Disclaimer: I don't own the Fifty Shades Trilogy, but I'd love to own Christian Grey!

AN: and here is chapter two! Please leave a review and tell me what you think so far!

"So how'd it go? Did you get stuck with a Richard Branson?" Kate asked chuckling as Ana stepped through the door and shrugged off her sweater.

"Uh, no actually…" Ana said biting back a smirk as she thought about Christian's huge erection for the millionth time in under an hour.

"So a woman then?" Kate asked arching an eyebrow at Ana, trying to decipher the smirk that was playing on her lips, "Is there something you're not telling me Ana Banana?" Kate chuckled.

"Kate, I just had Christian Sex-On-Legs Grey, naked, on my table."

"Holy Fuck."

"My thoughts, exactly." Ana said biting her lip as she leaned back against the door, clutching her sweater to her chest.

"And you got to touch him?" Kate asked in awe, grabbing Ana's arms and practically shaking her.

"Touch him, stroke him…rub oil on him…" Ana sighed happily, recalling just how perfect his body felt under her hands.

"Holy Fuck."

"You already said that." Ana pointed out chuckling

"It needed to be emphasized. Maybe you'll get lucky and Esclava will hire you after you get your license?" Kate said hopefully.

"Screw Esclava…he offered me a job! I'm meeting him tonight at the Heathman to go over all the details."

"Did you tell him you don't have your license yet?" Kate asked with a concerned look. Clearly, she didn't want her to get her hopes up.

"I did, He said it was a minor detail…He said he wants me." Ana answered unable to contain her goofy grin.

"Holy Fuck."


By six-thirty that night, Ana felt like she was a ball of nerves as she walked the few blocks down from her flat towards the Heathman. Not only was Christian Grey the hottest man she had ever laid eyes (and hands) on, he was also voted People's Sexiest Man Alive. The man had a way of making her feel like she was a walking clitoris, ready to explode if he so much as looked at her. Not only that, she was meeting him in his hotel suite, so she didn't even have the benefit of knowing they were in a professional environment where there were other people nearby…they would be completely alone. With a bed. And a shower. And a carpet. And walls

She arrived at the Heathman right on time, and after giving her name at the front desk, she was instructed to go right up to the penthouse.

The fucking Penthouse.

Her hands here shaking when she stepped out of the elevator, and lifted her hand to knock on his door. She sucked in a breath when the door was suddenly yanked open to reveal a half-naked, and wet Christian.

Words. She needed to speak them.

"Oh, sorry…I…the front desk said it was alright to come up…I can come back another time?"

Please don't send me away… please don't send me away…

"Miss Steele. I apologize, I am running a bit behind schedule, but please make yourself comfortable while I put some clothes on."

"No clothes…I mean…no worries." She said stupidly, and winced.

Smooth, Steele. Real smooth.

The corner of his lips twitched at her Freudian slip, and he stepped aside to allow her in.

His suite was everything she imagined it would be; wall to wall floor to ceiling windows with an open floor plan, and tastefully furnished.

Her eyes fell on the large king size bed, and immediately imagined all manner of kinky fuckery she would like to do with him in it.

"Have you eaten? I can order something if you're hungry?" he called from what she supposed was probably the bathroom.

Oh, I'm hungry, but not for food, Mister Grey.

"Sure, I could eat" she answered; careful to leave off the 'you' that mentally came at the end of that sentence.

A few minutes later, he stepped out of the bathroom barefoot, wearing a pair of distressed jeans and a navy blue tee shirt, and her mouth physically watered.

He picked up the phone beside his bed, and ordered food before he finally turned his attention back to her.

"The food will be up shortly, but I have some paperwork for you to look over if you want to start with that." He said pointing over to the elegant table and chairs that was on the opposite end of the large room.

Ana walked over to where a stack of papers sat neatly on the table, and her eyes darted up to his after quickly scanning the contents.

"This is a non-disclosure agreement…" she said giving him a confused look.

"Yes, I'm afraid my lawyer insists on it." He said simply, not bothering to explain.

She picked up the next packet of papers just behind it, which was clearly a contract, and began to look it over

…The following are the terms of a binding contract…blah blah blah…the undersigned shall be provided room and board, and provide services seven days a week on an as-needed basis…


"You expect me to move in with you?" she squeaked in surprise.

Christian chuckled, "Well, it seems a bit inconvenient to have you on the other side of town if I need you in a hurry."

She groaned inwardly, squeezing her thighs together at his words, If I need you in a hurry…

"And what If I have plans?" she asked, biting her lip as she looked up at him from beneath her lashes.

"I want you to be ready for me at all times."


"I…I can do that." She stammered, idly wondering if he could tell how wet her panties were at that very moment.

"Aren't you at all curious about the benefits?" he asked, his eyes dropping to her mouth as he took a step closer.

If you're paying me in orgasms, I'm completely fine with that.

"Yes…" she breathed, holding her breath in anticipation

Before he could answer, there was a knock on the door.

Oh right, the food.

She ran a shaky hand through her hair as he turned his back to her to answer the door, and she took the opportunity to get herself under control. Here he was being completely professional, while she was lusting over him like a perverted weirdo. She grabbed the pen off of the table and quickly signed the NDA as well as the contract without bothering to read any more. She knew she wasn't about to say 'no' to Christian Grey. If he wanted a massage at 1am, then she would be more than ready to give it to him.

He walked back over in time to see her setting down the pen, as he placed the tray of food on the table, and picked up the papers to look them over to make sure everything was in order.

After a few agonizing moments, he set them aside, and turned his full attention back to her.

"I'd like to fuck you now."

Ok, so not as professional as she thought.

