Author's Note: I was hoping to get this out to you yesterday, but it was one of those days when other people in your family make plans they don't tell you about and you get sucked into doing things you really would rather not do. Anyways, I finished it this morning and I hope you enjoy. Happy reading!

Dear Diary:
Sailor Moon's Horrifying Adventures
Week Fourteen

Monday 月曜日 - (Day 92)

Dear Diary,

I had an interesting conversation with Agate this morning. Very interesting.

He wanted to tell me about a girl named Heliodor. Apparently she was Beryl's adopted daughter or something. Agate says that Beryl took her from some family in the future with the help of this Youma creature thing that could travel in time. It apparently found her after crossing dimensions or some strange thing. I have no idea how it travels through dimensions, but Agate insists there are multiple timelines and this Youma was from a different one.

Even more interesting than that, Heliodor, the girl Beryl took, was never able to be completely turned evil. No matter what Beryl or the Youma did, she kept a piece of herself free. Beryl didn't trust her as a dark general, but she was allowed to try making a Youma. According to Agate, the first Youma she made took one look at Heliodor, wrapped his arms around her, and disappeared. Neither has been seen since. The Youma looked nearly identical to the one who had helped Beryl kidnap Heliodor, but Agate insists it was a different one because Beryl killed the original right after she got the girl.

Agate also says there is something in the dark kingdom that we need, but he doesn't know what it is or how to find it. Mamoru and I are planning to take him with us to the dark kingdom to see if his memory can be triggered, but we want to wait until we are sure Motoki is healed and until we're sure Agate can handle the trip. The last thing we want is to set him back emotionally.

I wonder what it is he thinks we need to find.

In other news, Motoki does seem to be doing better. He's been up and walking back and forth across his room with Mamoru's help. And Mamoru has continued to speed his healing. He doesn't want to go too fast, because Motoki has check-ups he has to go to, but Mamoru isn't willing to risk Motoki getting another infection.

There's something else about Motoki that has been showing itself more and more. Naru actually brought it to my attention and I've got to say, it freaked me out at first. There is something a little bit different about Motoki, Naru, Umino, and Reika. All of them seem to have extra-sensory abilities. Let me explain.

A few weeks back, Naru began to notice she could tell what others were feeling when she got close to them. She started suspecting who I was before I told her, and she can always tell when someone is feeling happy or sad, or a dozen other emotions. It freaked her out at first, but now she's thrilled because she says she can help us. I'm sure she can, but I worry. She always has been a Youma magnet. What if she's a magnet for this other new danger?

Then there's Motoki. He has some sense of what others are thinking or feeling, but his ability is almost the opposite. He can push his emotions onto others. He didn't really notice it at first. Naru did when we were in the hospital. She said he pushed calm emotions onto his parents, Reika, and Unazuki. And onto me. Which means his ability can affect the Senshi, just like Naru's can sense them.

Umino has been showing the ability to sense what might happen. In fact, it was because of him that Naru knew something was going to happen to Motoki, though when he first said something was wrong, she didn't believe him. She says she will always listen to what he has to say now, even if it seems insane.

Reika is almost the opposite of Umino. She has the sense of what already happened, just by touching an object. Mamo-chan calls it psychometry. He has that same ability. Naru told me that Reika touched the bullet (while it was in a baggie) before they gave it to the police and she saw an image in her mind of Yodu loading the gun.

Naru also says there is something special about Unazuki, but she isn't sure yet what it is, only that the more time she spends around us, and especially around Paden, the more intense the ability grows. She thinks Una will suddenly realize what is happening and suggested we let her in on the secret, especially since Minako has confirmed that Una and Paden are soulmates and that their bond is frayed, which means they were together in a previous life. Since Mamoru has a memory of a former Motoki, it seems like it is a huge possibility.

So now Mamoru and I are discussing telling Una. Motoki doesn't know what he wants, but he hates keeping secrets from his little sister. He just worries that if she does know our secret, she will be in more danger.

When Luna first found me, she was of the same opinion. I agreed with her initially, but now, with a bunch of experience giving me a new perspective, I think it's safer for the ones we love the most to know who we are. Maybe they can spill the secret, but I don't think they would. The thing is, if they know there might be danger, they can be on the lookout for it. And we can give them panic buttons like the one I gave to Naru. I had Artemis make it. It looks like a pretty flower pin, but if you press the center of it a call automatically goes to all of us. And it isn't like it can be pressed accidentally, since the rounded part is deeper than the flower petals.

