DISCLAIMER: HP belongs to JKR. The storyline, all new characters, new character development, new developments are my intellectual property. Glorioux

A/N A Drama. A time travel story. Hermione will need to decide how much is she willing to compromise to prevent the tragedy she might have caused. Happy ending- of sorts. Thanks to NACF for her sound advice. This will be a triad romance/no slash-

Thanks to many loyal and dedicated reviewers whose comments have helped me so much. And thanks to all those who read my work, particularly the ones who subscribe to my work.

Chapter 1- The Summons

Bad Decisions-1998

Professor Snape had found them and related Voldemort's message. "Miss Granger, the Dark Lord wants to speak to you. He has an offer for you. I have the freedom to repeat to you, however, I am not advising you to listen to me, is that understood?"

She was puzzled listening to him, they were sitting at Grimauld 12, the Battle was imminent; so why was he bringing messages to her? "Go ahead."

"He said if you go freely to him, without any questions asked, and accept his conditions for whatever he has planned for you, he will not execute the 20 hostages he has. They are the Malfoys, several of your classmates, and yes, I included. I don't care about my fate; you do what is right by you."

"Why does he want me to go?"

"No idea, but I suspect is nothing nefarious, he acts different when he talks about you. Bella is furious. I think she knows something. Who are your parents Miss Granger?"

"Surely, you are jesting. Drs. Robert and Jean Granger were my parents before the Death Eaters found them in Australia, my father was found dead and I don't know about my mother, she disappeared, so I was told." She answered, "Tell him that even if he were my long lost brother, I will not see him. Don't worry Professor Snape he is just scaring you to act as his mediator."

It was the worse advice in her life. Voldemort wasn't lying, he'd meant it, every word.

Losses and Prayers.

The Battle was winding down, she had seen one by one of her friends be killed. What was the sense? Soon she would be the only one. How could it have gone so wrong? Snape tortured and killed in front of everyone, such cruelty in front of even firsties, then the gore, the blood.

The execution of the Malfoy family had to be the worse, what was the sense in making Lucius kill his own son? Then half of the Slytherin house that had been undecided, were all killed, one by one.

They said Voldemort was a madman. "Tell her it is her fault, is her fault…" He said before and after each execution. He was right, she knew it.

Then she saw Hagrid carrying Harry, walking towards them, and both were burnt with Fyend-fire. "Harry, Harry my love, not you Harry." After that she just wanted to die. Their hopes for a future together, their future babies, their dreams and ambitions all gone, well not all, she still had Ron her best friend, and maybe future lover since he wanted to form a triad. But not for long, he was split from his chest to his groin when hit by a gauging spell. "Ron, no, please not you, not you too."

She saw the new disciples of the Dark Lord, Percy Weasley, and some faces she did not recognize, Bellatrix, the Lestrange brothers were no were to be seen, probably dead. They had been fighting with her, strange. It happened after the Malfoys were executed, they said Bellatrix went crazy when Narcissa died.

In that moment she was dueling with Mulciber, she was so tired, her arm fell about to fall, "Remus watch out," she turned to save him from the incoming green light. She stepped in front of him, Mulciber had the order to catch her alive, they all did. The Dark Lord wanted a young bride, or so they had been told, and he had chosen the Mudblood for her magic. He had been obsessing with her since he saw her at Malfoy Manor.

Voldemort had send a group to bring her parents, alive. They had disobeyed orders, the mother was beautiful, and they had decided to share her body before bringing her to the Dark Lord. One had killed her father when he came out with a Muggle weapon. While she was not being watched properly, she had pointed a wand to herself and committed suicide; the Mudblood wasn't a Mudblood, everyone in the inner circle knew that now.

They said that the Dark Lord had come to see Mrs. Granger and had held her against him roaring like a madman. He brought her back and had called a Necromancer, all for none. He killed all the ones from that day and many since, and now he wanted the witch.

"If anyone touches her, or if she gets even one scratch I will know, and you and your family will be whipped out the face of the earth. I don't want to hear anyone calling her names, do you hear and understand?" The Dark Lord had warned everybody the day before.

She heard Voldemort screaming, "Not her, not her, no, no not both, "NOOOOOO." He had seen what Mulciber saw too late.

"No, No," Mulciber tried to push her out of the way, but it was too late, the green light hit her right on the middle of her chest. She felt the light going out of her; her already broken time turner, the one she never took off as a symbol of better times, melted on impact.

She heard the Dark Lord's roar of anger and despair. "No, no, idiots." Right then, the ground imploded; everything was changing all at once; there was no longer a battle. She felt as she were falling into a precipice, a free fall that went on forever.

So many people had died because of her, if she had gone to him everyone would be alive. If she were given a chance, she would obey. Yes, she would obey even Voldemort, hell she would be his baby, his daughter, his wife, his whatever, God grant me this. God in Heavens listen to me.

Use it well, use it well, this is the last chance. The one who heard her, repeated several times.

Was she dead? She still fell her grungy and in pain; the sun was too bright. She closed her eyes, if she were dead, she should just close her eyes; there would be an eternity to open them later. "Harry, Harry, I hope that you are waiting for me. I wished we had been together at least once; Ron, Ron I should have listened, just once, us three, just once. I am coming." She repeated her prayer. If she were given a chance, she would obey, yes even Voldemort, hell she would be his baby, his daughter, his wife, whatever, God grant me this. God in Heavens listen to me.

Awakening - where?

