So...some of you might ask, Aya, is there a third part to this. And the answer is, yes. That said, I'm turning this into an original and the third part will go with it. Sad to say you will have to read the series if I ever get it published. If not, I'll post it here for you guys. #Sorrynotsorry LOL!

For the last time (on this fic) thank you so much for reading and hashing this fic out with me Beej88! Even though it wasn't really your type of fic, you still stuck it out and helped me with it. And even lied and told me you loved it LOL! Be sure to check out her new fic guys, It's Always Been You. It is so sweet and sad and loving and just gets you in the feels for real.

This is the end, my friends. For now anyway. Thank you all for R and R and F and F. My next fic is called Poisoned Mind and it uses the Dark Endy trope. Also just finished another fic that I'm really excited about called Motor Girl. Be on the lookout!

Chapter 18

"Let me first state forthright that contrary to what we've often read in books and heard from preachers, when you are a woman, you don't feel like the Devil. "

Orhan Pamuk, My Name is Red

5 years later…...

It was a perfect night. The streets were empty, the cobblestone gleaming in the lamp lights. The river flowing beneath the bridge was moving slowly, so slow the moon reflected on its surface almost unbroken. In the distance, the sound of life could be heard, cars on the streets and people talking and shouting at one another. But here, where he stood now it was still and silent, perfect.

The only life in sight walked into his view, the object of his desires. Her long blonde hair fell in curls down the back of the tan trench coat she had wrapped tightly around her. Her black heels clicked on the sidewalk and he couldn't help but notice the slight swish in her stride. Even though it was well hidden, he could tell there was a body that wouldn't quit underneath her clothes.

Her hands went to her waist, loosening the tie to her coat and peeling it off her shoulders. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of her tight red dress. The material was thin and clung to her hips and breast. She folded the coat over her arm and continued on her way. Now he followed behind, watching her sway in the moonlight, dreaming of all the things he was going to do to her once he caught her. But for now, he had to wait.

She flipped her hair over her shoulder, revealing a peek of her lovely neck, long and tantalizing. He didn't know how much longer he could take it, he was ready to snatch her up right that second. She was still far ahead of him and he did well to keep out of sight.

Still watching her, he almost missed it, the movement to his right. It was fast but he was faster. But still, he waited. He had to wait for just the right moment or it would all go to shit.

The quick movements of the creature in the dark slowed, becoming more like the movements of a human, and it approached her. He was too far away to hear what was said, but it looked as though he was asking her for the time. Such a rookie move.

Her arm out, looking down at her watch instead of him, it grabbed her, pulling her to him in a flash. Now was the time, he would make his move.

Not bothering with looking human, he was on the two of them in a flash. "Are you bothering this beautiful young lady?"

It sneered at him, "I had her first, so fuck off."

Its voice was like gravel and it struggled to put the words together, showing how little it conversed with others. "Actually," they both looked over at her, "He had me first. So sorry about that."

Confused, the creature gripped her tighter, giving her a little shake. Now getting angry, he grabbed the hand that was touching her.

"You really need to let go of my wife….now."

It released its hold on her, but he didn't release his on it. "Aw honey, you're scaring it."

Its eyes went back and forth between the two of them, anger rising as realization set in, " are…..together?"

"Wow...not the brightest bulb in the box now is he?"

It trembled with fear now, shaking so hard it shook him as well. "Oh''s you! The Hunters….I've heard of you two….."

"Aw, Honey look, we're famous!"

It tried to pull its arm free from his grasp but found he was trapped. Claws pushed out of his hand, aiming for his arm. Before it could tear through his flesh, she grabbed its other hand, stilling the claws from getting any closer to his arm. The thing probably would have cut straight through his bone if she hadn't stopped it.

With his free hand, he balled into a fist and sent it flying into the creature's face. The power from the hit sent it clear across to the other side of the bridge, its body bouncing and rolling a few feet after it landed. There, it remained still, lying as if it was lifeless on the ground.

She turned to him, her hands on her hips. "'Let's get away for the week', he says. 'A nice little vacation, just you and me'."

As she spoke, she forced her voice to dip low, mocking his own, "Hey, I didn't plan on working while we were here, this just...popped up!"

Her eyebrows furrowed at him, "You mean to tell me that you, Mr. Van Helsing, didn't know before coming all the way here, that there was an honest-to-God bridge troll roaming around? In a huge city like London?"

He had been busted, "Okay, okay so I had heard a few...rumors."

The troll at the other end of the bridge began to switch, starting to rise. "Raye is going to kill me, Jack too, when they hear we took out a Troll. Especially Jack. You know how much he loves the weird and rare ones."

"We just….won't tell them?"

The troll got to its feet and stared at them. "How the hell are we going to keep this a secret? It's a damn troll! Not only that but a bridge troll! Do you know how rare those are? The entire Hunting community is going to hear about this by tomorrow."

"Then we will just have to tell them first instead. Let them know it was a coincidence."

"Like they will believe that," the troll had started to run, trying to get away, and by the look on her face, she was considering it, "Poor thing."

"Poor thing? That thing has eaten five people! And it tried to take my arm!"

"Well, you were the one dicking around and not being careful."

He caressed her cheek, placing a stray hair behind her ear. "Baby, you know I lose it when they touch you."

"Uh huh, Then maybe you should stop using me as bait… know it's getting away right?"

"Not for long!"

He ran down the street, using only half his speed to catch up to the battered creature. It was limping heavily, a result of his earlier attack. He pulled out the small blade that rested in his waistband. It took one glance at the blade and smirked.

"That won't kill me."

A smile stretched across his mouth, "I know."

Before the creature could question him, he slammed the blade up to its hilt into its chest. The troll stumbled, gasping before falling to the ground again.

The sound of her heels behind him drew his attention away from his work. She had pulled her coat back onto her shoulders but left it open, revealing the dress and her body beneath it. He quickly wrapped his arms around her, going under the coat and playing with the thin material on her back.

"You look amazing by the way."

She huffed, "I was promised dinner and dancing."

"We can still catch a late dinner, but I'm afraid the dancing will have to be a private one, back in our room."

She blushed, something she always did and it drove him crazy to this day. "What are you going to do with that?"

He followed her pointed finger, even though he already knew exactly what she was talking about, "I'm going to tie him up to the side of the bridge. The sunlight will finish him off and he will turn to sand and crumble before anyone really notices."

"Hmm...looks like you've got it all figured out."

She pulled out of his embrace, turning and walking away from him. This time, she swished purposefully as she walked away, knowing he was watching.

"Hurry up dear, I'm hungry."

So the third part is going to have more of the Hunter half-vamp couple duo in action. And a little crazy stuff. It's gonna be great. I hope I get to writing it someday :(