JK Rowling owns all rights to Harry Potter. I make no money from this and am simply enjoying myself.

Mature content. You have been WARNED!

A/N: Here it is my little smut muffins! The end of this fic! I am so happy it is done despite the whole porn without a plot turned semi crappy plot thing. I hope some of you will have enjoyed this! I'm not sure how it actually turned out but I'm not reworking this damn thing (180k+ words)! Some say you can see my writing development but honestly? I can't tell any difference and I havent tried to be any different. I'm just writing so it is how it is -shrug-.

A/N 2: Happy New Years 2020! I drank 2 24fl oz energy drinks and slept maybe 8 hours in a 48 hour period to get this last chapter up for yall for the New Year! So I can start the New Year off with a new Drarry piece! Hope your hangover isn't to bad while you are reading this. -wishes hangover potions were real-

Side note: I'm not a friggin English major and I have never wrote anything before. There are going to be punctuation and grammar errors. It's reality. Can't handle it don't read.


Pushing some more letters to the side Harry considered their words. All in all the public response was good. If you considered good not getting bombarded with howlers every other owl. He had gotten dozens and dozens of letters, but people had only really been upset that he had willingly offered to let a death eater live with him. Many senders were spouting crazy theories such as being imperiused or coerced by the Ministry. However they didn't have a whole lot to say in regards to Draco's character besides him being unworthy of his hospitality and aid.

Again if assuming those were the worst of his troubles it was pretty good though. He had had to restrict owl access to himself before. For a good solid year and a half after the war actually, due to copious amounts of love letters and love potion tainted sweets and wines. Then of course there was the lingering worry of cursed items that could be on their way to him. Now he was considering putting the restrictions backup for the foreseeable future.

Harry couldn't help but imagine how much worse the mail turn out would be when they went public with their relationship. Luckily they still had 18 months before having to deal with that so he tried to push that to the back of his mind. It wasn't something to stress over at the moment. Hopefully by then the general public would be used to seeing them out and about together. Maybe they needed to make it a point to go out in wizarding public at least every other week or something. Anything to make sure they were regularly featured just being normal and eventually it would become old news. Hopefully.

Hands were suddenly squeezing his shoulders from behind and Harry felt his muscles start to relax. He hadn't realized how rigid he had become while reading all the letters. "It's not as bad as I expected," Harry admitted. It's really not. The hands left his shoulders and Draco pulled himself up to sit on the counter beside the offending pile of mail. His long legs still managed to reach ⅔ of the way to the floor.

"Shouldn't we be worrying more about your friends then the press right now?" Draco pointed out and Harry groaned at the truth, dropping his face into his hands. Sure Ron and Hermione knew everything but he still had quite a few close friends that were bound to be more than confused at the Prophet's news. Seeing them shopping about together had to have been more than a shock, even with the short statement from Kingsley and vague details of the case.

Cassi's small grayish brown head poked out from Draco's black sleeve at his wrist as Harry dragged his hands down his face. He sighed and stroked the snakes little head with the pad of his thumb. She had taken quite the liking to them both over the last day. Especially Draco. It was hard to imagine her ever being bigger than what she was now.

"Are you sure you're okay with it?" Harry asked the blond while watching the snake slither off Draco's body and towards his own retreating hand.

"It doesn't really matter if I am or not. They are going to know eventually yes? If we are going to actually try and make this a long term thing that is….," Draco trailed off a bit self conscious. There was always the chance the man could change his mind, but Harry looked at him like he had been insulted. While probably meant to be an intimidating look due to the audacity of thinking he wasn't serious, the look gave Draco the butterflies instead. "I'm fairly certain it's not going to be easy for either of us but they are your friends and mean something to you. It's best if we just do it," he said with more confidence than he felt.

It was very much the same mentality that had landed them in Diagon Alley the day before yesterday and that had worked out well enough. Even if his anxiety had kicked into overdrive once the plan was actually in motion. Although he had a feeling it would be worse this time because unlike the hundreds of strangers wanting to curse him these were actually people that meant something to Harry. Meant enough to him that it could jeopardize his wanting to be with him. That caused Draco's stomach to twist slightly in worry.

Cassi's body had been sliding between Harry's fingers as Draco talked. Occupying him physically as he lifted and turned his hands over in the air for her to climb on. It was very soothing forcing him to calmly mull over his thoughts with her slow movements. "It is probably better to do it all at once also isn't it?" he pondered aloud. He lifted his eyes from the snake and looked up to see Draco nodding in agreement. "It means you are going to be stuck in here with I don't know how many Gryffindors that have a good chance of wanting to hex you."

"Really? The thought had never occurred to me," Draco said dumbly like he hadn't realized what he was getting into.

"Don't be an arse this is serious," Harry scowled at him. "I mean it has been years but I don't have any clue how they still feel about you. You haven't ever been a real point of discussion. Honestly I expected worse from Ron, but him being an auror is probably the only thing that prevented him from stupefying you."

Draco scoffed at that. "Please. It was you and Granger that stopped him from doing anything. Not some sudden desire to uphold his job title with dignity."

Once Draco said it Harry had to wonder if he agreed. No telling really. "Ron and Hermione have to be there," Harry stated firmly. "I think it will help like Neville and Seamus take it a little easier."

"I thought it would have been obvious they would come?" Draco asked in confusion. Why wouldn't Granger and the Weasel come if it was basically going to be a get together of all his closest friends? Harry stood as he asked the question but he only dropped down onto the entryway floor a few seconds later, hands lifted in the air holding Cassi up before lowering her to the ground with him. What a goof.

Unsure what was on the man's mind to cause the floor to seem like a suitable place to lie down Draco jumped down off the counter and reluctantly joined him on the ground. Cassi was slithering off of him to the left allowing Harry to rest his hands behind his head now. Draco copied him. "What are you thinking?"

Harry bit his lip. He was honestly thinking about everything. Past, present, and future. "Everything," he admitted studying where the kitchen wall met the ceiling.

"Well that narrows down the topic of conversation," Draco said trying to make the mood more playful. It was an obvious fail when Harry didn't respond. "Are you worried they will take it that badly? Should we not do this?" His voice was a little faint. He didn't fancy facing the group of Gryffindors and their reaction but it had to be done eventually if Harry was actually serious.

"No. Yes? I don't know," Harry rambled indecisively to the ceiling. "We are going to do it. I'm just worried I guess. I might need, no scratch that. I will need alcohol for us all to get through it."

"Well that was a given," Draco responded quickly hoping for a laugh but he yet again got no response. There had to be something to ease Harry's mind. It was hard to ease another's mind when he was worried about the same thing though. Do you honestly expect them to react with anything other than hostility? Hope? That is what Gryffindors live on right? "I haven't seen anyone since Hogwarts. Besides the few times I saw Longbottom at the Leaky. Maybe they have changed like I have? I mean….at least I like to think I've changed."

Every second of the past few years passed through his mind. Keeping his head low and under the radar, every piece of altered paperwork and cell of his existence wanting to not be who he was. Wishing to be someone other than the man everyone considered him.