Had she been trapped by the Dark Lord? After all, he had been after her since Bellatrix tormented her. Maybe she should have listened to her mother two years ago, she remembered when Jean Granger had proposed, "Darling please give this up. I have a bad feeling. Let's go to live in the ancestral estate willed by your father's parents. You know they left him a vast fortune. We can just do nothing; stay away from the magical world, we will have enough."

Where was she? She was in a dimmed lit room. Several people stood around her. She knew who they were, the people who had died because of her. She couldn't bear to open her eyes, but those were her first thoughts. They were all dead and around her bed ready to judge her.

She did not want to open her eyes.

"Miss, young lady, Are you okay?" It was a female, her hand was soft.

And in the background, "I have never seen before someone like her. What strange clothes, Muggle men's clothes, but she is clearly a witch, the cloak, the wand. And powerful magic surrounds her, her skin and hair crackled, never seen the likes."

"Where did you find her?"

"Right outside the main entrance, what is strange is that she was not there a few minutes before we went to pick up the herbs." A young man's voice said.

"She is a dream. I am making a claim right now. Her face is so delicate; her body so lithe and so firm, her trousers are, nearly skin tight, look how strong she seems, she is a Warrior goddess," that was a voice, she nearly recognized.

"You don't make any claims, is equal for all." Another voice said.

"Finders keepers," another voice said.

And, "Young men, everyone out, she is ill and not a toy," that was a female speaking.

"I am not leaving, I am staying," a different voice spoke, it was deep and smooth. "I was the one who found her and left her for a minute while I came in to get some assistance. Because she was clearly hurt, I didn't want to move her. I wait until she opens her eyes. Besides if she is not spoken for, I found her on my grounds; thus I would say, I take first choice. She is breathtaking, plus all that magic, even dirty and sick."

"Why should she be in Malfoy's grounds? I don't understand this. She appears to have been in some scrimmage or other, she reeks of death and dark magic hits. A young lady in a scrimmage? How about her clothes, such fine materials and strange colors. Hmm, look at her ring, do you recognize the signet?"

"Wait, Oryon come here," now she could hear shuffling of different feet.

"It cannot be my mother's ring; I saw it on her finger this morning, and this other? See the small P? Is it from House of Potter? Yes, it is, if so, she has the Black and Potter's houses betrothal rings? How can that be?" His voicevsounded old fashioned, rich, a drawl, not a Malfoy though.

"Nobody touches her. She is mine... wait, she's familiar," this was a rich, melodious voice.

"Wait, what is that around her neck?"

Too soon, too soon. The unseen said.

Someone touched her destroyed time turner, and she fell through a vortex once again.

May- 1979

This time she opened her eyes and found the surroundings totally strange. She looked around and could not recognize where she was. She was very tired and wanted to sleep.

"Where did you say you found her?"

"By the main gate," another person answered.

"It cannot be, it is the same girl of 26 years years ago. Is she a ghost?" The same voice from before, but deeper.

"She is flesh and blood."

She felt a hand going for her melted time turner. And she went for the hand, restraining it with all her might. "Don't touch it." She mumbled.

Hermione opened her eyes, and in front of her she saw Draco, well not Draco, he was taller and fuller. Next to him stood an exotic looking young man with incredible violet eyes, and Lucius? No, it was not Lucius somebody just a few inches shorter, not much, he was a Malfoy, beautiful as all of them. Even more since he appeared to lack the cruel look about him as the Lucius from years forward.

"Hello Miss," the older Malfoy said." Where did you go for these many years? Are you a ghost or what or who are you?"

As for himself, he had never forgotten her beauty. Back in 1953, he had been willing to duel for her with the Blacks and the Lestrange brothers, it was coming down to it, everyone had their wands out. They were all willing to kill to claim her. Everyone except that Tom, who stood in the back, forbade them all to talk about the ghost witch again. He warned them that if she ever showed up, he would decide. They all understood that he had put a claim on her, or so it seemed at the time.

"And who are you?" She asked.

She quickly hid her hands under a deck covering her, moved the deck up to her neck, and with wandless magic, moved the rings and time turner into her Muggle belt with the hidden pockets.

"My name is Abraxas Malfoy; this is my son Lucius, and a friend soon to be family, Rabastan Lestrange."

Hermione could not take her eyes away from Rabastan. He appeared to be about her age, Lucius if that were him, was younger than when she knew him, but older than her, what maybe 24 or so; he looked like an older Draco; and he was so very handsome. She had never seen anyone like them. Maybe they were angels, they were beautiful.

She was dead and was somewhere else, in time. How could this be, the time turner was broken, but why had it moved forward when touched? She had died, she was sure of that. The Aveda hit her in the chest, and nobody survives that. She remembered the alternative religion of one of her mother's friends, you don't really die; you wake up in another part of your life, or in an alternative universe. However, this was not her life, or was it because of the magic?

A pop and a house-elf appeared. "Lord Malfoy, the Darkenin' Mister be wanting yus."

"Mipzy, the Dark Lord, please remember, he gets offended," they were all holding their lips together not to laugh.

Hermione turned ashen and was going to say something when the door open. She saw a man in his late thirties, early forties, extremely good looking, his face was familiar, oh god.

"Abraxas, oh, excuse me young Lady," he appeared to have seen the living death. "You, you...you are the girl from all those years ago. So the Mudblood was telling me the truth, she really was. I should have known her hair wasn't the same, how is this possible, I'll find out."

"My Lord, what do you mean? And yes, she appears to be the same girl we saw in 1953, you are right. But what Mudblood are you referring to?"

"First, I use the word Mudblood, but you say Muggleborn, understood?" His eyes were hard on Abraxas, who nodded. He was used to Lord Voldemort's idiosyncrasies. What was going on?

A/N Indeed, what is going on?