Chapter 1: Saying Goodbye, only to say hello.

Yay, I'm writing a Heroes of Olympus fanfiction when I've literally only read the first two chapters of SoN. I took a lot of inspiration for the overall plot of this from the fanfiction 'Legacy of Asgard'. Like that fic, in this it's a Preyna fic, Percy's the son of a norse god, and he has a destiny to save the world. I highly recommend you go check that fanfiction out, it's absolutely amazing and I hope to the god's that the author doesn't hate me for stealing ideas, even though I changed most details. Preyna is my new ship now, yay! I know in about two weeks my ship will be percy/someone else though. Still, I'll enjoy it while it lasts. I'm just gonna wait till my OC/Zoe and Percy/Bianca lovings come back before I continue those fanfictions. Also, this will have no ties to the Magnus Chase series as I have not read those yet and know nothing about it. Finally, in this world, Kronos and Gaea never tried to return, so this is the first real danger Olympus has faced in the past few centuries.

Chapter 1: Saying Goodbye, only to say hello.

I hugged my mom tight as the portal opened next to us, the portal being my way of transport to my new camp for demigods that my great-grandfather was sending me to. She was using magic to cover up the half of her that was... less than desirable to humans, though she knew I didn't mind seeing her true form. My great-uncle stood next to the portal with a sad smile on his face, patiently waiting for our emotional moment two be over.

We all knew that once I stepped through that portal, that would be the end of an era, not literally of course. It would be the end of me living with mom, becoming friends with important historical figures, and there would be no more peace, at least not for a while. Instead, I had a destiny to fulfill, one that my great-grandfather had forseen centuries ago. It was a prophecy that would determine the fate of Ragnarok, Armageddon, the Apocalypse, or in simpler terms, the end of everything.

Basically, the prophecy went like this:

The son of death shall rise

To choose the decision he thinks wise,

A decision to decide the fates of all

The worlds survival or it's fall?

The all-powerful Olympians bow at his feet

The gods or fate, who will be beat?

Okay, you are probably really confused as to what's going on right now. Who am I? What is Ragnarok? Who are my family? I can easily answer all those questions for you. To put it simply, I am Perseus Helason, son of (you guessed it) Hela, the Norse Goddess of death. My great-uncle, the man standing next to the portal, is Thor, the God of Thunder and crown prince of Asgard. My grandfather is his brother Loki, God of Mischief and Lies. My great-grandfather, the one who foresaw the prophecy, is the Allfather Odin, King of Asgard.

Ragnarok is another thing my great-grandfather has foreseen. It is what mortals would call the end of the world. Many great battles shall ensue, with armies from all nine realms fighting against each other in a bloody war that will leave its mark on Yggdrasil. Many gods will be slain, including Odin, Thor and Loki. Natural disasters shall destroy what's left of the mortal realm of Midgard, or Earth, most of it being tidal waves caused by my uncle, the world serpent Jormungand. My other uncle, Fenrir/The Fenris Wolf, shall devour Odin and the freaking sun before being slain by my other great-uncle Vidar, the god of vengeance. Thor will fight Jormungand, eventually killing the serpent before succumbing to his wounds and Jormungand's poison flowing through his veins. Loki and Heimdall, the gatekeeper of Asgard, will fight and kill each other on the bifrost and many more tragedies will occur, ending with the destruction and rebirth of Midgard, and the surviving god's being left to pick up from there.

Sounds fun, doesn't it? Fortunately, there is a way to stop it, Me! Odin has foretold that I, joined by my brothers in arms, gods, and the Olympians will fight to prevent Ragnarok in a way which has not been revealed to me. He predicts that I will not only have the Aesir by my side, but also the Greek and Romans along with their demigod armies. We shall of course, be backed up by the Valkyries, the long-deceased warriors of Valhalla known as the Einherjar, and many more smaller groups of fighters. I can only hope that mom and my uncles will fight beside me to stop their destinies, as I do not want to fight them. Honestly, even though I have trained for this my whole life, I wish I had nothing to do with it, it's just too much pressure to put on a 15 year olds shoulders.