As if all of that wasn't crazy enough, I used my new mini-computer to scan my mom. She is not only pregnant, she seems to be almost bursting with some sort of light energy. This morning she was coming down the stairs carrying a basket of laundry and slipped. I was standing at the bottom of the stairs and hurried to try and reach her, but something happened instead. Her belly glowed. It sort of looked like a crescent moon lying on it's back. Then there was this bubble around her and she just sort of bounced down, but she was in the center of the bubble and didn't feel a thing. Luna says it has something to do with the babies.

Mom told me a little more about her dreams, but she says she was asked to keep some of the details a secret until she knows it is time. I don't understand it, but I didn't question. I just feel a connection to both the babies, if that makes sense. It's almost as though I already know them, but I really don't. It's very hard to explain.

Haruna-sensei is going to be coming over to my house tonight. She wants to talk to me about something, but I don't know what. Whatever it is, it's important. She pulled me aside in the middle of class to ask if it was alright. I have no idea what she wants to talk about, but I am curious.

Tsukino Usagi

Tuesday 火曜日 - (Day 93)

Dear Diary,

Haruna-sensei came last night. I would have written about it then, but I was a little distracted.

Sensei wanted us to know that there is a trip coming up for students. It's a rather important trip as we will be going to America for two whole weeks. Apparently there are between twelve and fifteen students from each class in the ninth grade. This is something they do every year. None of us were aware of it though. The guys are all new to the high school and so are we, since last year we were all in middle school. The students who are chosen have done something to earn their place and it's all done without the student's knowing they are being tested in some way.

For instance, I was chosen because my grades improved drastically. Ami was chosen because she has the highest GPA in the ninth grade. Jadeite was chosen because he has shown a real improvement since he started, both emotionally and scholastically (that was a new word for me). But basically, everyone tapped to go earned it in some way.

So, from our class, the roster of students who earned the trip are:
Girls: Me, Ronnie, Rei, Ami, Makoto, Minako, Naru, Lily, Yumiko, and Kuri
Boys: Jadeite, Umino, Yukio, Bradley, and Yuuji

Apparently, the other parents were all notified by a phone call and a letter, but Haruna-sensei knows about us. I mean, she really knows. She knows I am Sailor Moon, that the other girls are all Senshi, and that Jadeite is one of the rescued generals. According to her, she can sense the needs of students. Well, Naru happened to be at the house when Sensei arrived, and she said Haruna-sensei can feel the needs of others and meet them. It's an interesting idea, that someone can find out what another person needs just by being close to them. Anyways, Sensei said that when she held the paper, after the final decision was made, she knew we needed to protect our secret identities and to do that, we would need her help.

There are thirteen students from our class. Thirteen. That's a lot of students. Haruna-sensei asked my parents, Ami's mom, Rei's grandfather, and Naru's mom if any of them could be chaperones. They like to have two adults for each group. At first, I thought all of them would say no. My mom is pregnant and I knew my dad would want to be with her at all times. Rei's grandfather has a jinja to run and people to help. Ami's mother is a doctor. Naru's mother owns and operates OSA-P, which is the most popular jewelry store in the area.

But then Doctor Mizuno, Amis mom, said she would do it. She arranged to take time off when the trip starts, which is in six weeks. Apparently the school is going to be doing two fundraisers to help us earn the money. Plus we can earn more money by doing chores and everything else. Mamoru said that whatever isn't taken care of by all of that, he will help pay for everyone in our class! That's thirteen people! I guess the school also has funds set aside from previous years.

There are three other homeroom classes for ninth grade. That means at the very least another thirty-six students! And we get to go on a plane! I am so excited. I was really hesitating about whether I should go or not, but Luna sat me down and reminded me about our argument. She said this is another opportunity for me to be just a normal teenager. And she reminded me that we can teleport. Which is really funny because we are flying there in a plane, but I could get there in a few minutes if I had something to visualize. He he he.

So, Haruna-sensei has powers, and I'm going to America!

