The second I mentioned Kronos, the temperature around us dropped quickly which made Artemis tense up and gove me a firm look, "Tis a name no one speaks of, for your own benefit refrain yourself from speaking it, boy."

The way Artemis acts is sometimes annoying, but I guess because you're a god or goddess, you can't change so easily. Today I might end up dead or wanted dead from all the gods, "I see...Then what is he? Before I was recruited by you, these monsters I kept as prisoners told me about him but I don't remember what exactly they said, since I didn't think it was important."

"As you should, he was a being that ate his children because of what they might do, so watch whose names you say out loud. There is not a single being that he can't reach. Although thee titan lord of time resides in Tartarus you'll find that he may as well be walking on this earth as we do." Artemis spoke carefully, so even when he's dead or imprisoned I guess I should say, he can scare the gods, and kill those who get in his way. That is a load of shit, if he can kill me while he's in a place he can't get out of, then why am I still alive?

Those gods may be afraid of him, but I'm not. "Pushing that 'lord of time' aside, I asked you one more thing, your answer may change my mind," I said.

Artemis looked me over and nodded, "There is absolutely nothing that you can do to bring down the gods, but since you are an offspring of lord Zeus, you can challenge a god, as for what I think about them. Well simply put, I don't care, because each god is different, but all of us need one another." Artemis walked over to me, "Does that, answer thy question?" I could feel all the hunters glares they were giving me for talking to her like that, like she wasn't a goddess at all. Like she was just a regular person with no importance.

"It does, but now I have another question, if I lose my immortality, what happens to me then? Do I instantly get some sort of power that can be used by the Titan lord of Time? Or will my 'Father' smite me down where I stand?" I said the word father with contempt and hatred.

Artemis shook her head, "If you break thou oath, Ye will be in the hands of thy fates."

There it is again, the 'Fates' what does she mean by that? I can't ask her right now, otherwise, we'll just be going in circles. I really don't want the gods to stay as 'all-powerful beings' because that isn't going to help us, by us I mean me and other demi-gods, I guess now I truly believe everything Artemis has told me.

I took a long deep breath and kneeled at Artemis's feet, "I don't care about the other gods and those titans, I am a hunter, your hunter, I will obey your every order." I promised.

Even though I said all those things Artemis didn't look worried or surprised. She kept the same expression the entire time I talked, she nodded and looked at her hunters, "Will this suffice?"

One or two hunters nodded, but none of the others agreed nor did they disagree. Almost every single hunter stared at me with disgusted looks, the only one who looked at me with concern, was Zoe Nightshade. I don't understand her, first, she hates me then she shows some sympathy, now she's concerned about me? I don't know why she's concerned about me, I mean it's not like she has to be careful about what she does, and from what Artemis has told me, Zoe and the hunters should hate men, even if one is somehow accepted into their group. That oath is stupid in my opinion, but what I think doesn't matter, because I am now apart of this group.

All I need to do is follow Artemis' orders, and that way I won't be apart of this great Prophecy, but even I can't be sure I'm not going to play some part in it. Before I joined Artemis, I thought she was going to be arrogant since she is a god, but she was nothing of the sort, she was rude, yes, but there was no hate in what she said, she did not care for me, but she did not want to see me dead. I can't tell what she has planned for me, but I think she wishes for her hunters to get along with men enough to the point where they won't want to kill them when they land their 'lustful' eyes on them.

Obviously I could be wrong, actually, I'll most likely be wrong since there is nothing on her face that shows me anything about what she's thinking. After Artemis changed my mind about going against the gods, we headed west. The distance we covered in a day was insane, I don't really understand how they get from one state to the next so quickly, but trying to figure that out will probably take a long time, because I still have to read up on the Greek gods and the history behind the Greeks, and if possible, I'll look into the titans and all the monsters that follow those titans.

This camp that all the hunters hate has been on my mind for a while now, like what kind of camp is it? Since we're going there that means it isn't going to be a normal camp, it's either going to be some sort of military type camp for Half-Bloods, or a safe haven for Half-Bloods.

My guess is both, but maybe not a military type camp, maybe something that does involve training? Or at least something that'll help you survive, like how to make arrows that work against those monsters and traps of some sort.

As Artemis led us to camp half-blood I started thinking about the so-called immortality for the hunters, for sure I know Artemis is immortal, but us? I don't think we actually immortal, I mean how am I supposed to believe that? No one has shown me that they're not from this era, they speak old school but so what? A picture from their past might help, preferably a picture with a date of what time they're from.