Harry could feel Draco's unvoiced insecurity and realized he was probably making him nervous. He wasn't sure if the blond was trying to ease his mind or his own on the subject. "You have changed. You've proven that in the last few months alone. Everyone has changed. I'm just worried they haven't changed enough. I'm worried they will hang onto high school grudges and the hate they once felt towards not just you but the Slytherins in general. You and the others haven't been a topic of conversation since shortly after the trials. I don't know how they feel."

Really Draco had no clue what else to say. They were in the position now. War talk. School talk. The past and everything he wanted to get away from. Things he had tried to put behind him, and for the most part had succeeded. But if he was going to try and make peace with this group he had to be mentally ready for it. Whether they held major hate or just general dislike.

Could they ever like him? Or at least not hate him? The very people he taunted and bullied. The people he stood against for so many years. "When did you quit hating me?" Draco asked lost in his memories now. "At the Manor when they brought you in? I mean it had to be before the Room of Requirement otherwise you would have been happy to leave me burn to ash. Weasley was ready to."

"I'm not sure I ever truly hated you though," Harry admitted. "I'm not sure I ever could either. Be royally pissed yes. Disgusted and disappointed yes. But I don't know that I have it in me to hate anymore. Hate anyone really."

Draco was happy to hear Harry didn't think he could hate him but it wasn't what he was looking for. Maybe if he had an idea what had caused Harry to stop hating him he could apply some of the same factors into his circle of friends. Help move him from the level of hate to just general dislike. That would be doable. "There had to be a time. A reason. A moment where you decided that it wasn't hate you felt? Wasn't there? For me it was the first day of 6th year. Just seeing you made me feel weak and like I needed you. There was only you but I had no way to reach you. I realized I didn't hate you. I saw you and thought of hope." Draco exhaled heavily at the rush of emotions and tears he could feel prickling the back of his eyes. He didn't hate Harry but he hated feeling the emotions that matched the memories.

Shame flooded Harry when he realized the moment his view shifted. "The bathroom," Harry whispered. "It was the first time I saw you. Really saw you. You were scared and just looked helpless. Like you were stuck with nowhere to go. Then I….I cursed you and there was so much blood I thought I was going to be sick. I realized I didn't want to hurt you. You were just being used as much as I was. From then on out, especially after the astronomy tower. I could never see you the same. I didn't just testify for you because of the Manor and the battle. I testified because of everything you were put through. They say you have a choice but in a lot of situations you really don't."

"So is that why you tried to make sure I had somewhere to go that first night at the Leaky? Because you honestly cared a bit about what happened to me?" Draco asked curiously.

Harry replayed that first night in his mind. "Well I mean yes. You just seemed so close to that breaking point again. You weren't crying but you were just…..ready to lose it I guess. It reminded me of all those times I watched you stressed but this time it was up close and I felt like I could help."

Draco let out a throaty breath that may have been a subconscious attempt at a laugh. "Yea. I had started really losing it again hadn't I?"

"A person can only handle so much….." Harry trailed off. It was everyone always told him including the mind healers. He had personally done a good job of letting things roll off of him after the war. Dying and killing the most powerful dark wizard really and truly mellowed him out.

"How am I ever supposed to apologize to them? To Granger? Longbottom?" Draco asked weakly. Was he just supposed to walk up to them and say sorry? Retale every wrong doings he had done to each of them and say what was going through his head at the time? Sorry Granger. I would of helped but I scared shitless I was going to be murdered if I even moved. That seemed like it would go over well.

Harry pressed his lips together to think. Hermione had seemed so unaffected by Draco so far. Did she still harbor all those bad feelings inside? It was clear Ron's distaste but he wasn't sure if that was from the war or just long term family rivalry. Or would everyone's dislike of Draco come from their school years and not war actions? Harry hoped it would be the latter. He felt like that would be the case anyways.

Following the year after the war he had been adamant on people moving forward. Past the war. Not forgetting but forgiving and accepting. While some people refused to change many more could and would. They were many like Draco. Who did what they needed to do or be killed. Harry had even funded a foreign mind healing organization for an outsider standpoint for advice and observation to set up in Britain. Everyone he personally knew had attended and he liked to think it was a large success.

He hadn't had any involvement with the organization in over a year, besides donations. Now he was regretting not staying more involved to see how society was progressing. All he had done anymore was work a job that gave him no true satisfaction, sit at home, and drink on weekends. Some life.

Rolling over onto his side and propping his head up with his arm he faced the blond. Draco's face was somber and sunken. "I think you just have to try?" Harry offered poorly. He was never good with words and usually didn't plan what he was going to say. He always just went with it. "We all do. I can't tell you what to do. Saying sorry, like you actually mean it, might help? It could be a starting point at least?"

Draco closed his eyes. Envisioning a bruise and blood covered Longbottom in the Great Hall being crucioed and a tear streaked Granger laying on the Manor floor. Nothing could take those moments back and he doubted anything could change people's perspectives on him. The last few years had still proved as much as he had stayed stuck in his father's shadow.

"I'm not saying I deserve it," Draco started by squeezing his interlaced fingers tightly together to ease some of the tension in his body. "... but I'm not going to gravel for your friends acceptance. Even if I say sorry there is no guarantee they will change their minds about me. No matter what I say or do. I will try but I'm not going to bend down, beg, or pour out my soul to them in an effort to gain their favor."

Maybe it wasn't a lot but Harry felt like that was more than he could hope for from the Slytherin right now. "I don't want you to beg and I don't want you to pour your soul out. Unless it is to me," he said softly leaning over and placing a gentle kiss upon Draco's silent tear tracked cheek.


Harry's living room was disturbingly quiet now. They were all sitting in the same positions they had been last time they were all together. Ron looked a bit put off but Harry had expected that. At least it was nowhere near the disgusted face he had worn the first time he realized Draco and him were together.

Ron had been hesitant to come over this time, but with the promise of a surprise and Hermione's extra shove he had caved. Upon seeing his new pet snake though he seemed even more apprehensive. Probably due to thoughts straying towards Nagini. Hermione on the other hand had cooed and beamed over Cassi. Going on and on about how it was wonderful that he had finally gotten a pet, how a snake was a brilliant choice for him and so on. In the years since Hedwig's death she had subtly encouraged a new owl but never pushed the subject.

After the original excitement of learning about Cassi wore off, the room became thick with stagnant air. He was pretty sure the uneasiness came from himself and Ron. Hermione seemed quite content to let the snake keep trying to get into her muggle t shirt with a small smile each time and Draco was his completely chilled persona sitting still and unbothered. Mask clamped down tight.

Pushing down the nerves that were in his belly due to the slight possibility that his friends would be against him he finally brought up the main topic for wanting them to come over. "We are having a party Sunday. Will you both come to it?" Harry could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

Hermione sat up a little straighter. Ron didn't say anything, instead choosing to watch Cassi finally get her head under his wife's short sleeve and ignore him. "A party?" Hermione repeated.