Tsukino Usagi

Wednesday 水曜日 - (Day 94)

Dear Diary,

I am working on a secret project for my mom. I'm very excited about it. I've been taking pictures of her with the mini-computer every day. Not just pictures of her though. It has the ability to scan the babies and I am keeping track of their growth and health. Like I called Doctor Mizuno and suggested she put my mom on iron supplements because the mini-computer says her levels are low. But I have nothing on my dad. He's gone full-on caveman! He's gotten so overprotective that it's cute... to everyone except my mom anyways. She says he was like that when she was pregnant with us and it got really annoying.

I think it's adorable. He is always making sure she has what she needs. He has been getting off of work early so he can go to the store for her. And he put us on 'mom watch,' to keep her safe from any new monsters that might appear. It's sweet. Mamo-chan jumped right on board and has been fetching and carrying for my mom since he found out.

Motoki wants to go to the Crown tomorrow! I was surprised too, but he thinks if he doesn't go soon he will be too afraid and he doesn't want that to happen. It's okay though, because Nephrite and Makoto are like bouncers at the Crown now. They have been keeping an eye on Reika and Una while he has been recovering, and they watch out for everyone there.

Oh, and my mom and I made the decision to end my extracurricular classes. Not because I don't still need training, but because with everything going on, I've missed dozens of classes and it looks like I will continue to miss them. My teachers have all been very understanding, but I don't think it's fair to take up a slot in the class when I can't always make it. I will miss gymnastics especially.

It's been incredibly quiet the past few days. No weird winds pushing people, and no one has been acting strange. It's actually making people more afraid and we aren't sure how to help. I feel like this is the calm before the storm, but we have no idea what the storm is, when it is coming, or how much damage it will do. It's made all of us a bit nervous and Kunzite is very edgy. He has been making sure all of us do our patrols, but he's also been keeping a close eye on Minako, because he feels like she might be in danger.

I think I'm going to ask Umino to come over and sit with her. I will never dismiss people's feelings, whatever they might be, because I know it can save lives. I've seen it happen. Anyways, nothing really major happened today. I don't mind that at all.

Tsukino Usagi

Saturday 土曜日 - (Day 97)

Dear Diary,

This might be a confusing entry, so bear with me. Everything was very quiet until yesterday. Nothing was going on. There were no weird attacks, Motoki went back to the Crown on Thursday and spent a few hours there. He won't be going back to school until Monday, but it was nice to see him up and about.

Then, just before lunch, I was walking into the girl's bathroom at school when everything suddenly went dark. No, the lights didn't go out. I was hit over the head with a metal pipe. Mamoru noticed something was wrong because he can sense my emotions, thoughts, and even my physical state through the Soul-Bond. We haven't really talked much about it since we forged the bond, but it's there. Through it, we can talk to one another telepathically as well. Apparently he tried to reach me, and when he couldn't he got up and ran out of the classroom, which upset his teacher.

He went to my classroom, and when I wasn't there, he started searching. Apparently he found droplets of blood in front of the bathroom door. He ran back to my class and told Minako and the others that I was missing, but he also told my teacher. Well, the police were called and came rushing down to the school, but by then I was already gone.

It was Yodu. I don't have the faintest idea how he got inside the school, or how he could sneak up on me in an open hallway, but he was the one who hit me. It knocked me out cold. When I woke up I wasn't able to see or hear anything. And I was alone.

My first thought was to contact Mamo-chan. I was just about to do it when a door opened, blinding me even more since my eyes were adjusted to the darkness. I saw the glint of metal, but I could do nothing because I really couldn't see what was happening, and because I realized I was tied up. And then he was there.

Not Mamoru.

No, the person standing in front of me protectively was someone I had never seen in my life. He was tall, well over six feet. He had long black hair pulled back into a neat tail. A couple white streaks highlighted the hair near his temples. And in the center of his forehead was an opal with shimmering green and red streaks that seemed a bit like fire coming from stone. It was beautiful.

In the second it took for me to notice the new man, I heard the sound of a gun going off. I started, but I was tied. It didn't matter anyway. The man who was standing over me only shook his head. This barrier had formed around us both. It was shimmering like the opal on his head. And then I was no longer in the dark. The room was bright with light and I could see Yodu, in slow motion, pulling the trigger on the gun again and again, shooting at my new protector.

