The Big Bad

Chapter 19

Harry fell back asleep, safely cocooned in Peter's arms until seven o'clock. That's when Peter slowly roused him, having promised to do so. The sooner they dealt with this Darach the better, he didn't like the thought of more enemies getting by because of the tenuous connection she had with the Nemeton. He was wary, they had no idea what she was capable of, and with a link to Derek…well, it was rather daunting. Not that anyone was strong and magically more capable than Harry. Still, it never hurt to be cautious, Harry had well and truly drummed that into him. Even the weakest was capable of changing someone at their core.

Harry groaned softly as he stretched out, a yawn working its way out of his mouth. He felt significantly better already. Sleep and food did wonders for their kind after all. He could smell that everyone was there now. Derek, Stiles, Cora, Lydia, Jackson, Isaac, Erica and Boyd.

"Here, I um…made some Pasta for everyone?" it sounded more like a question than a statement as Stiles held a bowl of pasta in his hand.

A green eye popped open, observing Stiles, "Thanks," he murmured, voice gravelly as he sat up, still leaning himself against Peter but upright. "Time is it? Seven?"

"Two minutes past now," Peter replied, sniffing Harry's neck, before nodding, he had completely healed. The only blood he could smell was old and stale and stuck to the bandages he'd put on Harry earlier.

"Then she'll be here soon," Harry said before he dug into the pasta, "This is good," he admitted, especially since it was practically vegetarian pasta. There was so little meat in it, he made a mental note to get some bacon somewhere. Hopefully Peter would know a place.

"Course it is!" Stiles said smugly, as he sat back down pulling his book back to him. The smugness was feigned, his cheeks were red and he smelt of surprised happiness. His cooking didn't get praised anywhere near enough, especially for all the cooking he actually did do. "If I didn't do the cooking me and dad would live forever on takeaways." Not that they would have actually been able to afford takeaway's every day on a sheriff's salary.

"You've been doing the cooking since you were ten?" Erica asked, staring at Stiles with an inscrutable look on her face. Since Stiles wasn't a werewolf, he couldn't pick up her emotions.

"Yup!" Stiles replied, not seeing the knowing look on Boyd's face, sometimes it surprised the teen werewolf, just how much Stiles had in common with various packmates. "Not all of us burn pasta, Catwoman," he teased Erica as always doing his level best to get the subject off himself. Glancing back down at his book for a few moments before Erica spoke.

Erica shrugged, "My parents wouldn't let me near the stove," just in case she took a turn, they hadn't wanted her to be burnt on top of everything else. "I'd love to learn to bake though." She admitted, a vulnerable note to her voice.

Stiles was quiet for a few seconds, fingers fiddling with the rune book he had, "I still have my mom's recipe books, I used to watch her baking all the time. Some of its foreign cakes that you might not like though. I could teach you if you like, but we can't do it at mine. We don't have anything for baking and dad…isn't getting near baking, his cholesterol level is way up." Unimpressed, he just knew his dad had found somewhere to sell him greasy foods. Everything he did to try and protect his father…his dad just continued his bad habits as if he didn't have a care in the world for what it would do to him.

"You can both do it here," Derek told them, the more he had his mate in his sight the better he'd feel. "I'll pay for whatever you need."

"Thanks, Alpha!" Erica said with a big Cheshire grin on her face.

"That's Angela now," Harry murmured, glancing at Derek, "Did you feel anything?" could there be a chance that he was just blocking the connection to the Nemeton accidentally? Or did the Darach really have that much of a hold on the Nemeton and Derek? It was a scary thought, and he disliked it immensely, he had made the Darach more powerful if it was the latter.

Derek shook his head, no, he didn't feel anything, probing at any and all connections. All he felt was the pack, his wolf, he hadn't felt the Nemeton since the night Harry had raised the connection to be fair.

"It's a good job we're going after her," Harry muttered with a frown, the whole point of putting those wards up was to protect the town and the pack.

"Er…I did?" Stiles admitted, rubbing his chest absently, as if he could still physically feel it. acting as though it was a tangible thing wrapped around his chest. His book forgotten as he did so.

"I felt something…but it was muted," Cora admitted, "I don't think I would have noticed if I hadn't checked."

"You're Derek's Beta, it's hardly surprising that you're barely feeling it." Harry commented, "Especially seen as he cannot, it might make you more trusting to the Darach as well."

