It all started as a typical day in the lovely city of Paris. Everyone attended school, just like they always do. Marinette Dupain-Cheng stumbled over her words as well as her two left feet; Adrien Agreste was gorgeous as he was kind; Alya Cesaire continuously gushed about her Ladyblog whenever she got the chance; and Chloe Bourgeois mocked anything that moved. Nothing was out of the ordinary.

That is, until the last bell rang.

As the students filed out of the school, a peculiar sight was found near the front entrance. Next to the Agreste limousine, the Gorilla (aka Adrien's bodyguard) was standing with a woman. The giant was smiling as she talked to him…well, at him.

Marinette and Alya had been walking out together until they came upon the scene. Both girls immediately stopped in their tracks, shared a surprised look, and observed the conversation from afar. They really were too curious for their own good.

Marinette mentally noted the new woman's attire. Her outfit was casual: an open, pale blue, button-up shirt over a white blouse and jeans that were a much darker shade of blue. Light brown hair was braided and pinned up at the back of her head, a pair of sunglasses covered her eyes, and she was wearing brown boots instead of heels. Overall, she was pretty, and it was natural. Marinette could only wonder how this woman was connected to the Agreste driver-slash-bodyguard…

Alya's elbow connected with her ribs, snapping the girl out of it. It was rude to stare so openly, and they certainly did not want to get caught. That would be awkward.

Before they could think of looking the other way, the girls caught someone else who was staring.

Adrien Agreste stood frozen in place halfway down the steps of the school. His green eyes were wide as he gaped at that the pair in front of him. Nino Lahiffe, his best friend, waved his hand before Adrien's face.

"Earth to Adrien. Dude, do you know her?"

The young model said nothing. In fact, it was like he was in his own little world. He ignored Nino completely and slowly walked forward. His friends could only watch in curiosity and confusion.

The woman noticed Adrien's approach. She turned to the teen with a warm smile before removing her sunglasses to reveal sparkling, hazel eyes. Adrien's breath hitched in shock.

"A-Aunt Jacqueline?"

Alya and Marinette shared a look. Adrien had an aunt? This was news to them. They looked over to Nino, who simply shrugged in response. Apparently, he was clueless as well.

Said aunt put her hands on her hips as she smirked. "Adrien Agreste, how many times have I told you? I prefer being called 'Jackie'!"

Adrien smiled and abruptly hugged her in a near-desperate embrace!

"What happened to you?" he questioned. "You've been gone for so long; I haven't heard a word from you in ages!"

Before Jackie could answer, the Gorilla grunted from behind them. Adrien translated that to mean, "We have a schedule to meet."

Adrien had every intention to protest; his aunt had finally returned, for crying out loud! Surely his father would make an exception.

"How about I ride with you?" Jackie suggested, grabbing Adrien's attention. "We can talk on the way."

The Gorilla seemed oddly reluctant for someone who had been so happy to see her earlier. Yet, his resolve wavered as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We only want to catch up a little," she reasoned. "I won't say anything I shouldn't. Trust me."

Normally, Adrien would question why his aunt had to promise to watch her words, but he was simply too excited to see her again to give it a second thought! He practically jumped in the limo as Jackie followed suit.

Marinette, Alya, and Nino watched in awe as the limo drove away. What had just happened?

The two occupants of the limo chattered away, both equally excited to see each other.

"So, where have you been?" Adrien began. "You don't come around our home anymore."

"Travelling. I've been journeying around Europe, searching for inspiration. I have a new story in the works, and it's interesting to see the sights and cultures I can use."

Adrien's face lit up at the news. "You're starting another book?! I can't wait!"

Jacqueline just so happened to be an accomplished author. Her focus was action-adventure in fantasy settings. Swordplay happened to be a personal favorite of hers. One of her books focused on the antics of a young knight's apprentice who was anxious to prove himself. Once he had started reading, Adrien hadn't been able to put it down!

Jackie smiled, appreciating the praise from her nephew. "So, how about you? What have you been up to?"

The model shrugged. "I've been pretty busy, I guess. Father has a tight schedule for me, but it's fine. Besides, I finally got a chance to make some friends!"

"I noticed!" Jackie giggled. "To be honest, I was a bit surprised to hear you were enrolled in public school. Who twisted your father's arm?"

