"Aunty Freya?" Hope dug a spoon into her strawberry ice cream. "I had a good dream last night."

"Oh yeah?" Freya stole a gummy bear from Hope's frozen treat. "What was it about?"

"A really beautiful girl. I think she was a princess."

Freya chuckled. "Is that so?"

Hope nodded. "She was really nice and she made everyone happy."

"She sounds amazing," Freya touched her niece's nose, "just like you."

Hope smiled happily. "Uncle Kol was super duper in love with her."

Freya peered down at Hope. "Uncle Kol?"

"Yeah, he was in my dream too."

Klaus sped down the highway in his all black '65 Corvette.

Unnerved, Hayley watched him quietly from the passenger seat. They had just secured an alliance with the Nova werewolf pack, but a phone call from Elijah had placed Klaus into a sour mood.

Apparently, his baby sister was hobnobbing with the Bennet witch and to make matters worse, Elijah spoke of plans to pursue an alliance with her. Klaus' grip tightened dangerously on the wheel. Was he the only member of his family with a brain?

Of course, she was one of the most powerful witches he'd ever known. But the very thing that enticed his siblings, ignited a deep fear within him. After all, he knew from unpleasant experience just how powerful the witch was.

As they passed a gas station, Klaus' phone vibrated with a text, and his blue eyes stared at message in astonishment.

Please be nice. Xo, Caroline.

The words were simple and to the point. She wanted him to play nicely with her beloved best friend. Contemplating his circumstances, he read the words over and smiled.

Perhaps the witch could be a beneficial ally after all.

Later that Evening

A witch placed her hands on a young man's shoulders and closed her eyes in concentration.

"Revelare." She mumbled the incantation and a vivid orange light instantly encircled the teenager. He peered at the light smugly, satisfied with the revelation.

"Have you ever had yours revealed?"

Bonnie was surprised to find Elijah standing beside her.

"Once." The witch chewed her lip, "a long time ago."

The Mikaelson was certainly intrigued now. A witch's imprint was like a human's aura, and it easily revealed just how powerful a witch was. He regarded her carefully, wondering if she'd be willing to indulge him.

She seemed to read his mind and smiled without meeting his eyes.

"My grams taught me never to show all of my cards."

He smiled at her wisdom. "Your grandmother was an intelligent woman."

"Can you tell me something though?" Bonnie sipped her champagne and the original nodded. "What's this event for exactly?"

Elijah absentmindedly spun his daylight ring on his finger and Bonnie followed the movement with her eyes.

She noted that he had very masculine hands, but it was a girlish thought, and she felt silly for thinking it, so she quickly returned her eyes to his face, but found him giving her a beguiling look.

His gaze was penetrating.

"You remind me greatly of Emily."

Bonnie swallowed, but couldn't properly react, because he was already looking away from her.

"I find myself burdened by the continuous onslaught within the magical communities," Elijah began to answer her question, "quite frankly, I'm just...too damn old."

Bonnie chuckled at his wording. "So this is an attempt to unify them?"

"It's a start." He nodded, smiling slightly.

As Elijah departed into the crowd a black vampire approached Bonnie with Rebekah. He was handsome, with roguish features and a perfect smile. He slid a glass of bourbon into Bonnie's hands.

"I hear you're a Bennett, that's basically witch royalty."

Bonnie smiled at him, but peered uncertainly at Rebekah.

"This may be the epic love I informed you of." Rebekah clarified, drinking her own bourbon. The vampire gave Rebekah an affectionate look.

"Ah," Bonnie smiled between the pair, "Marcel."

Marcel nodded, happy to discover that Rebekah had discussed him. "How long are you in town for?"

"However long it takes to deplete my cash." Bonnie joked.

"Let me introduce you to my witch friends," Marcel suggested, "you have to see firsthand all the magic this city has to offer."

His words brought a smile to Bonnie's face, but her lips immediately pulled down when she saw Klaus enter the cathedral.

Kol smiled charmingly at the brunette who was openly flirting with him.

Teasingly, she placed her hand on his arm and bit her lip. His hazel eyes examined her thoughtfully; she was quite pretty and had rather endearing assets, but despite her tantalizing features, he found himself distracted by the witch across the room.

