
written by: albe-chan

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction and I do NOT own Harry Potter or any of the characters mentioned, I am making no money from this, and any similarities with real life are purely coincidental. This work will contain MATURE THEMES, such as coarse language, mature subject matter (scenes containing graphic sex, drinking, nudity, mild prostitution, kinky sex, infidelity, etc.), and/or violence. Please, if you are not over the age of 18, or of majority in your country, DO NOT READ THIS! You have been warned!


Ted Remus Lupin pushed a hand through his bright, vibrantly teal hair and then dragged it down, over his face roughly. At twenty seven, he'd just been promoted, by his godfather Harry Potter, Head Auror, to Assistant Supervisor of the Specialized Auror Task Force. It was a big responsibility for someone as young as himself, which he knew before his godfather had told him as much, and in the two months since getting the job, Teddy had been putting in plenty of overtime to prove himself.

The Specialized Auror Task Force was sent out on missions to negotiate the release of hostages or recover kidnapping victims, do raids where there were known Dark Magic and Artefacts purveyors and illegal Potions trading, and, most commonly, to deal with extreme magical disagreements, usually in relation to domestic disturbances the regular Magical Law Enforcement couldn't handle. It was a tough job, with not enough pay, but Teddy liked the challenge and enjoyed proving himself. And when his Grandmother Andromeda Tonks had passed away the year before, she'd left him a sizeable inheritance that made his paycheck almost superfluous.

"Still at it, Lupin?" a voice drawled from the doorway of his office, and Teddy glanced up, smiling, as he looked at his best friend and fellow Auror, Tobias Shacklebolt. As son of the former Minister of Magic, and former former Auror, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Teddy had known Tobias, or Toby, his entire life, and they'd been best mates all through Hogwarts and their Auror Training.

"That's what they pay me for, Shacklebolt," he replied, tossing down the reports from a call he'd sent two of the younger Task Force Aurors out on that day. It had been a routine disturbance, with a known subject, Mr. Bartemius Bolger, a man who liked to drink a lot, wear as little as possible, and occasionally run around Hogsmeade naked. It had just so happened he'd gone running on a Hogwarts weekend through the magical village, prompting several business owners to call. Bolger was also known for fighting dirty and evading capture, so the Task Force had been called on directly.

"Come on, it's a Friday night," Toby said, dropping into the chair across from Teddy's messy desk. "You should come out with me and the lads. Do you good."

Teddy snorted. The last time he'd gone out with Toby he'd gotten drunk, then more drunk, then shitfaced, and wound up passed out half in his Grandmother Tonks's fireplace. She'd been far from impressed and he'd been mortified, because he'd somehow lost his pants. "No thanks, Toby. I have to sign off on these," he waved at the reports, "and a half dozen others before it's quitting time for me."

Toby rolled dark eyes, and grinned. "C'mon, Lupin. We're going to that new wizard's club. The one in London."

Teddy frowned, because he'd heard of 'that new club' and none of it had been particularly complimentary. "You mean that brothel," he drawled.

Toby laughed. "Don't be a stick in the mud. The girls are to die for, the prices are reasonable, and you can just sit and pout and drink while we have a good time. Come on." Teddy rolled his bright amber eyes, inherited from his father and the one feature he'd stuck with his entire life, despite being a Metamorphmagus.

"No thanks," he said, picking up the reports again. Toby smacked them down, leaning forward.

"Aw, what's the matter, Ted, your Vic won't let you out to play?" Teddy narrowed his eyes. His longtime girlfriend, Victoire Weasley, didn't like him going out at all, not that it ever stopped him. They'd been together almost eight years, and he loved her, but she was much more reserved than himself, and slightly prudish, and disliked him going out with Toby, drinking with Toby, or falling victim to Toby's 'awful ideas'. And Teddy was pretty sure going to a whorehouse with Toby counted as one of those 'awful ideas'.

"Vic isn't my mother," he said sternly. "And she just knows you're an awful influence on me." Toby smirked.

"What are best mates for, Teddy, if not to persuade to do horrible things? But fine. Go home to your lady, then, have some boring missionary sex, and dream about being young and wild and fun. I'm going to get drunk, find two ladies, and have me a menage." Teddy snorted, because he was pretty sure Toby did that most weekends.

