Truth or Dare: R3HAB, Little Daylight

"Hey, comrade, let's play a game," I suggested, plopping myself next to him in our living room.

He looked over at me from the corner of his eye, sliding the bookmark into the battered western he was just reading.

"What kind of game?" He asked warily, still not putting the book down.

"You'll see… It's fun. Lissa swears by it, says her and Christian play all the time to 'spice things up'."

"I wasn't aware we needed any extra spice."

"Oh, come on! Everyone could use some change once in a while. Entertain me," I did my best to give him the most innocent and persuasive expression I could muster.

He heaved a sigh, "Okay, Roza. But only because you asked so nicely."

I took out the silver tin holding cardboard sticks. On one side they were red, the other side was black. He took them from my hands, reading the instructions on the outside. Nerd.

"This is just truth or dare. Even I know that game." He didn't look very amused.

"Yeah, but I can almost guarantee you've never played this version before," I wiggled my eye brows up and down. I still couldn't manage lifting just one.

He carefully lifted the top and took one of the sticks out. I watched his eyes grow wide while he read both sides.

"Now that one's out…" I snatched the tin from his hands, "I go first, comrade, truth or dare?"

"Truth," he answered. How boring.

I waved my hand over the top like a magician. My fingers hovered over one randomly, so I grabbed it. "What's your favorite pair of my underwear?" I read. He gulped, and then licked his lips. I knew he already had a pair in mind but I couldn't think of which ones they were. "Well, which ones?"

"This is so inappropriate," he shook his head while adjusting himself. "It's the little black pair you had on the night of the lust charm. You know I've never seen them since then."

"Those weren't even cute! Besides, I haven't seen those since that night either. I didn't put them back on when I got redressed. I thought you kept them!"

He blushed and scratched at the back of his neck, "Well whoever cleaned out my room after the raid must have found them. I never actually did pick any of that stuff up, and my family never got it. I think Alberta must still have them somewhere."

"Well, nothing we can do about that now, can we?" I shrugged before handing him back the tin.

"Okay, I still can't believe we're playing this… truth or dare?" Dimitri asked.

"Dare, obviously…"

Taking in a deep breath, he turned to the black side of the card and began to read, "Let me lick your lips and you have to resist kissing or touching me the whole time."

"That's no fair," I protested.

He let out a deep laugh, "It was your idea to play this game. Time to reap what you sow."

His soft fingers cupped my face, tilting my lips to meet his. He pressed his against mine softly before snaking just the tip of his tongue out. First, it traced the cupid's bow of my top lip, then it slid down to trace the crease of my mouth. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, trying to resist opening my mouth to kiss him back. My hands fisted tight at my sides as I fought the urge to slip them into his hair.

With his thumb he freed my bottom lip, quickly possessing it with his own mouth as he nibbled and sucked at it. I let out a moan of frustration that surprised us both. He pulled away from me laughing.

"Good test of your self-control, we should do that more often."

So help me he winked. I snatched the tin from the coffee table in front of us, determined to get my revenge.

"Truth or dare?" I asked, my tone let him know there was only one real answer I'd accept.

"Well, I guess dare," he answered correctly.

"Try not to get turned on while I sit on your lap and kiss your neck for a minute."

"It does not say that!" He protested, taking the stick from my hands, "Oh…"

"Yeah, oh. My turn."

I set the timer on my phone, draping my leg over his lap so that our hips met and we were face to face. I pressed the start button on the timer, lowering my lips to the smooth skin of his neck.

I licked slowly at first, tasting the light saltiness of his skin. My lips followed openmouthed as I slowly made my way from behind his ear to the collar of his shirt. I alternated between deep kissed, and those that were feather light. My hips ground into his. He stilled them with his fingers digging into my skin. He was trying so hard to fight it.

I licked and nipped my way back up, stopping just beneath his earlobe. I was leaving my mark there when the timer went off. He let out a deep sigh, eyes clouded with lust.

"Roza, I'm not going to last long this way." He admitted, taking my lips with his own in a passion filled kiss. This time I felt his rod hardening beneath me. I rocked against him once more for good measure before sliding off his lap.

I pushed the tin closer to him, nodding over to it. I was scared that if I agreed with him, the game would be long forgotten as we made our way to the bedroom once again.

He reached over, pulling out another card. He raised an eyebrow in question.

"Truth," I wanted to hold out and keep playing so that I could let Lissa know we'd given it an honest shot.

"Do you like it better rough or soft?"

"Rough," My eyes shot up to his, he didn't even try to hide the shock from his features.

I didn't even bother with the card this time, "Truth or dare?"


"Fuck me, rough, right here."

I clearly didn't have to tell him twice. He took my face into his hands once more, pressing his lips roughly against my own. It grew rushed and needy as he rubbed his fully covered member against my thigh.

Reaching between us, I untied the string of his basketball shorts, pushing them hurriedly down to his ankles. His cock was out, standing at full attention. He had his shirt off his body in seconds, followed quickly by my own along with my bra.

My fevered skin pressed firmly against his. Dimitri slid his hand into my yoga pants, finding my clit through the dampness. He circled it twice hissing when I grabbed him in my fist and began to pump up and down his shaft.

He pulled away from my kiss, ripping the pants and underwear from my body in one fell swoop. Stretching himself along the cushions of the sofa, he moved me so that my sex hovered over his face. His neck craned as he licked my slit completely. I bent over at the waist, returning the favor for him. I took the soft head of his penis into my mouth, following the thick vein all the way down his shaft.

The vibration of his moan against my already sensitive bundle of nerves brought me that much closer to my release. I felt the scruff of his face working between my thighs while I struggled to remain focused on his own pleasure.

When we both couldn't take it anymore, he sat up abruptly, bringing his hips in line with mine. In one forceful thrust he was sheathed inside of me completely. I let out a cry of pure ecstasy.

His fingertips dug into my hips once more while he set the pace. Fast and hard, he wasn't letting up for anything. My head fell back against his chest as we continued our fevered pace. He sniffed in deep, burying his face into my hair.

The weight of my chest was growing heavier with each pump. All you could hear was skin slapping against skin, followed by our cries of pleasure when we both finally reached our peak.

Our breathing was still ragged; I collapsed against him, feeling myself heave with the rise and fall of his chest. He peppered my neck in soft kisses while we struggled to come down.

"Remind me…to thank Lissa—oh—for that game!"

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long. I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. I'm hoping to have another chapter of Silver Stakes up by tomorrow, so fingers crossed on that one.
Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this lemon-y update. As always I'd love to hear feedback from you lovely readers out there. Any suggestions (both songs and scenes) would be greatly appreciated.
Until next time...