At least that wasn't a no? Hearing Hermione repeat anything like she hadn't heard it was unnerving. "Yea I mean I figured we'd invite a few people I want to know about Draco over. I just…" Harry pushed on through the uncomfortableness with a ruffle of his hair. "...we are going to be seen together more. A lot. So I just think it's better that the people that are closest to me know now."

"Who all were you thinking of inviting?" Hermione asked. Her voice was very much it's normal casual tone which caused Harry's mind to ease up a tad.

Harry paused while the numerous scenarios from a variety of his friends that could occur from announcing his boyfriend was Draco Malfoy. Who Harry would invite was one of the first things he and Draco had discussed when talking about doing this. "Obviously you two. I was also thinking Neville, therefore Hannah. Luna and her girlfriend. I've met her once before and she seemed nice." Hermione raised an eyebrow at him. Is Luna not a good idea? "Do you think I shouldn't invite her?" he asked.

"I don't know. Luna can be a bit unpredictable and we don't know this girlfriend. What if she was to run off to the Prophet thinking it was such exciting news to share?" Hermione questioned reasonably.

She has a good point. Harry thought he could trust Luna but the same couldn't be said for Luna's girlfriend. "I guess we could just invite Luna?" he offered uncertain if it was the right choice. Hermione made a face of conflict.

"Do you really want to risk that though? I mean I enjoy Luna I really do, but she lets things slip sometimes when she isn't thinking." Hermione's tone wasn't accusing just cautious.

"You're right," he admitted. He was closer to Luna than either Ron and Hermione were. Besides he was fairly certain she knew about them anyways. Luna wouldn't ever judge him. Even for keeping a secret that wasn't really a secret to her.

That really only left 2 other people. "I also thought about Seamus and Dean. They usually throw good quidditch parties so I want them to know. I like our get togethers in the summer and fall." Harry stated before pausing to think over everyone again. "Umm….I dont think there are any more that are close enough to need to know? We just don't want to announce anything publicly until after his probation is over."

Hermione was silent for a few seconds. "What about George and Angelina?"

Grimacing Harry made a face of his internal struggle. He wanted to let George know. Hell he wanted Molly and Arthur to know. They still meant a lot to them even though they had drifted apart the last few years, but he didn't know how they would react. Probably how Ron did or worse. One thing he was certain of though was that he definitely didn't want Ginny to know. "The thing is I just dont know how Molly and Arthur will react. Or George I suppose really….and if any other Weasley knows they might as well all know. Sorry Ron but I just don't want Ginny to know until everyone else does. I don't trust her." It felt good to say that outloud to Ron after so long. The two of them had deliberately ignored the topic of Ginny since shortly after their break up. Only bringing her up in family mentioning.

Ron mumbled something under his breath but then Hermione jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow. "Oi what was that for!" the redhead asked loudly rubbing the new tender spot on his body.

"Speak loud enough for everyone to hear you then," the witch returned evenly before smiling innocently and pulling Cassi's small body out from under the stomach of her shirt. Ron glared at her.

"I can't say I'm sorry Ron," Harry tried. It was the truth and he couldn't say sorry for it. "She has just been so cold and arrogant towards me since the split. Maybe a bit bitter even? Since it didn't go how she wanted? I dont know but I just get the feeling she would run right to the Prophet about me and Draco…."

"Shagging," Draco interrupted speaking for the first time since the pair had come over. .

"...being romantically involved!" Harry countered quickly while trying to elbow Draco in the ribs like Hermione had with Ron. The blond predicted his reaction though and tilted his upper body just out of reach with a small smirk.

Harry heard Ron groan and saw his cheeks were now tinted pink when he spoke. "Yea I get it mate…..I'm not sure I'd put it past her either."

"So will you all come?" Harry asked eagerly, mood boosting a little from Ron's agreement with him.

"Of course we will," Hermione answered for the redhead. "Besides Ron and I may have something that will take some of the attention off you 2."

Harry's eyebrows shot up. "Really? What?" That would be absolutely perfect if there was something else to help take the eyes and heat off the flood of questions that were sure to be asked.

Hermione ignored his questions though and sat Cassi on Ron's hand who accepted the snake's presence on him reluctantly by trying to keep her from moving back to Hermione. "Do you need any help? Decorating or cooking? What exactly are you going to be classifying this party as? Is there a theme? What are you going to tell them it is for?"

"Bloody hell you sound like Draco. I don't know? Just tell them we are having a little get together? We haven't all gotten together since Christmas. Does it really have to have a theme and be all fancy?" Harry asked dumbly. Sure they were making an announcement to a group of people but it wasn't like an engagement party or anything. Draco had spent a fair bit of time trying to explain the importance of color coordination and mood.

"Wanting a few decorations and more than some biscuits isn't fancy Harry, honestly," Hermione waved her hand off at him like he was missing out on the fun. Harry wanted to glare at her for sounding odd. It wasn't uncommon to just get together to catch up, chat, and share some fire whiskey or Ogdens.

"Fine you 2 can have at it then," Harry gestured between Draco and Hermione a little frustrated and sat back into his chair. He watched impatiently as the two stared at each other for a moment. The annoyance and impatience fell away to nerves from encouraging such interaction already. Shite I'm a prat.

Sure they needed to have their own conversation regarding apologies and the war and what not but he didn't want it to be while trying to plan how to come out to the rest of his friends. If it went bad and they didn't have his best mates support from the beginning this would end up being so much harder. It was to the point Harry was ready to speak up again so he wouldn't start sweating.

"Coming out party," Draco finally said abruptly breaking the silence.

Hermione seemed taken aback to hear the blonds voice directly. "What?"

"It's a coming out party. That is the theme," Draco clarified calmly. His voice held no real emotion.

Hermione's eyebrows pinched together as if she didn't understand why the blond would want something like that and was off put by the very idea. "So you want to do the house up in rainbows? A bit bright and bold if…."

"Rainbows?" Draco interrupted her matching her confusion. He didn't understand how she would have jumped to rainbows. Who used rainbows as party decor?

Shaking her bushy hair Hermione laughed realizing Draco had no idea about the muggle reference. "Muggles use a rainbow flag to represent the LGBTQ community which includes people that are gay or of other sexual orientation."

Draco's face melted away from confused to blank. Talk about fucking odd. Of course something so muggle would be brought up in the first direct conversation between the 2 of them. Rainbows? Everywhere? In such a small space? On what? Banner's, tablecloths, and napkins? The very thought so many contrasting colors mushed together everywhere in Harry's house gave him a headache. "No bloody rainbows," he said flatly.


Loty had looked like he would faint when Harry had told him they would be throwing a party. It wasn't something Harry had ever done. He always had went to other people's houses for parties. The look of shock on the elf's face was quickly overtaken by the sheer joy and tears of happiness.

When they awoke the day of the party Loty had been constantly on the go. Apparating every few minutes to get something fresh from somewhere else in the house. Making sure every room and each loo was fresher than the day he moved in. Levitating things around when he wasn't pleased with their placement and wiping every inch of counter space twice after sitting the plates of food out.