He shrugged, glanced at the reports, then stood up. "Fuck it," he said. "I'll go with you, if only so you don't get into trouble," he mumbled. And because Victoire would be at her parents' house for dinner that night, like she was every Friday, and he'd be going home to his flat to sleep alone. And if he drank while doing that, that would just be pathetic. So he'd go out, drink, not have sex with a whore, and go home at a respectable time. And everyone would win.

"Atta boy, Teddy!" Toby said, grinning hugely. "I almost thought you'd resigned yourself to being a married stiff without the wife, y'know," he said as Teddy grabbed his robes and locked up his office. Amber eyes rolled. He'd been enduring questions for the last five years about when he'd propose to Victoire. He even had a nice little bundle set aside for a ring, he just couldn't bring himself to buy one. Which wasn't to say he wouldn't propose to Victoire, at some point. But he didn't want to rush things, and she never asked, and they were still young. She had just turned twenty five herself. Plenty of time still. He just wanted to do it at the right time.

"You're like a sixteen year old stuck in a grown man's body," Teddy drawled. Toby smirked.

"Got the libido to prove it," he said proudly and Teddy grimaced. They might be best mates, but that was almost too far.

"So who all's coming?" Teddy asked as they passed through the maze of Auror cubicles toward the lifts.

"Davies and Markleberry." Teddy frowned. Markleberry was a young Auror, barely out of Training, who Teddy found to be a bit of a show off and never completed his incident reports on time. Davies was a few years younger than them, but a reasonably good fellow, and very dependable. "They're meeting us there," Shacklebolt added as they got to the Atrium. They went out through the visitor entrance and Apparated with two loud pops to a dingy corner in downtown Muggle London. Across the road was a pub, and above the pub was their destination. The wizards' club, or more accurately, whorehouse, had been open almost a year, and although Teddy knew it was technically illegal, any time the Ministry tried to shut it down, paperwork was mysteriously lost and officials miraculously changed their tunes about the business.

Teddy didn't get the point, personally, but he wasn't opposed to the idea. If guys had to pay women to fuck, that was their deal, and if the women were okay by it, who was he to judge? "C'mon," Toby said, jogging across the road as a Muggle truck lumbered by, and they went in an unmarked door and up a flight of narrow, steep stairs. Once they'd paid admission, which was an exorbitant twenty five Galleons each, the two wizards moved into the club properly. There were tables with booths around them against one wall of the long, narrow room, a bar opposite, spanning the length of the establishment, and several groupings of couches and armchairs with low tables in the center through the middles. A dance floor was near the back, but it didn't look very busy.

It was a busy place however, filled with talk and laughter that rose over the bass-heavy music, and smoke shimmered in the air. Teddy controlled the urge to frown, even as his hair and eyes darkened, his face became slightly more angular, and he shrank a couple inches. He wasn't foolish enough to walk around, sticking out like a sore thumb, when in a moment he could revert to what he liked to call his 'other persona'. It was the change he made anytime he went into a situation he didn't want to be recognized in. Toby glanced back as they made their way to the bar, and smirked. "Tosser," he grumbled. Teddy's mouth quirked up. Ah, the perks of being able to change one's appearance at will.

They ordered whiskeys and moved to a table where Davies and Markleberry were already seated, the former with a petite little blonde who Teddy thought looked patently too young to be working here. She had on a mask to preserve her identity, the bright blue and green feathers on it distracting. Women, most of them in next to no clothing, milled around, all of them masked, all of them lovely, so far as he could tell.

Teddy barely refrained from rolling his eyes. This was going to be awkward, he just knew it. And indeed, within an hour of arriving, he was two and a half drinks in, the other men had picked their partners for the evening, and Teddy told the third witch in a row he wasn't interested before she could even sit down beside him.

"Hello," purred a sultry voice and Teddy barely held back his eye roll as he got a blast of seductive perfume and a woman moved to sit on the arm of the couch he reclined on.

"I'm not-" he began, glancing up, but then the words stuck in his throat. Sitting beside him, her face covered by a lacy black and ivory mask, only a shade darker than her smooth, perfect alabaster skin, with a wild mane of dark red, almost burgundy hair, all waving and curling around her shoulders and down her back, was the embodiment of 'his type' of witch. She was tall for a woman, her flawless legs a mile long under her tiny black shorts that may or may not have been panties, and lean without being skinny. She had pert, round breasts, set high on her chest and topped with dainty pink nipples that all but begged to be lavished, and her red-painted mouth curved up seductively.

