First Gorillaz fanfic! Yay! This is a fic of the time Noodle arrived at Kong Studios. Yes, I know there are millions of fics like that, but I still wanna do one of my own, is that okay? Also, I am still a newbie in the fandom, so, please don't harp on me if I get something incorrect.

Also, the POV might switch from time to time so, make sure you don't get mixed up when reading.

Chapter 1: Needing a Guitarist

Kong Studios, the home of three men looking to be a band. The three men are named Murdoc Niccals, Stuart Pot-but you can call him 2-D-, and Russel Hobbs. This all started when Murdoc crashed into Uncle Norms' Keyboard Emporium and knocked 2-D unconscious. It also made his eye turn black. And we're not talking a shiner type of black eye. No, his eye was literally black inside. One might assume he had no eye at all!

And since Murdoc was deservedly arrested for that incident, he had to look after the catatonic Stuart. But obviously, Murdoc was careless and as such, got into a second car accident that, while luckily brought Stuart out of his "vegetable" state, it also damaged his other eye.

Hence, Murdoc dubbed him "2-D" because of the iconic "two dents" in his head. Clever, maybe, but still quite rude. 2-D can still see of course, but his vision is a tad blurry.

Now despite his vision not being the best, 2-D can sing really well. That is one of the reasons why Murdoc placed him as the "frontman" of the band. The working title of their band was "Gorilla", but Murdoc still felt like that wasn't right. It was missing something.

Actually, a lot of things were missing something…

The band itself was missing a guitarist, and 2-D was missing his ex-girlfriend, Paula Cracker. Unfortunately those two events tied into each other horribly. Because up until last week, Paula WAS the guitarist for the band. And 2-D loved her very much, he was loopy over her.

That is… until she cheated on him.

Russel caught Paula and Murdoc having relations in one of the cubicles of Kong Studios. And it was disgusting! Not to mention that Russel is 2-D's best friend. So naturally, Russel grew very angry at Murdoc and Paula. So much so, that he broke Murdoc's nose in 5 places. Now, his nose already looked strange before due to already being broken several times, but now it just looked too ridiculous.

Needless to say, Paula was let go, and 2-D was heart broken. Murdoc kept insisting he did the blue haired man a favor, saying that Paula was "ugly" and "rubbish". But 2-D didn't care… And he didn't believe him either. Because if Murdoc really believed that, then he wouldn't have had sex with her.

Now, 2-D was laying in bed, his face down into the pillow. If someone could see his eyes right now, they'd see that they were red around the rims and also his cheeks were horribly stained with dry tears. He only occasionally made whimper noises and it hurt the back of his throat when he made them.

He finally lifted his head and looked down at his moist, tear-stained pillow. He wiped his nose, which was red, and sobbed lightly.

However, 2-D was tired of crying. He also hasn't eaten in 2 days, so, he was very hungry. Welp, no point in moping any longer. He had to eat in order to have energy for recording songs. As the "frontman", he HAD to be up at the ready whenever Murdoc needed him. Even though 2-D hasn't been speaking to Murdoc since the Paula incident, he still comes when he's called.

Like a dog…

In The Kitchen…

2-D slumpily entered the kitchen and was sort of, but not really, surprised to see Murdoc in the kitchen. Shirtless, only wearing jeans. His hair was greasy and black, his skin was a tan yellow colour with a green hue. Pulling a disgusted pout, 2-D pretended Murdoc did not exist and he slipped by him.

Murdoc looked up and saw 2-D open the fridge door. He pulled out a turkey container, mustard, and lettuce. Then he set it on the counter and reached for the bread.

Murdoc growled lowly at 2-D. He knew the black-eyed singer was giving him the silent treatment. Not that he minded not hearing him talk, but there was still something about this silence that set him on the edge. Any sign of defiance towards him made him wanna beat the tar out of someone.

Murdoc still had Band-Aid's on his sore nose. He wanted it to heal as fast as possible because reapplying medicine and bandages to it was irritating. And Murdoc HATED being annoyed. And everyone else hated seeing him annoyed too. Because they usually paid for it.

After making a sloppy turkey sandwich, 2-D sighed a depressed sigh and returned all the ingredients to their proper places. He thought about just leaving them out, but then retreated the thought so the food wouldn't spoil.

