Episode One

*Third Person POV*

As the crimson wisps of Helena's power slowly weave their way through the house's shadows, John is in the kitchen back from executing his plan to protect the town and his daughters. Yet he doesn't know that he had one of his daughters in there with the tomb vampires. He grabs a bottle from the fridge and he closes the refrigerator door he turns and he sees Katherine standing there. But she is posing as Elena trying to acting like her doppelganger. She tries not to smirk at seeing his shocked look and hearing his heart skip a beat after being scared.

"You scared me." John tells the fake Elena startled, but doesn't notice the crimson wisps wrapping around his ankles as if they are trying to warn him at what's coming.

"Sorry." Katherine simply replies in a non-apologetic tone and a simple shrug of her shoulders.

"Is Jenna home?" John asks curiously.

"She had to meet the fire chief about the building. She doesn't know the truth. They've covered it up."

"Yeah I know. How's Jeremy?" John sighs.

"He's holed up in his room." The wisps wrap around his legs crawling up his body before stopping to wrap around his chest as if they're hugging him.

"Can I help?" John asks her.

"Sure." She takes a quick glance at his fingers, seeing he's wearing the Gilbert ring and inwardly she smirks.

On the porch

"Yeah I looked everywhere. Someone definitely took my stuff." She starts pulling her keys out feeling annoyed that someone took her clothes.

"You want me to come pick you up?" Stefan asks his girlfriend over the phone as she puts the keys in the lock.

"I'm just gonna check on Jeremy before I go to the hospital, can you meet me there?"

"You bet."

"Okay, I love you Stefan." She smiles softly as she says it and slowly opens the door.

"I love you too." Stefan responds as Elena hangs up.


As she hears her little mortal doppelganger puts her key in the door she suddenly grabs one of the bigger butcher knives and cuts John's fingers off with the ring included. With a strong push she shoves him against the sink and keeps him there instead of him falling to the ground in pain. Her face revealing who she really is with her cruel smirk on her lips.

"Katherine?!" John asks with a painful and fearful tone while trying to keep his hand above his heart. She shows her vampire face proving to John that he is right and she looks down at his stomach.

"Hello John, Goodbye John" She says dramatically as she stabs him in the lower left portion of his torso. At this time Elena walks into the house, which she of course notices. She speeds away and the wisps immediately enter through the cut to start healing the internal wounds, so that he doesn't bleed out on the ground waiting for help to arrive.

"Jeremy? Are you up?" Elena calls up the stairs as she walks into her house. She suddenly hears a noise coming from the kitchen and goes in that direction to investigate. The scene Elena walks into is bloody. John is on the floor missing four fingers and bleeding severely. Elena runs to him and grabs her phone as she tries to stop the bleeding.

"911, what's your emergency?" The person on the phone asks.

"Hi, I-I need an ambulance to 2104." Elena tells them in a panicky tone.

"Behind you." John faintly whispers once he sees Katherine standing behind them with a smirk on her face as she watches her doppelganger try to save her father.


"Behind you!" Elena turns around with a gasp, but sees nobody there. Thinking quickly she grabs the knife that was used to stab her uncle and advances towards the hallway with cautiousness. Suddenly Katherine speeds around attempting to frighten Elena, which works, before she runs out the door and makes sure to slam it behind her. Elena is still in her frightened state then remembers her brother upstairs and calls his name as she runs up the stairs.

"Please, Jeremy, wake up!" Elena pleads desperately as she sees her unconscious brother on his bed next to her sister. In a last attempt, Elena desperately shakes Jeremy fiercely to which he finally wakes up. Yet for some reason her older sister is still asleep and she's the one that can't sleep if someone crawls into her bed with her. Now after making sure that he's okay, she goes down to get the paramedics in to save John. Now John is being taken away in an ambulance as Stefan arrives and tries to enter the house only to be pushed back from an officer.

"He's okay. He can come in." Elena tells the policeman before he lets Stefan through with a nod. Stefan and Elena then walk up the stairs towards Jeremy's room where Jeremy is with Helena.

"What happened?" Stefan sighs as the wisps pull away from John's body and slowly slither back to Helena as she is laying with Jeremy petting her hair. They look at Jeremy and then back at one another.

"He said that Anna gave him her blood and then he took these pills that were leftover from our accident and now… I mean he looks fine but then again so do you. So, I just... I don't know." Elena explains as she gives him her old bottle of pain meds. Stefan takes Jeremy's face in his hands and examines his eyes trying to make sure that it didn't take.

"Look at me." Stefan demands Jeremy.