I hugged my mom even tighter as I thought of what was to come. Truth be told, I was scared, and I'm pretty sure she could sense that. She started stroking my hair as she hugged me even tighter. She kissed my forehead and we released from the hug. If any Aesir looked at me, not knowing who I was, they would've known who I was immediately. I had most of my mom's features, aside from the skelebones half. My midnight black hair was cut so that I looked pretty normal in the mortal world, whereas it would usually be down to my shoulders in Asgard or Niflheim. I had her deep green eyes and her terrifying/calming smirk, depending on whichever mood I was in. If you were my opponent, it was terrifying, if you were my ally, it was calming.

We both wore black, her wearing a dress while I wore a black shirt and jeans. Normally I would wear my black and gold armor or a tunic, but that would look out of place for a supposed roman demigod that's only just learned of his parentage. I still got to bring my axe, Kaos, which wielded the full power of a star. Getting hit by that thing would obliterate most living organisms, aside from more powerful things like gods, titans, primordials and anything else in that range of power. Instead, it would take a few more good shots to kill one of them. It was forged by the dwarves from the heart of a dying star, similar to Thor's hammer Mjolnir. Odin thought it would be a great help in my quest to prevent Ragnarok. Obviously, I'm not going to be swingin' that around camp, I'd be branded a traitor and executed if they found out that I wasn't Roman

My great-uncle cleared his throat, indicating that we should go. I looked around the room, not only was mom and Thor there, but so were most of the Aesir. My great-grandfather looked at me with a smile on his face. If he had both eyes, no helmet and no staff, he would've looked like Santa on Christmas Eve.

"Perseus, my grandson, the time has come for you to venture forth and fulfill the prophecy you are destined for. With your mighty weapon Kaos at your side, you will find little trouble, but if you are ever in need of support, advice, or just someone to talk to, we are here for you" He raised his glass of mead before calling the words "Go forth, young hero! May the blessing of Yggdrasil be with you and may you succeed in your quest! Long live Asgard!" His toast was followed with shouts of "Long live Asgard!" from almost everyone in the hall, the only exceptions being me, mom, Thor and Heimdall, who was holding open the portal.

I nodded and smiled at the group of warriors I called family. Saying one last silent goodbye to everyone there: Odin, Frigg, Loki, Mom, Tyr, Vidar, Sif, Frey, Baldr, Hermod, Heimdall and many more before following my great-uncle Thor through the portal.

The portal closed behind us as I got one final look at my family, smiling the whole time as they raised their glasses to me. How I would miss them. "Well then, come nephew, we must go." My uncle beckoned for me to follow and I obliged. I noticed that Thor had changed his form slightly so that he looked more like a lumberjack than an Asgardian warrior prince. Odin, along with Mom, Loki, Tyr and Thor, had formulated a plan to stop Ragnarok.

Basically, I would attend Camp Jupiter, the camp for Roman demigods, where I would gain the support of the Roman Legion. When the time comes, I will tell them of my heritage and convince them to join the Aesir in the upcoming war to stop the even bigger and bloodier war that was Ragnarok. Eventually, this would attract the attention of the Roman god's who, also being the Greek gods, would join us along with the Greek demigods to stop Ragnarok. The hard part of the plan was actually convincing them to do anything. The Romans would likely execute me for not being roman, the Greeks would execute me for being too powerful, and if I managed to escape that, Ragnarok would come and me and practically everyone I love will die. No sweat.