But he, my protector I mean, was no longer in front of me. In the blink of an eye he was gone. Except, it really wasn't the blink of an eye. I'm not sure how to explain this properly. Time doesn't affect Opal the way it does the rest of us. His power apparently comes from time itself and from the sun (Anyone else thinking this has something to do with Haruki's missing soulmate?). He plucked the bullets from mid-air and took the gun from Yodu before I could even think of doing anything.

By this time I could hear people running and screaming. It turns out I was in the utility room in the basement of the high school. Mamoru got to me so fast I think he must have teleported, though he claims he didn't. Opal, who was restraining Yodu, wouldn't even let him near me at first. He kept the bubble up around me until I said Mamo-chan was safe. I guess in some timelines Mamoru was turned evil. I can't even imagine that.

The police arrived and hauled Yodu away and took my statement. It was those same officers. Takahashi and Sato. They were very kind to me.

Mamo-chan has refused to be separated ever since and I'm not sure how to handle it. I don't want him going back to the way he was acting, but I also don't want to be alone. He makes me feel safe, loved, home.

My parents both showed up at the school, and they were so angry I thought they might burn the place down with a look. Safety measures were supposed to be put in place after James attacked Ronnie and Naru. So how did he get into the school? And how did I not see him?

As for Opal, he has been close to me ever since. But when Haruki appeared he bowed low. I'm telling you, Opal has something to do with Pluto, and him, somehow. I want to understand it all, but right now I am being cuddled half to death by Mamo-chan and Luna. Artemis designed a tracker for me, like the one I gave Naru, and it has a panic button on it, but it is inside a locket so it doesn't get pressed accidentally.

Oh, and as for the girl, Heliodor, that Agate told me about, Opal says he returned her to her family, which is in the future. So we don't have to worry about her. And whatever it is they worry about still in the dark kingdom, Opal promised his help. He said he is bound to the blood of the royals, which I guess is us. I don't really understand it all and I'm too tired to try.


Yodu disappeared!

No one knows how he did it. I saw the video footage myself. One minute he was standing beside the officer who was transferring him from a cell into an interview room, and the next he was gone. There was no static on the tape or anything. He just vanished. No one saw or heard him leave. Gone.

Mamoru is in an absolute uproar. I guess it's how I didn't see him, but I don't know how he did it. I wish I knew. I wish there was a way to stop him from getting close to any of us.

Tsukino Usagi

Sunday 日曜日 - (Day 98)

Dear Diary,

Someone needs to have a talk with Jadeite. I guess he watched some American horror movie. He got it into his head that steam and things like that can show him someone invisible. He's been walking around throwing baby powder of all things around the house. Grandfather came back with them and has been putting protection around the house, showing Rei and Jadeite how it is done.

Several other things have been going on as well. There was a strange attack last night, around two in the morning. An entire apartment building had part of the wall come down. At first the people who lived there thought it was an earthquake or some other natural phenomenon, but then they all started feeling dragged out towards the opening. That was when we arrived. All of us worked together to get everyone out. Nothing else happened. No monsters appeared. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

We have no idea what caused it. But Artemis is building sensors he wants us to put all over the city. There were concentrations of an unknown energy all around the building and he wants to watch for it in other places. Ami and Zoicite are closeted with him, building something that looks a little like a space blaster. He he he.

Luna has been following me around everywhere, like she can personally stop another attack by Yodu. Mamo-chan snuck into my room last night and it was the only time Luna has been willing to step away. She apparently laid across the bedroom door all night though. Shingo found her this morning.

Oh, and one other thing... Artemis said he found something when he was running a scan of government satellites. There is some sort of meteorite or possibly a ship headed straight for earth. He and the others are keeping an eye on it. I really thought, after we defeated Metalia, that we would get to live a normal life for a while. Whatever happened to that?

Opal is going to stay with us, up on the fourth floor. He and Agate have been talking about whatever it is Agate fears is still in the dark kingdom. Mamoru and I plan to take them both as soon as we can. Right now though, we have enough to deal with. It's very frustrating not knowing who has been making these strange attacks or what they want. They aren't stealing energy, just making people act strangely. I don't understand.

Tsukino Usagi