There was something oddly familiar about her, but in the dim light, he couldn't tell if it was her light brown eyes or her hair. But his gut tingled in a way that suggested they had met at some point. Teddy almost laughed to himself. Surely if he'd met this woman before, he'd have remembered her. And besides, she was technically a whore, so what were the odds he'd met her? It was probably just that she reminded him of someone. He was betting it was the hair, which was a common Weasley trait, even if hers was darker than most of the Weasley relations'. "You're not what?" she asked huskily, mouth curving up crookedly now.

He took a fortifying drink, telling himself firmly he wasn't interested. Even though his cock twitched in his pants as she crossed her long legs, leaning into him, one small porcelain hand smoothing up his shoulder to his neck. He had a girlfriend. His cock didn't care. "I'm not looking for anything," he said firmly.

"That's a relief," she purred, leaning in closer, and he couldn't help but look down at her breasts as he breathed deep that tantalizing perfume again. "Would you like to buy me a drink?"

Teddy opened his mouth to say firmly, 'No', but instead, found himself saying, "Have mine." And, to make matters worse, his body was betraying him, and he extended his glass. But when her fingers brushed his, he couldn't ignore the jolt of awareness that had his cock half hard. Technically a whore she might be, but sweet fucking Merlin, he wanted.

"Thank you," she murmured, and took a sip. Her head tilted to one side. "This is going to sound entirely bizarre, but I feel like I've met you," she said very softly after a long moment where she stared at him and he stared at her.

Teddy frowned, because he highly doubted that, and because he himself had just been thinking that. Maybe they-? "No," he said firmly.

Her mouth tilted up again. "Probably not," she said lightly. She leaned impossibly closer, almost touching him, close enough and at the perfect angle so that all he needed was a slight dip of his head to have her nipple in his mouth. She smelled delectable, and he couldn't help but wonder if she was as soft as she looked. "Thanks for the drink," she purred, leaning in and kissing him gently on the cheek, then pulled back and made to stand, and before Teddy could stop himself, he reached out and smoothed his hand up her thigh. And dear Godric, it was softer than it had looked.

When she paused, he gulped. "I...I don't-"

That red mouth under her three quarter mask curved up crookedly again. "Mmm, too bad you're not looking for anything. I like being the first one," she said in that sultry, slightly rough voice, then put a finger to his lips briefly. "Come back when you're ready, sweetheart," she added. "Ask for Blossom." Teddy sat there, stunned, as she got up from the arm of the couch, and watched her as she sauntered away, her firm, pert little ass waving erotically, until she melted into the crowd.

For several minutes he sat there, merely staring, mouth parted ever so slightly, and then, at last, after a lengthy delay, outrage kicked in. How dare she! Who the hell was she to say he wasn't ready!? For Godric's sake, he was a grown man, not a blushing virgin! He got up, got himself a drink, and went to find her. The nerve! Just because he wasn't interested, didn't mean he couldn't. He could have sex with a whore if he wanted to!

Teddy was growing more frustrated as the seconds ticked into minutes and there was no sign of her long legs or red hair, and for a horrible moment, he wondered if she had been claimed by another. For some reason, the thought made the Auror furious.

"I thought you weren't looking for anything?" that voice purred from his left, a whiff of seductive perfume tickling his nose again, and when he turned, there indeed she was. As tall as him in his current disguise and her heels, and looking as ravishable as ever. And now he wanted even more. "You seem like you're searching awfully hard, sweetheart."

Teddy frowned. "Considering your job, you don't have very good people skills," he said rudely, but she merely chuckled huskily.

"Would you like to help me improve upon them?" she asked, tilting her head coyly, pressing into him lightly. His eyes dropped to her breasts again, those lovely, perfect breasts with their delicious little nipples that he bet tasted amazing, and- No! "Or would you like a more private demonstration of my people skills?" she purred, pressing herself more firmly against him. She'd obviously ditched his drink, because both her palms smoothed up his chest and she caught her lower lip between her teeth. And, although Teddy wanted to remain immune, he felt himself go rock hard in his pants when she did. The innocence of that gesture, so at odds with her boldness and profession, had his want pushing into overdrive.

