
"Promise you'll study, Blossom," my dad, John Utonium, reminded me.

"Don't worry, I will," I reassured, avoiding his angry glare. It wasn't my first Saturday in school, but it was the first time I wasn't there intentionally.

"Promise this will be your last one, Blossom"

The car pulled up to the front of the great Townsville High, and I raised my head up to look out the window. I hauled my bookbag onto my shoulder and opened the car door. I might have been in detention today, but I was still at school, and this day would not be my first tardy. I pulled down my pink plaid skirt, redid my faultless makeup, readjusted my perfectly straight copper hair back into a flawless ponytail and everything was perfect again.

"It will be."


"Will you be okay honey?"

"Yes, mom," I muttered.

"Do you have your lunch with you?"

"Of course, mom," I murmured.

"You brought a jacket with you?"

"It's in my bag, mom," I mumbled.

It couldn't really get worse than this, my mom dropped me off at detention, and she still packed my lunch. I shrunk deeper into the seat as a shiny black Camaro pulled up in front of my mom's minivan. Some dude with hair so black it must have been dyed strutted out of the driver's seat wearing a shirt with a band I didn't know existed and a worn leather jacket.

"Is he in detention with you?" My mom asked worriedly, as the guy smirked at our car and I tried my best to disappear.

"I think so, mom" I sighed. I wasn't sure if I'd survive, I was sixteen years old and I was still afraid of going to school.


Another day, another detention. I wouldn't say I was excited, but this certainly wasn't my first rodeo. I hopped into my Camaro and turned the radio up to the highest level. I got glares at stoplights, but do you think that I care.

Some loser in a minivan was already at school when I pulled up. I gave him my famous smirk, and to my "surprise" the guy seemed to disappear under the dashboard of the van. Maybe I was excited for today because this would be a real fun ride.


My makeup looked great, and I had my new Prada stilettos on. I might have been at detention for skipping school to buy them, but that didn't make them any less gorgeous. I checked my Instagram, expecting to see everyone who attends this boring school to like my latest post. Of course, they didn't, why would they?

I already had detention today. Do you know what else I could be doing? Getting a manicure, a haircut, a massage and of course SHOPPING! Sadly, I was here with some freaks. Gross. I pulled down my cheerleading skirt; I love showing off my body, but I'm not a slut.

But, I was prepared. My bestie, Tiffany, convinced me to take a meditation class last month, and those monks taught me some great breathing tricks. I would definitely need those today... if I was able to survive. Eight hours of torture stood ahead of me, but I at least I looked fab.


"You know what you did wrong, Brickie,"

"Don't call me that. You know I hate it," I muttered under my breath.

"You're the one is trouble kid, you know when dad comes home he'll slit your throat if he finds out," my sister, Berserk, warned.

"Yeah, but he won't"

"Well I promise not to tell him, k?"

I looked at Berserk and gave her a weak smile, "He says I remind him of when he was young."

"You know what happened with me right, Brickie?"

"That won't happen to me. And I told you not to call me that!"

Berserk laughed, and ruffled my hair, "You know I thought that, kid."

"Thanks for driving me, Berserk," I told her genuinely as I hopped out of the car. Everything would still be perfect if he doesn't find out.

"Brickie! You forgot your hat!"

I reopened the door and grabbed my signature red hat. "Thanks!" I shouted as she drove away. Everything would still be perfect if he doesn't find out.


I've been at this stupid school for 1 week and I already have one stupid detention under my belt. It's not like anyone cares anyways, I'm new and antisocial. The perfect combination, of course. My parents were already at work and you know this girl doesn't have a car.

So, I walked to high school from the bus stop. I could tell I was pretty early, but the bus wouldn't make another round under 5 minutes after I was supposed to be there, and I didn't want to make an even worse impression. I had my phone and a pair of headphones, so I was ready to rock.

Some tiny voice inside my head told me this would be one bumpy ride. And at this point, I was pretty sure I believed it.