
'It was Snape,' said Harry. His voice was empty. 'The Avada Kedavra. Snape killed Dumbledore. '

Around them, explosions were going on, curses were thrown, but for the trio, everything seemed to stand still. Hermione wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

'No,' whispered Ron.

'Yes,' said Harry. 'And I did nothing. I just watched Malfoy... let the other Death Eaters interfere...'

Hermione looked up. 'Draco?,' she repeated, in a strange voice.

Harry glared at her. Hermione backed away, first slowly, and then she started to run.

She ran as if her life was depending on it, ignored the wands and the fighters. She briefly caught herself casting spells upon two Death Eaters, but she barely even realized, their was only one person on her mind.

She stopped dead as she saw Draco, leaning against a wall. He wasn't even fighting. Hermione ran over to him, and she felt how her legs got tired – begging they wouldn't disappoint her she avoided some of the spells and grabbed Draco's hand. Panting, she came to a stand. Draco just looked at her.

Hermione gasped for breath. 'Draco,' she whispered.

A wall behind them got smashed. Draco grabbed her arm, and dragged her aside. They only did a few steps, Draco looked around, over his shoulder and then closed his eyes.

Hermione's eyes widened as she saw the small door, well hidden in the stones, appearing.

'The room of-,' she started, but she couldn't finish her sentence because Draco already pushed her inside.

Once they were in, all the sounds, the smashing, the screaming – it all seemed to have stopped. Hermione sat down and leaned her head against the wall.

Malfoy broke down next to her. Hermione turned to him. 'You have broken your promise,' she started. Draco didn't say something. Hermione bent over to him and noticed his eyes were teary. 'But you still live.'

Draco took a deep breath. 'o'course,' he mumbled. 'Why shouldn't I?'

Her eyes narrowed. 'You have been involved with Dumbledore,' she said, 'don't deny it.'

He groaned and closed his eyes. 'I wasn't going to.'

'So you didn't attack him? You kept your promise?'

Draco opened his eyes. 'I attacked him,' he said, 'but I think I yet kept my promise... I don't know... I mean, there was no need... No need to overpower him, he made it so simple.. So simply.' He sighed.

Hermione still looked at him doubting. 'There are Death Eaters in our castle,' she said, uncertain whether she wanted an answer to her unspoken question.

'I know,' croaked Draco, 'I know, I let them in, I...'

Hermione closed her eyes and swallowed. 'According to your Vow you mustn't do anything I wouldn't approve.'

'There was a moment I thought I would be dying,' he said quietly, and then he took her hand. 'I thought I had broken the Vow. Maybe I have, and I am just dying... I don't know... But I'm here... Alive... Still...' He took a deep breath.

Hermione stroked over his hand. 'You're here,' she said quietly.

It took Draco a moment to continue speaking. 'I though of you,' he croaked. 'And I knew... I had the choice... Dying of the Unbreakable Vow, or by him... because they would...' He swallowed. 'I would have died either way,' he whispered.

'So you decided to break your promise. You've chosen your side.'

'I had to – Mione, it's not just me – I mean, think – it's my mother, my father – what do you think would have happened if I hadn't obeyed? Would you have done nothing?'

Hermione looked at him, struggling with her thoughts. Finally, she shook her head. 'And yet you breath,' she said quietly. How very glad she was about it.

Draco nodded. 'And yet I breath.'

'But not freely,' said Hermione uncertain. 'You have joined them. You have picked your side. You have broken your promise.'

'Maybe,' he sighed.

Hermione rose an eyebrow. 'The Unbreakable Vow's been broken.'

Draco smiled. 'Come on, Granger,' he said. 'I thought you'd be smart... Can't you think of why I'm still alive? I wouldn't be if the Vow had been broken.'

Hermione looked at him for a long time, remembering the day Draco had sworn to her to never act in a way she wasn't approving of. Thoughtfully, she took his hand. 'I think I can,' she said. Draco's lips formed a smile.

'It doesn't change a thing, though,' she said bitterly. 'We will join the fight and be opponents.'

Draco kissed her. Hermione's heart started racing. 'With me alive, the Vow still stands,' he said, 'and will never be forgotten, by neither of us. I will wait for you as you will wait for me. And for the moment,' he took her hand, 'for the moment, you and I are right here, not fighting.'

Hermione looked at him, carefully getting up, giving him a hug. While she held him and he held her she wished that moment could last forever. But in moments, eternity existed. Remembered eternity.

A/N: So that's it. In spite of the fact there are many things I dislike about my own story - it was good practise and I enjoyed every moment I was writing it. I like the epilogue in many ways and it feels weird not returning to this story any more. It's been a lot of fun with Hermione and Draco, so I might start another Dramione fanfic very soon! Thank you for reading.