Summary: I needed a better scene with Leonard and Penny after this week's episode (S12E1). So, I created a new one. Their last scene still exists in this story. You know, the one where they hugged and I was reminded why I love them so much!
Word Count: 756
Disclaimer: I don't own The Big Bang Theory or the characters.

"You are sweet and calm."

Leonard and Penny are turning in for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler left that same day, and they were both a little tired due to the events from the past days. Lying down on the bed they both shared for the last few years, Penny observes her husband sitting down on the edge of the bed, facing away from her. She doesn't need to see to know what he is doing. Checking if there are any messages, answering them if there are any, seeing the battery percentage, turning it off. He puts his glasses on the table next to him, then hits his head on the pillow, releasing a satisfactory sigh.

She knows him that well.

As he lies completely on the bed, he's still facing away from her, but she knows he has is eyes closed. Turning the lights off, she glances back at him. One arm his hanging on his waist, the other is under the pillow. His hair is already a mess, even though he has been in this position for less than a minute. His legs are weird when seen from the way the covers are like, and she smiles.

She quietly comes closer to him, to the point where her head falls on his pillow. Her arm immediately finds its place next to his on his waist, her head resting on the crook of his neck. She's so close that he probably feels her breathing.

They stay this way for a while, just feeling the other's warmth. But then Penny fills the silence with her voice.

"You are sweet and calm, Leonard." She whispers into his ear. He doesn't move, but she still continues. "And, I love that about you. You stay out of trouble, usually, trouble finds you." She chuckles. "But, I know that you aren't exactly like Mr. Fowler. But maybe I am a bit too much like Amy's mom." She confesses. After hearing this, Leonard moves to face her, not even bothering taking his glasses back.

He doesn't have to. He knows she is vulnerable now, a façade of hers that only he gets to see, because he's the one she most trusts. No matter how many people she has in her life – Amy and Bernadette, her parents, her siblings – he is the only one that gets to see this part of her.

"I don't care about that Penny. Yes, you are a little bossy, but that's part of who you are. And, the same you love the fact that I'm a calm and sweet, I love that you are bossy. That way, you made me a better person, you know? Because when you are not around and I have to make a decision, I just think 'What would Penny make me do?' and I do that. So, thanks." He smiles after that, looking directly at his wife's eyes.

They're so close to each other that they feel each other's breath, mint from the toothpaste. But they were so far from each other, that they weren't touching, maybe on purpose, maybe not.

"You say that now, but wait thirty years. Maybe then you won't feel the same way." Penny tells him, looking away, but without moving.

"I don't care if it takes you thirty years to understand this, but I do love you. You being bossy isn't going to change that. Sure, I'm not exactly fascinated by your comments from time to time, but you were always like that, and I am unfortunately used to people being like that." He was going to touch her but refrained from doing so.

"I don't want you to be used to it!" She speaks, louder than before. "I just don't want you to be unhappy with who you are. Because you are one the most amazing people I ever met, and yes I want to spend the rest of my days with you, but I don't want you to spend that whole time being unhappy. Your happiness is my happiness, Leonard." She says the last part more softly, sweetly. She reaches out to him, but this time he doesn't, he allows her to envelop him in a really weird hug, in which his head his on the crook of her neck, she's there playing soft kisses on his hair, messing with it ever so often.

"You are sweet and calm. And I love that about you." She whispers to the silent and dark room, as he reaches dreamland. And soon, she meets him there.

The End

This story is going to be a collection of One-Shots, entirely from Leonard/Penny. No Shamy, Howardette or Raj/Cinnamon. Just Lenny, okay? I was reminded that this year is the last year of TBBT, and after this, less and fewer people will read stories from the show (talking from personal experience, of course!)

So, every time I can I will write and then post my one-shots here, probably short like this one, don't know if they'll be as sweet as this one, though.

I already have one written, is probably going to be posted tomorrow.

I know I have to focus on school, but I still adore writing and after two weeks of not writing anything, I was going stir crazy! So, yeah, you are all in luck aparently, cause I'm back! Even if it is only once in a while. You'll see me!