Another day, another time for school. That's how it's always been when growing up and today is no different. My name is Alex and I am currently attending school overseas at a fairly prestigious place, Kadic Academy. It's a boarding school in France and my parents thought it'd be a good idea for me to get a different setting in my life, or to try and get me a little outgoing, and decided to send me off to this 'wonderful' school till I graduate.

I'm being sarcastic about the wonderful part. I would have preferred to say home but my family was pretty set on me going. It's not something I'm overly fond of but I'm doing what I can. The classes are alright, not too bad, I do pretty well in them enough that I'm not stressing out over anything, and the teachers themselves are alright people.

Well, except maybe one.

"Let's go you maggots! Hustle it up!" Enter Jim. He's our gym teacher basically and the guy is pretty… mmmm eccentric in his teaching means and boisterous attitude. He seems like an alright guy but its hard to think of him in a positive light when he's the one that has you feeling tired and like crap all the time in the form of a ton of exercise. Currently, I am in gym right now running the track field along with the rest of my classmates. I'm a fairly fit guy in my own spare time but that's always been my thing to do on my own terms. Having it told me to do by someone else just doesn't feel as right. Some students are seriously out of shape as they breathe heavily while they try to continue to jog. Some of them immediately sprinted right out of the gate so to say and easily became winded because of it but I decided to keep a small brisk pace the whole way. It's enough that Jim won't yell at me to keep moving and so I'm not feeling like I'm going to die, as some people look like they are going to be. I see a couple students with yellow hair breathing heavily as I pass them and look pretty tired from what I can tell from the hunched over states and sweaty demeanors. "Della Robbia! Belpois! C'mon move it! You're a lap behind everyone else!" Jim calls out to them if I'm guessing.

"Oh man!" I hear a loud whiny voice speak up from behind me, which confirms it. I can't help but smirk as I jog before I pass by Jim and come to a stop. If I kept track correctly, I should be done by now.

I'm right as I watch our couch hit his stopwatch and looks at the time. "Ohhh, nice time. Not the absolute best but you're getting there."

"Thank you, sir." I simply reply and walk off the track and taking deep breaths.

"Alright now, go ahead and hit the showers. Your done for the day." He points back to the building.

"Hm." I nod and begin walking into the gym. It's not like I was trying to be the best out there. See, I'm not really an outgoing person. I do more things in my own spare time than I do out in public and in general I just prefer to keep out of the spotlight. I don't speak up in class, I don't do a lot in my power to draw attention to myself and I just do what I can to make myself as small as possible from everyone else I meet. In fact that's kind of one of the reasons why my parents sent me here, as sort of a way to get me out of my shell so to say and try to make some more friends and be a bit more outgoing.

It hasn't really helped all that much as it just makes find more and more places to be secluded from everyone else. Locking myself in my room, playing games, listening to music with my headphones, or the library and anywhere else I find that's away from people.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't realize that I'm already done and back in my regular clothes. Nothing to brag about. A dress shirt and slacks to say before I slip my backpack on me, both straps, then slip my glasses back onto my face. Passing by a mirror I slip my black hair straight down all over, not bothering to comb it to the side or anything. Gym was my last class for the day so I go ahead and head back to my room. By the time I get out the rest of the students already finish their runs and are glad to be done. I keep my head down as I walk past everyone to head down the path I memorize back to my sanctuary. As I pass by the gymnasium area, I can hear grunts of exertion coming from inside. A quick peak shows a guy and a girl practicing fighting inside. I shake my head and continue walking along the outside of the building. 'That's the Pencak Silat I think. No thanks. I prefer my own.' All I'm doing in this school is the bare minimum of going to school and that's primarily focusing on my grades and that's about it. It's not exactly an outstanding record for when I go to college, but I'll deal with that when I get to it.

While walking I noticeably tense up as I spot the resident school bully and her cronies walking towards me from the opposite end. I quickly turn to the side and start walking across the dirt courtyard to avoid them. Thankfully, whether she doesn't care or not I'm not sure but I'm just glad she doesn't call me out. She stops some other guy but by then I'm already taking a slightly different route back to my room. Classes start to get let out and people are already roaming the halls to do whatever at this point and I don't care. Being on a different route, I begin making my way faster and faster back to my room as my breathing starts to get more heightened. Seeing the familiar halls back of where my room was located brings me some comfort but I just make a quick beeline for it, nudging a few students here and there but soon I make it to my door.

I almost slam the door closed once I pull myself in and lock it. I drop my bag on the floor, let my glasses fall it and sit on my bed where I grab my head between my hands, trying desperately to steady myself. My breathing begins to soften and slow down but the impending headache makes my head throb almost painfully. I quickly lay on my head, kicking off my shoes before I grab my pillow and put it over my head as I lay on my back.

"Haaaaa." I let out a sigh as the cool feeling of the underside of the pillow helps me a little. My eyes still closed, I continue to lay there for some minutes and just let the feel of cold put me at ease.

The headaches get bad every now and then. I've had them for as long as I can remember but they sometimes will happen without warning, or something will just instigate it out of the blue. Hard to gouge when exactly it will happen but the best I can do is just live with it. It's also one of those things I never mentioned to my family as I don't want them to worry you know.

Other times in my life, I've also had some pretty bad cases of déjà vu at times. Just a few weeks back I could have sworn I already lived through one day but that didn't really seem right. All I figured was,

That was a hell of a dream.

Hey everyone. This has been a story that's been on my mind for quite awhile now and after some consideration I just went ahead and decided to go ahead and finally make it. Now to be frank, this story won't be updated as frequently as possibly my other stories because of one crucial fact that I look for in all shows I base my work on. What that is is finding the text transcripts for each episode. By having that it helps me in keeping tracking of what was said here and there without having to rewatch the episodes to know what was said here and there.

Since I can't really find any English transcripts for the show, the dialogue won't line up exactly with what might be said but I'll manage as best I can as things progress.

For now though, I'll go ahead and say that this show was honest to god my childhood and it was several months back that I found the series uploaded to YouTube. For a couple weeks I binge watched the whole series from beginning to end, minus Evolution, and just felt the nostalgic feeling flow through again the whole time. All the while as I watched each and every episode, ideas made themselves known in me trying to come up with some ideas for a story and this is the product. It's so nice to finally get this into words and I hope this gains a fair amount of attention just so I can be even more inspired to continue to write. This prologue was of course going to be a little short but I can assure you things will pick up in the next chapter and we get into the canon part of the show.

I hope this takes off and all of you feel the nostalgia that I will feel as well. Thank you all and I wish everyone of you that reads this a great time to read, and a good day for everyone.