Jacob Stone...

1. has a very lovely singing voice.

2. loves whiskey and hates wine. Hates it.

3. has a dishwasher but still does his dishes by hand. (He finds it "relaxing"?)

4. is a very good cook. Like, really, really good.

5. has naturally curly hair when he doesn't use anything to straighten it.

6. does not like it when his fluffy curly hair is called "adorable." (Liar.)

7. uses shorthand for his notes but has very lovely handwriting otherwise.

8. knows every song in The Rocky Horror Picture Show and will sing along (and will imitate voices).

9. has an entire shelf of nothing but Disney films.

10. is not ticklish. Not at all. Kinda weird.

11. likes having his hair played with. (And pulled.)

12. has old scars on his back that he doesn't like to talk about.

13. will talk to himself in other languages. Whole conversations.

14. will also talk to his plants, apparently because he can still understand them.

15. will make a homemade pizza for someone's birthday even if they didn't ask him to.

16. mother hens anyone who so much as sniffles around him.

17. does yoga, apparently. (And looks damn good doing it.)

18. prefers baths to showers.

19. likes being the little spoon.

20. will say "I love you" in every language he knows when he thinks someone's asleep.