Axel twirled the 'winner' stick in his hand. There was an uncomfortable pressure on his chest. Why did he let Roxas go? Why did Roxas leave?

Roxas and...



Axel's eyes widened as the winner stick fell out his hand. His mind was fuzzy, it began to hurt. There was someone else, it wasn't just him and Roxas. There was someone else with them, there had to be.

"Please Axel, don't hold back. Please."


He almost forgot Xion. He almost forgot the blue-eyed girl that gave one of the biggest fights of his life. The same girl he promised to bring back.

Axel ran to window, it hadn't even been a day since Roxas left. If he's forgetting Xion already that meant..


Axel picked up the winner stick and a seashell he had hidden in his drawer.

'Roxas, Xion... I'll fix this, I swear.'

With a flick of his wrist an Assassin Nobody appearing in his room.

"Find Roxas, I need to know his location."

"The young Master is currently engaged in a battle."

Axel raised his eyebrow, "A battle, with who?"

"The Impostor."

Roxas was on his last legs, but he didn't care. His whole body. Sprawled in front of him was the man that ruined everything. He felt rage. The man that took everything precious away from him, the Organization Impostor.

"How many times do I have to beat you?"

The silver haired imposter began to get up. "Alright." His voice was oddly calm. "You've left me with no other choice."

Roxas didn't like the sound of that. Hesitantly he took a step back. "What?"

"I have to release the power in my heart-" with a swift move the imposter removed his blindfold, "-the dark power I've been holding back. Even if it changes me forever."

The next thing Roxas knew was the imposter yelled. Columns of Darkness surrounded the impostor, to reveal a man who looked just like Xemnas. Roxas readied his keyblades. In a flash the imposter appeared before him, the heartless on his back grabbed Roxas.

Roxas struggled to breath as he was lifted from the ground.

'No, no it can't end like this. I have to get her back, Xion. Xion. Xion!' His vision began to go dark. 'Xion... Xi... Xi..' He began to feel warm, hot even.

Suddenly Roxas felt his body fall. He hit the ground harshly as he desperately gasped for air. Fire filled his vision, the rain beat down on them as steam surrounded him.

"Come on Roxas, did ya really decide to have fun without me?"