Weeks later Hermione sat outside the attic door and tried to ignore what she was feeling and hearing. It wasn't until she heard Moony call to her that she opened the door and kneeled before the wolf. "Moony."

Mate, he stalked over and nuzzled her neck.

"Are you sure you're ready for this love?"

I wont hurt anyone. Not with you with me. I am in control, my solas.

"I know you are," she began meeting his golden gaze, "but this is more than Harry and Ginny. It is everyone and that includes Ronald, who you do not like. I need you to maintain your control. Trust me to help you if you need me."

I will. With you by my side I will be in control, even with the wonderless pup here.

She nodded. "You really are beautiful," she smiled and let her hands rest on his fur. She felt him growl in approval and lean into her touch. Smile growing wider Hermione rose to her feet and started down the stairs. Charlie had asked if he could witness Moony and Remus agreed trusting Charlie as a man experienced with magical creatures. However when Charlie told his mother he wouldn't be at dinner she demanded to know why and when she eventually pulled the answer from him she then demanded to join him, as did the other Weasley's. Hermione and Remus floo'd in with Teddy and were accosted by Weasley's before Sirius could reach them and explain. Molly was already in the kitchen and dinner almost done but Remus was reluctant and determined to stay in the attic that night. That was until Hermione got him alone and told him that she would stand by him no matter what he choose but she knew that if he choose to do this, Moony would be fine and that she wouldn't let him lose control. But when she sat there waiting for him to transform she started to worry, wondering if they had made the best decision. It wasn't until Moony stood before him that she let herself relax.

On the first floor landing she felt him lean harder into her, Stay with me, my solas.

"I will," she promised turning them in the direction of the kitchen, away from the voices in the living room. Teddy sat at the table with Sirius. He wanted to see his father, having been asleep last few times, and Remus had agreed but only if Sirius was there as well. "Teddy, this is Moony." Crouching down she extended her hand to the boy. Teddy left Sirius's side slowly and took her hand, leaning into her and away from the wolf beside her. "It's okay, love, he wont hurt you."

"This is daddy?"

She chuckled, "Yes, this is daddy. This is his wolf." She took his hand and gently laid it on Moony's side. Moony sat when they entered the room and leaned into his cubs touch, licking his face making him laugh. "See, he wont hurt you."

"Mummy, your eyes match his," his own eyes morphed into a brilliant shade of gold, she assumed to match her own, and she smiled.

"They do that now. Because daddy and I are mates."

"With magic?"

"Yes," she chuckled. He understood the basics of their bonding and relationship, they refused to lie to him and so far he was grasping it. She smiled as she watched him continue to pet his fathers side, staring at him in wonder.

He is strong.

Yes, he is. Just like his father.

"Are you ready to meet the others Moony?" Sirius spoke approaching them silently, head bowed.

The wolf bobbed his head and stood while Teddy left the room with Sirius. On four paws he was as tall as his son and level with Hermione's hips. When she stood with him she stumbled and he moved in front of her to catch her. "Thank you," she smoothed out his fur. But Moony stiffened and buried his muzzle into her stomach and inhaled.

"Moony, stop that!" she chastised trying to push his muzzle away but he growled softly and pushed his muzzle lower between her thighs making her squeak. "Moony! What do you think you are doing?" She knelt before him and titled her head in a very wolf like manner.

You smell different mate.

She looked insulted, "You're telling me I smell?"

You smell different, was all he said, his voice protective.

In a bad way?


She frowned and stood again confused by his meaning but Sirius rejoined them and she pushed it aside. When he nodded she walked over to him with Moony walking so close she could feel him against her leg. Everyone was quiet and looked down at the wolf beside her, although she noticed none of them looked at him directly in the eye. Hermione shared a thankful look with Sirius before he guided her to the couch in front of Teddy who was playing with Harry on the floor. When they entered the room Moony leaned into her and stood just a step a head of her and when she sat down and curled her legs under her he sat before her.

"May I?" Charlie spoke, looking between her and the wolf. Moony bobbed his head and Hermione nodded. Charlie approached cautiously and sat just in front of Moony, carefully keeping his head below the wolfs. The room was deathly quiet aside from Harry and Teddy, who took no notice. He pulled out a notebook and quill, "Are you in complete control Moony?"

I am. "He is," Hermione relayed.

"Is Remus present?"

Yes. "Yes."

"Did you take wolfsbane?"

"No he didn't."

"Are your senses the same?"

Yes. "Yes."

"And you Hermione?"

Hermione was surprised to have a question directed at her, "I...I don't know. I never thought about it. My sight is the same." She inhaled deeply and half shrugged, "My sense of smell is slightly enhanced."

"You're hearing?"

"It seems the same."

Charlie nodded and continued writing in his notebook. "Are your eyes like this each moon?"

"So far they change when he does."

"And when she's really mad close to moon," Sirius piped up. "The first moon they'd bonded she was able to channel his power as Alpha and they changed. She was in pain and mad." Hermione rolled her eyes and grinned at the scornful undertones in his voice.

"Still sour about that Pads?" she laughed.