"I'll get the door," Peter said, pressing Harry back down, lobbing off to answer the door, making no effort to hide his creature side. "Perhaps it's a bad idea for the pack to go collectively," the thought of them being forced to kill Harry was terrifying.

"Meh, if need be, I'll stun all of you," Harry waved away the concern, "Angela, thanks for coming so quickly." He said to the woman as she entered the loft.

Everyone's eyes flashed when they caught her scent, she smelt of cat, some sort of Were creature. Her eyes flashed back, green, the hierarchy for cat Were's was different from werewolves. "You don't even know what she is do you?" Harry asked Derek, "Just how little do you know about your own world?" he was practically ignorant, and it wouldn't do at all.

"Talia didn't interact with other species," Peter defended Derek lightly, "She didn't see the point to allying with other species that didn't have pack bonds. I doubt even Laura knew much of other species, Leopard isn't it?" he knew a lot, a hell of a lot more than the others because he not only read but went everywhere and learned what he couldn't in books. "Talia didn't even inform her pack about potential of becoming something other than Werewolves when given the bite. Or the potential to become a Kanima. Admittedly I didn't know much myself." What he didn't know he quickly learned though.

"Angela, may I introduce you to our resident and budding sorcerer mage," Harry said, as Stiles flailed as he stood, almost tripping over himself to greet her. His amber eyes gleaming greedily, despite what she was here to do.

"You need to use more magic," Angela said, gazing at him critically, "It will prevent you from tripping all over the place. Make you more stable so to speak."

Derek snorted, "Are you sure he's not naturally clumsy?" although, when he put his mind to it, he was extremely focused and determined. He wasn't sure how Stiles had managed to keep him grown up ass afloat in the water for hours.

"He may well be," Angela conceded, "But usually supressed magic causes the clumsiness and the hyperactivity."

"Stiles has ADHD," Peter informed her, "It naturally makes him either hyper focused or unable to focus at all." He had researched everything he could about ADHD after observing Stiles struggling over washing of all things. He'd stood there staring at his red hoodie for over ten minutes with his hands full of dirty laundry. As if he'd just completely shut down and was unable to make a decision. In the end Peter had just grabbed the stuff he'd dropped and made a grumbling complaint about humans and their inability to balance anything refusing to allow any of his confusion and concern show or make Stiles feel weird. After that he'd taken his medication, and they'd never brought it up, but he had researched the hell out of it, especially on how to deal with it if it happened again. He liked Stiles and made no secret of it. He was extremely smart, loyal to the core, and it's the sort of people he liked.

"Then you might find certain aspects of magic quite difficult," Angela informed Stiles, brow furrowed, "Normally magical people aren't born with…difficulties like that." Magic prevented it.

"Oh, they are, they're just undiagnosed," Harry said wryly, he honestly would have been surprised if Ronald Weasley had it. He certainly found it impossible to focus for all the money in the world. The rest of his siblings were hard working, he doubted it was laziness, but well, what does one really know? "Angela meet the Alpha of Beacon Hills, werewolf, Derek Hale, Derek this is Angela Wickham, an expert in Ancient Runes, a tattoo artist and a Wereleopard." They really should have introduced him first, but this wasn't a time for political correctness.

"Welcome to Beacon Hills, Ms Wickham," Derek said politely, flashing his eyes again.

"Thank you for granting me entrance to your territory, Alpha Hale," Angela said, bearing her neck, adhering to the werewolf traditions. Not shaking hands "Is there somewhere I can set up shop?" her hand on her case which had everything she'd need to tattoo the sorcerer mage. She'd never worked with one before, they were rather rare, so this was new.

"Anywhere you like," Derek said, gesturing towards the loft in general, he didn't mind.

Angela smiled politely, despite its outside appearance, the place was cosy, filled with all manner of gadgets, considering the teens in the pack it wasn't a surprise. It smelt clean, which was a big must for her. She couldn't stand working anywhere that smelt, it made her focus split. "I'll work over here," gesturing towards the windows beside the sitting area.

With that she made her way towards it, opening her case she began to remove everything she'd need. Including an actually tattooists chair, causing Stiles to let out a strangled sound of awe. "I thought you couldn't be both a Were and magical!" he asked, peering in at the case, but he only saw things you'd naturally see, not a big ass chair.