And before Teddy could stop himself, his hands went around the smoothness of her waist, bringing her more firmly against himself. "I'd prefer to do the demonstrating," he growled into her ear, and was pleased when she sucked in a breath.

She pulled back a little, tapped his lips with a finger again, and smiled. "Follow me," she murmured, and turned, slipping from his arms, and Teddy followed. Moments later he followed her to a room lit with myriad candles, a massive bed, and a mirrored ceiling. He hesitated on the threshold. The woman looked over one creamy shoulder at him, tossing her hair and smiling again. And Merlin's saggy left bollock, she was fucking perfect. "Or would you like to continue your search?" Teddy stepped in. "When that door closes behind you," she said casually, "you have an hour. If you can't afford it, I suggest you leave now."

Her purr and tempting gravelly tone faded as she discussed business, and Teddy's lip curled ever so slightly. He wanted to turn around and walk out. He wanted to tell her to get a real job posing for Michelangelo or whatever beautiful women who looked like goddesses did, not fucking whoever wanted to pay for it. But most of all Teddy wanted to see her face. Instead, he closed the door behind himself, damning himself to hell and, should she ever find out, Victoire Weasley's wrath. And the wrath of her very large extended family. The woman grinned and he felt his stomach churn. What the hell was he doing? He had a girlfriend!

But then she moved back toward him, reached for his hand, and brought it slowly to her breast. And the second his fingertips brushed her satiny flesh, a low groan issuing from his mouth, he was gone. He wanted, he'd committed himself to paying, and what he did next would define him as a man. And as his hand moved to cup her breast fully, thumb dragging over her nipple, feeling it bead into hardness, Teddy Lupin didn't care that he was probably making a mistake. His other hand lifted to caress her other breast, and he took a deep breath through his nose.

Sure, he was a grown man, and not a blushing virginal boy, but the only woman he'd ever had sex with that he recalled, which excluded that one night he'd gotten very drunk and slept with some floozy he'd met in a bar going on five years ago, was Victoire. And she was very particular about what she liked in bed. And now, Teddy found himself wishing he'd gone out with Toby more, if only he'd know what the hell he was supposed to do next.

The redhead reached up and unclasped his robes, then her small hands moved to the buttons on his shirt. She wasn't looking at him, and he was grateful. When she finished with his buttons, her hands dropped to his belt, but he grasped her wrists. Her eyes darted up, and he saw they weren't brown as he'd first thought, but a soft hazel, just the tiniest hint of green. The feeling that he'd met her before niggled, but he shoved it aside. His palms smoothed up her arms to her shoulders, and up her neck, until he could bury his hands in her hair.

"I've never done this before," he found himself saying roughly. She smiled.

"I can tell," she breathed, moving away, pushing her panty-shorts off. Teddy licked his lips. "So I'm going to give you free a piece of advice." She sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back on one arm, striking a very seductive pose.

"What?" he asked, shedding his robes and shirt, tossing them onto a chair. Her eyes darted down his frame, then went back to his face.

Her mouth quirked, smacking of disdain and amusement, making his brows lift and his eyes narrow. "I'm not your wife, sweetheart. Don't treat me like it."

His brows, if they could have lifted any more, would have undoubtedly lifted right over his head, but instead he smirked. "Duly noted," he said, undoing his own belt. It was actually a relief, because now that she'd acknowledged he was with someone else, bizarrely, he felt better about what he was about to do. She'd just said herself, she wasn't his wife, or girlfriend, or even friend. She wasn't anyone to him, so what did it matter if he had one night of wild sex with a very attractive, clearly willing woman?

Teddy moved toward her, pulling his belt off, and she wet her lips. "What would you like me to call you?" she asked softly as his fingers eased into her hair again. She had lovely hair, and he wondered what it would look like, sprawled everywhere, as she sucked him off. His hand made a fist as his cock twitched and her mouth parted.

"It doesn't matter," he said roughly. Her mouth flickered for a moment at that. "Lay down," he said gruffly, and grunted as she complied. He shucked the last of his clothing and moved over her, mouth immediately closing around one nipple and suckling greedily. Teddy barely heard her noise of pleasure, because he was drowning in bliss, trying hard not to lose it right then. Her breasts were firm and soft and her nipples tasted better than he'd even imagined. He released the first one with a pop, moving to the other on autopilot, suckling roughly and then nipping her. And at the soft, breathy moan from her throat, he grunted. He nipped her again, rewarded with another soft moan, and Teddy strove for patience. She might be a whore, but he had self pride, and wanted to bring her enjoyment before greedily taking his own.

