So here it is! The last chapter/epilogue of the story. Thank you all so much for reviewing and supporting the story! It means the world to me!

June 27th, 2011 12:52

"I heard the news" A new voice entered his room, and Wally whirled his head around. In the doorway stood Artemis, as beautiful as ever. Her hair was down and she was wearing some casual clothing.

"Hey Arty" Wally greets the girl, a slight sense of awkwardness hanging in the room. The girl smiled slightly, walking into the room and allowing the door to shut behind her. She walks over to his desk without hesitation, sitting down on it and looking at the room. It hadn't changed much, except for the fact that the pictures still hadn't returned to their rightful place.

She swallowed slightly, her actions still painful in her mind. The rage she had felt so wrongfully.

"Are you going to put the pictures back?" Wally looks around with a slight frown at Artemis' question. They both knew that the question wasn't entirely directed at the pictures. It was an indirect question if they were okay, what would happen to their relationship now the truth was out in the open.

Wally sits down on the bed, crawling backwards until he was sitting with his back against the wall.

"I'm not sure" Wally whispered honestly and Artemis' expression softens slightly, a more gentle look on her face.

"Nightmares?" She asks and Wally snorts.

"Amongst others" He chuckled dryly but Artemis frowns at the joke. Wally's expression turns serious again. "I don't think I'm ready to get back together just yet Artemis" He says honestly, looking up at her with a serious expression.

"I get that, I'm surprised you kept this relation going as long as you did, that you started it at all" Artemis said and Wally chuckles, shaking his head slightly.

"Belief it or not, I liked it" Artemis snorts at the comment, but she understood what he meant. "It made me feel safe.. wanted.." He looks to the side, gnawing at his bottom lip.

"Until we tried to go further" Artemis finished his train of thought and Wally nods.

"That scared me.. I didn't want that for our relationship because I knew how much it would hurt, and I was scared that it would ruin everything" Wally continues. Artemis could feel anger crawling inside of her, wanting nothing more than to beat the living crap out of Wally's dad for doing this to him.

Or his mother for letting it all happen. Maybe herself for not noticing the signs of abuse, or realise that Wally would never, ever, cheat on her like that. He may be loud, and sometimes annoying, but he was loyal to the fault and would do anything to protect his teammates and friends.. his family.

Except seek help when his dad was sexually abusing him.

"Don't do anything stupid for revenge" Wally almost chuckled and Artemis looked stunned for a moment before realising what Wally meant. Of course he'd be able to read her like an open book. Wally always had a gift for sensing emotions, always knew when Dick was feeling down, when Artemis was angry.

Almost alwaysknew the right thing to say when M'gann was feeling lonely and unwanted, when Superboy was furious again at whatever minor inconvenience he had encountered.

"I'm not worth ending up in jail for" He snickered and Artemis frowned, kicking off from the desk and walking over to Wally's bed, sitting down next to him.

"If it would help you, I would be happy to get caught" She said, her tone certain and leaving no room for debate. Wally stared at her for a couple of moments, shocked, and yet not at all shocked, at the willingness Artemis had to protect him. To sacrifice for him. Then he smiled softly, leaning forwards.

Their lips met for a while, the kiss soft and tender, hesitant almost. Wally slowly placed a hand on her cheek, tilting his head slightly. Then, after a moment they both pulled back, slightly out of breath. But instead of smiling, Wally frowned.

"I do love you Arty.. I don't want to break up-" He stops himself, scratching the back of his neck. "But right now, I don't really know if I'm ready for a relationship.. y'know" Artemis grimaces at the confusion, knowing all too well what Wally meant. It was clear they both loved each other.

But considering what his dad had done to Wally, it was no wonder he was reluctant to start a relationship.

"That's fine with me Kid mouth" Artemis spoke but Wally shook his head.

"No Arty, you don't get it. I don't want to drag you down because I'm not ready for something serious right now, I don't even know if I'll ever be. I'm just saying… if you find someone else, I won't be mad" Artemis frowned at the sentence, clear anger in her eyes.

"There will be no one else Wally. I don't care how many months you need, I'm here to stay Kid Idiot" She said, cursing suddenly. "I sound like one of those girls in a YA novel" She said, pretending to gag for a second. Wally barked out a laugh, despite the situation and Artemis couldn't hide the smirk on her face.

It had been too long since she heard Wally laugh genuinely. And she wouldn't ever admit it, but she loved the sound of his laugh.

"So what now?" Wally asks, slightly out of breath from laughing. Artemis sighs, leaning her head against the wall.

"You tell me" Artemis retorts, raising an eyebrow. "We go on with our crazy lives, and you try to settle and find a place for that asshole somewhere. We'll see how this affects our relationship" Wally looks at Arty for a moment, before a small smile appears on his face again, shrugging.

"Fine by me"

June 29th, 2011 16:15

Despite the fact that he was sure Uncle Barry would take the pen, he was still nervous. He could barely contain himself, wanting to just run over there, make time go faster. He had wanted this the moment he met Aunt Iris, the moment he had met Uncle Barry, and it was finally happening.

And still it couldn't come soon enough.

The doubt was still lingering, what if he actually didn't want him? What if he backed out at the last second. It was a big step, a huge step that would change them dramatically.

He felt Dick snake a hand towards his, and he looks down for a moment. His green eyes meet Dick's bright blue ones, for once not hidden by the sunglasses. An assuring smile was on his face, and Wally couldn't help but match it before drawing his attention to the front of the room again.

It was the final court hearing, and the paper was already on the desk of the Judge, ready to be signed and make the adoption final. He would finally be rid of his parents, and he could officially move into Barry and Iris' home. Not like he hadn't been sleeping his new room already for days.

They had already made a trip to Ikea, together with Dick. Luckily no restraining order this time, just new furniture to make Wally's room his.

"Are there any objections still?" The Judge broke the nervous daze Wally was in, and he snapped his head to the voice, seeing Barry and Iris look at him from where they were standing. Wally could only smile, and it seemed to be enough for the judge, sliding the paper towards them.

"Wally?" Iris asked softly, gesturing me to come forwards. I don't even know if I was supposed to come forwards, but I didn't care at the moment. Nobody made a move to stop me as I walked up to Iris and Barry. They both stood at either side of me and Barry took the pen first, putting down his signature, and Iris soon followed.

I was officially theirs.