Mina watched Ochaco walk across the classroom. She entered the room with a slight frown that bloomed into a smile for Iida. Then her face relaxed into a softer look until she sat. Midoriya waved and flashed his 100 watt grin, and she beamed back. But that was all. She didn't joke. She didn't stop to chat. Just two big smiles, one of them sadder than Mt. Lady's bank account.

Mina watched her for the rest of the day. As Ochaco identified parts of speech for Yamada-sensei. As she teamed up with Sero-kun for rescue maneuvers. In short, Ochoco was becoming an interesting puzzle.

Mina decided that the other girl had a crush on Midoriya-kun until a few days ago. It had been painfully obvious. She wasn't sure what happened, but Ochoco had come back from their Provisional License Exam a changed woman.

Mina did not like that at all. A girl like that needed a guy (or girl, but considering what she knew of Uraraka, it was a guy she wanted) to anchor her heart while she flew across the sky! In short, if she had to physically force every guy in class to ask Ochaco-chan out, that's what would happen.

Mina spent the rest of the day trying to figure out who would be first. The answer came rather easier than she thought.

Arisawa-sensei slouched in front of the class, "To continue yesterday's assignment, we're going to be pairing you up for rescue maneuvers again. We were able to hire the HUC, so today will not only be graded like a test, you'll also receive individual feedback." His slouch straitened and he suddenly became fierce, "Since Bakugo isn't with us yet, I can only say: Todoroki, take this as redemption! I want to see your rescue skills!"

He reached under his lectern, pulling out a box we knew too well. He reached in, "Iida with Kaminari." Mina waited patiently for her name to be called, "Mineta with Ashido." She glanced at the lumpy little hentai, and inspiration struck! Maybe Mineta needed a good girl to stop being so gross. Maybe he'd show Ochaco there were other fish in the sea! Well, in any case, he was male, interested in girls and probably knew something about being charming. Honestly, how else does a perv get girls to perv on if they don't know what girls like? It was very logical.

When they arrived at their spot, Mina surveyed the scene. "By the way, what did you do to rescue people?"

Mineta looked up, his tiny cape fluttering in the breeze, "It was simple, really." He picked off invisible lint, "Pop off a ball and use it to pull up people safe to move. A few stuck together is a rope. Plus, I'm small, so I can fit in tight spaces, find people, shore up structures. You?"

"Sort of similar. I can carve hand and footholds into almost any kind of material. I'm stronger than I look, so I can carry people. I'm also certified in CPR, so I can resuscitate, triage."

"How often do you practice mouth to mouth?"

"You know what, you little..." Mina smiled suddenly, "You know, I have a deal for you. I'll play along all day, and if I get the chance, I'll flash some flesh, mmm?" She ran hands over her curves, "All you have to do is ask Ochaco-chan on a nice date. Treat her right, and try not to perv her out. Can you do that?"

"Girls like her don't even go out on a friends date with guys like me."

Mina frowned, "Don't give up just yet. I'll make it happen. You have funds to take her out?"

"You're serious? You're not fighting with her or something? Don't try to use me, that's low. I know what you girls think."

"It's not like that." Mina shook her head, "I promise we're on good terms, I just think she needs to get out, have some fun. With a guy. Now, do we have a deal or what?"

Mineta eyed her lecherously, "You got it. Date is Friday night, dinner and a movie?"

"No pervy stuff at the movies."

"You get me a date, you make the rules. Maybe it'll turn out she really likes grape."

Mina struggled not to roll her eyes.

AN/ The rest of the story should be in first person. I truly suck at third, but this isn't Mina's story. Each story is self-contained, so you can skip ships (I don't participate in shipping wars! Please take out your angst somewhere else.) you can't stand. But, they'll be interconnected a little, too, and some boys will get multiple dates. IF you have a song/boy or girl/idea PLEASE tell me! I love requests and I give credit! (You can see for yourself, I have done this before in my Bleached Muses!) Let's get on gettin' it on. (Starting with the toughest ship. IS there a Mineta story out there? He's growing on me. Like fungus or bacteria...) ALSO! I use the spellings in the MHA wiki. A beta would be cool. You wanna read it first? If you read/write English let me know! Review~! It's easy, and pain free! Also makes me happy!