He moved back to the first breast, pulling hard at her nipple with his teeth, loving the vociferous approval, and then couldn't wait anymore. Besides, she wasn't his wife. Why the hell should it matter if she enjoyed it? He was paying for it!

Without preamble, he pushed into her slick wetness, grunting as her tight heat enveloped his prick, and she moaned, right against his ear. He pulled back and drove home selfishly again, but if anything, she seemed to enjoy it, legs falling open entirely for him. Teddy pulled back, braced himself on one elbow, and buried the other hand in her glorious dark red mane, tugging as he sheathed himself again. And damn it all to hell, she was so hot and tight and wet, he felt his control wavering. "Yes," she breathed, spurring him on.

He nipped hard at the top of her breast, licking the hurt and thrust hard back in, clenching a fistful of her hair. "You like that?" he rumbled as she moaned again.

"Yes," she groaned. Teddy grinned. He himself preferred his sex rough, although Victoire preferred the more slow and gentle lovemaking, but he didn't give a shit about the woman beneath him. For all he knew she was lying to him anyway. He pulled back a bit more, wanting to rip her damn mask off as he moved faster, thrusted harder into her willing heat.

Her moans rose in pitch and volume until he had both her legs over his shoulders, one hand still clutching a fistful of her glorious mane pulling hard with every thrust, taking her hard and fast and selfishly, loving every debauched second of it. And just when he felt his control slipping she reached up and gripped his shoulders, whimpered, and cried out, squeezing him. Teddy shouted as he pounded her, coming harder than he was certain he'd ever come before.

His chest was heaving when Teddy finally opened his eyes, the woman sitting up on the edge of the bed, her back to him, her long red mane cascading in a bloody river over her alabaster flesh. Godric, she was a walking fantasy. His cock twitched just thinking about her, and without thought, his fingers dragged through her waves again.

She glanced over her shoulder, red mouth quirking up into that sultry half smile, and one of her hands gliding down his chest and stomach. "Ready for round two, sweetheart?" she asked, turning properly and tossing her hair, moving to straddle him. "You've still got thirty five minutes, you know."

Teddy smirked, fondling her without hesitation now, pulling roughly at her nipples, then sat up to lick and suck and bite them some more. She was an oasis and he but a man dying of thirst. "I know," he rumbled, although he'd entirely forgotten. His hands moulded and shaped her flesh greedily. "But I think you should give me that demonstration of your social skills now," he said, urging her lower.

And when she bent, taking him into her mouth, bringing him rapidly back to full mast, her hair did in fact look spectacular sprawled all over him, even if he wasn't quite himself. He grasped it with both hands, those long, glorious, dark red locks, tugging and grunting as she fellated him, and felt his libido ramping up again. Godric, but she was good. He tugged harder, wrenching a moan from her that rumbled all the way down his dick, pleasure sizzling through him, and had to pull her away abruptly before he lost it again.

"Fuck, you're good at that," Teddy growled. She licked her lips lasciviously.

"Mmhmm." She flashed that coy smile and Teddy released her hair, pulled her up roughly, and sat her down on his dick. They moaned in tandem and he guided her to ride him aggressively. A grunt of pure ecstasy was wrenched from him as her head tipped back, her moans wavering as he thrust up into her, tits bouncing temptingly. He grasped her ass and thrust harder, wanting to hear her come again, even if it was fake.

He tried to tell himself she was a whore, she did this every night, probably, and there was no way her responses weren't fabricated, but he couldn't help the smug satisfaction her sounds of pleasure brought him. He gripped her ass harder, then, when he felt her start to clench again, he lifted her up off his cock and revelled in her huff of disappointment. He rolled them in the massive bed, but made no move to bury himself to the hilt in her like his body demanded. "Turn over," he said roughly, and grunted as she complied. "Hands and knees," he demanded, rising up onto his own knees, looking down at her smooth, flawlessly white back as she followed his command.

