What's up? I decided to come back to Tale of Excalibur after dumping my other fic (The Salamander Tamer).

I didn't see a point to continuing it. It wasn't fun for me to write and I was just having a bad time trying to force myself to continue it.


If anyone is interested in continuing it for themselves, hit me up. I can send the first chapter and the half-finished second chapter through discord or something. (My acc on discord is Weulf#3710 btw)

Anyhow, since y'all ain't exactly the most active bunch in reviews I guess I'll just drop this on you and go.

Tale of Excalibur

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(Daiki P.O.V)


"Nope, you didn't notice so I don't have to pay! HAHAHAHAHA!"

So, it turns out the old guy is secretly a mastermind at Monopoly. He controlled like 90% of the board and had so much money there was no point in even playing anymore.

"Well then, looks like it's about time." Mannernopolis said, as he somehow materialized a wristwatch on himself.

Actually, now that I look at him I noticed that he had changed a lot during the Monopoly game. He no longer looked like Santa, instead he now looked like… he was getting younger somehow.

His beard no longer was pure white, instead there were traces of black scattered all across it, and even in his hair.

His clothes had changed a lot as well. The old looking apparel had started to look a lot less old than it had too. Some of the stains and signs of wear had begun to disappear.

I decided to straight up just ask him: "Uhh… What's happening with you?" but he just said: "That's not important." snapping and making the Monopoly board disappear.

"It's about time for you to head back. Your body is done regenerating." Was a surprising thing to hear. It only takes a couple hours? That's neat.

I even said: "Really? Well that didn't take long at all." because I was honestly expecting a whole ass body to take longer than that to regenerate.

Well, turns out it does, because the next thing the old guy said was: "Actually, it's been 400 years.", which earned a "…" from me for a couple seconds, before I proceeded to make his eardrums explode with a loud: "WHAT!?"

"Don't worry I slowed down time in the universe. Although…" He started, which kind of calmed me down. At least I can go back and not have to worry about everyone being dead and all. Although, what he said next worried me a lot…

"Next time, I'm not going to do that, so you better stay alive."

The second those words came out of his mouth, I woke up. I saw nothing but the sky in front of me, before I realized that I was laying on the ground.

I got up and looked around, only to see that I was nowhere even close to the USJ. I had somehow been teleported into the park near my place.

After going over everything that just happened, I just shrugged and said: "I guess I should get walking." before doing just that.

"Guess I can't die, huh? I better be more careful from now on." I thought to myself as I started walking towards the general direction in which I remember the USJ being. I didn't feel like risking it and teleporting now that I learned that going into regeneration mode basically means dying in the timeline.

"…This walk is going to take a while."

(3rd Person P.O.V)

"Hey, y'know… This is starting to get kinda repetitive." White Fox taunted at his enemy after the two had barely exchanged blows whatsoever.

Every time Quota would try and attack him, White Fox would simply turn into smoke and try a counter-attack, but Quota would dodge that and try a counter-attack himself. That's how it had continued for a good 5-10 minutes now.

"How 'bout we…" White Fox started, as he flew a little bit further away from Quota.

"SWITCH IT UP?" He finished his sentence with a loud yell, before turning back into his human form and rushing Quota head-on.

He pulled out a weird object from his cloak, a small stick the size of a lipstick tube, which then with the click of a button turned into a staff.

White Fox jumped at Quota, using his staff to attack him fast, and getting a lot of hits in.

Quota's vision was shortly blocked by a message popping up that read: "Fighting style switched. Changing to Staff mode."

From Quota's foot, a small slot opened, and a yellow staff shot out. Without wasting a second, Quota kicked White Fox back, before spinning the staff around a few times and pressing a button on the side.

He then dashed at White Fox. Thinking: "Now it is an even fight!", he returned the gesture by doing the same.

However, what White Fox did not know is that this staff had high amounts of electricity running through it.

As soon as he hit Quota's staff with his own, the electricity travelled up the metallic staff and shocked him. The sheer amount of electricity was enough to cause some minor internal bleeding in itself, but still enough to knock him out.

With the villain on the ground knocked out cold, Quota restricted him with specially made cuffs that electrify the enemy if they move, before scanning the surrounding area.