Enough about that, now I have to think about what the hell am I going to do about being at the camp with the hunters? Is she really going to leave me there with them? Just so we would get along together? Or maybe it's something else entirely? Or maybe I'm just overthinking all this. Of course overthinking things speed up time, actually no it doesn't it just takes your mind off that time that's pretty much useless, plus it's not like any is going to talk to me.

I guess three hours passed while I was thinking which surprised me, how can so much time pass without me noticing? Ten minutes is usually the most I can do, but three hours? To be honest it felt more like ten seconds like time wasn't really moving at all, with that thought we finally came to a stop, "Boy." Artemis called.

I guess she's back to calling me that. "Yes?" I walked to her side and looked up, what the hell...This hill, I can see it, but it's flickering between a big hill to trees all over the place. "Why is it doing that?" I asked.

"Right now you see a hill and something else, that is because thou mind still doubts the gods or your mind is really weak against magic." She smirked at that last comment, what does that mean? With that Artemis started forward and the hunters followed. Well let's see just how much I guessed right. I walked up behind them but was stopped by something, it was like walking into a wall, "What...?"

I put my hand on the invisible wall, Artemis mentioned something about that I might be weak against magic...Does she mean real magic? Like actual magic? Or did she mean something else? God...Why can't gods just tell you what they mean? Am I going to get some spell cast on me because I couldn't get past whatever this is? As I stood there dumbfounded I could see the other hunters laughing at me, only Artemis and Zoe watched me with curiosity. I really don't like the fact that this is somehow a test for me, at least that's what this feels like, how can I still be doubting the gods?

I mean I already believe Artemis, so why? Maybe I really weak against this 'magic'. Just that thought alone got me angry, I've killed so many monsters and survived on my own for years, but I'm weakest against something that probably doesn't even exist?! No I don't accept that. This forcefield or whatever the hell it is, it has to be some trick or something.

As I stood there and looked at the forcefield the hunters looked down on me with those hateful eyes, but they still laughed at me, not even a few seconds later they frowned and started to draw their arrows, I looked at my hand on the forcefield and saw lightning flickering off me. Well...That's interesting.

I pushed forward and my hand went through. As I walked forward I looked up and noticed that there was one more person...Well maybe not a person per se, more like a half-human half-horse? Anyway, the horseman was talking to Artemis, but he didn't look happy about what she told him. Whatever she said must have been about me, because he looked at me as I approached, what did she say to him to make him look so scared? The hunters withdrew their arrows and looked at Artemis, the goddess nodded to Zoe, "While I am away, try to teach the boy a few things about archery, and show him you're not just 'girls'." Artemis smiled to her hunters who nodded and watched her walk away.

I may have underestimated them when I first met them, but that won't happen again. Artemis didn't tell me that I had to listen to any of the hunters, which means I can explore this camp without their permission, not that I needed it. Hmm, Looks like they had the same idea because told the hunters to go to cabin eight. As the hunters got further away I felt the need to follow them, but the horseman was still standing in the same spot he was in when he was talking to Artemis, for a split second he looked down at me with pity...Or maybe it was something else...Ugh, I've become so indecisive ever since I found out about these...Gods and monsters, everything was simple before all this. Why did he give me that look though? What does he know?

He cleared his throat, "Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier, my name is Chiron, and I am the activities director here at Camp Half-Blood, welcome."

I looked at the hunters, they didn't even wait for me, they were already gone. I guess since they've already been here they know where to go, I sighed and looked at Chiron. "So what am I doing here? Artemis already told you everything, which is why you don't want me here. Right?" I asked.

Chiron chuckled turned around, "Follow me, I have a lot to show you."

Another one that doesn't want to listen to me, great...He lead me to a big house, which to me seemed out of place, because from here I could see quite a bit of this camp. After that he took me to the cabins, where I found hunters again, when I poked my head in, they looked annoyed, right, time to continue this tour. Before we could continue Zoe said, "Boy!" But I ignored her and kept waking, but I heard her call my name under her breath, so I stopped and turned to her, "Yes?"

She rolled her eyes, "Go to the arena after thy tour."

I don't need to listen to her, but maybe this is my chance to see what they do for training. I nodded, "Sure."

Thanks for reading!
Rilurz ~