Precinct 31

Chapter Four

The rest of the meeting had been a blur, as I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything besides Inuyasha's sudden departure.

Even now, knee deep in my investigation, I still couldn't get his reaction out of my mind. I was staring at the screen, but I wasn't really seeing anything there.

From what I had heard from the gossips in my old department Inuyasha only had three emotions; angry, sarcastic, and angrier.

But upstairs, in the conference room, I saw a new emotion flitter across his face; fear.

For Inuyasha Tashio to be scared by something then that means the rest of us should be terrified.

He was strong, fast, adept, and deadly, according to all reports, so what could possibly shake him like this?

Whoever this person is I need find out everything I can about them. Maybe then I'll have a way to connect with him.

After the Captain dismissed us I went straight to Inuyasha's desk to look for him, but it turned out to be pointless since he wasn't there.

I had half a mind to go ask Captain Totosai for his number, and I found myself walking in that direction, but I stopped right outside the door.

I want to earn respect from these people, and somehow, I just don't think complaining about my new partner is the way to do it

Unlike the people I work with back in my department, the cops here figure out their problems on their own. If I wanted to be taken seriously I would have to do the same.

I decided at that moment, standing outside the Captain's door, that I would make this work no matter what. I have something to prove to Inuyasha and to my director, but most of all, I have something to prove to my myself.

I'm not weak, I can make split-second decisions, and I can handle tough situations. These are the type of traits that I will need as Director.

I would find Inuyasha and make him accept me, even if I had to go to his house. But first, I needed a little more information on what I was going to be up against.

So I made my way back out to the main security check-point to talk to the nice guard from my first day.

He lit up when he saw me, and I made a note of that. It may be deceitful but if I ever need to I can use his attraction to my advantage.

I sparked casual conversation and then I dived right in, asking if there was any place that I could go to do some research. I had a sugar sweet smile on my face the entire time.

It worked because he was started shining like a beacon, and when he stood up he didn't just tell me where to go, he personally escorted me, but not before hitting a button under the desk that caused a translucent screen to pop up in front.

It read 'BACK IN TEN'.

He's sweet, and also, this place is so cool.

There isn't a computer lab in the building since everyone who works here has computers at their desks, but he did take me to some extra computers on the Forensics floor that weren't claimed.

After he got me logged in, I thanked him and started my research.

I thought he left, but when I pushed my spiritual powers outward I could feel him him standing right behind me. Okay, maybe not so sweet, maybe just strange.

"Thanks again", I said to him, and this time he got the hint and headed back to his desk.

That had been, I glance at the computer clock, two hours ago, and I'm no further now then I was when I first started. I'm still clueless.

"What the hell?", I say out loud to myself, frustrated and ready to find something, anything, that will answer any of my questions.

Before we were dismissed Totosia had called him 'The Spider', so I looked up every reference and variation of his name and alias that I could think of.

Naruku Tuljima.


Nuraku Moko.

Serial killer Spider.

Woman killing Spider.

Killer in multiples of five.

Tokyo killing Spider.

Skin peel, no teeth killer Spider, Moko, Japan.

I've used up all my creative search juices. There's absolutely nothing left. On another note, I have seen enough Black Widows and Brown Recluses to last me lifetime, so there's that. I even went back fifty years since I know demons can live longer, but nada.

I lean back into my rolling chair in a huff, going all the way back and tilting my head back to look up at the ceiling. What am I missing here?

The way everyone in the room reacted when they heard that name, he must have left a trace somewhere, shouldn't he? Or she. I don't want to be sexist.

Still leaning back I stretch my arms up above my head and clench my eyes open and shut. Staring at the computer screen for so long has strained them.

I open them up to see the white of the ceiling pattern and my mind is instantly taken to another white entity.

Was his hair white or silver? In the light it seems to glitter like silver but from a distance it looks white. I should know as much since I stared at it for a good chunk of the meeting.

From the moment he walked in the conference room I had been watching him. My powers are strong, so even in a room full of people I can still pinpoint certain ones. He was the only half-demon there so it wasn't hard to find him since he's an outlier.

His energy wasn't any weaker than any of the other demons there, just…different.