Charlie quirked an eyebrow, "You're a pack." It wasn't a question, just an observation and he continued to scribble in his notebook. "May I touch you Moony?" The wolf bobbed his head and Charlie carefully ran his hand through his fur before taking a few extra notes. "May I see your teeth?" Moony responded by baring his teeth and titling his head side to side until Charlie nodded and kept writing. This continued for a few minutes before Charlie bowed his head, said his thanks slowly and moved back to his seat beside his siblings. Hermione smiled and winked at Teddy as he came to sit with her.

"Bloody hell this is awkward," Sirius cursed when the room had been too quiet for over a minute. A rarity with a house full of Weasley's.

Hermione laughed, "He isn't going to hurt any of you. He will answer any questions you ask but more than likely he will just stay beside me. You don't need to be afraid to move around and speak."

Ginny got up from her chair by the fire and crouched beside Hermione, "Hello Moony." The wolf nudged her arm and laid at the foot of the couch beneath Hermione, closing his eyes. Ginny stood and sat beside Hermione, stepping over the wolf at their feet. Molly was the next to move from her spot on the couch, coming closer eyeing the wolf carefully.

"He's really in control?"

"Yes," Hermione breathed trying to reign in her patience.

Sensing her growing irritation Molly smiled and sat in Ginny's vacant seat starting up conversation as if there was nothing different and it was just an average Sunday dinner. Throughout the evening people began to relax and the evening began to wander around the house as they normally would. Moony didn't move from his spot until Ron approached her, then he rose and stood as a barrier between Hermione and the young redhead. Hermione quirked an eyebrow at his behavior and adjusted Teddy in her arms so she had one free. Ron made the mistake of looking in Moony's eyes and he begun to growl. Moony.

"Ronald, drop your eyes. Meeting his eyes is a challenge." Ron stepped back and lowered his gaze.

"I forgot," he fumbled out. "Your eyes are very different. They flashed like that when you threatened me on Teddy's birthday."

Moony growled again and Hermione tried not to grin, "Best not remind him of things that might upset him either."

"You said he was in control," he countered.

"He is, but you he does not like," she spoke honestly and Sirius laughed from his spot by the fire where he nursed a firewhiskey.

Ron looked downcast and fiddled with his feet, "I want to apologize for that. For everything. I was a rubbish friend and I have betrayed you, for that I am sorry, Mione."

She looked at him curiously before nodding, "Thank you. But you understand if I'm not willing to forgive so easily."

Standing she threaded her fingers in Moony's fur, "I'm going to bed now. I find I am a very tired with the moon." Readjusting Teddy on her hip she said her goodbyes and walked up the stairs to the third floor. Safely in their room Hermione laid Teddy down gently and kissed his head before stripping down and redressing in one of Remus's jumpers and a pair of shorts. When she laid beside the boy Moony jumped up and curled against her side rather than his cub. Hermione gave him a curious look but let it go, running her hand absently through his fur as she fell asleep.

In the early hours of the morning Moony got off the bed and Remus emerged from the bathroom minutes later. The man stood in the doorway and looked at his mate on their bed with their son against her side, completely unaware of the life within her. She began to stir, probably feeling his excitement, and Remus swiftly left the room silently shutting the door behind him before trudging into Sirius's room. He cast a silencing charm and came to stand by the bed.

"Pads, wake up." Sirius responded with a series of grumbles before burrowing her head beneath his pillows. Remus growled and ripped the covers off his best friend not giving second thought to his friends nudity.

Sirius shot up and fixed Remus with an irritated look, "Bloody hell Moony! What in Gods na-"

"Hermione is pregnant."

That shut him up. Sirius looked confused first before a smile grew and spread across his face. "Moony! Congratulations! Wait why are you in here with me and not celebrating with your mate?"

"She doesn't know. Moony caught her scent and it's different, she smells bred. He didn't catch it last moon, so it's new and I doubt she knows about it."

"Then tell her. What are you worried about?"

"I'm not worried Pads. I'm excited."

"Then I ask again why are you in here and not with your mate?"

"I...I'm not sure. I am in awe of her Pads. She...I..ugh!" he groaned sitting beside his friend. Sirius understood and grabbed Remus's hand pulling him from the bedroom and into Hermione's old one. "Stay," Remus growled lowly at the command but complied. Moments later Sirius returned with Hermione trailing behind him, unsteady with sleep and Remus growled again opening his arms as she walked into him, "Pads, she should be sleeping!"

"You need to talk to her, sleep can be made up. I'll take Teddy to breakfast so you can do...whatever you wish," and he left the room.

Hermione nuzzled into Remus and groaned, "That was rather cryptic," she said against his chest, "What did he mean? Why are you so...excited? Is it because of the moon?"

Remus guided her to the bed and withdrew his wand from his pajama pocket. "Let me run one test and I will tell you." Hermione nodded and he cast the charm. When a red glow erupted over her abdomen his breath hitched and he knelt before her putting his head on her stomach.

"Remus, what is it? Does this have anything to do with why Moony kept smelling me last night?"