"I paid for the expansion charm," Angela answered, "That and a few other things, primarily an anti-theft charm."

Stiles gaze narrowed in on that, "How much did you pay for it?" his thoughts running a mile a minute, heart pounding.

"For five charms? Five hundred dollars," Angela, "It might seem like a lot, but in the long run, it's definitely worth it."

"Huh," Stiles muttered, shuffling off, grabbing his notebook and he began scribbling information down. A determined look on his face, he usually made money by selling papers online, it didn't make much…but if he learned magic…sold it to people who need it…well, he'd be able to pay off the mortgage on the house…hell, if he managed to make that sort of money he probably wouldn't even need to go to college. He could make magic his full-time job.

"Right, what Runes are you wanting? And what ink?" Angela asked as she put on her gloves, staring expectantly at Stiles.

"He's new to the supernatural world, give him some breathing room," Harry commented, as he stood up and stretched out. "He needs the Algiz rune," it's a protection rune, it would protect anyone from being able to steal his magic.

"Ah, of course," Angela agreed, nodding, it was one of the first runes most magically incline get. One of the strongest ones too, getting out all her equipment out, and the book that held the Algiz runes, there were pages of the same rune, everyone liked something different.

The rune itself, looked like a bird foot, a Y with a line down it's middle.

"I erm…drew one," Stiles admitted, anxiety pouring off him in waves, clutching the notebook closely. Already regretting opening his mouth.

"Let me see it," Peter requested, wondering what on earth had gotten Stiles' heartbeat raised through the roof. Everyone else moved around wanting to see it took, but Peter gave them a single look and they backed off.

Angela watched the scene in neutral curiosity, waiting patiently.

"Ah," Peter murmured when he finally saw the picture, it was little wonder he was apprehensive. It was the Hale pack's insignia, the very same one Derek had branded into his back. It confirmed that some part of Stiles definitely felt the pull towards Derek, towards the Hale pack. This one was red, with the rune crafted into the middle, in gold with an inlay of blue. "What do you think nephew?" he said, showing the picture to him, with a subtle sly smirk on his face.

If you didn't know every nuance of Derek Hale, you would think him unaffected. This was the closest Peter had seen him squirming in years. Abashment with a dash of embarrassment at how pleased he was.

"I didn't know you could draw," Jackson admitted, and the drawing was a good one.

Stiles just shrugged, heart still pounding as he waited on the verdict.

"How big do you plan on getting it and where?" Harry asked, it was actually a good idea, to hide the rune in what looked like a normal tattoo. They wouldn't think anything of it, the rune itself wouldn't be very visible. It was no coincidence that the colours were also the eye colours of the wolves. He'd chosen it with due care and consideration.

"As small as I can," Stiles admitted, he didn't want to be in that chair with those needles for too long. He hated needles, but the thought of losing his magic…well it propelled him on.

"Well, nephew?" Peter drawled, eyes gleaming with amusement, purple flashing through. "As the Alpha you do need to give permission." It was seen as an insult to tattoo a pack's insignia on yourself without permission. Only if you were aware of the supernatural, Peter wouldn't be surprised if there were dozens of people out there with the tattoo without knowing the true meaning of it.

"He's pack, always will be as long as he wants, course he has my permission," Derek said gruffly, feeling rather smug and happy that his mate…his mate…wanted to wear his pack's sign on him.

Peter glanced at Harry wryly, evidently Derek's understanding of what it could mean was flying right over his head in his happiness. It was rare though, this happiness, so he wasn't going to burst his bubble.

"Best get to it soon, I have a Darach to go after," Harry stated, ignoring Angela's startle at hearing that.

"Where do you work from? I have a few other tattoo's I want to get…how far is it from Beacon Hills?" it couldn't be too far; she'd presumably came after work…although it depended on when she finished.

"In a car? Three hours, when you learn to teleport, instantaneous," Angela informed him, generally amused. Accepting the paper gazing at it critically giving it a nod. "By running? Half an hour." She was very fast, and loved the challenge. Although she'd spent twenty minutes trying to actually find the place, their scents were very faint, considering how big Beacon Hills is and the small pack…it was hardly surprising that their scents were faint at the boarders.

"Now are you sure you want it to be red all over? Instead of black with a red boarder?" she asked him, "And do you want it to be visible?"