When he came in he had the same tight-lipped face from the first time we met, and his eyes were focused and unimpressed. He was the vision of 'I don't want to be here'.

His hair was pulled up again, and despite the fact that there was every hair and eye color on the rainbow in the room, his seemed to stand out the most.

It took everything in me to go up to him. I wasn't afraid of him per say, just his wrath. On one hand, I thought maybe if I do this I'll just be digging myself into a deeper hole.

But the other hand, the erroneously confident hand, I thought maybe this would show him I was resourceful and resilient. I mean I had found my way into the meeting even without a heads up from my supposed partner.

I decided to throw caution to the wind and just go for it. I focused my concentration into keeping my barrier up. It was already in full effect, but I didn't want a repeat of our last run in. One look from him and I had forgotten all my training. Not this time.

I inched my way closer to him, not because I liked the suspense, but because there were a ton of people in the room who wouldn't move for me. That makes sense since they probably couldn't sense me.

There were giant demons the size of bounders and small demons the size to insects. There were also plenty of humans. Everyone was in a mix of cop attire, casual clothing, and I also saw some doctor coats. I remember thinking that the diversity of the precinct shone through brilliantly in the room.

When I finally got to him I nudged him, but no reaction. My heart was beating faster than it had in a long time but I kept going. I did it again with a little more pressure, but still, nothing. He seemed like he didn't even feel it.

One more time, and this time I put a even more force into. That worked as he finally whipped his head around towards me, his face full of barely constrained rage.

But when he saw me, that anger immediately dissipated.

He looked surprised and disbelieving, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing, and I felt amazing putting that look on his face. After that I turned around and continued to listen in on the rest of the meeting.

I couldn't help but steal glances at him for the remainder of the conference. I stayed close to him, not for lack of room since most of attendees had given him a wide girth, but just because I wanted to.

Why had I wanted to? I don't want to think about it while I'm at work.

I was looking at him inconspicuously when Totosai announced the name of the serial killer. And when he went stiff, I turned to look at him outright.

His eyes went wide and he stood plank straight, like he had seen a ghost.


I lean back up into my chair and stand up, instantly regretting it because I get light headed and I'm forced to sit back down.

That's it! Inuyasha. He for sure has some recognition of the case so if anyone knows all about it it would be him. He would have the records.

I shut down the computer, grab my bag, and make my way to the exit. I'm walking briskly, excited that I may have a new lead. I head to the stairwell that will take me to Inuyasha's floor.

Jackpot! I was right about my hunch. All the files on this elusive killer may have been missing from the general population search but Inuyasha still had all the records.

They were hidden deep deep deep in his computer, like five folders in, but I finally found them. I was shocked that he had so much information. He didn't seem like the type to keep evidence.

There's case reports from multiple agents, including Inuyasha, witness testimonies, old news articles, evidence maps, and a bunch of other stuff I couldn't wait to go through.

His computer was password protected but guessing his password wasn't hard at all, I did it in seconds….. It also helped that it was written in a sticky note affixed to the screen.

Before I start reading I retrieve my flash drive from my bag and copy all the files over from his computer to my USB. They are encrypted, but the password is the same one that had been on the sticky note. After it's complete I stash the USB away in my pocket.

I also take out my notepad. I try to just jot down all the pertinent facts, but everything seems pertinent.

Naruku Tuljima OR The Spider

Sex: Male

-Active: 1982-1982, 2004-2004, 2025-2025

-Modus Operandi: Varies. Particulars changes with each stint

· 1982: Political women, suffocated and electrocuted, all victims were only children, bodies found in schools

· 2004: Decapitation while still alive, all victims were mothers, bodies were cut and sewn back up many times, bodies were found in their marital beds

· 2025: Exsanguination, then received blood transfusions, and then drained again, all victims were first born daughters, all victims poor

I began to fill in all the new information I remembered from Captain Totosai.

· 2035: Age factors of 5, skin peeled off, sensory organs removed, women who are visitors to the city

-Current Victim Count: 24

-Status: Unknown

-Last Assigned Agents: Kosji Tayl, Hyokie Malduar, Syn Welt, Inuyasha Tashio

My eyes stare hard at the last sentence on the computer. Inuyasha had been on this case? But I thought he had a perfect record? That's what I had heard anyway.