Bonnie was smiling at something Marcel was saying.

"...you have to see first hand all the magic this city has to offer."

Kol scoffed.

"Can I come home with you?" The brunette cupped Kol's face, regaining his attention. She pressed her body against his desirously and Kol smiled at her, gripping her waist.

The gala was rapidly becoming insipid anyway. When it came to parties, Kol greatly preferred the liberated chaos of nightclubs over hubristic black-tie events. And twelve out of ten times, he preferred committing wicked transgressions in his bed over leaving the house in the first place. The only reason he'd bothered coming to the gala at all was because Elijah had insisted his presence was necessary.

Kol leaned in to kiss her, but a motion from Bonnie caught his eye. She was headed through the crowd.

"Hold that thought, darling."

5 Minutes Later

When Bonnie exited the bathroom, she found Kol standing in the hallway with his hands placed casually in his pockets. She eyed him in surprise, silently approving of the navy suit tailored to his sturdy body.

"Little witch."

Kol had trouble deciding which part of her anatomy he liked best. She wore an olive-colored dress that did wonders for her eyes. The garment fit her like a glove, resting just above her knees, and it featured straps that fell seductively off her shoulders.

"You look exquisite in that dress." He fantasized about ripping it off of her.

Bonnie leveled his gaze. "And how many women have you said that to tonight?"

"Doesn't make it any less true," Kol quipped easily.

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "No, it just makes it less significant."

The witch tried to walk past him, but he blocked her path playfully. Bonnie set her jaw and peered up at his face. They were standing awfully close now, and the smell of sandalwood and leather filled her nose. Bonnie struggled deeply to remain unaffected by the masculine scent.

"Do you mind?" She spoke sassily, but her voice was barely above a whisper.

Kol lingered a bit longer, relishing their closeness, and his eyes drifted to her lips. "Be weary of my sister's lover, he views witches as mere weapons to be wielded."

Her eyebrows furrowed and Kol turned to leave.

"And the rest of you don't?" She frowned after him.

Kol stared down at her with an unreadable expression, "believe it or not, prior to our insatiable bloodlust, my brother Finn and I actually had magic flowing through our veins."

His words sunk in slowly.

"You were a warlock." She deduced, and he smiled.

"I can't speak for Rebekah or Elijah. Nik and Marcel may not respect witches for what they truly are, but apart of me always will." He stated simply.

"And do you still respect them after you sleep with them?" Bonnie questioned sarcastically, earning a chuckle from him.

"Would you like to find out?"

"You're impossible." She shook her head in disbelief and walked past him.

He gently touched her waist, halting her. "I'm irresistible."

"I'm not interested." She countered, smiling sweetly at him, and pushed his hand away. "Besides, your girlfriend is waiting for you."

Smirking, Kol watched her retreating back. So she'd been watching him too.

Bonnie returned to Marcel to find Rebekah under his arm. She smiled distractedly at the pair and grabbed a glass of champagne from a nearby waitress. Taking a large swig, she watched Kol return to the brunette he left behind.

"Are you okay?" Rebekah questioned, noticing the shift in her friend's behavior.

"Hm?" Bonnie didn't remove her eyes from Kol, "yeah, I'm fine."

Rebekah followed Bonnie's gaze to her older brother and frowned knowingly. "What happened?"

"Nothing." The witch smiled unconvincingly.

Rebekah and her lover exchanged a long look. Finally, after a moment of silence, Marcel decided to change the subject.

"After party's at my crib, you coming?" He flashed a warm smile at Bonnie, and she hesitated slightly when Kol's warning replayed in her mind.

She stole another glance in Kol's direction. Across the room, he was kissing the brunette passionately against the wall, and pressed his forehead against hers.

Upon the move, something stirred deep within Bonnie's mind. As she watched the scene unfold before her, slowly, something dawned on her.

Bonnie's beautiful green eyes narrowed dangerously and she finished the rest of her champagne.

"Is everyone going?"

"Most likely." Marcel nodded.

"Then what're we waiting for?" The witch asked coyly.

