Hey so a long time ago someone wanted me to make another PJO OC aside from Peter Sane. So I finally settled on a godly parent and here it is! Enjoy those of you who stick around to even read this.

Look I'm not one to start a fight but...oh who am I kidding I love starting fights! I don't remember exactly how I got in this position but I remember this big guy in front of me telling me I was a freak and that I'll never have any friends.

Cut to two minutes later I am now on top of the guy beating the living hell out of him. Blood is pouring from his mouth and I'm not relenting on my punches.

"MR. STRIFE!" a voice behind me roared, I groaned in annoyance because this will be the third time this morning that I've had to deal with this. I felt the principles hand on my arm and he dragged me off of the now crying and bleeding student.

Oh right you are all probably wondering who I am? Samuel Strife at your service!

Anyway the principle had no more patience with me, he practically threw me into the chair before sitting behind his desk "Mr. Strife this is the last straw. I have called your father and he is on his way here to take you home." he said with a glare and I just rolled my eyes.

So I'm not the best student big deal! I mean sure most people probably don't beat up everyone that makes them even slightly angry but hey no ones perfect. I just packed my backpack of all my things and said goodbye to the very few friends I had at whatever the name of this boarding school was, I get transferred so much I don't even bother knowing the names at this point.

I waited outside the school for probably about an hour before I saw headlights in the distance, eventually a sleek black car rolled up. The driver quickly hopped out and opened the door for me, I nodded and hopped in the car.

My father sat in front of me, everyone always said I was a spitting image of him; onyx black hair, chiseled features, and...oh no that's it! After that we were nothing alike, he was tan and I was very clearly not. He was a short man around four foot six and I was slender maybe reaching about five foot seven.

Oh and of course their were the eyes! Can't forget those right?!

My father has green eyes and mine were wait for it...red! Yep my eyes were a bright crimson red, I can tell you right now that going to a religious boarding school was not a smart idea because I don't know if you know this but if you have red eyes people might think you're the devil and try to kill you in your sleep.

"What's the number now?" my father asked and I just shrugged, how many schools had it been? I truly lost count and I truly couldn't care less.

My father poured himself a glass of scotch and took a quick sip "You have to stop this Samuel! Why must you always fight? Why can't you just walk away?" he asked and I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I don't know dad why can't you just home school me? Be better than spending so much money on a lost cause." I said bitterly and my father sighed as he passed me a bottle of water.

"Son you are not a lost cause, I will not give up." he said and I laughed although nothing was funny.

"Mom sure thought I was a lost cause, couldn't even stay after I was born. Great parenting." I said with a forced smile and my father sighed again.

"Samuel your mother loved you dearly in fact she wanted you to have the best life possible. I think maybe I should consider her idea of taking you to camp." he said and I perked my head up.

Camp? What in the hell is he talking about?! What kind of camp would give me the best life possible? I'm a rage fueled sociopath with the smallest fuse on the planet.

"It's a camp in New York, yes I know that's pretty far but it might be good for you. It's along Long Island Sound and I truly think your mother may have been right all along. You will also be safe there. It's called Camp Half-blood" he explained.

"Safe? From what? Religious nut jobs who think I'm the spawn of Satan?" I asked angrily and my father winced at how loud I was shouting.

"Partly but it will help you with your rage and also with whatever else you may have." he said calmly. Whatever else I may have?! What the hell does he mean by that?

"Dad what the hell is going on? Why am I just now hearing this about mom?" I asked and my father was about to explain when suddenly he tense and looked out the window.

I was about to as well but my father dove in front me and hugged me close just as something smashed the car and shot it off the road and into a ravine. I felt weightless as the car flipped over and slid across the ground and then slammed into a tree, finally coming to a halt.

I groaned and felt my forehead, I felt a cut that was most definitely bleeding "Dad you okay?" I asked but I got no response "Dad?" I asked again. I looked over and I saw my father laying next to me, glass was lodged in his back and his look was faraway and unmoving. I gasped a little and shook him a little but blood dripped from his mouth and I felt no pulse, I started crying. I honestly didn't even know I could cry until this moment because this was the first time.

Suddenly the side door was opened with a torturous squeak and I saw a large hand reach in and grab me by the scruff of my neck "Let me go you brute!" I shouted but his grip just tightened as he pulled me out of the car and away from my fathers body.

I was staring at four large red skinned men covered in tattoos all of them looked ugly as hell.

"Look here brothers! We have ourselves a fighter, they always taste the best!" the one holding me said with a grin showing his disgusting teeth.

I felt rage building up inside me, they murdered my dad! The one man on this earth who didn't treat me like a freak and put my needs ahead of his own. I don't know how this happened but for some reason I became very calm and grinned widely at the four giants.

"I have a better idea, why don't you four...BEAT EACH OTHER TO DEATH!" I shrieked and I saw all four of their eyes flash red for a split second before the leader dropped me.

I landed on my back and groaned, then I saw what the giants were doing. They were quite literally punching each other to death like they were sworn enemies breaking bones and trying to claw each others throats out. In a matter of minutes three of the giants were dead and one was barely alive and looked like he was about to kick the bucket.

I walked up to him and then I remembered something, I ran to the wreckage of the car and dug through the destroyed trunk until I pulled out my fathers hunting knife. It had an obsidian handle and was freshly sharpened and looked like it had just been bought.

I walked over to the bleeding giant and waved the knife in front of his face "You kill my family, I kill yours!" I said before thrusting the blade into his skull. The giant disintegrated and I suddenly felt very tired as if the fight they experienced took all of my energy.

I stumbled and fell against the side of the car, I saw storm clouds in the distance heading my way so I quickly crawled into the car where my father remained in the same position as before, unmoving. I whimpered as I hugged my legs against my chest and let tears stream down my cheeks.

"Dad, please come back. I'm sorry." I said softly but nothing happened. Of course nothing happened why would anything remotely good happen in my life.

My life is nothing but misery!

Next chapter coming soon. Please review!