We were starting with the Romans because, surprisingly, they would be much easier to convince than the Greeks. 60% of the Olympian council have their heads so far up their asses that they wouldn't believe that there was anything powerful enough to destroy them, Zeus and Poseidon especially. Really the only reasonable gods there were Hades, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes and Hestia. Honestly, just because they surprise attacked their parents, the Titans, and won, the Olympians thought they were invincible. Even Odin, the most powerful being in the nine realms, knew he wasn't invincible. He was prepared every day to die. Zeus sat there on his throne all day thinking that not even the armies of minions that the Titans and Primordials conjured up couldn't even make him bleed. How wrong he was.

We walked through the forest for what felt like an hour before reaching a tunnel. To any mortal it would've looked like a normal tunnel, but I knew better. This was the entrance to New Rome, the city in which Camp Jupiter was stationed. My uncle turned to look at me, his red hair and bushy beard flowing with the wind looking majestic.

"Well, Nephew. I'm afraid this is where I leave you. The second you step through that tunnel, they will know of your presence. Remember, if they try to harm you for being a Norse demigod, show them the true might of a worthy weapon like Kaos." The patted my shoulder. I smiled at him, before speaking. "I will uncle. Good luck." The god smiled, and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back the man I thought of as a second father, the first being Loki. Thor had been with me through thick and thin, helping to train me since I could walk. He pulled away before giving me one of his cheerful smiles and summoning Mjolnir. Raising it up to the sky, he said to me "Stay safe, my boy." before lightning struck him in a flash. And then he was gone.

I was on my own now, no more family to protect me. Taking a deep breath, I entered the tunnel and prepared for my new journey. Walking through the large forest, I headed west. I need not have seen the wolf, Lupa, as I already knew what I was doing. Deciding to pass the time, I began to sing one of the songs that uncle Frey always sung while he farmed on Vanaheim.

"Almost Heaven, West Virginia…"

[Time Skip]

"Take me home, country roads." I finished the song for what felt like the 1000th time as a large stone wall came into view. Even though it was a wall, I have to say, it was beautiful. The architecture was so complex and magnificent for a simple wall that it almost seemed like overkill.

My thoughts were interrupted by the shouts coming from the two soldiers standing guard at the door. They wore red capes and golden armor as the pointed their swords at me.

"Halt! Who goes there?" One of them, a male, shouted at me. I straightened myself and put my hands up, faking surrender. "I am Percy Jackson, a son of Pluto… My mom sent me here. She said I needed to train for something." The two guards looked suspicious, but nodded and lowered their weapons. "Very well, follow us." This time it was the female that spoke. She ushered for me to follow and I did so.

They led me through the gate and I almost gasped at both the feeling and sight. It was as if I'd been taken through some wet and invisible forcefield. Speaking of invisible, the second I stepped through the gate, a large, magnificent city appeared out of nowhere. It rivalled Asgard on the 'Most magnificent cities in the nine realms' list.

The architecture was glorious, I always knew of course that the romans sort of had a thing for architecture, but once you saw it in person, you couldn't look away. The marble buildings with red roofs all looked relatively similar, but they were all unique in some way or another. Many houses could be seen down to the right of the large square they were currently standing in. Government buildings and a remake of the original colosseum could be seen straight ahead, going into the city centre, and down the left was many business and a market where I assumed people bought all their little trinkets.

The gatekeepers handed me off to two passing soldiers in purple uniform and I followed them straight forward to the government district of New Rome. I followed them for about five minutes before we reached a large marble building with some Latin inscribed on the front of it. The soldiers walked up the steps and inside and so I followed.

It seemed as though a meeting had just ended as people in toga's packed up and exited the building. In the centre of the large auditorium, two teenagers maybe a bit older than me were packing their bags and preparing to leave. The soldiers bowed. "Praetors, we have an unexpected arrival at camp, he claims to be Percy Jackson, a son of Pluto." The praetors eyed me suspiciously before the female one spoke. "Very well, until his godly parent claims him, we cannot know for sure. Octavian, get over here!" A scrawny blond boy with a bunch of Teddies attached to his belt walked over. Someone's got some issues.