"Confrontations found:

Izuku Midoriya, Tsuyu Asui. In confrontation with villains in the Flood Zone.

Denki Kaminari, Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro. In confrontation with villains in the Mountain Zone.

Shinki 'Law' Hakashi, Shota 'Eraser Head' Aizawa. In confrontation with most of the villains, including Shigaraki Tomura and *ERROR 404* in the Central Plaza area.

Thirteen, Tenya Iida, Ochako Uraraka, Mezo Shoji, Rikido Sato, Mina Ashido, Hanta Sero. In confrontation with teleportation villain 'Kurogiri' near the entrance of the USJ.

Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima. In confrontation with villains in the Ruins Zone.

Shoto Todoroki. Froze the villains he was fighting, is currently making his way towards me in the Landslide Zone.

Fumikage Tokoyami, Koji Koda. In confrontation with villains in the Downpour Zone.

Mashirao Ojiro. In confrontation with villains in the Conflagration Zone.

Saikamoto Daiki, Yuga Aoyama, Toru Hagakure. Unable to locate."

After confirming everyone's whereabouts (or well, those that he could), Quota got a good idea on how to quickly and efficiently get over to the entrance where most of the group was.

But for that, he needed help. And the closest person to him was Todoroki Shoto.

"Structuring preferable escape technique…"

"Structuring complete. Chance of failure: 42.8%"

Tale of Excalibur

(Mephisto P.O.V)

I'm not exactly how long we had been going at it with Belle. I do know that the boss slowed down time by a TON though. Which was good, that means I'm not going to miss anything and have to reset the timeline just to get back.

According to my calculations, it's been about…

400 years.

Wow. That's a new record.

Belle is awful at math though, so I asked: "How long have we been doing this again?" because fighting her was getting boring as fuck.

Luckily, she took the bait and asked: "I don't remember. Should we stop?" and the world became a better place.

With a very relived: "Sure, why not." We finally put our swords away and I could FINALLY be alone.

Literally. She just left without saying a word.

Yeah, she's pretty dumb.

Anyhow, time's continuing like normal now, so I'm guessing the kid's back.

You know, I'm not sure why the boss is trying to spoil him like this so much. What's so special about him?

I know I sound like a jealous sibling or some shit right now, but honestly, I'm starting to get a little pissed off at this. Just… Why bother?

It's not like he's exactly going to lead to something revolutionary or some shit.

*Sigh* Well, it's not like I have much control over the issue.

"Righto, time to look into this shit." I said out loud, as I realized that I had completely forgotten what was going on.

"Well, that android thing was fighting White Fox. I wonder if they're finished by now?"

To my surprise, they were VERY much finished.

Though, I wasn't exactly expecting for White Fox to get his ass beat.

With a sigh, I just grabbed him and warped back to Shigaraki.

"All-right, what's going on he- "I didn't get to finish my sentence before a fist almost collided with my face. I jumped back quite a bit.

I was still invisible, mind you. I just happened to teleport to the wrong place. Which means…

Yup, White Fox was still very much visible. So, it just looked like someone was using the Physics gun on his body in Gmod.

The guy who almost hit my head off was some hero named "Law". I remember the psycho didn't shut up about him for a week after meeting him.

Luckily, it looks like he didn't notice White Fox's body just ragdolling around as I dragged it back to Shigaraki, while slowly becoming more visible.

"He's fucked."

The very second that I said that though, a roll of some tape-looking shit wrapped around me and I was tugged back and thrown on the ground.

"Well that wasn't very nice of you." I said as Eraser Head stared me down with the whole 'quirk deletion' thing of his.

He just said: "Tough shit." before trying to kick me in the face to knock me out. Too bad, the second his foot collided with my face I teleported away back up to Shigaraki.

I just said: "He got fucked, I'll take him to the away." Before fucking off. I was tired, this was a good enough reason to just go to bed.

So, I teleported away without letting him say anything, threw White Fox on the ground, jumped on the couch and took a nap.

(3rd Person P.O.V)

When Shoto Todoroki agreed to go and help out the teachers with Quota, he did not think that it would end up with him flying at a deadly height at high speeds.

Quota had told him he had a plan in mind, however it became quite obvious that his plan making system was not meant to be implemented by humans.