He chuckled against her and looked up at her, "Hermione, you're pregnant."

She was still for a moment before he felt her sorrow and hurt come through and she peeled away from him. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"I would never joke about this Hermione. Moony smelt it last night and the charm I just preformed confirmed it."

She looked down at her stomach, hands shaking as she grabbed the fabric of the jumper she wore. "Pregnant..."

"Yes, love, you are pregnant." He walked over to her slowly and put his hand over her own. "Let me take you to St. Mungo's and run some tests. Get you seen by a midwife."

He summoned their clothes when she nodded and they got dressed in silence. Hermione sat after putting on her jeans and made no move to change out of his worn jumper. She kept her hand on her abdomen and was trying to understand how she hadn't noticed. Remus gently pulled her up and pulled her into his shoulder as he walked them from the room, through the house and into the floo. At St. Mungo's Remus spoke softly to a medwitch who noticed him and they were quickly escorted to a private room. She sat down and let him run a series of tests over her until another witch entered and introduced herself to them.

"Hello, Hermione, Professor Lupin," Luna spoke airily smiling brightly. "I am your midwife."

"Luna?" Hermione cried sitting up, grabbing her friend in a tight hug. "I didn't know you were a healer."

Her old friend merely smiled and hugged her back. "Lets check on your baby shall we." Easing her back down Luna cast a series of charms and once again a red glow hovered over her stomach and Luna grinned. "You are pregnant Hermione." Hermione held her breath while Luna preformed a few more spells, "About eight weeks I would say. Also, aside from what your chart and medical history says, your reproductive system seems to have no damage. I can run more tests but you no longer have any damage."

She looked wide eyes at Remus who smiled and nodded at her, My tests say the same thing, love. Her eyes filled with tears as Remus grabbed her hand and kissed it softly. "Hermione it's okay."

Luna continued, "I'm going to prescribe you a prenatal to take daily. Professor Lupin can pick up your weekly regiments every Monday."

"Luna, can I have a moment with Remus please?"

"Surely, I'll grab your potion regiment and be back shortly."

When she left Hermione turned to Remus, "How?"

"I think it was our bond sealing. You kept grabbing your stomach, I assume that was the pain you felt. You may have sensed my change but the pain you felt was your body healing. Luna said 8 weeks, which I agree with, means we probably conceived after that first moon when we were fully bonded."

"Will I be able to carry it to term?" her voice was harsh, absent of any emotion.

Remus looked concerned but nodded, "You should. Like Luna said, your reproductive organs no longer have any damage. No scar tissue or dead tissue."

She let out a broken sob, her hand coming to rest on her stomach, "We're having a baby?" He nodded and covered her hand with his own. "Remus, thank you."

"For what?" he frowned.

"For loving me. For choosing me," she breathed sitting up. "Our bond is the reason this is even possible. Our bond only exists because you choose me to be your mate. You've given me a family, let me love Teddy and you, and now this," she looked down at her stomach gripping his hand in hers tightly.

"Hermione, you've done more for me then I have ever done for you. I love you, you are everything to me." To us, Remus laughed and Hermione chuckled against him. "You are our light Hermione, without you we would have withered away and, aside from Teddy, we would have remained alone for the rest of our life. Claiming you was one of the best decisions I have ever made. My only regret is not doing so sooner." Hermione leaned into his chest and took a deep breathe.

"Gods this is all happening so fast Remus. Four months ago we hadn't even acknowledged our feelings for one another, not to each other. Then we were mated, bonded, living together and now we're expecting a baby."

"I know and I am sorry for being so irresponsible as to not think this was a possibility. But I would be lying if I said I'm not damned happy with everything as it is." Hermione smiled against him feeling his pure contentment and let it warm her. "I love you Hermione."

Luna joined them once more and gave Remus a box of potions for Hermione and issued her a series of instructions before telling her her next appointment date and wishing them a good morning. Hermione was over the moon by the time her old friend left the room but at her yawn Remus scooped her up, despite her protests, and left the room with her in his arms. "Give me this love," he breathed into her neck. She heard Moony in his voice and submitted, curling against him, no longer protesting his hold on her. Thankfully he took her to the faculty floo and soon they were home without anyone seeing them in the early hours. "Our room or your old one?"

"My old one. Let Sirius take Teddy out and spoil him." Remus nodded and turned into her old room when she stopped him, "I want to check on him first."

He set her down and they walked silently to the opposite door and pushed it open an inch more, allowing them to see Padfoot at the end of their bed, Teddy sprawled out across the sheets.

Hermione covered her mouth to stifle a laugh, "He sleeps as you do. Either cuddling to me or taking up the entire space."

Remus vibrated behind her and nibbled on her ear. "You happen to be a weakness for us Lupins. We are drawn to you, even in sleep." Nodding to Padfoot Remus guided Hermione from the hallway, closing the door gently. "You need to sleep, my love."

Hermione could only comply as she felt her own exhaustion. In the room Hermione stripped off her jeans and laid down as Remus did the same. She fell asleep with her hand on her abdomen curled into Remus who had his head atop hers with his arms around her.