Stiles frowned, he was well aware colour tended to fade a bit, at least on normal tattoos. "Um, I guess it would look better," watching Angela draw the altered copy to show him how it would look. He nodded immediately; it did look better. "Visible, yeah, nobody will notice it." his father certainly would need to be home to see it, which he rarely ever was. Plus, he was nearly eighteen, so he'd soon be able to get tattoos on his own without parental permission without anyone turning their nose up.

"Alright, where do you want it?" Angela asked, packing away various inks, having no need of those specific ones now that Stiles had made his option clear.

"My shoulder blade."

"Why do you have an iron in there?" Lydia asked, "There are no irons in tattoo processes." Peeking into the woman's bag without any shame whatsoever.

"Any creature that gets a tattoo finds that it will fade within a few hours," Angela said, as she set up the equipment ready to begin. "It needs to be branded on for it to remain, its' not a painless process. It's why you don't meet a lot of werewolves with tattoos. Most use a blowtorch but I rather detest the thought of coming at anyone with an open flame."

"So, it won't disappear if they get burnt or anything like that?" Stiles asked, as always, his curiosity overriding any sensitivity so the subject.

"Yes, the ink bleeds out," Harry said with a dark look on his face, Peter winced, yeah, it was certainly true, his own tattoo had disappeared when he regenerated after becoming Alpha. It had been all but gone anyway, the skin where the tattoo had been burnt beyond recognition.

"What did you have?" Stiles asked curiously, even Derek and Cora were looking at their uncle wanting to know.

"We got matching Tattoo's," Harry told them.

"But you don't have any…" Isaac said, flushing darkly. They'd seen him in a state of undress twice now.

Harry showed them the tattoo that was on his back between his shoulder blades. His hair normally hid it or Harry magically concealed it.

"What's with the triangle?" Erica asked, as Boyd nudged her.

"It's a symbol for what I am, interwind with the Hale pack sign," Harry shrugged, "It's mostly just been magically concealed these past years." Not that he saw it every day in the mirror, for which he was thankful for. It would have hurt dearly.

Derek's lips twitched, from where he sat hand clutching Stiles, taking the small amount of pain the needles caused as the tattoo artist got to work. He wasn't surprised that Peter had rebelled against his mom and did something like that.

Cora spoke, "For someone that didn't want to be part of the pack…" she trailed off, without saying anything further.

"That symbol is…more than just pack, it means something a great deal to you, just like it meant a great deal to Peter. He has just as much right to it as Talia did, he's a Hale too. So, it's natural that he wanted that when we discussed getting a tattoo." Harry replied, "But…if I had been invited, I would have joined the pack, I would have done anything for Peter."

"Would do anything for him." He corrected himself after a few minutes.

"I invited you to join mine," Derek pointed out, cocking his head to the side, "Can you even join a pack?" as Peter's mate it should have been instinctive shouldn't it? That he joins the same pack? Mates make decisions together for a reason, they're two sides of the same coin, soul mates.

"Tell you what Derek…you ask me that without a hint of apprehension and fear then I'll do it," Harry said seriously, he might like to think he wasn't wary, but Harry could smell it on him. He wasn't sure if it was because of his abilities…or the fact he found it difficult to trust anyone.

Derek nodded in agreement, glancing at Angela, deciding against asking right now. It wasn't the time or the place, he'd ask again later. That's if either of them stuck around, Peter and Harry would probably be off hunting for Kate Argent again.

Not that he found that problematic, in fact he was grateful for it. He'd be even more grateful when she was dead. He had his pack to protect, and he wasn't about to let her destroy him again. If that meant seeing her dead, well, so be it. It seems with Peter and Harry's aid; he was becoming one with his wolf and taking up the mantle with pride. Not allowing the way his mom or sister led packs (although Laura really hadn't) deciding to go his own way.

Scott's grating voice of second chances and 'murder not being the solution' for once…didn't enter his bloody – literal in this case – thoughts.

Derek was finally becoming the Alpha that Beacon Hills needed. One that would do whatever he needed to protect the people he loved. And he loved them, they were pack, he'd die to protect them. It was a different love from the love he'd had for his family and first pack…but no less strong.

"Do you need me to stop?" Angela asked Stiles, pausing, his heartbeat was erratic the pattern so different.

"His heartbeat is always that way," Boyd explained, "Maybe just a little quicker than it normally is."

"Its my medicine," Stiles admitted, shrugging his shoulders with a wince.

