One quiet evening in Croft Manor, Lara was sitting down in a chair in the library reading a book about an ancient artifact. She then heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" She called. The door opened and it was her friend Jonah Maiva.

"Hello Jonah." She greeted warmly. He looked at her and nodded.

"Hey Lara." He replied. He noticed she was reading a book and walked over to her.

"What are you reading?" He asked. She looked at him and showed him the book.

"It's about an ancient artifact hidden somewhere in Transylvania. Apparently, this artifact has the power to control humans and monsters. The user of the artifact can turn the two against each other and they will fight each other with no mercy, no remorse." She explained. Jonah nodded.

"Sounds like a dangerous artifact." He said. Lara nodded and continued reading the book. Jonah then remembered he had heard the name Transylvania before.

"On yeah. Apparently Trinity is in Transylvania searching for something." He said. Lara stopped reading and looked at him again.

"Searching for what exactly?" She asked. Jonah shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know for sure." He replied. "The person who told me this didn't know either." Lara then looked down at her book and had a horrible thought. What if Trinity was searching for the artifact she was reading about? Jonah noticed Lara had a worried look on her face.

"Is something wrong Lara?" He asked. She got up from her chair and looked at him.

"They must be looking for the artifact in the book. They're looking to kill two birds with one stone." She said. It was a little known fact that Trinity were monster haters and also hate humans that don't share their beliefs.

"We have to find the artifact before they do Jonah." She said. He wasn't too sure about this.

"Lara, are you even sure this artifact exists?" He asked. Lara stared at him.

"Look, I was right about Yamatai, I was right about the lost city of Kitezh. I know this artifact can't be just a myth." She said with Jonah quietly agreeing.

"Where would we even start?" Jonah asked. Lara thought for a second.

"Well, I remember reading in my father's notes that he came across a place called Hotel Transylvania while exploring Transylvania. According to his notes, his interactions with the monsters there weren't too good, because they hated humans." She explained. Jonah let out a frustrated sigh.

"Great, so how will we get in?" He asked. Lara shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess we better hope they don't hate humans anymore." She said with Jonah nodding. Lara then left the library and headed to her bedroom to pack some things. She packed her bow, her assault rifle, her shotgun, and her dual pickaxes into a suitcase. She then walked over to her closet and pulled out her old teal tank top, brown shorts and a pair of brown combat boots with white shoelaces. She put the clothes on and then put her jade amulet that she received from Roth around her neck. She then attached two pistol holsters to her legs and went over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of IMI Desert Eagles and put them into the holsters. She then grabbed the suitcase and walked downstairs to greet Jonah, who had packed some of his own things.

"Let's go." She said. Jonah nodded and they both left the manor. Jonah then noticed the second pistol.

"Where'd you get the second pistol?" He asked. She looked at him.

"Been saving it." She replied. "Thought I could make use of it someday."

"Nice." He said and she nodded.

"Two's better than one, right?" She said to which Jonah nodded.

"True." He replied. The two of them then made their way to a private airport and got on board a plane bound for Transylvania.

(A few days later)

The two had finally arrived in Transylvania and headed for the hotel after someone at the airport told them where it was. A few hours later, they arrived at the hotel and went inside. They saw there were monsters and humans together conversing with each other.

"Well, I guess they don't hate humans anymore. " She said. Jonah nodded in response. Before too long, a tall vampire wearing a black cape approached them.

"Welcome to Hotel Transylvania!" He greeted. "I am Count Dracula, the owner of this establishment." Lara looked at him and nodded.

"My name is Lara Croft. This is my friend Jonah Maiva." She greeted. Jonah looked at Drac and nodded.

"A pleasure to meet you." Jonah said. Drac then stared at Lara as if he'd seen her before.

"I've heard of you Lara. Your exploits are known across the world." He said. Lara nodded.

"Well, the island wasn't the best experience, but it was life changing nonetheless." She said. After she said that, a woman with white hair, gold earrings, and a white captains outfit walked over to them.

"Ah Ericka, perfect timing. This is Lara Croft and her friend Jonah." Drac introduced. Ericka looked at the two of them.

"You're Lara Croft? I know all about you! I'm a huge fan." Ericka said. Lara looked back and nodded.

"Didn't know I was so popular." She said.

"Yes, I've read all about your exploits." Ericka said. Lara nodded.

"So, what can we do for you Lara?" Drac asked.

"Well, could we both get a room?" She asked. Drac nodded.

"Of course. Right this way." He said leading the two of them up a flight of stairs. They eventually came to two rooms.

"This will be your room Lara. Jonah, if you'll come with me." He said leading Jonah into the room next door. Lara looked around the room. It was huge.

"This'll do nicely." She said. She sat down on the bed and started hearing giggling nearby.

"What's that?" She asked herself. It sounded like it came from the closet. Lara got up from the bed to investigate. She opened the closet and looked inside. There was a little werewolf girl hiding in the closet. She was dressed in a pink long sleeved shirt with a skull and crossbones symbol on it. She wore a studded collar around her neck and the symbol on the pendent was a circle-a symbol. She had her hair tied in pigtails and she wore a white earring on each ear.

"Hey! You're gonna ruin my hiding spot!" She said.

"What are you doing in there?" Lara asked.

"I'm playing hide and seek with Dennis." She said. Right after she said that, a little boy came in. He had red curly hair and was wearing a shirt that was orange, yellow, and green. His skin was very pale.

"Ha! Found you Winnie!" He said in triumph. She growled.

"No fair Dennis! You only found me because this woman ruined my hiding spot!" Winnie said. Lara looked at her.

"Umm..I have a name. Lara Croft." She said. Dennis looked her.

"I've heard of you." He said.

"You have?" Lara asked in disbelief.

"Uh-huh. Mama Ericka talks about you all the time." He said. Lara then nodded.

"So, aren't you gonna formally introduce yourselves?" She asked. Winnie nodded.

"I'm Winnie. This is my best friend and soon to be Zing Dennis." She introduced. Dennis gave her an annoyed look.

"Winnie, I told you I'm too young to Zing!" He said. Winnie looked back at him.

"Come on, you can't deny it." She said in a teasing voice. Lara gave them a confused look.

"Zing? What's a Zing?" She asked. Winnie turned her attention to Lara.

"It's a monster thing. It's kind of our love at first sight." Winnie explained. Lara's confused look turned to a smile.

"Aww, you two would make a cute couple." She said. Winnie then stared back at Dennis with a look of love in her eyes.

"See? Even she thinks so Dennis! Why don't you just admit that you have feelings for me already?" She said. Dennis got a scared look on his face. He wasn't ready to admit he had a crush on his best friend.

"Nooooo!" He said running from her with Winnie chasing after him. Lara chuckled at this and laid back down on the bed. While this was a nice distraction, she didn't forget the reason she was there; to find that artifact before Trinity did, and save humankind and monsters from destruction.

'I better get that artifact before Trinity does.' She thought to herself. She then yawned.

'After I get some sleep.' She thought. It was a long trip, and she was tired. Lara laid down and closed her eyes. She fell asleep a couple minutes later.