"I know you're scared of losing her, but it's not over, mate." He quietly reminded me, placing a soft hand on my shaking shoulder. I shook my head, mumbling into my jeans as I buried my head between my knees.

"I can't, I can't be without her, George." My breathing was uneven and I could barely speak, my throat felt so dry. "She's my bloody world."

He sat down across from me, staking a seat on our shabby coffee table. I was clutching the letter from her as I sobbed into my knees on the couch.

"I love her so much." Warm tears grouped in my weary eyes. Shuddering breaths kept sneaking up my throat, and between the crying and attempts at deep breaths, I was coughing quite a bit.

"Fred, I hate seeing you like this, you know I do, but..." He paused to take a deep breath. "You have to put the letter away. She's not gonna magically appear in front of you if you stare hard enough at it."

I reluctantly nodded, sniffling and placing gingerly the parchment beside me.

"Good man. How about we head over to Ange's?" He proposed, jumping up from the table and dragging me up by my arms. "She's got a secret stash of ice cream in the freezer, and she won't mind if we steal a pint or two."

"Yeah." My voice sounded dry and distant, and I numbly went along with my brother as he gripped my hand and pulled me through our flat. I couldn't stop thinking about her, and all that had happened in the last few days. I knew George was just trying to help me cheer up, but...

"What if I never see her again?" I abruptly stopped walking, jarring George as he was pulled back. He sighed, turning to face me.

"Fred, she loves you. You're going to see her again, she just needs some time, mate." He reassured, squeezing my hand and pulling me back towards the door. I wasn't reassured though and kept pestering him as we moved.

Just some time. That's all she needs, and then she'll be right back in my arms. But, then... why did the letter sound like she wasn't planning on coming back? George seemed to sense my hesitation and knocked his boot against my converse.

"What're you thinking, Freddie?" He inquired, raising a ginger brow.

"This might be insane, but she's pretty damn famous and I know she can handle herself and all, but..." I trailed off, biting my lip. He tilted his head, waiting for me to continue. "What if she, I don't know, didn't leave willingly? Like..."

"Someone kidnapped her?" George's brows shot up and his eyes widened. I would've laughed in any other scenario at his pure shock. "Fred, that's kinda bonkers."

"I know, I know, but she'd never just leave, George." I insisted. "I know her, we were gonna tell everyone about us a few days after the battle, and she was so incredibly excited and I just, I don't think she would've disappeared citing that she 'needs time.' That's not her."

He nodded along, and I could see his mind start to consider it. We walked down the stairs into the shop in silence, deciding it'd be nicer to walk across the cobbled road rather than floo to George's girlfriend's home. Taking our time, we stepped into the cool air on the stony street. I lightly exhaled, taking in a deep breath and speaking again.

"I'm not giving up, I can't just sit around." I pledged, looking into his eyes as he stopped to lock the shop's door behind us. "I need to find her."

He gave a serious nod in agreement, and we strode across the street to Ange's. You'll be back home in no time, Hermione.

I promise.

AN:HI GUYS! I'm alive, albeit extremely depressed, and decided to make a comeback with a new story! No, it's not Hamilton-related, sorry, but I just needed to get SOME time of writing out, you know? This is a super short intro chapter , but future chapters are gonna be longer, I promise. Really trying my best, I'm working on some of my multi-chapter hamilton fics rn, so hopefully I'll be updating those within the next week or two. If you have notifications on for me and that's how you ended up here, thanks! If you just happened upon this fic, well, then, hello. ;) But seriously, please follow and favorite if you liked this, and leave a review! Tell me what you liked, disliked, wanna see in future chapters, etc. Thanks so much for reading guys, I appreciate you more than you know!

Much love, thatwritermadeofpotatoes