Disclaimer: I, uh... had another random idea.

JustinTheSpider: How is it unique?

Luckygurrl12: The Cuphead sequel is... waiting. I have to edit it first, and then I need to edit Bendy. Thankfully, that story just recently finished. The sequel could start either late this year, or quite possibly early next year. I'm not sure, but I'll keep things posted.

RainbowCelin: Yeah, but it's also quite funny.

Missmilkiepink2: I'm obsessed with the dance from Fresh Prince, and after watching an animatic on YouTube about Tom Jones... this happened.

Missmilkiepink: I'm thinking of dialing back a little on King's personality in my editing. Got a little too inspired from my time writing Bill Cipher. As for Cuphead, I related back to Dipper. Loves adventure, but doesn't like people hiding stuff from him.

FanIfVariks: Well, here you go!



Nicky loved old music. That was a hardcore fact, and one she would never deny. Out of a lot of things people said about her, that was one of them. The others being how much she hated being mocked for her last name, until... well, she had her two friends to thank for that.

"She's got high heel shoes and an alligator hat..." an amused smile made its way to her face as she mumbled the words, and took pause to reach over to the left to grab her pencil sharpener. The restaurant of the casino wasn't overly busy, and the lone table in the corner she had claimed allowed her to work on several papers without interruption. However, she had been done for at least half an hour. The boys hadn't shown up yet with their copy of the book, so until then, she had to play the waiting game.

Which, to her entertainment, was what led to her doodling away on a scrap piece of loose leaf, singing under her breath.

"Found her, Dice." Nicky snapped her head up, finding the casino owner and manager waltzing up to her. The Devil had a slight sneer, while King kept his usual sly grin. The same he always wore whenever he was around her. Oh, ho. This is going to go great, she thought, making sure her own expression didn't brighten up too considerably. No way did she want to alert either that she had something up her sleeve. Well, it's more right in front of my nose, but the idea's still the same.

"You know, I don't always cause trouble whenever I'm around here. I'm just waiting for my lift." Black hair bounced at the sudden movement as she bent down to grab her messenger bag, while Nicky began to pack up her binders. The lone piece of paper still rested there, now flipped over to cover its contents. "Is there a reason for this?"

The boss was the one to speak, and the question almost made her laugh. "What was that thing you were doin' several days ago?"

"I take it you meant the, uh... the dancing thing." Nicky blushed a little, flashing back to the unexpected audience she had whilst dancing to It's Not Unusual. They ruined my Tom Jones moment. Ruined it, perhaps, but she would never properly perfect the dance move. "I enjoy classics, and that was one of them. In fact, I know a few songs around your guys' time era. Cab Calloway being one of them." The Devil and King exchanged a look, obviously not aware of who the singer was. Right. She had mentioned the name before, but she never explained to King. "He was a jazz singer, known mostly for his scat singing."

"Jazz, huh?" King seemed intrigued by the idea, and Nicky nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. In fact, I can see a bit of a resemblance between you and him. Of course, mind you, the guy didn't have a die for a head." She brought the paper to her chest, and allowed the excited smile to show itself. "Anyway. I drew something for you, boss."

The demon, naturally, did not appear as ecstatic as the human girl. "You drew me somethin'?" Nicky nodded, and flipped it around. The Devil's eyes widened, and King himself looked close to having a laughing fit. A rough sketch of the ruler himself in a short strapless dress, skinny high heeled shoes, and massive bracelets, earrings, and pearl necklace. Gigantic black sunglasses covered his eyes, with the final touch being a cartoony alligator hat with his horns coming out on either side and the animal's eyeballs going off in different directions. "What the he-?"

"It's the Devil in a blue dress!" King finally broke down, supporting himself with one hand on the table as he laughed. The room's temperature spiked in the small corner, and just as she planned, snatched her bag over her shoulder and ditched the paper as she bolted out of the restaurant. "Devil with a blue dress on!"

"Nicky? What are you doing-whoa!" She grabbed at Cuphead's hand, dragging him back out of the casino just as they stepped into the main hall. Mugman looked from the building to them, and hurried to chase after. "What'd you do?"

"Ticked off the Devil. Time to go hide out for a couple hours, guys."

So, some of the furniture caught fire, but other than that, he hadn't gotten as upset as King thought. Then again, compared to a lot of stuff doll had pulled in the past, this was pretty minor. Not to mention that only the two of them had seen the picture. Devil in a blue dress, huh? 'nother one of her songs, I bet.

He reached under the flipped table she was previously sitting, and slid the single sheet out from underneath. It was burnt along the edges, and smelled of sulfur, but other than that the drawing was unharmed. Gal certainly got a good likeness in it. Green eyes checked the room, before carefully folding it into a small square and depositing it into the pocket of his coat. He patted the outside, and without a word, walked towards the exit. That drawin'... that was going to earn him chuckles for the next couple of weeks.

I had to. This idea stuck, and I wanted to add a continuation.

If it happens, and I think of another chapter to add, I'll definitely do it. It's a good way to keep things updated on the progress. It will be a while, but the sequel is going to happen.

Until next time!