It didn't help that Draco was encouraging the obsessive behavior. He had transfigured Harry's favorite chair, which for a brief second irritated him, along with the side table by the floo, and the telly stand into tables. Tables that Loty was now smoothing decorative deep rich blue cloths over repeatedly to ensure all wrinkles were gone. Harry suspected that it was actually a calming method for the elf that was talking to himself under his breath the whole time, probably due to anxiety. Briefly Loty muttering to himself reminded him of Kreacher.

Harry was grateful the Slytherin had at least had the common sense not to transfigure his telly. Such advanced muggle equipment didn't seem to take so well to magic. While he knew the transfiguration would be successful the odds of getting the bloody thing to work afterwards was highly unlikely. Not wanting to bother Loty Harry took to carrying telly and dvd player into the downstairs closet by the loo himself.

Due to the ridiculous level of anxiety and nerves he felt radiating off his elf and boyfriend as he watched them putting things into place Harry found himself subconsciously smoothing out his dark green jumper when he walked back over to them. "You and Hermione took this a bit far don't you think?" Harry asked Draco as Loty disappeared into thin air once again, probably to check on more food at this rate.

Draco turned and scoffed at him, his dark grey robes swirling with him. "Of course not. I just put an elegant spin on some of Granger's additional ideas."

"I'm pretty sure I heard something more along the lines of a casual dinner and games," Harry reminded him.

"There is food and there are games," Draco gestured towards the few spaced out tables. One of which was in front of his front door, another against the sitting room window, and another a little closer to the stairs. "One for what Granger said is poker, one for wizards chess, and one for the firendye shots you and the Weas….Weasley," Draco corrected himself after Harry narrowed his eyes. "The drinking coin game nonsense you both insisted on."

Harry raised his eyebrows and looked from the table beside them which was indeed set up for one of their favorite party games and back the blond. The table helped prove his point. Instead of the red plastic cups Hermione usually provided Draco had lined up 12 thick crystal cups. "You had Loty make 4 different main dishes including beef wellington that fancy fish thing."

"Finnan haddie," Draco supplied while Harry continued.

"Plus 2 salads, trifle, pasties, 4 bottles of wine, a pint of gin and 2 bottles of firewhiskey!" Harry stated as if Draco didn't know what all he had done.

"I'm just making sure we will all be well fed, have plenty of alcohol to limit hexing abilities, and give off a serious impression about us. Besides it's a party," Draco said explaining his reasoning like Harry was daft.

Harry groaned and rolled his eyes. It was a pointless argument and he wasn't sure why he hadn't expected this. Of course Draco would try to find a way to take something casual and attempt to make it formal. "We are having dinner with my friends and probably going to share a bottle or 2 of firewhiskey. Not inviting my boss over. Just relax yea?"

It was perfect timing that the floo flared green and Ron stumbled out of the fireplace. Draco turned back to his previous involvement of setting things up. "Sorry mum wasn't buying the whole sudden mid day decision date plan rubbish," the redhead grumbled dusting off his maroon jumper. It wasn't a second later that Hermione was pushing him forward as she stepped into the space Ron was still occupying.

"Honestly Ronald! Move when you know someone is coming through the floo!" Hermione chastised him brushing off her own pink ruffled blouse.

Ron righted himself and went to stand over by Harry still brushing himself off. "You know how mum's powder always wants to clings! Cast the cleansing charm?" Ron asked and Harry watched him sigh as Hermione's swish of magic flowed over him. He could see the slight difference in his skin color where the powder had coated him.

Hermione looked around the room, her face in a bit of disbelief. "Wow Harry. I don't think I've ever seen your place so clean and organized." Then she furrowed her brows uncomfortably. "Bit odd really."

Harry pointed his thumb to his left side where Draco stood talking to Loty again. "Have your own go at getting those 2 to settle down. They have been moving all bloody day." Noticing the interaction Hermione scowled. She always hated it when Loty did too much. Part of him felt pity seeing the witch walk up to the 2 of them.

"Ready for this mate?" Ron asked with genuine concern on his face.

Taking a deep breath Harry tried to remain collected. He was and he wasn't. On one side he didn't care what his friends thought but another did and which way it was going to go and which way he should feel had him on edge. "Ready as I will ever be I suppose. Either they accept it or they don't. Nothing I can do about it right?"

"How about the ferret? Is he ready?" Ron inquired quite casually. Casually enough that Harry waited a second and just looked at him before responding. Sure he technically insulted Draco but inquiring about how he felt seemed like too much to hope for but Ron just raised an eyebrow waited for his answer.

Checking to make sure Hermione, Draco, and Loty were still immersed in a conversation probably about doing too much, based on Loty and Draco's frustrated expressions, he leaned into Rons space to whisper. "Don't tell him I told you but he is a bit nervous. Spent all bloody afternoon fretting about everything from the salad to his robes."

"What is he wearing bloody robes for anyways?" Ron asked quietly.

Harry shrugged remembering the exhausting conversation early that afternoon. He had tried to get the blond to just wear his new muggle clothes or even just trousers and jumper but the prat was having none of it. "To hell if I know. Then again he has tried to tweak this whole thing into some formal party. I mean look," Harry gestured to the cloth covered tables, then to the kitchen which had wine glasses and sparkling shot glasses lining the edge filled waiting to be drunk. The salads were in clear glass bowls perfectly spaced apart, the pastries laid out like they would be on a bakery shelf, and trifle topped with fresh strawberries and blueberries in individually portioned crystal goblets while the beef and fish dishes steamed under stasis charms.

Ron's face widened with more disbelief than Hermione's had and he shook his head in amusement. Hermione was now pointing around and trying to order Draco and Loty to stop. So both he and Ron made the smart decision to stay in the living room. They took up chatting about the last time they had all gotten together and the bits and pieces they each knew of things that had been going on in their friends lives as time flew by.

It wasn't too long after Ron and Hermione had arrived that Seamus and Dean came out of the floo. Hermione had finally gotten Loty to retire until called upon and had all but demanded Draco stop moving. It resulted in the blond leaning against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pockets waiting for anything to do. Upon seeing the Slytherin the smile from Seamus's face fell.

"What is Malfoy doing here?" the Irish man asked looking around to each of them. Harry noted how Seamus's hand seemed to instinctively move over his tight light washed jeans to where his wand was probably lodged.

"Can we just wait until everyone gets here? Then I will tell you everything alright?" Harry asked with a little bit of a plea to his voice. Seamus was still eyeing him suspiciously. "Look there is firewhiskey over there if you need to distract yourself."

Dean nudged the man with his shoulder. "Come on mate I think we could use a drink to start this one off," the other Gryffindor suggested. That seemed to break Seamus's trance but he still looked uncertainty between everyone before following Dean over the alcohol.

Harry let out a loud breath when they had left the living room. Seamus, Dean, and Neville were obviously the main friends he was worried about taking the news. Hannah he figured would be a bit more nonchalant about the situation and honestly she was only there because she was married to Neville.