She blinked up at him, thinking that she must've mis-heard, but when he stepped closer to her, and pulled her against his taut body, she realized there was no mistake…what the hell had she just agreed to?

"Anastasia tell me what you want." He said huskily as his lips grazed her neck, slowly sliding the straps of her tank top off of her shoulders.

"I…uh…I…." she couldn't even form a coherent sentence due to the feeling of his lips trailing over her skin, and the feeling of his fingers grazing her thigh.

The truth was, other than the obvious, she had no idea what he was expecting her to say. Somehow she didn't think screaming at him to fuck her silly, was the answer he was looking for.

His lips continued their torturous path down her neck as he nipped at her collarbone, and muttered, "If this is to work, we need to be honest with one another."

"I mean…I don't know?" she stammered nervously, sure that things were about to come to a screeching halt. Ana, while having a very healthy imagination, had very little practical experience to actually draw from. She had kissed, and even sort of 'made out' with a guy before, but that was about the extent of her sexual experience with another actual person. Vibrators, on the other hand, she could wear the batteries right out of those fuckers.

He pulled back slightly to look at her, studying her face for any sign of uncertainty, but he found none. The realization hit him then that she hadn't answered not because she didn't want him, but because she truly didn't know what she liked, which could only mean...

"You don't know as in you need to think about it, or you don't know as in-" he repeatedly slowly before she interrupted him, blushing clear to the roots of her hair.

"I've never done this before. Any of it….ever."

This was it. She was sure he that he would rip up that contract she had just signed, and kick her out of his penthouse.

He swiped a hand over his face and stepped away from her, leaving her feeling slightly bereft.

"Jesus, Ana…I almost….fuck." he swore, dragging his hand through his hair as he paced in front of her.

Was he angry?

"What must you think of me?" he said suddenly looking up at her with a pleading expression.

She stepped closer to him, wanting to let him know that he hadn't offended her, or upset her in any way; quite the opposite actually.

"Mister Grey…" she started, and noticed his slight wince at her overly professional use of his name, and quickly said again a bit more breathily, "Christian…."

His eyes snapped up to hers with a feral glint, and she knew she had his attention.

"I want this…I want you."

Before she could say anything more, he lifted her off the floor effortlessly, and backed her up against the wall, his lips crashing into hers desperately, her legs moving up to wrap around his waist as he pinned her to the wall with his hips. She moaned into his mouth as she felt his hardness nestled between her thighs, and her arms wrapped around his neck of their own accord, pulling him closer as she shamelessly rocked against the huge erection that she had been fantasizing about all afternoon. It didn't take long for stars to explode behind her eyes as she felt herself start to come.

"Fuck, did you just come?" he asked in awe, looking at her in wonder.

"I…I think so." She admitted sheepishly, still trying to catch her breath.

He chuckled low in his throat, pleased at how responsive she was to him, "Christ I've barely even touched you."

She blushed in embarrassment, and covered her face with her hands. He quickly pulled her hands away, and kissed her in a way that she could only describe as tender, "Don't be ashamed, Anastasia, knowing that I do that to you turns me on more than you know." He said running the pad of his thumb over her lips.

He pulled back from her again, adjusting himself with a slight grimace before motioning her to follow him.

She was expecting him to lead her over to the bed…or maybe the shower, but when he led her over to the dining table, where the food tray was sitting; she felt a pang of disappointment. It must've showed on her face, because he let out a deep chuckle.

"There will be plenty of time for that later. Now we eat."

She had to admit, the food smelled good, but she would much rather have him as the main course.

"I imagine you must have questions." He said off-hand as he lifted the covers off of the silver containers to examine the food.

Questions about the mechanics of sex? Penis goes into the vagina. Nuff said. She'd known that since fourth grade when Jose tried to explain to her where babies came from.

"Uh…" she started to say before he continued, "I know this contract may be a tad…unconventional, but I hope in time you'll grow accustomed to it."

Oh, right…the contract.

"Could I just…?" she said as she pointed over to the papers that were still stacked neatly on the edge of the table.

He understood that she wanted to have another look at the contract, even though she had already signed it.

"Of course" he said politely as he handed it back to her, and poured her a glass of sparkling water that had been delivered with the food.

She took the papers from his outstretched hand, and began to read, absent mindedly accepting the glass of sparkling water and taking a sip as her eyes more closely scanned the pages.

'The undersigned shall agree that compensation for services rendered will be left to the discretion of the contractor, and may be sexual in nature.'

Anastasia promptly choked, as the words on the page that she hadn't bothered to read until now registered in her brain. She had the thought herself earlier, but it had been a joke. Sort of.

"I'm a prostitute." She deadpanned.

Christian snorted, "Hardly. I'm not paying you for sex, Anastasia."

She raised a skeptical eyebrow at him, "Oh? Then what exactly do you call this, Christian?" she asked, gesturing to the contract.

"A mutually beneficial relationship."

Ana gaped at him, as he took a bite of his perfectly cooked steak and chewed thoughtfully. When he finished chewing, and swallowed, he dabbed his mouth politely with a napkin, and went on to explain, "You see, you will be living with me, and I will be taking care of all of your needs; clothes, cars, anything you need. In return, you will be providing me a service-" when she looked like she was about to interrupt, he held up his hand to stop her, "Massages."

She arched an eyebrow, and bit back a smirk, "But it says here that compensation may be sexual in nature"

"Yes, well, massages make me horny. Consider it a tip." He smirked back.

She hoped he'd be giving her more than 'just the tip', and she chuckled, not complaining in the slightest about reaping those particular benefits.

"So you are certain this is what you want?"

She bit her lip, knowing she would have a hard time explaining to Kate why she suddenly had to move in with her new boss, but fuck it…she'd deal with the consequences later.

"Absolutely, Mister Grey."