And why were the other agent's names crossed out? Did that mean….

So he goes on a kill spree sporadically, and it lasts for only a year, with his victims spaced out. He is intricate but also random, as his MO changes for each batch.

I continue scanning the files.

Damn. He had been killing since before I was even born.

The fact that he still hadn't been caught meant he was good. The fact that he had been assigned to this precinct and hadn't been caught meant he was damn good, and the fact that Inuyasha had been on the case and he still hadn't been caught, that meant he was great.

And Captain Totosai said he had resurfaced ten years ago. Did that mean that Inuyasha has been looking for him the last ten years?

I know that killers often get away, but not in this city, and especially not under this precinct. Who is this man and how is he still on loose?

After jotting down the rest of my notes I see another folder inside titled 'Pictures'. I take a deep breath in and out and go to open it, but a sharp accusatory voice stops me in my tracks.

"What the fuck are doing?"

I jump up so fast that I knock over my chair, letting out a low yelp, and spinning around to face him.

My chair doesn't hit the ground because in one quick fluid motion Inuyasha extends his leg, catches the chair with his foot, and with one powerful ankle flex propels to chair upright. I follow all of his actions with my eyes in disbelief, my mouth still open at having been so surprised.

"Are you deaf." He asks again. "Why the hell are you on my computer?"

I'm silent for a bit but I shake my head to remind myself not to do this again, to not get lost in him. I offer him up the only explanation I can think of.

"You weren't here." I say as a lame excuse for breaking and entering his computer. In my defense, his password was written down, but the sharp look in his eyes keeps me from saying that.

"Soooo you break into my computer?" he asks the question calmly, with a haughty look like he's talking to an idiot.

I don't have any response. He's right. This is not a good place to start on my quest to make headway with him. My shoulders sag and I begin to apologize, but he interrupts me.

"Just move." He says as he casually brushes past me and bends down to feel under his desk. I hear a click and I watch in fascination as the desk begins to rise to his height and the walls supporting it on the side disappear into the floor. The chair behind him folds up follows shortly after.

Wow, they get all the good stuff here.

I'm still standing in the same place with my mouth hanging open just staring at him. I close it, and I just watch him on his computer.

I notice he closes all the folders I opened except for the report he created. He begins editing it, and I'm sure he's adding in all the recent information from the meeting.

I stand there a few minutes more waiting for him to at least acknowledge me, but when that doesn't happen I step closer to his desk and stand beside him, not too close, but close enough so he knows I'm here to speak to him.

I can't help but to take a deep breath, eyeing him out of the corner of my eye. My heartbeat is beginning to accelerate again. Damn he smells good. Like trees and like clouds and like something that I need to stay away from.

I don't know what gets to me more, his attitude, or his appearance. One was hell and the other was… Gods. If he looked the way he did and he had a great personality there's no telling what trouble my hormones would get me into.

Despite our proximity, his desk is huge, so there is still plenty of room between us.

"So, I'm Kagome, as you know, and we haven't property met, not really anyway", I say just as a way to ease some of the tension. I think back to our previous encounters. We've met plenty, but never on friendly terms. Damn sure not partner terms.

Inuyasha just continues to stare at the screen, the sound of him taping away at the keys the only sound in this area.I find my eyes drifting down to the keyboard, down to Inuyasha's hands and the long nails attached.

They are sharp and deadly. I look down at my watch, 1:34, and I can't help but notice he is in casual clothes again.

"So are you a detective?" I say, hoping that if I ask some easy questions that will help me ease into the one's I have regarding The Spider.

Again, no answer, not even a head nod.

Speaking of head, my eyes drift up to his. After staring for a moment I deduce that his hair is definitely silver. Silver and thick and gorgeous. He probably doesn't even have to condition it.

No fair.

I also get a closer look at those two fuzzy ears on his head. They are moving back and forth, totally alert despite his stillness.

I focus back in on the topic at hand. Since he won't talk, I will.