Right on que Neville stepped through and to the side as another flare of green happened right behind him allowing Hannah to pass through. Harry realized he was holding his breath again but Neville made no real indication towards his feelings at the sight of Draco. "Harry, Ron, Hermione….Malfoy," he greeting with a smile then slight inclination of his head to acknowledge the blond.

"Hey Nev. Seamus and Dean are already in the kitchen. Let's go grab a drink with them yea?" Ron offered. Neville smiled and grabbed Hannah's hand that was fiddling with her pale yellow dress.

As the final group disappeared around the corner Harry felt like his throat was a bit too tight and he grabbed Draco's hand to ground himself for the moment. No one had been hexed yet so that was something. The Slytherin was stiff and Harry squeezed it harder until Draco winced and looked at him. "What?" he practically spat but Harry knew it was only nerves.

"Let's go," Harry encouraged in what he hoped with a confident tone but neither made any effort to move.

"I'm not walking in there first. They are your bloody friends," Draco said his nerves making his words come out a bit fast and weaker. Hermione poked her head around the corner giving them a threatening look and mouthed the word now.

Harry didn't know if that meant she was getting impatient or if the small group of friends were starting to get carried away. Only one way to find out. Taking a deep breath Harry walked forward with only a little tug needed to have the blond up beside him.

As soon as they stepped into the small kitchen, that now was much to crowded, side by side and hand in hand all eyes turned to them. Aside from Ron and Hermione they were eyes that screamed I need information. There might have well been giant question marks floating above everyone's heads.

"So umm…..we asked everyone here tonight to uh ...you read the Prophet this week right?" Harry asked with his now parched throat. Everyone nodded. "Well I did volunteer to let Draco live with me since he had nowhere to go and I also kind of did it because you know. He is my boyfriend?" he said it more as a question than a fact. His confidence in admitting it faltering for a second.

Seamus and Dean snorted and went into a small fit of giggles. Neville and Hannah both looked unperturbed while Ron was surprisingly glaring at the 2 laughing men as if actually pissed they took it as a joke. Hermione made the hand motion for him to continue on but Seamus beat him to it.

"Prophet said you were acting as his bodyguard for public outings," Seamus managed as he started to control his laughter. "Something to do with giving up some information on a case? How does that make him your boyfriend? It's not like the Prophet ever get its facts straight. Him living with you was the biggest joke Id read in awhile."

Legitimate question I suppose. "Yes and no. He is living with me because he has nowhere else to go, but also because I want him to. I love him and I want to be with him. Not because of some hero complex and I'm not his bloody bodyguard," Harry's backpedaled a little. In a way he could be perceived as a bodyguard and maybe it would be good for the general public to think that. "Well kind of I guess but that part doesnt matter."

"Good one mate," Dean chuckled sitting down his empty shot glass and reaching for a glass of wine.

Harry frowned. He had thought they would jump to him being dosed and straight to some form of anger. He hadn't planned for or expected amusement. "Im serious," he stated.

Seamus was the one to pipe up a bit louder now."Really now? You are dating Malfoy? You LOVE Malfoy? You expect us to believe that? I mean is that honestly even Malfoy? Is it George poly juiced or something?"

Now that's what I expected. Sparks of irritation grew the more the Irish man spoke. "Of course I expect you to believe it! You're my friend!" Harry said in a rush of agitation. A little bite coming out along the way.

"Yea a friend housing and now claiming to be in love with his school rival is believable," Seamus countered.

"He has a point mate. Hard one to believe," Ron spoke out. Seamus looked smug and back to Harry but it felt like Ron was trying to give him more of a message than supporting the Irish man.

Why wouldn't he just believe him? Ron had. With Hermione's help. After they knew you had been seeing someone for months. Harry growled at the different circumstances and unsure what he could do for the current one. What will it take for them to believe you? He tried racking his brain for a few seconds not instantly wanting to dive into story telling the start of their relationship with unwelcoming ears.

Huffing in annoyance Harry went with the only option he came to which was provide them with undeniable proof. Reaching over with his empty hand he pulled the blond's face to his. Capturing his lips in a kiss. Draco went to pull back a little, shocked obviously, but Harry encouraged him to stay in place. If they were going to convince them he loved him he would have to really show it passionately. Bold bold bold.

Although Draco originally resisted that front fell away after a second of Harry trying to pry his lips apart with his tongue. He began returning Harry's kiss with a little too much enthusiasm. Probably because they had an audience. The Slytherin clearly got off to the idea of others watching them and honestly it was growing on him also. He couldn't help but smile into it as the blond's tongue traced his upper teeth before nipping at his lower lip.

A little giggle escaped Harry as he pulled his lip free. Draco took the lip back with a suck though and dropped Harry's hand. Bringing both to his waist which caused his other hand to come up and caress the blond's face. The way they always managed to snog was so deep and passionate that it always was overwhelming. No matter the type of day, situation, or location.

The sound of glass shattering caused them to part and a blush rose to his face so fast someone could claim to have hit him with the most powerful warming charm. Draco smirked and gave him a final small peck on the lips before stepping apart where they had apparently ended up flush together.

Harry cleared his throat to buy him a second more time before turning back to his friends. First noticing Loty vanishing a broken wine glass at Dean's feet. Harry then scanned and found a variety of expressions around the room. Ron looked a little sick while Hermione merely looked at them with a face showing they had been unnecessary dramatic. Hannah seemed unaffected and Neville had a smile buried behind his glass of gin. Both Seamus and Dean's jaws were dropped in shock.

"What? How? I dont….bloody hell…." Seamus stammered out like he couldn't process any one specific thought.

Rubbing the back of his neck to spread out some of the heat Harry tried to think of how to put it simply. It is simple. "Well we kinda ran into each other at the Leaky and it really kind of stemmed from there," Harry said vaguely. Neville snorted softly almost under his breath. "What?" Harry directed at him irritably.

"Nothing….nothing mate I'm all good," the man took a long drink of his gin, or at least pretended to as Harry watched him. Eyes leaving and checking every few seconds to see if he was still being watched.

"Fine," Neville sighed lowering his glass to the counter when Harry never looked away from him. "One night Malfoy wanted a room which was strange. It was plain weird actually. I was keeping an extra close ear out because obviously I didn't trust him. Then I saw you just barging up the stairs so I followed you cause you seemed pretty pissed off and drunk and Malfoy was already up there pretty drunk. I instantly smelled a fight coming on since you all had seemed to be getting on well enough the other times you had been in the pub." Neville paused to take a breath and Harry felt his heart hammering. He remembered that night well enough and he dreaded what the man might have seen or heard.

Neville continued on much to Harry's dread. "Then I heard you two beating the shit out of each other and you two werent exactly quiet. Anyone upstairs heard." The man scratched his forehead and made a little noise of protest in the back of his throat clearly not wanting to continue but he pressed on. "I went to open the door to stop you all but then….well…...ugh I heard you talking about him wanking you and uh….shagging basically. Way to many details I might add." Neville's face was flushed from either replaying the memory or saying it aloud in front of everyone or both.