"I'm fine, okay? I feel exactly the same." Jeremy tells them feeling irritated and he tries not to sound disappointed in front of his middle sister while Helena is still asleep.

"Should I call a paramedic up here? Or what should I do?" Elena asks Stefan, as she is still worried about her little brother, considering that she is on the verge of tears.

"No, he's fine." Stefan tells his worried girlfriend as he listens to make sure that he is right.

"You mean I'm not a vampire? Damn it!" Jeremy sighs.

"Don't say that Jeremy! Jer, why would you want that?" Elena demands of him.

"Did you hear about Anna, what happened to her tonight? She's dead." He replied sadly.

"Jeremy, Jeremy. Come here, sit down" Stefan tells his girlfriend's little brother. Stefan pushes Jeremy back down on the bed. He grabs his face in his hands and makes him look at him.

"I am very sorry about Anna, but it's very important that you listen to me right now. With every passing moment, Anna's blood is leaving your system. If you try to kill yourself right now, you could really die." Stefan explains as Jeremy just looks away in response.

"Hey!" Stefan slaps him, "Do you understand me?!"

"Stefan..." Elena cautions cause of his slight short fuse.

"Yeah, I understand." Jeremy tells his sister's boyfriend.

"Good." Stefan shortly replies as he stands up and walks to Elena.

"No what about the pills that he took?" Elena continues her questioning as he stands up next to her.

"He didn't take enough pills to die, so Anna's blood actually healed him, I bet." Stefan explains as a policemen knocks on the door frame of Jeremy's room kind of nervous and curious as to why all three of them are in a room with their sister that looks like she's asleep.

"Miss Gilbert?" The policeman questions as he tries to sense if anything is off with the rest of the family.

"I'll be right there." She tells him.

"You need to be at the hospital." Stefan tells her.

"But..." she tries to protest.

"No, no, no, I'll stay here with Jeremy and Helena."

"No, I don't need a babysitter." Jeremy chimes in.

"Yes, you do." Elena states with a straight face. She leaves with policeman and Jeremy looks in confusion as to why Helena is sleeping in his bed. He leans over to her and moves her hair away from her face to behind her ear. He pulls his hand away feeling warm liquid to see that it's red and his heart drops before beating faster. His eyes widen as he sees she's bleeding from her eyes not only her ears. Her skin that was once tan is now slowly dulling like someone is taking her color and he quickly grabs Stefan's arm before pulling him to his bed. He crawls to her desperately making sure that he's not going to lose another family member especially one that knows him so well.

"Oh my god. Stefan. H-help Helena." He says panicked as they move her to her back. "What the hell is happening to her?"

Stefan bites his wrist and goes puts it to her mouth as a thicker wisp of gold magic blocks it, "If your blood touches her lips and she swallows then she'll die a painful death. I don't think your girlfriend and Jer want to bury another family member" A deep voice says as Garmr looking like a teenage human version of his self. They both look and immediately tense up.

"Who are you?" They ask as Jeremy pulls Helena closer to him trying to protect his bleeding sister even though he doesn't know if he is a vampire or not. "How the hell did you get up here?"

He rolls his eyes as his eyes show fear as he sees a limp and dulling Helena in Jeremy's arms. "My name is Gray, you knew me when I possessed Garrett. Helena is my girlfriend and only I can help her." He says as he walks over to her side and waves his hand over her pulling the leftover illness from her body. He makes it disappear in the air as he bites his lip knowing what she did to make her like this. He stands up as her coloring gets better and her blood returns to her body leaving absolutely no trace of it. He smiles and fixes her hair again as she sleeps soundly. "She'll be alright now. I'll take her to her room now." He says as he gently puts his hand on their shoulders altering their memories and having the reapers that have nothing to do change the rest of the towns' memories. He carries her bridal style into her room and carefully sets her under her blankets before he lies down next to her. He puts on a pair of gym shorts before crawling under the blankets and he pulls her close to him letting her head rest on his chest over his heart. He falls asleep with her in his arms using his magic to protect both her room and Jeremy's room.

Next Morning

Back to Helena's POV:

Garmr, aka Gray told me about what happened while I slept including the fact that Katherine has been imitating Elena tricking lots of the people and that the memorial for Mayor Lockwood is today. He gets dressed in a pair of black slacks and a gold and red polo shirt. He pulls his hair back into a low ponytail at the nape of his neck and I smile as I bite my lip just wanting to pull it out and mess it all up. It's way too nice for my liking.

While I get dressed in a skinny midi, off shoulder, tulip skirt black dress he helps me curl my hair before pulling it up in a high pony tail. "I can't believe it. Is Jer okay? I walked over to his room cause I felt weird and I put my hand on his cheek before I pushed some of my powers into him." I say as I use the shadows to slip on a pair black platform heels.

