Korea and my language wasn't that good.

[Tiffany - 7:51 PM] You know how teenagers are when they find a weakness in someone.

[Taeyeon - 7:51 PM] Abuse the shit out of it, am I right?

[Tiffany - 7:51 PM] Yup, fortunately, I wasn't alone.

[Tiffany - 7:51 PM] I met my best friend Jessica at that time who was in the same situation as me.

[Tiffany - 7:52 PM] But unlike me, she has a strong personality and doesn't allow anyone to make fun of her or anyone close to her.

[Tiffany - 7:52 PM] We bonded quickly which made second-year good and third even better.

[Taeyeon - 7:53 PM] This Jessica girl sounds like a good friend 🙂

[Tiffany - 7:53 PM] Well, apart from her sarcasm and bitchiness, she's a good friend 😊

[Tiffany - 7:53 PM] What about you?

[Taeyeon - 7:54 PM] High school was incredibly boring 😑

[Taeyeon - 7:54 PM] Once a routine was established it continued on for three years.

[Tiffany - 7:54 PM] At least people didn't bother you for who you are.

[Taeyeon - 7:54 PM] Yeah, try being a 5 ft 1 nerd. That definitely helps.

[Tiffany - 7:54 PM] Sorry 🙁

[Taeyeon - 7:55 PM] It's okay.

[Taeyeon - 7:55 PM] Wasn't it your turn to ask? 👀

[Tiffany - 7:55 PM] Oh yeah

[Tiffany - 7:57 PM] I have been curious about this

[Tiffany - 7:57 PM] When and with whom was your first kiss?

[Taeyeon - 7:58 PM] First year of high school, one of my best friends Sunny 😷

[Tiffany - 7:58 PM] Sunny again.

[Tiffany - 7:58 PM] Are you two dating?

[Taeyeon - 7:58 PM] Lol no 😂

[Taeyeon - 7:59 PM] She's a fuckboy.

[Taeyeon - 7:59 PM] Or fuck girl for that matter

[Taeyeon - 7:59 PM] When I was confused as hell of who I am, she was kind enough to offer me her lips.

[Tiffany - 8:00 PM] That was nice of her.

[Taeyeon - 8:00 PM] Yeah. What about you, though?

[Tiffany - 8:00 PM] First year of high school, my first ever boyfriend.

[Taeyeon - 8:00 PM] That's sweet.

[Tiffany - 8:01 PM] Yeah, he was a good boyfriend 🙂

[Taeyeon - 8:01 PM] Would you tell me why you broke up?

[Tiffany - 8:02 PM] I liked him, he liked me, but we didn't love each other. So we agreed that it's better to stop dating and waste time and just move on.

[Taeyeon - 8:02 PM] That's a peaceful break up right there

[Tiffany - 8:03 PM] Yeah 😌

[Tiffany - 8:03 PM] And your last question is?

[Taeyeon - 8:03 PM] Are you a virgin?

[Tiffany - 8:03 PM] Of course you would like to find out the answer to that question 😏

[Taeyeon - 8:03 PM] Is that bad?

[Tiffany - 8:04 PM] Nope, I'm your sexting buddy, you kind of have the right to know.

[Tiffany - 8:04 PM] The answer is no, I'm not a virgin.

[Taeyeon - 8:04 PM] Okay.

[Tiffany - 8:04 PM] Are you a virgin, Taeyeon?

[Taeyeon - 8:08 PM] Yeah.

[Tiffany - 8:08 PM] 😧

[Taeyeon - 8:08 PM] Don't judge, goddamit!

[Taeyeon - 8:08 PM] I haven't found the right person yet!

[Tiffany - 8:10 PM] Actually

[Tiffany - 8:10 PM] The fact that you don't know what it's like to have a finger inside of you is turning me on

[Taeyeon - 8:10 PM] 😳

[Taeyeon - 8:10 PM] The fact that you're getting turned on is turning me on too.

[Tiffany - 8:10 PM] Perfect.

[Taeyeon - 8:11 PM] It's good that your pants are already off.

[Tiffany - 8:11 PM] You don't say 😏