"You can imagine the shock I had over that," Neville laughed awkwardly. "I mean I knew you all had taken up to being drinking mates and usually left about the same time but I definitely never imagined you were shagging. I went to leave but as soon as I did you almost hit me in the face with the bloody door. You stumbled down the hall grumbling and Malfoy stayed in the room…." Harry closed his eyes tightly in embarrassment but opened one eye to see how the blond had taken to the story. He caught the furious glare Draco was giving his friend and Neville looked away getting the hint he shouldn't say whatever he had happened next. "So yeah," he finished lamely.

For a brief second Draco just stood there in disbelief. Somewhere between embarrassed, angry, and pleasantly surprised that Longbottom had known about them this whole time and hadn't said a word to anyone. The embarrassment quickly dispersed and the pleasant surprise evaporated with the fact he was staring at the man right in front of him. Embarrassment growing again fueling the anger realizing Longbottom had heard, maybe even seen him falling apart when Harry had left him. The realization caused him to snap his head to the raven haired man beside him.

"You bloody wanker!" Draco shouted unable to hold it in. "See what your brash Gryffindor behavior gets us? Longbottom hearing us discussing our sex life!"

Harry was taken aback meeting such angry eyes but irritation filled his own. The last thing they needed was a fight in front of his friends. Might help prove your case. If anything it was both their fault not just his. "If you would have just accepted me saying your name there wouldn't have been a problem! Draco is your name after all!" he shot back the blond.

With a roll of his head and eyes at the same time Draco groaned. Name change had been a big stepping point in their relationship. It had them moving into personal territory. Of course it had been a serious topic. "Sorry if hearing you moan my name for the first time was a bit of a shocker considering we were only shagging at the time. Imagine how you would have felt hearing me cry out Harry when I came back in January!"

"Draco!" Harry hissed with widened eyes.

Draco shook his head in disapproval. "To short and high pitched. You fucking dragged it out to! Draccooooooo," he tried to mimic.

"Boys!" Hermione's voice cut through the small space to get their attention. Her mouth slightly agape at their little tantrum. Or personal details. Harry didn't know which. Probably both.

Harry growled in frustration as the blush across his face grew back to post snog level from a moment ago. Luckily his irritation had him over riding any want to run away and he faced his friends full on. "Look you all are some of the closest people to me. We see each other a lot, do things together, and this is something very important to me. I want to be able to feel completely comfortable being myself around my friends without worrying. We don't want to publicly announce our relationship until after his probation is up and people are used to seeing us together casually. That means I want you to know now that Draco is my boyfriend, I love his sorry arse, and he lives with me of our own free will."

"If he is such an arse how do you love him? So what you are wanting him to come to my house and listen to some quidditch? Hit up the pub sometimes together?" Seamus asked with nothing but disbelief still in his tone.

Fucking ugh. "Ask Hermione how she puts up with Ron being an arse. We all know he is. I can be. I'm not gonna lay out all the reasons I love him to you all. You can either accept I do or you don't." Harry stated firmly.

Ron stood up from his slouched position against the counter and stepped towards him. "Look mate it's…"

Harry stepped away. "No Ron. I thought we were all past the war. All agreed we were kids and the world isn't black and white. Actually forget the war. My own friends can't fucking believe me when I tell them something repeatedly?"

Draco closed his eyes as Harry's voice rose and he began defending himself against Weasley. It hurt a little hearing him worked up over this and how it was hurting him that his friends weren't accepting right away. Although he couldn't blame any of them.

Other people began talking but it became white noise to Draco. This was exactly what he had been worried about all bloody day. It's why he had tried to keep busy. To not think about the highly probable negative outcome and instead focus on which minute details that could help his appearance. To counteract every bad decision he had made that would influence their perception of him. The noise grew louder, or maybe it was just louder in head. Either way it was growing and becoming unbearable. Like a volcano ready to be done with all the bubbling and just explode.

"I know you all hate me alright? I'm not a fucking prat!" Draco shouted abruptly silencing all the noise. He opened his eyes as Seamus snorted, Hermione winced, and he saw Dean looking just plain sad. "I'm not asking you to be my friend! Just tolerate me enough so Harry can be happy. Apparently Gryffindors need friends and all that nonsense to be happy and that's what I want for him. So hate me all you want. As long as the oaf will claim to love me just let me sit in the corner and brood while you all do your friend stuff. I will read, eat, listen to the wireless and be out of the way anywhere he wants to drag me with you lot." Draco made a frustrated sound and resisted the urge to pull at his own hair. He was only just recently comfortable talking with Harry about everything. What was he supposed to do or say to help this?

"I'm sorry okay? It's not like words can change what happened or what I did. What I use to be. Whatever. Just….." Draco's words trailed off into a growling mumbled mess but he didn't know how or what else to say. He turned to leave but Harry snatched his arm to keep him from leaving. All he could do was tense up and groan inwardly to stay.

There was a horribly awkward silence. Where everyone standing in the cramped little kitchen space just stood breathing. Harry had no idea what was playing through anyone's mind but he had been shocked by Draco's outburst. They all seemed lost in their own thoughts. Probably replaying memories from the war which he didn't think was a good thing.

"Since when are you even gay Harry?" Dean asked randomly through the silence. "You…" the darker Gryffindor tried to ask but Ron cut him off.

"Do not go there Dean," Ron warned closing his eyes and lifting his hand up as if to stop any words. Harry wanted to laugh but didn't mostly because he wasn't sure if it was because the topic would include his sister or it risked resurfacing the trauma that Ron knew some of the things his sister and him had done together. "Just trust me mate. You don't want to start asking those questions."

"Since we are all here, discussing lovely shagging details and all that," Hermione started and Harry could see some odd grimaces on some of his friends faces. She pulled Ron closer to her and Harry was thankful there seemed to be a change of topic coming about. He didn't think they would get any further with the current mood of the room. "...Ron has something he would like to announce."

"Mione and me are going to have another baby!" Ron beamed loudly raising his arms in the air and slingling one over Hermione's shoulder before she could even finish the sentence.

Harry laughed instantly at his best mates enthusiasm and Hermione's blush. It was a relief to have eyes off of him and to hear the exciting news of his best friends. No wonder the witch had been acting odd the last few months.

"Blimey mate! I knew something was up but another baby! Hermione," he said in a dragged out accusing tone. The witch turned her head away from him to look out the window. "I thought you didn't want another until you reached Minister of Magic?" he asked with a grin.

Ron choked on a laugh while Hermione cleared her throat. "Well ...sometimes you just…." she huffed giving up trying to keep her cool and Harry watched her struggle. Hormones. "Alright we may have had a bit to much wine one night and were careless! You can still have multiple children while young and have a very successful career you know!"

"I told you she smelled weird," Cassi was suddenly hissing from behind then toaster on the counter. Harry looked over to see her, stroked her head once, and laughed again.

"What?" Hermione asked defensively facing him again as Ron accepted some congratulatory pats from Neville.

