A nice, warm summer's day. Only a weekend left before the break was over, and senior year of high school began. Katie fully intended to spend the two days as fruitfully as possible. First, to catch up on Clone Wars, (attempt to) tidy her study desk for the new academic year and finally, spend as much time as possible with her brother before he moved away.

Sure, some kids spent it catching up with their friends, ending summer romances or putting the final touches to their summer make overs. But Pidge, as her brother called her, preferred her little alcove in the living room where she had marathons of sci-fi films (and cheesy romances when she had the house to herself).

The house was safe and warm. Nothing to fear. No heartbreaks to anticipate. Nobody to disappoint.

"Pidge, please don't tell me you're watching that again."

"Oh, shove it. I don't tell you what to do with your life."

"You actually do, on a daily basis. It's how I ended up dating Shiro."

"And you finally had a social life!"

"We broke up, Pidge."

"Yeah, but he's still your best friend. That counts for something."

Matt just sighed and set down another box of his things down by the stairs. The moving truck was coming by tomorrow to take his things to his apartment in the premises of the Galaxy Garrison; where Matt was accepted into a graduate research program.

Katie snorted and shoved another handful of peanut brittle. The couch sunk with an extra body and Katie shifted her head onto Matt's lap.

"Are you going to miss me, baby sis?"

Pidge frowned and pulled away the bowl of peanut brittle from his reach.


She knew from his smirk that she was pouting. Snapping off a portion, she handed him her beloved snack.

Matt was oddly silent for a few moments. It was not his usual, pensive silence.

"Katie…I'm worried for you."

"Don't be. I've already got an early acceptance place with the Garrison Cadet program."

"Not that."

She shifted her eyes upwards from the television to meet his. Matt avoided her curious gaze.

"It's the final days of summer…and you're spending it at home?"

Pidge stared at him for a bit, before turning her gaze slowly back to the television. It was true that she could be spending time with people, but she really wasn't in the mood.

"You're not still getting bullied, are you?"

His voice was gentler this time, and the warm concern imbued in his voice was so reminiscent of their mother's, Katie nearly teared up.

"Of course not. Allura and Romelle are my friends remember?"

Befriending the two Europeans had worked in her favour in ways Katie didn't imagine. First, it made her strangely 'popular' and therefore, immune to bullying. But she eventually figured that she was a sort of gateway to arguably the two most beautiful girls in their school. In a way, she didn't mind that. But in some ways, it did eat at her self-worth. Not that she'd ever admit it out loud.

Second, at their persistence, she had joined an after-school activity; volunteering at the Humane Society. It was where they had adopted Rover and she'd found something in her week to look forward to that didn't surround being locked up in the computer lab for hours on end.

And the third reason? They were genuinely the best friends Katie had always wanted since middle school. If there was anyone she was going to miss terribly leaving her home, it was them. Sure, she was not nearly as girly as they were, but they didn't mind it one bit. They loved her as she is, nerdy tendencies and all.

"So why aren't you spending time with them?"

"They're visiting their uncle in England. They won't be back till tomorrow."

"What about Hunk? I haven't seen him around in a while."

"He's spending the last of the summer with Shay. She's moving back to Canada."

Matt tutted sympathetically, and she felt him sigh heavily. A small part of her bristled – she didn't need to be babied - she was months away from turning eighteen.

The doorbell rang just then, and Katie jumped to answer it. Any chance to escape awkward conversations with her brother over how sad and lonely her life was, was welcome.


"Hey Pidge."

The dark-haired man smiled kindly down at her and handed her a perfectly baked apple pie. She breathed in its mouth-watering cinnamon sugar scent and sighed happily.

"Wow, I didn't know you baked."

"Funnily, I don't. Adam made it."

"He couldn't make it?"

Katie moved aside, letting the man in. There was a point in her life she had an embarrassing crush on him. Thankfully, she was well and truly over it. Shiro had become another older brother to her. A cooler, laid-back one that didn't shy away from telling her what she needed to hear. She realized she'd miss him too and the dread that she had been harbouring in her heart weighed heavier.

"Ah…he thought it'd be awkward."

"I told him already, it's fine."

Matt shouted from the living room. Shiro tugged off his jacket and chuckled. It was still a wonder to her how coolly Matt handled break-ups.

"So, spending the last days of summer with the usual gang?"

Shiro nodded his head towards her stack of Star Wars disks on the coffee table. Pidge just shrugged non-committedly and set the pie on the dinner table. Her nose twitched as the scent of smoke wafted through the house.

"Matt? I think the chicken's burning."


Just another normal, summer evening at the Holts'.

"So, senior year huh?"

She gave a shrug and stabbed another piece of the chicken. She sneakily threw a few pieces down for Rover. Mercifully, the stuffing saved it from being too dry. Another terrifying thought struck her then, she'd have to live with her dad's cooking. Her shoulders slumped. Shiro chuckled and patted her shoulder.

"Hey, it's not that bad."

"I'm sure it will be fantastic. You're my smart, beautiful girl."

Sam looked over to his daughter, pride clear in his eyes. Beyond that, Katie knew he felt an inordinate amount of guilt and it showed in his face every time he looked at her. Guilt for not having enough time to spend with her when he was so busy with his work at the local state research facility. He truly had no reason to. Both Matt and he had made sacrifices to give her as normal of a childhood as they could since her mother's death.