Derek remained silent, he actually found Stiles' heartbeat calming. Hell, he could find him within seconds in a crowded room. His heartbeat was so singularly different to everyone's. He honestly wouldn't be surprised if that heartbeat became his anchor at some point in the near future.

"Are there any energy drinks available?" Angela asked, not quite getting back to work.

"Don't worry about that, I'll give him a potion if need be," Harry called out, as he emerged from his trunk. Then he proceeded to sit back down and began to read the book, Peter taking a seat next to him. Immediately noticing it was about the spells she currently was enacting.

"Can I look at your portfolio?" Stiles asked, eyeing the folder.

"Sure, go ahead," Angela paused in her task as Stiles grabbed a hold of it, and got back into position, and began to slowly flip through what was on offer. Then the gentle buzzing began again as she got back to work.

For the next half hour, there were quiet murmurs of "That's cool,", "I like that one," and "Awesome!"

Nearly everyone else except for Derek was immersed in a book. Derek was taking Stiles pain and watching the tattoo artist work with an eagle eye. Unlike him, if Stiles didn't like it he was stuck with it. The animalistic part of him watched with puffed up pride as his mark was left on Stiles skin.

"Hey! What's the rune on Pikachu?" Stiles asked, peering at it in curiosity, he'd almost missed it, it was clearly hidden amongst the cartoon animal's tail.

"Lightening rune," she explained, half distracted.

"Wow! You've got marvel stuff!" Stiles almost squealed, barely stopping himself from moving in sheer delight. "Oh my god! I want! I'm getting that one! Oh, and Thor's hammer! Ha! That's awesome imaging using lighting to come out that one!" cackling in delight.

Everyone groaned, and shook their heads in amusement.

"If enough power is put into it, you'll be able to take down an Alpha werewolf with it," Angela said, sounding deeply amused. "Considering you're a Sorcerer mage you'll definitely have the juice to back you up." She had a feeling she'd be back here sooner than she expected or have him coming to her.

"Have you worked with a lot of Sorcerer mages?" Stiles asked contemplatively.

"Only one, Sorcerer mages are quite rare," she replied, "She's situated in the East Coast, New York."

"Is she part of a pack?" Stiles questioned, wondering if he could find her and ask her like a million questions.

"Yes, those with magic are highly coveted, desired within packs, only those with the most to offer usually succeed in ensnaring a magic user. Certainly, more desired than a Druid, who aren't capable of much." Angela explained easily.

"You hear that? I'm coveted," Stiles grinned finding himself wholly amused. "At least someone appreciates me," he huffed when everyone laughed.

"You are appreciated," Derek said lowly, remembering the advice to convey to the human pack members that they were wanted. "Even before I knew what you were." And he was well aware of his shortcomings.

"Did you know what I was, Peter?" Stiles asked, craning around to see the werewolf, without moving.

"I…suspected," Peter slowly admitted, "It wasn't until Harry confirmed it that I realized I was correct."

"All the time he spent around me, he'll have a feel for magic, even if you hadn't come online so to speak." Harry stated, clearly listening to the conversation going on around him as he read everything he could.

"Only strong magic, if I didn't know Deaton was a Darach I wouldn't have sensed anything," Peter mused, fingers massaging Harry's neck absently, like he used to do when they both just sat and read for hours.

Harry snorted derisively, "I've told you; they barely have any magic. Hell, even Werewolves and other creatures have more magic than Druids."

"Why do most pack's use them then?" Stiles asked.

"Tradition, some druids actually put the pack first before their belief in remaining on the side-lines and non-interference." Harry admitted, "The Druids started closing ranks a couple of decades ago, became assholes with grandeur of power that they couldn't get. Did your parents use Deaton as a Druid?"

Angela laughed a little, agreeing entirely, the Druids were old-fashioned now, less and less packs were using them. They would soon become obsolete. "Of course, it helps if those with magic know the existence of the supernatural world." No doubt there were those who had magic, who kept it hidden, kept it a secret.

"How would they know? I didn't know until a couple of years ago!" well nearly two years ago really.

"Magic is…passed on down the line, from either parent, sometimes it misses a generation or so…Stilinski doesn't sound familiar…do you know your moms last name?" Angela stopped her work when she felt her client freeze at her words. She didn't need to read the atmosphere to understand what was going on. "My apologies," she said quietly, not offering condolences, she knew it made not a single bit of difference.

