It had been only the first official day of Beacon Academy. Well, the first day of classes. It went smoothly. Jaune scared people, fascinated people, beat people, lost to people. All in all, a good day. That is, until Port's classroom. Jaune had obviously raised his hand before Weiss, but, do to his silent, and slightly creepy nature, Port didn't pick him, unlike Weiss' loud proclamation that she wanted to prove herself.

He scowled a bit, his dark skin, sunken cheeks and dull eyes terrifying people around him. They thought he was going to curse Weiss. But, in fact, he was just sulking that his voice couldn't carry well, and that he probably wouldn't be able to volunteer for anything.

He was snapped from his sad mood when he heard Weiss snap at Ruby, before the sound of metal bending was heard through the class.

Jaune raised his head, seeing that Myrtenaster had been bent to the point that it was no longer straight, but was at a right angle. Looking to the Grimm, Jaune was shocked to see that it wasn't a Borbatusk, like what he assumed, but it was, in fact, an Ursa Minor. Jaune quickly put on his mask - never going anywhere without it. His armor was, in fact, under his uniform. He let Apophis slither up his arm as he stood, while the others stood in shock and horror as the Minor raised its paw to end Weiss' life. She flinched hard, eyes squeezing shut in absolute terror.

In a moment of quick thinking, Jaune jumped onto his desk and used it as a springboard, 'slithering' in midair, traveling through the air as a blue blur as he did. When he came out of his intangible state, he immediately grabbed a Gourd from his belt and threw it onto the back of the Minor's head with a shout of "Wither!"

The Minor roared in pain as the healing substance instead burned away at the beast's flesh and bone. Still in midair - though starting to come down - Jaune flipped and made sure to land on his feet in front of Weiss. He glared up at the Minor, the emerald eyes of his mask glowing slightly in the shadow. To the audience, some wisps of green energy flowed from the sides of his eyes.

It growled at him, its face half-melted as the effects wore off. Jaune hissed at the beast, as well as Apophis, her hood splayed out in a threatening manner. "Suffer…" Jaune said during his hiss, his low, gravely voice making it come out as a menacing threat.

The beast swung at Jaune, who simply leaped backwards, doing a back handspring with one hand, firing a couple of globs as he did. When he was transferring from his hand to his feet again, Jaune 'reloaded' Apophis, stroking her hood lovingly. He grinned as he saw more of the Minor burned away from the venom alone. He tossed the astral projection of his familiar at the Darkness, it tearing through it completely. The Minor stopped and fell to it's knees, before falling to the floor, belly first, dead. It slowly started to disintegrate.

Panting a bit at the loss of energy - though small - it took to flip and dodge the Minor so quickly, Jaune took off his mask, Apophis wrapped around his waist. He turned to Weiss and smiled, offering his bony hand to hers as a gesture of good faith. She scowled, though, and batted it aside before storming out of the class.