Bonnie smiled when they entered Marcel's extremely bacheloresque apartment. Large landscape paintings of New Orleans framed the walls, the furniture was modern and expensive, and a well-stocked liquor cabinet rested in the corner of his living room. But perhaps what intrigued her most, was the fact that witches and vampires filled the home, drinking, laughing, and conversing deeply amongst each other.

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Kol disappear into a bedroom with the brunette from the gala. She glared in his direction but disregarded him, she would have her opportunity later.

"Sweet digs." She commented lightly, refocusing on the vampire before her.

"Thank you," Marcel bowed in a joking manner and gestured to his liquor cabinet, "what will it be?"

The friends requested bourbon and sat down on one of his white leather couches. Bonnie leaned back into the comfortable surface, looking around the room.

It was strange witnessing witches and vampires mingling in harmony. The entire concept was foreign to Bonnie, but it felt remarkably pleasing. For once, she didn't have to pick sides in some stupid supernatural war.

Bonnie bit her lip when she saw Elijah and Klaus approaching them.

"Oh God, Kol!"

Kol thrusted into the brunette, finding it ironic that she was moaning his name while he couldn't remember hers.


He held her arms captive above her head and entered her deeper. She writhed beneath him, crashing her hips against his.


Releasing his fangs, he buried his face into her neck and ripped into her skin. The girl moaned loudly, and when her blood rushed into his mouth, she simultaneously quivered with her release.

"I must say, tonight you've captivated many hearts," Elijah watched Bonnie carefully, and she shifted under his penetrating gaze.

"Thanks for inviting me." It was all she could think to say. Elijah had the uncanny ability to make her feel both comfortable and very self-conscious at the same time.

"Unfortunately, I must take my leave." He continued and she simply nodded.

"So early?" Rebekah admonished.

"I have an important matter to attend to." Elijah exchanged a discreet look with Klaus.

Rebekah stared at her brothers, waiting for further clarification, and it was Klaus who spoke.

The hybrid draped a loving arm around Elijah's shoulder and smirked. "Off to fetch your dry-cleaning?"

The siblings laughed, and even Bonnie found it difficult to conceal a smile.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere mixing paint?" Elijah asked him seriously and Klaus laughed.

They clapped each other on the back and Elijah kissed Rebekah goodbye.

"Bye, Elijah." Bonnie looked at him, and he smiled politely at her.

"Goodnight, Miss Bennet." He turned to leave.


He stared down at her once more.

"Will you call me, Bonnie?"

The formality seemed so strange to her now.

"If it pleases you, yes."

Klaus exchanged a telling look with Rebekah. When the vampire left, Bonnie carefully avoided their eyes. Soon, Marcel returned with their drinks, and Bonnie was grateful for the distraction.

In the far corner of the room, Marcel was stroking Rebekah's arms lovingly, causing the blonde to swoon beneath his touch.

"Nobody wishes to see such a spectacle, sister. Get a room, Marcel has many to spare." Klaus spoke dangerously low, and even though he was across the room, Rebekah glared in his direction.

Moments later however, her and Marcel disappeared down the hallway and Klaus rolled his eyes in disgust. He took another sip of his scotch and directed his attention to the witch that sat across from him.

A very green gaze met an even bluer one.

All night, Bonnie was dreading this very moment. She was finally alone with Klaus.

When he arrived at the gala, she managed to avoid him with the distraction of company, but now, the rivals sat across from each other painfully undisturbed.

"I must say, you look...remarkably adequate this evening."

This was a lie of course. Even he had to admit that she looked positively enchanting. The thought alone angered him.

Years ago, when he left her Godforsaken one-horse town, she'd been nothing more than a witch with enough audacity to challenge him. Now, as she sat before him, all he could see was a beautiful woman. Intrigued, he contemplated why he never noticed her beauty before, and after much deliberation, Klaus decided that it must've been easy to dismiss her attractiveness while she was a continuous thorn in his side.

Bonnie smiled sarcastically at his backhanded compliment. "You're as charming as I remember, Klaus."

"Ah, but you're the charming one, aren't you?" Klaus flashed his dimples, sitting back slightly, "at least, my siblings seem to think so. I, however, have never been one so easily swayed."