"My mum's maiden name was Claudia Gajos," Stiles said quietly, he felt everyone around him freezing.

"Gajos?" Derek choked out, "That…that explains your magic." He might not know much, but bloody hell, the supernatural world knew about the Gajos bloodline.

"Mieczyslaw Gajos saved my parents, way back when," Peter said pensively, "He was a powerful magic user. The story was always told to us growing up, and Talia in turn told my nieces and nephews and their cousins. If not for him…well, neither Talia or I would have been born."

"I was named after him," Stiles admitted, "It's…been a long time since anyone has been able to say that name correctly. Mom…mom used to call me that and mischief, but when she died I…went by Stiles, like my grandfather, my dad's dad." All of whom were gone now, they'd died before he was born. All he had was a few pictures of them. It made his heart hurt to hear it pronounced so perfectly.

He had a connection to the Hale pack he'd never have imagined in a million years.

"Is your father in charge of your estate until you come of age?" Peter queried.

Stiles just gave him a blank look.

"The Gajos estate," Peter informed him, "Has it all been lost? Even the books?" aghast at the prospect.

"Mom grew up here, the house it was ours," Stiles said, "Until it was mortgaged, I suppose so technically it belongs to the bank, I don't know about the books…"

"Can I look into it?" Peter asked, a new mystery to solve.

Stiles wanted to shrug but remembered in time, "Knock yourself out." He honestly didn't expect anything to come of it. He knew his mom had been an only child, and his grandparents had settled down in Beacon Hills when his grandmother was pregnant with his mom. Now he knew that his grandfather had been magical, and that's where his powers had come from. "I guess Deaton might have known all along then." If his grandfather was so well known.

"That wouldn't surprise me," Peter admitted, his mind mulling over everything he'd just learned. The Gajos estate might not be massive, but there was no way a magic user hadn't amassed a massive library, not one like the Gajos family. There had to be journals, journeyman diaries, and grimoires. Was Stiles even born before Mieczyslaw Gajos passed? What did happen to those sorts of things when/if ones' born ordinary? Could Mieczyslaw Gajos estate be waiting until Stiles turned eighteen? Or had the family had a vault? Would he ever get any of his family legacy? Could they be thinking of another Mieczyslaw Gajos? It was doubtful, that sort of name wasn't exactly popular and trending. With the Gajos books…Stiles would learn extremely quickly, family magicks it would be exactly as he needed it.

Deaton's books and the ones Harry had, weren't geared towards Sorcerer mages but they'd help.

"Alright, Stiles, I'm going to complete the rune, your magic will react, don't fight it and for the Moon's sake, don't let it go." Angela stated.

"Wait, what? My own magic is going to do what? React how?" Stiles asked, eyes wide at what she'd just said.

"Technically you can call what I'm doing blood runes, it's harnessed to your blood, to your magic. So, yes, it will react when the Rune activates, luckily, it's not a touch activating rune, otherwise it wouldn't have been a wise place to put it. you'll also know if anyone's attempting to steal your magic. The rune will flare and prickle, as it works. It will never need renewed." Giving him all the information, he might need.

"Okay," Stiles said, tense and alert in a way he hadn't been before, as the needle once more came at his skin. Anxiety bubbled with Stiles, not knowing what to expect didn't sit well with him.

Then he felt it, his magic swelling within him, and Stiles just imagined a lake, allowing his magic to wash over him. Neither letting it go or fighting the change. He did close his eyes as the glow encompassed his back, it felt very warm for a few moments before the light and heat faded.

"There we go," she said, wiping the tattoo, before she applied a salve to it, then proceeded to wrap it with plastic wrap. It wasn't an easy area to manage, but not impossible, she was used to it. Once that was done, she removed her gloves. "Keep that on for the rest of the evening at least. Now like with normal tattoo's it needs aftercare, I'll give you a salve, someone will have to spread it on for you after you bath. Don't scrub it, use your fingers, make sure they're clean first, then pat it dry with a paper towel. Let it airdry, its good to let the skin breathe. Put the salve on after and leave it uncovered even then."

Stiles nodded, listening intently to what she was saying.

"Scabs will often form in the first few days, and ink may still come up through the skin and need to be washed away. It is important not to pick the scabs or scratch the skin. Any redness or mild swelling usually goes away near the end of the first week."