The ice ramp he made was not really even needed for liftoff, considering that the only thing it managed to do was almost throw them through the roof.

However, it worked so he wasn't going to question it any further.

Since Quota had scanned the area, he knew better than to pull Todoroki into that mess. He was going to safely drop him off with the group before going into the fight himself.

It was only a matter of time before the villains would notice Asui and Midoriya, sneaking up right behind them in the water. That, and Eraser Head trying to attack Shigaraki while Law tries to keep off most of the villains away from the fight, and the big bird thing keeps protecting Shigaraki.

It was surprising that there were still villains left to throw at them, which seems odd because the villains should all be split everywhere, and according to Quota's calculations it would be impossible for that many people to be in every zone and still manage to have this many left, if the original couple hundred was all the villains they had.

He had three theories about the issue.

One: There were more villains hiding off somewhere (like in buildings and water) than it first seemed.

Two: The villains had a secret base that was loaded with more villains that they could throw at the heroes.

Three: Someone was healing the villains rapidly from the sidelines.

"Don't underestimate my spring powers!" Was all the confirmation that Quota needed when he saw the villain with springs for legs from before jump at Law, only to get knocked away in an instant.

The problem was Theory #3. Quickly scanning the battlefield below to find any healing-type quirk users, Quota found 9 matches, as well as 7 others around the other zones of the area.

"Forming plan…


Quota landed at the middle of the entrance's staircase with Todoroki, said: "Defeat any healing type quirk users you find. The villains are getting rapidly healed and it is making it problematic for Law and Eraser Head to deal with the main villains." and jumped off with his rocket boots again before Todoroki had a chance to answer.

"Auto-aim activated. Locked on to 7 out of 9."

Quota pulled out his gun from his belt and shot 7 precise shots towards the healers of the villains. The bullets he shot out also released a specific gas that makes you lose consciousness.

The bullets themselves were specifically designed to not be dangerous (unless shot at the head or a vital organ), however they still contained some drugs that insert into your bloodstream and make you dizzy.

"Scanning area…

Healing-type quirks found: 2. Auto-aim initiated…

Lock on successful."

Quota shot his last two shots, before activating his rocket boots again and starting to down some of the villains himself.

Law had already caught on to what was going on and stood far away enough from the gas that he wouldn't be affected.

So, the villains started going down faster and faster, until eventually there were none of them left.

However, Eraser Head was having major trouble with the main villains.

His arms looked like the skin had dried off, and some villains earlier had gotten through and managed to make him jump back quite a bit.

That's when he saw the other villain, the bird looking one sneak up behind him.

Quickly reacting, Quota shot out an exploding bullet at it. To his surprise, it was almost unaffected by the bullet, but it did manage for Eraser Head to notice the villain and escape its grip, though barely.

Though, just escaping an attack once doesn't mean you're out of danger. The unnamed villain was fast, and almost caught Eraser Head right after he had jumped back, but he just barely managed to dodge again.

It was only a matter of time before he was caught though. Without help arriving soon, things could get bad.

(Daiki P.O.V)

…I'm getting bored of walking.

I don't know why I'm so calm about this right now, my classmates are getting attacked by villains while I'm just casually walking around.

"I need to hurry up."

I finally got that to my head and started running, and with the help of Psychic+, managed to sprint way faster than I usually would.

I glanced behind me and saw that I was leaving a trail of psychic energy behind me like you would in Tron.

That, along with using psychic platforms to jump over buildings shortened the amount of time needed to get there by a significant amount.

Looking at this place's version of Google Maps, I could see that normally it would take 40 minutes to walk there.

With me jumping over buildings and running, it would take approximately 10 minutes instead.

I was too scared to teleport after the talk with Mannernopolis, so running is going to have to do it.

Still, though…

"I'm wondering if the heroes are already on their way to there."

That question really didn't need answering anymore, because as I flew above the place I saw Iida talking to All-Might a little bit in front of me.

Deciding to stop by and say hi, I stopped going Tron mode and just walked down my psychic platforms like stairs.

I yelled out: "Iida! All-Might!" as I made it over to them. Iida jumped up, before turning around and said: "S-Saikamoto!?" with a surprised voice. "Why are you out here?"

