Y a m a z a k i ' s D i a r y

A/N: There aren't enough Yamazaki fics out there, I can tell yeh, and he is one of my favourite characters! So here it is ladies and gentlemen! I have STOLEN HIS DIARY AND PUT IT UP ON THE INTERNET! One of the worst things that could ever happen to someone!

I originally had this story in the font: "Kristen ITC" and it gives the writings a lot more personality. ^-^ Please review when you're done, and remember something inspirational Yamazaki once said. which would be. oh, never mind, just read the story!


October 31st, 1952

Dear Diary,

Why ever did I do to deserve this terrible relationship!? I tell Chiharu that her chocolates are terrible, and the next thing I know, I am being throttled! Oh, maybe I am too feminine for her, after all, I AM writing in a diary! The cover is all pink and fluffy. ahh..

Maybe, I am too attractive for her! She feels that I am out of her league! And she shows this by hurting me to try and gain dominance! Of course, that's it! I was waaay off with the feminine thing.

But, diary, I must confess. I have a SECRET CRUSH ON EVERYONE IN MY CLASS! Not only that! I HAVE A SECRET CRUSH ON EVERYONE IN MY SCHOOL! Yes! If Chiharu ever found out about this, she would be *ahem* CRUSHED! How ironic, crushed by all my crushes.

Why, it was jus today that I asked Sakura to run away with me to sail the banks of the Nile in my yacht. She merely stared at me and said 'hoee?!'

I then repeated this process to Tomoyo who said asked me to move out of the way so she could film Sakura. No imagination that girl has! Speaking of imagination. I have nothing to say about that (right now) but it turns out that Eriol was the only one who was willing to sail the banks of the Nile with me, but then I realized the horrible truth.

'Eli- I mean, Eriol,' I said, 'I am sorry, but I am not in love with you any more!'

Poor chap, broke his heart. But I couldn't lie to him; I'm not that kind of person.

He did take it quite well, though. 'That's okay Yamazaki. I wasn't entirely sure if you had a yacht anyway!' he said. How rude!

'I'll have you know that I have a yacht!' I said, angrily, too angry to even open my eyes! Then I ran away because in reality, I don't have a yacht- I have two! How would I ever explain that one? Whilst I was running away, I ran into an old man with a walker, and knocked him over and dented the walker. I kept running, because I was sure that Eriol was in close pursuit.
I ran all the way to that bridge that Sakura and Tomoyo always met during the first season of their TV show! But I am under a very binding contract to pretend that I had no idea about that show. So, shh!

'Goodbye cruel world!' I said, and jumped off the bridge into the waters of doom.


Or it would have been the end if the bridge had been high off the ground and the river deep. I don't suppose it could have been my demise lest I had eaten clogs!

So then, with all my clothes wet, I ran back to school to face Eriol once and for all! No big, tough guy was gonna scare me out of an education!

As I ran I thought to myself, 'Oh! If only I was handsome like in manga! Then I could win Chiharu's heart!' and in my haste, I hit that old man again, just as he was getting up. Like I always say, help people and you'll wonder why you ever ate clogs in the first place. Honestly! Of course, I didn't want to wonder about my clog-eating, so I left him.

I managed to get to the school right after the bell rang. Chiharu and her friends ran outside and saw me, dripping wet.

'My, my, Yamazaki! You look divine!' Chiharu said, and embraced me. Though, in my condition, I couldn't really tell what was going on, so she might have said: 'YAMAZAKI YOU IDIOT! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING RUNNING OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS AND JUMPING INTO THE RIVER AGAIN, WHY I OUGHTA-!' and punched me. Details, details! The important thing is that Eriol never showed up for our scheduled duel! So, I won by forfeit!

Eriol, you treasonous dog! I shall have my revenge- AGAIN!




A/N: So what did y'all think? No, Yamazaki doesn't have a crush on everyone in his class; he is just a bit delirious and says random things sometimes. That's the great thing about Yamazaki! Don't worry, he might eventually learn how to write the date. Please REVIEW! IT WOULD MAKE ME SO VERY, VERY HAPPY!! REEEVIEW!!

PS- Just to make it clear, I don't own Yamazaki or anything like that! Just incase you thought I did... -_-*