"With potions a lot earlier," Harry chimed in.

"Around the beginning of the second week, the scabs will start to flake off. It is important to be especially gentle with washing and moisturizing during this week, as it is easy to tear away scabs and damage the tattoo. The skin is likely to feel very itchy during this week, but it must not be scratched. Additional moisturizer may help relieve the itch. Using a moisturizer that is kept in the refrigerator may also soothe itchy or irritated skin. If necessary, an over-the-counter product, such as Benadryl, may be taken by mouth to help relieve the itching." She continued professionally. Using the spiel, she gave all her customers, who weren't always all supernatural.

"I should be writing this down," Stiles said, craning to see the work but unable to.

"Please, like you'll forget," Lydia scoffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder dramatically.

"Scabs and flaking skin can cause the area to look dry and dull. Applying moisturizer, and protecting the tattoo from the sun, will help with these issues. Moisturizing regularly in the months following the tattoo will help keep it looking bright and clear. Protecting the tattoo from the sun with clothing while it is healing, and applying sunscreen after it has healed, is especially important in the first few months." With that she was done, normally her clients thought they knew best…she didn't know how many idiots ended up screwing their tatts by being stupid and just not listening to her.

"The likelihood of his magic protecting it is big as well," Harry commented as he thrust a vial at Stiles before handing a bottle of soda to her. Then a bunch of notes, Stiles almost choked on the potion, he could have sworn they were hundred-dollar bills. At least seven of them! Maybe more.

"Thanks," Angela sighed, sitting back, drinking from the bottle as she sat about putting away her equipment cleaning them up as she worked. The boxes cleaned them automatically and ensured they were sterile. She gave them another going over when she was about to use them again though, habit.

"Stiles, how many deaths have there been as of late that are ritualistic and fit into the three categories?" Harry called out to the boy, his father was the sheriff if anyone knew, it would be him. Stiles had probably read about the spell, more than likely very soon after he'd revealed the information.

Peter gave Harry a curious look, he didn't need Stiles to answer that sort of question. Unless, of course, he's shut down that part of the bond, but even Harry didn't do that full time, he couldn't.

"As far as I know? Five," Stiles explained, as he eased back into his t-shirt, leaving off his plaid. "It's warriors she's after now, so strength. She'll be as strong as a werewolf, maybe even stronger."

Harry smirked, approval written across his face, he would be able to leave with Beacon Hills in Stiles capable hands. "Until she completes the three sacrifices, she won't be stronger than us."

"Here's my studio and number," Angela handed over her card, touching her case which shrank until it was dice small. Which was then wrapped around her neck, and before their eyes she transformed into her leopard form, stretching out shaking her body and bound towards the door, silently demanding an exit.

Harry laughed softly, "I'll talk to you later," he said, with that the door opened for her, and they listened to her paws pounding against stone and grass, until the sounds became lower and lower until she was out of their hearing range.

"Wow," Lydia murmured, "I don't think I'll be able to look at an animal the same."

"Scared Prada might change on you?" Stiles teased, causing Lydia to shudder and Stiles to laugh even more, the others joining in at the look on Lydia's face.

"Has she killed a third?" Peter questioned pensively.

Harry sobered, closing his eyes, he focused on the entirety of Beacon Hills, the Nemeton and everything in-between. Clearing his throat, his eyes snapped open, a solemn nod, "She's probably already searching out 'guardians' to take and sacrifice."

Sighing softly, "It's time then," Peter stated, lips pursing a little, not quite happy that Harry was going out there again, he'd just literally recovered from the injuries he'd sustained fighting Deucalion. "Come on, darling, let's get this over with…I want you to myself." Purple eyes flared.

Harry's own eyes flared in response.

There we go! Don't get into a habit of looking for an update every day ;) I wish I could do that but it would be quite impossible :D I'll most certainly give it a try lol I've rather enjoyed the last few chapters which probably helped me get them updated so quickly! humm you know after the Darach is dealt with...thats the extent of the muse ever got for this story :D I dont have any new plots or such for it...well, Stiles is going off on a whole different direction...heck I didnt even have a plan for Kate to be dealt with it was Duke and Harry mostly that the muse was wanting...and it was written out within five minutes...LMAO! would you like to see more of the Banshee powers when it comes to Lydia? Will Peter find out more information about Stiles' family? Will there be more to them than meet the eye? R&R please!