Chapter 1

Agent Sakura Haruno knows more than anyone that nightmares are not only reserved for the darkness of one's vast deep suspended consciousness. The concept of nightmares can be quite tangible within the realms of reality. She has witnessed it first hand.

The cruelty that mankind has to offer. The nightmares that have physical forms and human faces. In a world where corruption continues to run rampant, it's people like her who fight to put a stop to it.

She is working: Rough hands are currently upon her pale skin. It's a touch that burns as if it were pure acid washing upon exposed soft flesh. His mouth is on hers and words are whispered upon her lips with the intent to verbally dominate and degrade her. "Fucking Bitch", he hisses at her in between clumsy and loathsome kisses. His breathing is heavy as they exit the elevator on his floor. She is granted a moment's peace once he finally pulls away.

Sakura is aware that they are out of sight from all security cameras his luxury apartment complex has to offer once the elevator door closes behind them..

Walking a short distance towards his apartment, she suddenly registers light pain as her "partner" slams her roughly against his mahogany front door. He owns the entire floor. There is zero risk of someone interrupting them or being witness to his roughhousing. She feels his rising manhood through his black slacks and her red tight cocktail dress as he closes the distance between them. It is apparent that he intends to fuck her.

She expected as much the moment he offered to take her back to his place after he bought her a second cocktail. The detail that she was a minor didn't deter him in the least . If anything, he seemed even more smitten with her when she disclosed this information at the bar. Either way, she was here. And she mentally applauded her good work. Sakura wanted him to desire her from the very beginning.

This is work. A seduction mission. She doesn't particularly like these types of missions. However, she gains solace in that every pathetic fuck she allows to touch her, it usually leads to a line of information that will aid in her quest of putting sick bastards away. Sex. As a ninja she has countless tricks up her sleeve to evade such an unsavory task. Her seduction missions typically don't make it past the first or second base. Though, he doesn't know that.

A large hand grabs her at the throat. She fixes her emerald eyes on her target. Hideki Saburo. A high ranking politician with the unfortunate habit of assaulting women. He was already a concern considering that he has a trail of accusations from an alarming amount of women and teenagers. It was speculated his fortune of not properly being investigated by the police, and having gone so long without persecution was thanks to his ability of bribing top officials. In addition, it was alleged that he routinely threatened and harassed his victims if there was word his advances and assault would come to light. After the initial report, every case on him was dropped. He was already a threat to the peace. And as a result, a prime target for her agency. However, priority in his demise escalated once one of the most recent girls that accused him of assault went missing a month prior.

Initially, it looked to be a possible coincidence. Saburo didn't have a history of kidnapping or violence beyond sexual assault and verbal threats. However, evidence recently surfaced that indicated Saburo was possible suspect. A few weeks ago an Asuka Yasu had washed up on a secluded private beach a small town a ways from the capital. Hundreds of miles from her job. Which was where she was last sighted. She worked as a hostess at a high end bar downtown Konohagakure. The last person to see Asuka alive was her coworker who walked her to her car after her shift.

Asuka wasn't seen again until her body was sighted by a group of teenagers who were trespassing on the beach with the intent of Summer fun. The elation of Summer vacation was forgotten the moment her decomposing body was sighted. The cops were promptly called.

Asuka's body had been badly mutilated. And her face had been so severely beaten in that it was necessary to use dental records to identify her. Upon investigation on Sakura's part, she had came across information that Asuka was looking to push for justice. Not only that, Asuka confided in her mother that she was pregnant.

It was alleged that with Hideki's assault, she became pregnant with his child. Evidence had always been "displaced" when it came to Hideki's various cases. However, one cannot displace a child if it came to term. Meaning that Hideki had motive.

Hideki releases his hold on Sakura's neck and leans forward. His lips press upon the sensitive skin where his hand had been not so long ago. Upon this action, Sakura discreetly moves the back of her hand onto her lips. The scentless and tasteless oil upon the metal of her silver ring instantly lines her lips. While potent to her targets, she was personally immune. After all, she created the fast-acting sedative. It was a new tactic of hers, this method of poisoning. The ring was a bit outlandish, and could be considered a complicated way to transfer poison to one's target because, of course, there was always the risk of accidentally wiping the poison off from the ring. Just the absent minded habit of washing her hands could foil her plans.

However, the effort and risk, in her opinion, was worth it.

His lips trail from her exposed neck to her jaw. Sakura reluctantly uses her other hand to run delicate fingers through Hideki's thinning black and white peppered hair while simultaneously attempting to not shudder as his disgusting hands grope her small breasts. Finally, his thin chapped lips meet hers. Within seconds his body slumps forward onto her with none the wiser. His 6'1" form is easily cast aside onto the floor by arms and small calloused hands honed with handling large opponents. Searching through his pockets she easily finds the keys to his front door.

She already knows he doesn't keep security beyond the reception area. As a result, Sakura doesn't bother searching his apartment for other potential individuals. They should be alone.

Dragging the dead weight of his body into the living room, she flips on the lights and begins her search. Having studied the layout of Hideki's penthouse, she moves with the grace of someone familiar with her surroundings.

First, she went to his office. She needed access to his computer. Sakura intends to download the scope of the content from his computer onto a drive she was given to by a girl from the tech, TenTen. "Just put this into the USB compartment and leave it be for a few minutes. It'll hack past everything and give me full access to his computer."

Sakura did as she was instructed by TenTen earlier that evening.

With that done, she began to search through his office documents. There was little to be found. Except one post it note within a new notebook. A single word was written aggressively in ink.

"Tailed Beast".

Sakura frowned. Not knowing the origin but feeling that it was important, she brought out her phone from her purse and took a picture of the post-it note. Putting the notebook back in place within the drawer she had found it in, she deemed the office having nothing more useful. Pulling the device from Hideki's computer and into her black leather clutch, she continued towards what she knew would be the master bedroom.

His bedroom.

Her hand upon the brass door knob, she instinctively felt as if something were off. Senses keen and on the ready, she slowly turned the handle and peered within the dark room. Light and dark. The outline of her shadow stood confidently in the center of the doorway as light spilled from behind her.

Entering the room she switches on the light and looks around. A muffled sound instantly filters to her sensitive ears. She turns in the direction of the sound and moves cautiously. A kunai is grasped from the desecrate holster that she equipped herself upon her high inner thigh. The sound comes again as she nears what she initially perceived to be the source within the vast open bedroom. This time it is louder and undeniable.

A whimper.

Sakura's stomach drops. Before she opens the door within Hideki's closet, she knows what she'll find. Within the closet, huddled within the darkness, is a young girl of obvious foreign origin with dark tan skin, red hair, and light brown eyes. Upon seeing that it's Sakura, a woman, tears of relief and confusion whelms within the eyes of the young girl who could be no older than twelve. "W-Who are you? W-what d-d-do you want?" The girl stutters softly.

Sakura turns on the light within the closet and stoops down to the girl who she sees is shackled by her wrists.

"I'm here to help. You're safe."