Hello! This is my first fanfiction and it's based off those watching and reading stories but with Natsu as the focus.I probably won't do any of the requests, if there are any, so please focus on just telling me what you think. Also, this story is a way for me to try to relax, so don't expect frequent updates.


A room suddenly filled with light as a group of people appeared in it. These people were the mages of the Fairy Tail guild.

"Where are we?!" Yelled Erza Scarlet, the Titania of Fairy Tail.

"Who took us?" Asked Lucy Heartfilia, a celestial spirit mage.

"It's not manly to kidnap people!" Screamed Elfman Strauss, a take-over mage.

"I did." Said a voice. A boy with messy blue hair and sea green eyes appeared, he was wearing a blue shirt with brown shorts and sandals and was holding a trident. He looked like he was twenty years old. "You are all here for a reason."

"And what is that reason?" Asked Gray Fullbuster, an ice-make mage, while stripping off his shirt. Juvia Lockser, a water mage, rolled her eyes at that action, she got over him after finally realising that he didn't like her that way and she actually moved on to someone else, a certain pink haired dragon slayer.

"To watch about the different universes starring one of your friends." Said the boy.

"And who is that person, if I may ask?" Asked Makarov Dreyar, the guild master of Fairy Tail.

"Natsu Dragneel." The boy said with a grin.

"Natsu-sama?" Asked Juvia with hearts in her eyes.

"I still find that weird." Said Gray while looking at Juvia, he was thankful that she wasn't bothering him anymore, don't get him wrong, but it was wierd. Gajeel Redfox, a iron dragon slayer, nodded.

"Natsu?" Asked Mirajane Strauss, the Demon of Fairy Tail, before she realised that said boy wasn't with them. "Where's Natsu?!"

"What did you do to him?!" Yelled an enraged Erza while Lisanna Straus was trying to calm her.

"You dare harm Natsu-sama?!" Screamed Juvia.

"If you did something to him..." Threatened Cana Alberona, a card mage.

"Don't worry," said the boy "he is currently on stasis along with the rest of your world."

"Why didn't you bring him too?" Asked Wendy Marvell, who was holding Carla and had Happy on her head.

"It would cause problems if I did." He said.

"What kind of problems?" Asked Gildarts Clive, a crash mage.

"Problematic problems." Said the boy. Everyone deadpanned at his answer. "Oh, my name is Oyster, by the way."

"Are you some sort of water mage?" Asked Gray after noticing his trident.

"No, I'm a god." Oyster said, shocking all of the mages. "The god of the sea, actually."

"A sea god brought us here to watch things about our friend?" Asked a skeptical Lucy.

"I have orders from my boss to do this." He shrugged.

"And who is your boss?" Asked Erza.

"My father," he said "HCMatos. Or One Above All."

"Your father?" Asked Mirajane.

"He is my universe's creator, he is also the king and father of the gods. He sent me to do this since my siblings were not available and I actually like to do this."

"There are other gods?" Asked Evergreen while the Thunder God Tribe looked interested. Oyster nodded.

"But why Natsu?" Asked Gildarts.

"Because he has the most potential out of all of you." He said. "Now sit down, it's about to start."

Everyone took a seat and waited a few minutes while muttering among themselves when suddenly a huge screen lit up.