I don't own naruto.

Chapter 4 : Sakura / Shisui.

There are plenty of kids who don't show off their soulmark.

And they have good reasons behind it.

Let's try to list them, shall we.

One of the main, would be that the marks are not on any visible areas. They would on body parts people don't casually show at public, easily hidden by clothing.

They are shy, personal or whatever reason.

They want to avoid someone purposely saying the soulmark words. Popular people or celebrity's have this dilemma.

Common or general words like hello, hey can I borrow a pencil etc.

They don't have a soulmark ( meaning soulmate has been born yet or they don't have one period ) Worst of all their mark is blank. This happens when a soulmate leaves this world. ( that's heartbreaking ).

Sakura Haruno does not show off her soulmark. She doesn't show anyone her mark at all.

And dear kami-sama she wish it was because of the above mentioned reasons. She so dearly wish so. With all her heart. Any of these reason would have been okay.

From the moment young Sakura was able to understand the state of her soulmark she took a vow.

Taking in a deep breath, huffing and puffing.

Well two vows.

One. Never let anyone see or know what her soulmark was.

( that's important. Her whole life depends on it. )

Two. Utter and undeniable revenge.

Oh yes.

I, Sakura Haruno am an avenger.


( revenge shall be mine )

Sakura never goes to any party's or dinners. Not even her families. Her parents have given up trying to make her go with them since the age of seven. Its really out of pity. They try not to cringe when her soulmark comes to mind.

Yeah. They know. Obviously they saw and understood the words before her.

Sakura had them take serious vows to never reveal it to anyone.

Kids always talk about her at school. She never hangs out after school. She never goes with her friends to eat somewhere. Heck, not even with her best friends.

Said best friends long since given up trying to figure out what's the deal and now they just roll with it.

( there's many theories among her friends ).

Many years later when Sasuke casually invites her not expecting her to accept, Sakura says yes.

Maybe its the years gone by that she let her guard down. Maybe she was tired of always turning down invites. Maybe she wanted to have a damn dinner with normal people in a normal setting.

( normal is debatable with these people.)

Who knows? Sakura sure as hell doesn't know.

During dinner one of Sasuke's cousins is sitting in the opposite seat from her.

He gets hers attention

"Pass the salt please." he asks

Sakura world Changes' forever.

"You asshole."

Later its told that both Shisui and Sakura are soulmates. But because both their soulmarks are general that it was a bit difficult to sort when they first meet.

Everyone took their word for it and believed it was something like hello or nice to meet you or something.

Only Itachi knew the truth of the matter as he knows about Shisui's soulmark and he had been the only to notice what happen during dinner some night ago.

And so for the rest of their life's Sakura fed Shisui food with one whole cup of salt each in every serving and every single dishes.

( poor, poor Shisui. No one noticed his soulmark was the sad one to have. And he ate salts salty ever after.)

AN: Don't know why I though of salt? :p