Bonnie eyed him dejectedly. "You realize your siblings are the ones seeking out my company, right?"

"Oh? Is my dear sister's infatuation one-sided? Perhaps I should provide her with a sordid little reality check."

"Of course not." Bonnie snapped defensively and her angry reaction caught him a little off guard - did she actually care for his sister?

Klaus chuckled, but Bonnie was no longer looking at him. The hybrid sensed her distraction and peered over his shoulder to see a woman coming down the hallway.

Bonnie silently watched Kol's lady friend exit Marcel's apartment, and then downed her bourbon in one gulp.

"Well, this was fun." Bonnie told Klaus.

The witch stood from the couch suddenly, wobbling slightly, and beelined for the hallway. She had an axe to grind.

Klaus, however, was in front of her in seconds. The hybrid clutched her wrists in his hands, holding her in place. Bonnie glared at him for the violation, but Klaus simply stepped closer, his face mere inches from hers.

"Have none of you heard of personal space?" She bit out irately.

"Betray my family in any shape or form and I'll personally burn you at the stake."

Bonnie laughed viciously and her magic immediately seared his skin, forcing him to release her.

"Go fuck yourself, Klaus."

Trembling angrily, she glared at him one last time before continuing down the hall.

The hybrid watched her go with contempt, but felt mildly bewildered when she stopped at the room Kol occupied.

Kol heard her spat with Klaus and was just zipping up his pants when she opened the door. Bonnie shut the door behind her and turned around to face him angrily.

"Not that you aren't extremely hot when you're all riled up," Kol smirked at her as he searched the room for the rest of his clothes, "but do you mind? I'm indecent."

He gestured to his bare chest and Bonnie's eyes involuntarily fell to his rock-hard abs. She crossed the room suddenly and picked up his discarded shirt. The witch threw it at him full force and he caught it easily with one hand.

Hoisting an eyebrow, Kol slid his arms into his dress shirt, but left it unbuttoned. Amused, he leaned against one of the bed posts.

Talk about misdirected anger.

"Are you having an episode?"

"Stay out of my head." She snapped angrilly.

Kol was silent for a moment, but soon after erupted into laughter. He peered around for his suit jacket and found it hanging off a nearby dresser.

"So I'm quite irresistible after all."

Bonnie stepped forward, narrowing her eyes. "That's not what I mean and you know it."

He turned his back to her and retrieved his jacket.

She knew.


Refacing her, Kol schooled his features into a look of mystification. "I haven't the faintest clue what you're referring to, little witch. Care to elaborate?"

"I know you made me dream about you." Bonnie bit out harshly.

Kol laughed loudly. This was far too amusing and he simply couldn't resist toying with her further. "If you're having dreams about me, I assure you it's on your own accord."

"In my dream, you kissed me," She spoke indignantly, blushing fiercely at her own words, "and I saw the way you kissed that woman-"

"I bet you did." Kol grinned smugly and Bonnie glared furiously. She released an exasperated noise and placed her finger in his face.

"You placed your forehead on hers just like in my dream. You tampered with my mind."

He smiled suddenly, impressed by her perceptiveness, and softly removed her finger from his face by grabbing her hand.

"I did no such thing." He lied effortlessly and rubbed her fingers with his own.

Bonnie scoffed, yanking her hand from his. "So my mind just materialized one of your little seductive quirks out of no where?"

Kol shrugged with amusement in his eyes, "you're a witch. Perhaps you witnessed a prophecy of all the naughty things soon to transpire between us."

Bonnie blinked and Kol laughed harder this time.

Appalled by him, she stared at him momentarily, then suddenly, a burning sensation ripped through his brain. Bonnie raised her chin and his hands shot to his head in pain from the aneurism bursting in skull. Finally, after what felt like centuries to Kol, she ended his misery.

Kol panted heavily on the floor. His fangs had retracted instinctively and tiny black lines framed his eyes.

"Stay out of my dreams or I'll fry your ass." She turned the doorknob and began to walk away.

"That's not exactly fair now is it, little witch?" Kol called after her breathlessly, his face returning to normal, "not when you're the main contender of mine."

Bonnie slammed the door hard.