AN:I don't own MLP Equestria Girls or Transformer Prime



Chapter 2

"Sunset,we can't go with your plan;I hope you understand."said Arcee, "I understand but note I'll help you in any way."said Sunset.

"Really?"asked Miko, "yes; I may seem cold and distant but I don't want to be hurt again from the pain of losing somebody important."said Sunset with some sadness in her voice.

"What do you mean by pain of lost?"asked Arcee, "my best friends were killed off because of a bad guy who I consider a brother killed them off."said Sunset.

"Oh Sunset, I'm sorry for your lost but can you try to help us out by watching over the kids?"asked Arcee, "sure but note I don't baby sit but I'll keep an eye on them."said Sunset as she points to Jack and the kids.

With that said Arcee and Bumblebee head out to the decepticon's ship since Ratchet located it.

Sunset's POV

I sit and watch the kids but as soon as Arcee and Bumblebee return with the cure for Prime.

"So Prime will survive, can I leave?"I asked, "why do you want to leave when you can celebrate with us?"asked Miko.

"I don't care what you guys do but leave me out of it."I said and I turn to Ratchet.

"Ratchet,can you open a bridge to my house please?" I asked, "sure."said Ratchet.

With that said Ratchet opens a bridge to my house and I enter my house and decide to go for a ran.

That is when a Knockout appears and tries to kidnapped but I dodge his hand and used my powers.

"Crystal style falling dragons."I said as two pink dragons appears and attacks Knockout, and it scratches his paint job.

"You dare scratch up my pain job."said Knockout as he changes his arms into guns and fires at me but I dodge and decide to call the autobots for help.

"Sunset to base."I said, "what is it?"asked Ratchet.

"I'm being attack by some red decepticon and I need help, I'm using up my energy I could end up capture by the red decepticon."I said.

"Sunset, hold on we are on the way, autobots roll out." said Optimus Prime. "understood I'll try to hold out until the-."I said as I dodge another attack from Knockout.

"Multi-shadow clones justu."I said as fifty clones appears and attacks Knockout.

"Rasengan Shuriken."I said as I throw it at Knockout and it sends Knockout flying.

"I'll get you for this."said Knockout as he retreats, that is when the autobots appears.

They see that Knockout is retreating, "Sunset; are you okay?"asked Arcee.

"I'm fin-."I try to say but I pass out from using up my energy.

I came to in the base and I get up slowly.

"Sunset, are you okay?"asked Arcee, "I'm fine just used up to much energy but I'll live just need to eat food."I said.

"Sunset, how did you get Knockout to retreat?"asked Bulkhead," before my friends death they betrayed me and I ended up in another dimension for two years in that dimension and that dimension was the ninja realm and I end up back in this dimension and it was only two months and at that time my friends were looking for me."I said.

"So, did you train to be a ninja?"asked Arcee, "Yes, I did and I went to war and lost my lover to the war."I said.

"Who was your lover?"asked Miko, "His named was Naruto and he was killed by the same guy who killed my friends off."I said.

"You sound so cool."said Miko, "thanks but I'm not cool just want to protect this planet from harm but I should tell you the truth about myself."I said.

"What do mean?"asked Jack, "I mean I'm not from this dimension but a different dimension."I said.

"Sunset, I think you should tell us about yourself."said Optimus Prime.

So I tell them how I was evil and how I tried to commit suicide but I was sent to another dimension because of my friends betrayal then I also told them that I was trained by the ninja of that dimension and how I made my first kill and how comfort me and we fell in love to his death and I then try to commit suicide to ending back in this dimension to finally making up with my friends to finally their deaths by the hand of Sasuke Uchiha.

"Sunset, since you know how to defend yourself can you please join our fight by protecting the children?"asked Optimus Prime.

"Sure but I'll try my best but note I won't fight unless it's absolutely necessary." I said.

With that said we celebrate the victory of me beating up Knockoff.

In the next chapter we'll see if Sunset will join in the fight and she ends up joining Arcee and Jack on a mission.