"Oh nothing. Cassi could smell you were pregnant I guess. She said you smelled weird the other day after you left," Harry informed the witch and he pressed his lips together trying to keep from smiling when she looked a bit self conscious and discreetly tried to smell herself.


After Hermione and Ron's announcement the atmosphere in the house changed. Going from awkward, chilly, and prickly to warm, energetic, and open. It was quite a difference and Harry was grateful that they had been willing to announce the news with them. Ron was wasting no time getting sloshed in celebration while Hermione sat talking with Hannah. She actually looked a little irritated she couldn't participate in fiendfrye shots the boys had taken up.

Even though Draco leaned against the wall watching them converse he didn't try to actually engage. Harry kept getting lost in the conversations also but a few times he saw Neville and Dean direct something at him but after a simple answer they carried on like they had been until finally Draco had disappeared the next time he looked up from coin that had landed in the firewhiskey.

Looking over to the girls sitting on the sofa still Harry half expected to see him with them but he didn't causing him to furrowed his brows. Leaving his friends conversing about their stupidest acts drunk he went to find the blond. Catching Hermione's eyes she gestured upwards with her head.

Getting the hint Harry headed up the stairs. Maybe he just went to the loo? There is a downstairs loo. No one had said anything insulting to him that he had overheard so there shouldn't be any reason for the blond to be retreating. He was probably still in a foul mood.

"Draco?" Harry said to the empty hallway. He peaked in the guest room real quick before heading to their bedroom. The door was cracked. "Draco?" he said again pushing open the door. The blond was sitting on the edge of the bed closest to the door. Head hanging slightly with his grey robes pushed back off his sides. He looked tired.

"I needed a break. All the bloody uneasy looks and awkward attempts at conversation were starting to do me in," he admitted.

Harry shut the door behind him in case anyone came looking for them, and went to sit on the bed beside Draco. He had seen how uncomfortable the blond was. "I know it's hard. They seem to be taking it better than I expected though. It seems we all have done good at putting the war behind us. I think your little outburst helped actually."

"I….I wanted to say more. I did but…" Draco said weakly. He felt mentally exhausted from the whole ordeal.

"You will have a chance later if you want it," Harry reassured him, placing his left hand on his thigh and rubbing it soothingly. "After everyone's a little more comfortable with the idea, it might be easier. They already have warmed up quicker than I thought they would. Especially Neville but then again him seeing us meeting up at the Leaky all those times helped. Even if he did hear some unsavory details."

Draco snorted. "Unsavory? They were very savory details Id say."

"Of course they were savory don't be cheeky," Harry pushed at his thigh playfully. "I just think it helped him already knowing and then Ron and Hermione's news really helped give everyone a break on the topic. Let everyone cool down and celebrate."

"Joy another Weasley," Draco said sarcastically twirling his finger in the air in mock celebration.

Harry smacked the back of the blond's head. Hard. "That's my god children you're referencing you stupid git!" he warned.

"Okay okay sorry! Geeze! They can have all the little redheaded brats they want!" Draco surrendered rubbing the back of his head where he had been smacked. "At a certain point though they may end up with so many you can't afford Christmas and birthday presents, especially if you want your own. Consider that!" Draco continued to massage the back of his head. Apparently children were not a topic to be joked about. Fuck that hurt.

"I've got plenty of money and a job thank you very….." Harry paused midway through his thoughts. If Draco was talking about him having kids did that mean the Slytherin wanted kids? "You want kids?" he asked.

A rush of magic suddenly flew through Draco's blood popping a vision into view and sending the pain from his head into his eyes. An all to familiar one and the scene of Harry laying on his back in the grass with 2 children. The voice played in his head again as it had when he was under the cruciatus curse and the vision was surreal. He had to blink a few times and focus his breathing to seem unaffected. Harry would have a family one day. Somehow. "I said if you want kids. I didn't say anything about me," Draco repeated breathlessly trying to shake the image from his mind but it was stubborn before his eyes.

"Do you want kids?" Harry asked again on the edge of the bed in anticipation. He wanted kids. He loved Teddy and he loved Rose but he wanted his own also. Ones he could spoil at home constantly and look forward to seeing every night. He wanted to be with Draco. He loved Draco. Which meant in his mind his future of having children was therefore affected by the blond also.

Draco tried again to shake the image. Dark hair and tanned skin. Undeniably biological. The unclear little girl in her purple skirt. "Maybe," Draco said unsurely. He hadn't even give any thought to children since before the war and that was always under the responsibility of an heir. There had yet to be a time for him to consider them because he honestly wanted a family, and who knew if he would even be apart of Harry's family when the time for discussion came for babies. "I don't know. I….If you want them though we can talk about it. If you end up wanting to tolerate me more than 18 months that is."

Harry all but lunged at the blond pushing him back onto the bed roughly with a heavy searing kiss and firmly planting himself on his lap. Ginny hadn't been very fond of the idea of children. Stating they had plenty of family already and only generically and unenthusiastically offering the idea of one far down the line after her quidditch career was over. He had basically resigned himself to no children when it came to her but Draco already was more open to the possibility than she had ever been.

"You have no idea how much I want to shag you right now," Harry said between the kisses he was peppering on the blond's face as Draco laughed at his eagerness.

"Unfortunately I don't think we have time for the proper shag I want," Draco said with a forceful kiss preventing Harry from sporadically placing more kisses on him. He thrust his hips upward for Harry to rut against. He was firming up fast from the intensity the Gryffindor was attacking him with.

Harry growled but accepted defeat. Draco was right they had half a house of guests. "Fine. Later. Doesn't mean we still can't relieve some tension now." He wiggled his eyebrows goofily at the blond and shoved his hand between his legs to rub at the growing bulge of Draco's trousers between them.

"Do your worst Potter," Draco grinned challengingly. Harry only responded by sliding down to the floor in between his legs and began unfastening his perfectly pressed trousers. The metal of the belt clinking and zipper undoing caused him to lift his hips so Harry could tug down his clothing. Harry only gave him one strong stroke and a hard flat lick of his tongue across the swollen head of his cock before encasing it wet warmth.

Harry waved his hand and Draco heard the door locking barely over the slurping sound of the saliva coating his cock as the Gryffindor worked him expertly. Bobbing his head up and down trying to take all of his cock in each bob. Twisting his wrist just right every time his mouth retreated to give attention to the head.

Draco fisted his hands into Harry's dark hair. He sure was trying to make quick work of the job by sucking him like that. His tongue dragging roughly around the sensitive glands in between tonguing his slit. It caused him to hold onto the man's head tighter as he felt himself feeling lighter chasing after his climax. Then he felt a finger wedging itself between his arse cheeks.

Deciding to lay flat on his back against the bed he didn't lessen his grip on Harry. Instead be pulled him to an upright position that still had him on his knees comfortably sucking away on him. Harry never gave up his speed despite being moved and if anything the suction increased causing him to moan and dig his head back into the softness of the duvet.