I had to thank my unique skill of coming up with an excuse on the spot, when I said: "I got warped outside by that villain: Kurogiri." in an instant.

All-Might was already gone before I even got to say anything to him. I'm guessing Iida got to explain the situation.

"I'll head back right away, you go get the pros." I quickly said before dashing off again and hearing a very distant: "Wait!" coming from Iida behind me.

Too bad I couldn't wait, because my stupid ass forgot one IMPORTANT thing that I was now panicking about.

That being, if Quota is in his little "Assault mode" for longer than 3 hours his system will overheat, and he'll shut down for like 4 weeks.

Since that would suck quite a lot, I'll have to hurry up and make him deactivate it.

Not only that, but I have 0 clue what's going on in there. Well, I mean I do, but… things could have gotten quite out of hand in there.

If my perception of time is correct, the plot should be at the part where Mr. Aizawa gets his elbow disintegrated. Well, that is if something hasn't caused the plotline to change, like Shinki being there. Surely, he has to have done something in this entire time.

(Shinki P.O.V)

Damn it, I haven't done a single thing this entire time! These annoying pests just won't stay down!

Well, the number of them has lessened by a TON in the past 2 minutes, but there's still an annoying amount of them.

Eraser Head is getting his ass handed to him right behind me and I can't do anything about it.

Well, I do have Quota here now, so… Maybe I can just leave it to him?

Nah. After all, he's only in the testing phase or whatever, right? I can't let some robot that isn't even finished yet take care of a massive group of villains like this.


"Hey, Quota!" I yelled out to him to get his attention. I grabbed a villain and spun him around to knock away other villains, and as I was doing so I yelled out "Go help Eraser Head!"

I don't think I've ever looked as cool as that while fighting.

It's not like the villains here were difficult to deal with, hell I even made a challenge for myself to not use my quirk in order to make it more interesting but that didn't end up doing shit for entertainment.

I only became a hero because I was bored in the first place, so being bored WHILE doing hero work is just a whole other problem for me at this point.

Anyways, I need to stay focused. I can't let a single villain get past me. I accidentally let a couple of them get past me earlier, and it almost made Eraser Head get caught by that bird thing.

It looked like it had a strong grip. Well, I'm sure he did, he was as big as All-Might. He was fast, too. He made it behind Eraser-Head in less than 2 seconds without anyone noticing.

Hopefully with quota helping him is going to prevent that.

I had to yell: "Snap out of it, idiot!" to myself in my head because I was getting sidetracked again.

"Damn it, this is so boring I can't even stay focused! C'mon, someone do something interesting!"

Quota flying past me like a ragdoll and a loud crackling of bones is not what I wanted for sure.

I quickly looked back to see Eraser Head on the ground with the big bird guy holding him down.

"Shit…" I quietly said to myself as I kicked another villain in the head. I couldn't do anything right now, if I did try I would just get overwhelmed by the number of villains jumping on me at the same time.

My only hope is to wait for help. I know Iida got out to get some teachers from the school. All-Might is hopefully heading here himself too.

"Guess I can't exactly laze around anymore." I said to myself as I started using my quirk. That way, I could deflect all of the villains' attacks, as well as kicking them away easier when they're trying to figure out what exactly I'm doing.

I usually don't use my quirk for fighting anymore, because my teacher is strongly against people fighting purely with their quirks and not actual skill unless absolutely needed.

There were not many villains left anymore. I would only have to get through these ones and I could go over and help out Eraser Head.

Quota had gotten up but decided that the long-distance route was best for this villain apparently, so he was standing further away, shooting bullets at the big villain. It wasn't very effective, but it was keeping him at bay, and also distracting him from Eraser Head.

It was quite obvious though, that he was not going to be able to keep him off for too long. It would only be a matter of ti-

"My, my… Isn't this quite something." I heard a deep, creepy voice near Eraser Head say. I quickly turned my head for a millisecond and saw a black shape look over the situation. Shigaraki was taken aback for a second, but quickly recomposured himself.

"Tsk, took you a while…


I'm gonna leave this off here because I can't come up with anything to continue the chapter with. I'm not gonna bother any more with boring parts to fill up words in the chapter.

k bye