"Yeah your powers activated Anna's healing power, so it healed him faster than it normally would, but your friends don't know just yet." He says as he puts on the choker that he gifted to me. I do a simple light red shimmery eye shadow on my lids before I wing it with black liner.

"Okay, so I'm guessing that I'm not supposed to?" I ask as I put on a red lip stain as he fixes his shirt since his arms are bulging out of it. I turn and look up at him as he kneels down to my height.

I look into his toned down gold eyes and he smirks kissing my pouty lips, "No, that is one of the few secrets our kind has. We save those that aren't supposed to die or become one of the undead." I lick my lips and his eyes follow it before kissing me again.

I pull away and smile as we stand up before leaving for the memorial, "Did you fix everyone's memories?" I ask as we walk up the driveway. My reapers around the property looking around making sure that there are no threats.

"Of course I did. Now we just act like the loving couple that we are." He says as we stop at the door and walk in looking around for my family. I give him a kiss and we smile as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"I want to know exactly who's responsible for killing my husband." We hear Carol walking with fervor and a boiling anger underneath her cool exterior and we pull apart before looking around for the drinks and my friends.

I giggle a little bit as we get to an empty room and lean against the room, "I'm guessing we weren't supposed to hear that?" I ask as I block the memories from trying to come back. We lean against a wall with his arm trapping me and I play with his stubble.

"Mmm nope, but how about we play the ignorant teenagers making out." He says with a smirk and he bites his lip.

"That seems like a good plan." I say as he gets closer with a smirk that makes my knees shake and he cups the back of my head before giving me a deep kiss as I grip his shirt. He grips my waist with his other hand and pulls me closer and I grip the back of his shirt as the heat grows between us. He bites down on my lip making me gasp and his tongue slithers into my mouth. I moan as he pushes me against the wall even more while I bite and suck on your tongue. He growls and grips the back of my neck keeping our mouths attached to one another.

"Come on you two; break it up find somewhere else to suck each other's tongue out." A familiar voice says and we pull apart barely to see Mason and Tyler. Tyler has a pissed off look on his face while Mason has a proud look. I smile and bite my lip blushing slightly as I hide my face in Garmr's neck. "Is that little Helena Gilbert?" He asks and we pull apart before Garmr rests his arm around my waist and setting his hand on my hip. "Who would've thought that you would be making out during a founders event. I thought that was Tyler's part." He teases and I playfully slap his arm.

"Oh shut it." Tyler says as he crosses his arms trying to puff out his chest trying to look bigger that Garmr.

"Gray this it Mason Lockwood the black sheep of the Lockwood family. He used to be stuck being my babysitter when mom and dad were busy with Elena and dad's clinic." I say and I feel Garmr tense up slightly as Mase chuckles lowly while Tyler rolls his eyes.

"Yeah and we all know she was a troublemaker." Tyler says and I stick my tongue out at him as Garmr teasingly squeezes my ass.

'Behave little princess.' I hear Garmr in my head as I try not to blush as we pull away from the wall and I fix my dress.

I smirk as I look up at him, 'Make me.' I reply back to him and he grabs my ass even harder as a warning which makes me squirm as he gently lifts the hem of my dress.

"Mase, this is my wonderful boyfriend Gray Steffenson. We give our condolences." I say as I recite the name that he made up for himself. They both hold their hands out and shake as if they're having a d**k sizing contest. I roll my eyes and I pull Garmr away with a smile on face. "Well we better give Mrs. Lockwood our condolences." We walk over and we catch her eye. We quickly say our condolences and head to his place where my Reapers are all setting up the house how he wants it.

"You know you can tell them what you would like in this house too." He says as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder before we head into the kitchen. "Your mom helped me set this up so that the Reapers have someplace to stay when they aren't working." I giggle and he smacks my ass leaving it stinging before setting me on the counter. I look around as he slides between my legs and rubs my thighs.

I smile, "Okay so umm the tile backsplash on the walls should be red, black, and white." I say as he puts his face on my neck and nuzzles my neck.

"Mmkay. Anything else?" he asks as his lips drag on my neck while he talks. I look around as I put my arms on his shoulders as he slides his hand up to my butt under my dress. I hum lightly as the Reapers start working on the kitchen around us. He starts kissing my neck and I blush as the Reapers keep working. I giggle when he hits my tickle spot.

"The walls should be a warm gold and the counters should have at least all four of those colors in the granite." I say as he starts grabbing my hips tighter pulling me closer to him.