And when she dipped her lower back, presenting herself for him, he drove home abruptly, groaning as she moaned, and set a fast pace, pumping in and out of her willing, wet warmth with abandon. Again she moaned, and he grunted, grasping her hips firmly and pulling her hard back against him as he thrust forward. She was perfect, it was perfect, and he let the last of his inhibitions fly as he fucked her senseless. She was moaning loud, pushing back eagerly onto him, and Teddy grit his teeth. "Yes," she moaned, "oh yes, yes!"

"On your elbows," he grunted, and she complied, whimpering at the angle change. He pounded her harder, watching her upper half melt onto the mattress. "Fuck yes, that's perfect," he growled. "Yes, tell me you like it," he grunted.

"I love it," she moaned. "Ooh, yes, yesss, I love it!"

"Fuck yeah," he groaned, edging ever closer. His blood boiled with arousal, sweat slicking his back and forehead, and he could hear his heart thundering in his ears. He thrust harder, impossibly faster, and without thinking, a hand cracked over her soft, supple ass.

The redhead beneath him cried out, whether in pleasure or pain he wasn't sure. But Teddy was too far gone to care. He spanked her again and then a third time and she moaned loudly, pushing his desire into the stratosphere. His left hand grasped a handful of hair, tugging hard, tilting her head back as he fucked her, and she cried out again, a breathy moan around the word, "Please!"

"Unh, yes, fuck yes," he ground out, and felt the telltale pull behind his navel, like Portkey travel, as white hot bliss slammed through him. He was hardly aware of all but howling his release, or practically ripping her hair out, or even of the way she reached a loud and satisfied peak beneath him. All he could think about, drifting in ecstasy as he collapsed into the soft womanly form beneath him, pinning her to the bed, was that it had never, ever, been that intense with Victoire.

He rolled to the side at long last, panting, exhausted, and utterly replete. His companion sat up, pushing a hand through her hair, clearly striving to get herself back under control. "You're pretty good at that," she said in that throaty purr of hers, and he grunted, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep.

A soft chiming bell sounded and her mouth smiled, but it looked mechanical to the Metamorphmagus, who was familiar with facial gestures, having perfected a thousand different ones to wear at whim. "I suppose that means my time is up?" he said.

"Yes," she said simply, and cast him a look, eyes roving over his naked form, assessing. She gave him a real smile, a soft one, free of any sexual connotations. "I hope you come back," she said lightly, then got up from the bed, slipped her little shorts on again, and headed out, closing the door behind herself.

Teddy looked after her for a moment, then pushed himself up, feeling exhausted as he hadn't since his first week in Auror Training when he'd been denied sleep for three consecutive days before an exam to gauge how he reacted under duress. He got dressed quickly and went to the door, but it wouldn't open. Then he remembered he had to pay. An uncomfortable mix of guilt and shame had his cheeks going pink, but he picked up the little pamphlet that had been on the night stand and flipped through it. There were three dozen women, all posing and pouting sexily in their photos, masks on, in the little pamphlet, with names and numbers at the bottom of each page. She was the third last one. Her whore name in shining gold ink under her photo. Blossom. And beneath that a price that made Teddy choke. One hundred Galleons an hour. He gulped, knowing he didn't have that kind of gold in his money bag, so he scribbled out a withdrawal slip from his personal account at Gringotts, left it on the bed, and finally slipped out of the room. He was half wondering where Toby and the others had got to and if he should attempt to find them when a hand clapped him on the shoulder.

"Teddy, ol' boy," said Toby, slurring his words a little, clearly drunk, "I told you they were to die for, didn't I?"

Teddy pursed his mouth and Toby grinned. "I'm going home," he said stiffly.

Toby laughed at him. "No nightcap?" he drawled.

The Metamorphmagus ignored him, heading to the exit, and breathed deep the cold night air that slapped him in the face when he reached the street. His face felt hot. He reached into his pocket for his wand and brushed the stupid pamphlet he'd apparently felt the need to pocket before leaving the room. He moved just inside an alleyway, dark with shadows, and glanced at the pamphlet again from the dingy yellow light of a street lamp up the block. There she was, lifting that sexy mane of dark red hair in her photo, breasts pushed out and looking delicious, red mouth smiling. Blossom.

He shook his head, gripped his wand, and with a muttered, "Incendio!" the pamphlet became a pile of ash at his feet. Teddy sighed, feeling suddenly drunk, and Apparated home to his empty flat, crawled into bed fully clothed, and passed out.