"Yes, Praetors?" Octavian bowed before looking at me. "Ah, a new arrival. Do you have a letter?" I raised an eyebrow. "A letter?" He sighed and shook his head. "I guess not. At least we know what cohort you're going into." I shrugged, I didn't really care what cohort I got into. All I was here for was to convince the Romans to join us. The male praetor spoke next. "He claims to be a son of Pluto. We ask that you consult the auguries." Octavian obliged.

Pulling out a brown teddy bear and a sharp dagger, he swiftly cut open the stomach of the bear. Octavian rummaged through the stuffing of the before looking at me, but talking to the praetors. "He is the son of death, the stench of the underworld clouds him." I wasn't pleased at his word choice of 'stench', but I kept my opinions to myself.

The female praetor spoke next. "Alright then, Mr Jackson. I will now induct you to serve the 12th legion. Do you, Percy Jackson, a son of Pluto, pledge your allegiance to the legion of New Rome, to lay down your life for the legion if necessary, and to help your fellow Romans in need?" I nodded. "I do." She continued. "Then I now pronounce you Percy Jackson, son of Pluto and a legionnaire of the fifth cohort." I bowed, and the male praetor looked at the soldiers.

"Legionnaires, take your fellow soldier to Commander Jason and tell him of his new recruit. Dismissed." I followed them out of the building and they led me down another road. Eventually, we left the actual city of New Rome and headed down a path towards a small fortress-looking area. "This is Camp Jupiter, where you'll be living and training during your time as a legionnaire." I nodded and we approached the gate. It was open, though there were still guards at the watchtowers.

Walking in the Camp, I took notice of how many people there were. There were at least 80 demigods in the main courtyard alone, I wonder how many there are in total? Eventually we came across a blond athletic boy who looked to be around my age. He was duelling with a gorgeous latina girl that I didn't know the name of. How I wish I did.

Eventually, the blond guy lost to her and he picked his sword and walked off for a break. The guards led me up to him and introduced me. "Centurion Jason, this is Percy Jackson, son of Pluto. He is the newest recruit in your cohort." Jason took off his helmet and grinned at me, shaking my hand. "A son of Pluto, huh? Guess that means we're cousins. I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter and Centurion of the fifth cohort." He dismissed the soldiers that had escorted me there before he put the sword he was holding back in his sheath at his side.

"So," I started. "Is this camp full year or a summer camp?" He grinned again. "Full year. We live in the barracks over there," The pointed to a collection of buildings. "But we're allowed to stay in New Rome whenever we want, as long as we're back before breakfast is over." I nodded. "So how'd you take it?" He asked me and I raised an eyebrow. "Take what?" He looked at me as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Taking the information that you were a demigod. I can tell you're not from here. A). You have no idea how camp is run judging by your questions. B). You showed up in March instead of February, when Camp officially starts. And C). You don't have the overall look of a Roman." He said gesturing to, well, all of me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, only slightly offended. "What's that last one supposed to mean?" Jason shrugged. "I can just tell. I can't tell much off looks, but you look like a Non-Roman, which if you were, we would execute you. The only other thing you're like is a… Nazi Freddie Mercury." I looked at him as if he'd gone insane. "A… Nazi Freddie Mercury? What the Hell are you on, Jason?" He shrugged again and started laughing. "I don't know, it's literally the only way I can describe you." I brushed it off to his mind being strange, actually who was I to judge, Odin said I had got my state of mind from my grandfather, the so-called 'Mad Prince'.

My thoughts were cut off by Jason holding a sword to me. "Want to duel?" The asked and I smiled, before accepting. As we got into battle stance, I prepared for my first duel at Camp Jupiter. 'Boy, this year is gonna be a fun one', I thought to myself.

First chapter is done. I won't post this story at all until I have at least 3 chapters done as I don't trust myself not to start and never continue. I'll see you guys when I've finally uploaded this.

Word count: 3343