2-D took a bite of his sandwich and started to exit the kitchen. Just then, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his already sore skull. He didn't cry out in pain, but it still hurt. Turning around, he saw, of course, Murdoc huffing in anger at him. Both men said nothing to each other, but continued to ogle one another. 2-D looked down at the shoe on the floor. It was obvious now what Murdoc hit him with. A shoe.

Not finding anything else better to do, 2-D lightly kicked the shoe aside for no reason and exited the kitchen. As he made his way back to his bedroom, he spotted a large silhouette in the hall. It was obviously Russel, but 2-D pretended to be surprised to see him.

"Oh, uh, 'ey, Russ…" the blue haired man greeted him.

2-D's voice was high pitched but just an ounce of deepness was in it. It also held a tiny, but natural rasp. Although this rasp was much more prominent because of his raw throat. Crying does do that to a person's throat, but especially 2-D. He had always had bad sore throats when he got them. They were much worse during his childhood.

"Yo, 'D," the black man greeted back.


2-D looked down at his sloppy excuse for a meal and shrugged. He then took another bite of it.

"I heard a thunk sound in the kitchen. Did Muds hit ya again?" Russel continued.

2-D merely shrugged again and swallowed.

"It's a routine, what can ye do?"

Russel hummed, and with his deep, ghostly sounding voice, it sounded more like the rumble of someone's stomach. It would send chills down anyone's spine if they heard it. 2-D felt the back of his head fizzle as the chills spread from the bottom of his spine to the very top and beyond.

"I'm turning in…" the singer said, wanting to be left alone.

As he walked past Russel, the aforementioned drummer grabbed 2-D's scrawny arm, holding him in place for a while. 2-D's black eyes widened for a brief second before going back to normal. What was Russ gonna do? A hug? An apology for something that wasn't even his fault?

Russel took in a deep breath and sighed.

That was all he ever did. He knew nothing he said or did would magically make 2-D feel better. He had to heal on his own. And knowing how fragile and breakable the blue haired singer was, it was probably gonna take a while before he was all better.

"Fanks, Russ… For tryin'... I 'preciate it." 2-D spoke softly.

Then he made his way into his room. He was going to watch a zombie movie, because he loved them very much. And also he hadn't watched any in quite some time. Probably doesn't help that he had his head down in a pillow for days and could only see black. Blurry black, but still, black.

As he watched the intro to the movie, he took bites of his sandwich which he chewed very slowly. Painfully slowly…

2-D didn't see it, and he wouldn't until morning, but a folded up envelope slid into his room from under the door. It had grisly handwriting on it, so, it was from Murdoc. And it said "Faceache" on it. Definitely from Murdoc Niccals. Only HE addressed 2-D with that "nickname".

2-D finished the sandwich. Some mustard had spread on his bony, bruised fingers, but he just carelessly licked it off. The tangy, bitter taste soothed him a little, but only a little. and his black eyes were still burning. Now that he was feeling a little better, he decided to take a bath.

But tomorrow… He was tired and wanted to sleep now.


A large man was carrying a FedEx crate. It was pretty big and kinda heavy. He had no clue what was in it, but it was against his orders to tamper with the mail, so, he didn't look.

He lugged the crate up the hill and onto the hill. Sighing out a sigh of relief, he wiped the sweat from his brow. He knocked twice on the door and then turned to leave.

Somehow, that knocking sound woke up whatever was in that crate. The small being who WAS just curled up like a cat and sleeping, was now stirring in place and waking up. She yawned and rubbed her eyes to get the crust out of them.

"Nani? Nani ga okotte imasu ka?" the tiny child mumbled.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of a door opening, and it startled her. She peered through the slits of the boards that made up the crate she was in. She could faintly see a pale yellowish man with only jeans on standing outside. He whipped his head around, looking for whoever knocked. He saw nobody, but then laid his eyes, one red and one black, on the crate.

Murdoc stared at the crate for a good ten seconds before awkwardly turning his head around and opening his mouth.

"Russ! 2-D! You two better get the hell out here!"

Done! Omg, I had quite a bit of fun writing this! I hope you guys like it so far. I know some things are different from the canon story or from other fics, but this is from my perspective, okay?