"Well, I'm Kagome, I already said that, but I'm your partner", that earns a small chuckle out of him, but I do not know what is funny so just I keep going.

"I'm from forensics where I come from, but I'm here on assignment for the next six months to get some field experience. I'm very honored for this opportunity and I ho—"

"Do you ever shut up?" He asks calmly, not missing a beat, his eyes still on the screen.

My eyes widen, and I feel my hands clench at my side. I can feel my heart beating faster again but this time not for the usual reasons. He is really testing my patience.

My mouth opens to give him a piece of my mind but I force it close remembering the pep talk I gave myself outside of Captain Totosais. I would make this work no matter what.

Only six months Kagome, then you're done.

"Actually, can you hand me the trashcan?", he asks, gesturing to a small trashcan a couple of inches behind him. His sudden request surprises me.

When I don't move he turns to look at me. His eyes are devoid of anger and his face is relaxed, like he's really just asking for the trashcan.

He then quirks his lips up into an almost kind-of sort-of smile and I have to admit that it looks really nice on him.

Staring in his eyes has me feeling trapped. And my earlier assessment that he's an ass is forgotten. My hormones make me fickle. I don't even remember what I had wanted to say him, so I just bend over and move the trashcan closer to us.

It's not far from him at all, and he could have easily just reached his long arms behind him and gotten it but I'm just glad he's speaking to me sans hostility.

"Thanks", he says, as he flashes me another smile. I smile back, thinking that we are finally on good ground. Well, not good, but better.

Still smiling, he places the trash can right in between us….

And then takes he take his long arm and in one swipe goes across the desk, knocking all my notes off the desk and into a messy heap on the ground. Not one of them even makes it into the trashcan.



Thank Gods that chair had disappeared or else I would have picked my chair up and slammed it over his head.

"Are you kidding me?" I yell out at him.

His eyes widen a little bit and if I didn't know any better I would say his lips are quirked up, like he's enjoying this.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I'm just trying to be friendly. I'll even take courteous or cordial you don't have to be such an asshole. This is not how you treat people." My chest is heaving at this point.

He doesn't say anything, just continues to look at me so I keep going.

"It not like I'm here permanently Inuyasha, I'm here just for a few months for a promotion, that's it. Then I'm out of your life."

I don't know why, call it the good in me, but I left out the part about me being here to evaluate his effectiveness at his how rude someone is to me I can't find it inside me to return the malevolence. I may not be viscous but I can still throw punches when I need to, ergo my next statement.

"That's why you don't have a partner, because nobody likes you and nobody wants to be around you."

The smile immediately leaves his face and in an instant he's standing right in front of me, his face a mirror of constrained rage.

"Listen bitch", he starts in a low voice, "I don't want you here. As a matter of fact, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you aren't here this time next week. You'll never be my partner, got it? Run along back to your safe precinct little girl, you'll get killed here."

I didn't think it was possible, but he steps closer. "But I don't care about that. I could care less if you get murdered out here, but endangering my fellow officers I won't allow. You're fucking a joke, look at you."

He gestures to me, but I don't see what he does, and he keeps going, malice and spite dripping from his next words.

"If I need a good fuck, I'll call you, but until then, get the hell out of my face."

I don't say anything for a while. I just stand there staring at him as he stares right back.

I feel something welling up in me. It's damn sure not tears, it's rage. I raise my hand up to slap him, but he grabs it in mid-air. I snatch it back and make a move to turn around.

I leave just enough time for his guard to lower, and then at the last second I turn back around to face him, putting all my momentum in my turn, and with my good hand I punch him square in his jaw.

I know it didn't hurt him, it probably felt like a tickle, but he still steps back like I just knocked the wind out of him.

His eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly open like he can't believe I just did that. And honestly, I can't believe it either. I haven't put my hands on someone since the Academy, and even then, I didn't like it.

Without sparing him another glance I bend down and retrieve my notes from off the floor. I grab my bag and I turn around and walk away, leaving Inuyasha still stunned behind me.

As I make my way down the hall, stuffing my notes in my bag, a full out-smile stretches across my face.

I cannot believe I just punched Inuyaha Tashio...


Have a Great Week!

- V.L.