Hey guys I'm not dead! Holy shit right? Unfortunately this isn't a chapter. No it's really things, an apology and more bad news.

We'll start with the apology alright?

So since I've been a civilian for almost 2 years now, I've been a truck driver for a good portion of it. Which means I've got very limited time to do anything but drive. By the way, typing on the app and driving is not fun.

The bad news is with this whole Covid bullshit, I have even less time to do anything let alone spend a week off at home. However I will ATTEMPT at pushing chapters out. Again, I hate that I can't really write when I've had a writing bug for a while now.

Side note, I went through When a Good Man Falls and I absolutely hate the first few chapters. I feel like I could've done more in every aspect honestly. So I'm going to redo WAGMF. However I'll leave the old one up until the Mk II version is caught up.

Hope everyone is doing alright, and not banging your head against a wall during this crap.