The new position opened himself up for probing and feeling the finger return it circled his entrance he bit his lip in anticipation. It was already wet so somewhere in the last few minutes Harry had either cast another wandless spell or slicked it up with his own salvia. The movement was quick and smooth when he was breached. A whiny noise escaped him and he forced Harry's head down to take even more of his cock as his finger began to slide in and out of him.

A second finger joined the first not long after. Probably seconds and although he hissed at the harsh intrusion his arse sucked in Harry's fingers greedily causing him to bear down on the man's hand. It was like a magical machine. The combination of Harry's mouth and hand working him on top of Draco's now much rougher guidance had him floating right over top of the cliff.

It only took one time for Harry's tongue to brush his overworked knob and his fingers to drag across his prostate at the same time to have his hot seed pulsing into Harry's waiting mouth with a cry. The amount of fluid he was now tasked with swallowing held no challenge for the Gryffindor. He maintained a hard suction on Draco's shaft while still fucking his arse with his fingers like he would never stop.

As his orgasm began to wane and the overstimulation set in Draco yanked the man off of his softening member by his hair. His dark mop was an even more tangled mess, his glasses were askew, and his face was flushed from it's work out. He looked thoroughly face fucked and it was a drool worthy sight. Not only because of the trails of saliva and cum in the corners of his mouth.

Draco moaned as he soaked in the visual for future wank sessions. "Get up here," he demanded with a gravely voice and tug of Harry's hair. The Gryffindor landed beside him and with one sloppy kiss Draco was working his hand into his pants where a straining erection was hot and heavy. Desperate for release.

Harry's hips bucked at Draco's touch causing him to chuckle. This won't take long. "Stay still," he whispered licking down Harry's jawline where a slight stubble remained despite his morning shave. The man squirmed however and Draco decided to make it fast for him also. It had been a fantastic blow job after all.

Sliding down Harry's body he forced the man's cock up past the waistband of his trousers causing a long drawn out moan to escape the man. Probably from where the tight friction of the fabric pulling along the soft sin of his hardened prick. He didn't feel like wasting time undoing the prat's trousers though and he didn't have the wandless magic skills that Harry possessed.

The man's cock was shining and leaking. Weeping for attention but twitching away when Draco finally gave it the tentative licks it was wanting. It didn't help that Harry's hips thrust up at the touch. So throwing an arm across the man's hips to keep him in place Draco attacked Harry's cock. Teasing him for a few seconds with flicks against the head before sucking down the underside until Harry was nearly weeping along with his manhood. Only then did he take him fully into his mouth.

Harry instantly went to grab his hair but Draco batted them away with a smack and pinched his left nipple as a warning. He wasn't bound to have his hair rifled with when they had guests to return to. A mewl followed the pinch so he repeated the action as he allowed the salty tip of Harry's cock to brush the back of his throat. He almost gagged but he put the tightness of his throat into his fingers. Rolling the nipple around between between the pad of his thumb and forefinger to the same rhythm he was sucking him with.

His strong wet muscle laped at the underside of Harry's cock. Over and over again like he was sucking on a licorice wand that he wanted all the flavor from. One very hard pinch later against the bud and Harry came, grabbing at the duvet for leverage. Draco dragged out his movements. Sucking long and slow as Harry emptied himself and whined through his orgasm. Probably displeased at not getting the full friction and suction he wanted in the end. He hoped it would leave the man displeased and unsatisfied like it always left him when he dropped his hand away from his own cock to soon after he reached his peak.

Sure enough when he let go of Harry's softening prick with a pop the man sat up on his elbows with a hot glare aimed his way. Draco stood up dusting the wrinkles off his robes and fastening his own trousers that were still undone while ignoring the murderous look. When Harry made no effort to move Draco grabbed his elbow and pulled him to his feet. Glare stuck on him the whole time.

"Bloody bastard," Harry grumbled unpleasantly. Draco only smiled and kissed him softly. Savoring the taste of each other on their lips.

"I love you too. Just a teaser for later," Draco murmured into against Harry's mouth.

Harry whined at the implied promise and tried to force himself to break the kiss but found his mouth still moving with the blonds. Finally he had to turn away to make himself stop responding. "Alright alright," he mumbled pushing the blond back and bringing up a hand to try and flatten his more messed up than usual hair. "Come one we need go back downstairs. Make sure they aren't drowning themselves."

Pushing past the smiling blond Harry headed down the stairs. He could hear the sound of laughter and cheers. It boosted his mood further hearing the good time they were obviously having. Stopping a few steps short Harry looked to see where he wanted to go causing Draco to brush up behind him. Hermione, Hannah, Neville and Dean had taken to a round of poker while Seamus and Ron were having a go at a game of chess. Ron's head perked up from the board noticing them on the stairs.

"Oui there they are! Where have you been? Are you all going to have babies?" Ron asked bluntly.

"What?" Harry squeaked as the unexpected question took him by surprise. There was no way anyone could have known they had just spoken briefly about the subject. Everyone is thinking about babies right now. There was just an announcement about one remember? They are on everyone's mind. Harry cursed himself for his sudden reaction. The undignified sound was loud enough to grab the attention of everyone in the room. "Uh…..sorry," he tried to laugh naturally. Well that wasn't embarrassing at all.

"They were probably too busy sucking each other off. They can't get pregnant that way," Seamus said what sounded like playfully.

He could have easily played off the joke and been happy his friend was seeming to warm up to the idea of his relationship. There was the small factor of still being able to taste Draco still on his tongue though. Fucking hell don't blush don't blush. Harry couldn't prevent turning a deep shade of red under his tan skin that made his guilt beyond obvious and he knew it. His face felt scorching hot much like it had when they had had to obliviate the muggle on the London Eye. Maybe he should just make the shade of red a permanent feature on his skin for the night. Then they wouldn't be able to tell when he was blushing anymore.

Harry glanced back to Draco to see how he was reacting and hoped the blond wasn't blushing like he was. He wasn't. Instead Draco smirked down at him, licked his lips, and shrugged.

Risking the painful expression he would see on everyone's faces he forced himself to look back instead of high tailing it back up the stairs like he wanted to. However the group of friends just looked at them blankly. To the point Harry thought he would be able to hear Cassi's voice from downstairs loo. But then they all burst out laughing quite loudly. Even Hermione had covered her mouth to try and stifle her laughter and Hannah ducked her head to pretend she wasn't involved in the humiliation.

"Hah! 5 galleons! Hand it over!" Harry watched as Seamus held out his hand proudly waiting to collect his winning bet while Ron grumbled reaching into his pocket. This might just work out after all.


A/N: Ta-da! Started this fic with shagging on the brain and finished it with shagging on the brain. Well…..kind of. I know some of you probably wanted a full on sex scene in the final chapter but it wasn't feeling right and I couldn't force it. The blow job left me oddly satisfied with all the emotions in this chapter. Sorry?

There WILL be a sequel and yes -dun dun dun- it will include babies! I know the basis of what will happen but I am still trying to figure out that "plot" people want. I guess make sure you subscribe/follow me here and AO3 for the update when that starts! I may also post a short note as a next chapter here also alerting anyone interested.