Previously, Matt had been accepted into the Garrison's prestigious Cadet program but turned down the acceptance in favour of a regular state school where he could still live with his family. Sam had moved back from the Garrison to live with her. Now that it was a done deal that she was going to the Garrison, the family could make the full move to Arizona next year. She looked forward to that. Far away from everything that reminded her of her dull life here. Away from...him.

"Speaking of…any suitors for the young Katherine?"

She choked on a broccoli as Shiro snorted into his drink. Sam glanced over at her expectedly.


All three men looked disappointed and it plainly confused her.

"What? I'm moving in a year to be with you guys."

"Still, Katie. You should break a heart or two. Holts are famous for that"

Her eyes widened as she turned to Shiro who had given a harmless wink Matt's way. He'd only rolled his eyes in response.

"Shiro's right…you're a beautiful girl Katie. I'm so proud of how much you achieve academically, but it does worry me that you aren't out living the best years of your life."

"Not that you need a man to have a good life. Or a woman." Matt quipped, pointedly raising glass.

Katie shoved another forkful of roasted carrots between her lips and chewed thoughtfully.

"She's probably still holding out for Lance Serrano."

Katie choked on a bit of carrot and gulped down an entire glass of water. Shiro patted her back sympathetically and shot a disapproving look over Matt's direction.

"Aw, Katie. That's actually really cute."


She didn't think there would be a greater paternal betrayal than the one between Luke and Darth Vader, and yet, here she was.

"Are you settling in okay?"

"Yup. Room's real nice. Met a lot of cute nerds."

"Oh, good."

Katie smiled and pushed her laptop higher to get a good view.

"Ooh, is that a kitchen?!"

"Yup! I have it all to myself. No crazy sisters leaving peanut brittle crumbs everywhere."

Downstairs, Katie heard the ring of the doorbell. Her father shouted up that he'd answer it.

"Oh, I wonder who it is?" His brows raised but seeing Pidge's faraway look, his gaze softened.

"Katie…I feel like I should tell you something. Now that I'm in a safe enough distance to."

A brow rose, and she sat up higher.

"You're pansexual? I've already known that. But why would you think I'd hate you for that?"

"No…well, remember how Dad gave me boxes to clear my room?"


"Well, I went into your room to get the old clothes you said you'd leave out for donation."

Her heartrate picked up and she felt herself frown. Downstairs, she heard a burst of laughter. But that was the least of her worries.


"I found the letters."

She stopped breathing then. The letters.

The letters that her sappy, ten, fourteen and sixteen-year-old selves had written over the years to her crushes. Or at least, to the people she usedto have crushes on. She gulped hard.

"Are you going to mock me for them?"

"What? No! Mom was the one who told you to write them."

She did. She always believed putting her thoughts to paper was a good way to sort out her racing mind. It was why Katie diligently kept a journal. The letters helped as an outlet for her crushes and eventually, realise that she was infatuated with most of the boys…save for one boy.

The first letter, was to Lance. She'd written it when she first met him and instantly fell for him.

The second, was for Shiro. Too embarrassing for her to even think about. She'd considered burning it but thought it would be a funny memory for her to keep when she was older; much older.

The third, was for Hunk. But as soon as she'd finished writing that one, she realised her feelings for him didn't extend beyond being her best friend.

The fourth…was for Lance. Again.

The fifth, was for the local bad boy, Keith. And boy, was that crush short-lived.

James Griffin was the sixth. She'd met him at her summer internship at the Garrison.

And the seventh…the most recent, also Lance. She really wished she didn't decide to go to the beach that day. The sight of him in his swimming trunks gave her way too many daydream genres to explore.

"I…posted them."


"Not all of them! Not the one for Shiro though, ew."

Somehow, that didn't give her nearly as much relief.

"Katie! There's someone here to see you."

"Which. Ones."

"All of the others."

Her eyes widened, and an overwhelming sense of fear enveloped her body. Her body froze up and for once in her life, her brain couldn't save her from this sticky situation.

"…Pidge? Are you okay sis?"

Her life. Her quiet, drama-free life, was over.

"Katie! Don't keep your guest waiting."

Current scientific studies showed no evidence of there being a human soul. But Katie was certain hers was floating over her body by thin threads. Each step she took felt infinitesimal. So much so, she'd nearly tripped over the stairwell as she made her way down. Luckily for her, a pair of warm, lithe arms catch her before she'd fall to her face.

"You alright there, mi reina?"

As soon as that smooth voice hit her ears, her body turned to air. Goodness, it had to be illegal to sound that good. Her eyes had been glazed over from the shock, but as they slowly traveled up to her saviour, they came into focus. Dark blues eyes, soft and kind, met hers and a charming smile she knew too well formed on his lips. Lips that she had clocked far too many daydream hours on.

But as the warmth of his arms sunk into her skin, her soul returned to her body as did her consciousness. Her brain kick-started, and she realised just who was right before her.


A/N: First chapter isn't as descriptive as the rest. I realize my mistake now. Ugh. I hope you've enjoyed this nonetheless! Feedback is always loved.