Adrien smiled awkwardly. "N-No one. I wanted to go, and he let me."

Jacqueline raised an eyebrow. She already knew he was lying: after all these years, she could still recognize the signs. Still, it was fun to pry a little. "Really? You expect me to believe that Gabriel Agreste willingly sent you to public school without a fight?"

She got him there. Adrien slumped in his seat. "Well, um…maybe he needed some convincing."

Jackie laughed as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "It's nice to know my nephew has the guts to fight for what he wants."

A small smile returned to Adrien's lips as he reveled in the warmth he felt. It had been so long since he felt this way, and he was finding that he had missed his aunt's presence far more than he realized.

"Why…why didn't you write to me?" he asked quietly.

The question was an honest concern. Jackie had disappeared around the time his mother did. At first, Adrien thought nothing of her departure: she traveled so often for her work, so he was used to it. Each time, he would receive letters regularly, since Jackie preferred to communicate through paper rather than phones. However, when no messages came, Adrien could only assume that, like his mother, Jackie was simply…gone.

Adrien cautiously looked up at his aunt; surprisingly, her eyes were filled with shock! He stared back questioningly, awaiting her response. Slowly, her face shifted to a solemn expression.

"I see. So that's the way he wants it."

"Huh?" Adrien blinked.

Seeming to catch herself, Jackie laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of her head. "Oh, it's nothing! No need to worry! Erm…look! We've arrived!"

With surprising speed, Jacqueline left the limo before Adrien could question her any further. It was a bit suspicious, but the boy simply shrugged to himself before following.

As he began his ascent up the stairs, he noticed that he was walking alone. Adrien peered over his shoulder to see Jacqueline standing frozen at the bottom.

"Aunt Jackie? What's wrong?"

The woman jumped a bit before wearing a large smile. Even Adrien could tell that smile was a little too big.

"Oh, I only intended to ride with you," Jacqueline explained. "I really should be going."

"What?" the boy exclaimed as he whirled around. "But you just got here!"

Jacqueline shook her head. "Adrien, you have a schedule to follow. We can find another time."

Desperate, Adrien used one of his best weapons of manipulation: the sad kitty eyes.

"Please? Just for a little while?"

One look into those pleading green orbs was enough to sway her. She sighed roughly in defeat.

"Ugh, not that face! You always, always use that against me!"

Jackie held her forehead as she grumbled, "I swear, you inherited that trick from your mother…"

Adrien's face instantly brightened, all traces of sadness completely gone. He grinned in victory before taking her arm.

The look on Natalie's face was certainly unexpected. Her neutral expression had been in place as usual, but the moment her eyes met Jacqueline, emotions of shock and concern practically poured out at once!

Jackie offered a small smile. "Good to see you, Natalie."

"M-Miss Jacqueline. What—"

"Adrien invited me in," Jackie stated, cutting off Natalie's stutter. "I won't be long."

Natalie twitched a little, as if she was anxious about something. "Miss Jacqueline, I don't think…!"

Natalie was unable to finish her thought as Gabriel Agreste appeared, standing on the steps above them. The atmosphere immediately turned unbearably tense. Even Adrien gulped; through years of experience, he could easily recognize his father's irritated expression. Maybe someone screwed up an order or something?

Natalie instantly panicked. "M-Mr. Agreste! I didn't expect…there's a reasonable explanation, sir, I-"

Having mercy on the flustered assistant, Jacqueline placed a hand on Natalie's shoulder and stepped forward. She stood tall as she met his cold stare head-on.

"Gabriel. Out of your cave, I see."


They stood in silence for a few seconds, but to Adrien, it felt like hours. He coughed a little before explaining the situation. "Father, I ran into Aunt Jacqueline at school today. She's back in Paris, now."

"I am aware," Gabriel stated shortly.

Adrien was barely able to mask his astonishment. His father knew she was home? For how long? And why was he still glaring at his sister-in-law?

"Jacqueline, I have already made it quite clear that you are not welcome here."

The impact of his shock was enough to make Adrien forget about his obedient act. "Not welcome?!" he cried out. "Father, she's family!"

His outburst earned him a simple glance from his father. About one second passed before he returned to glaring at Jacqueline.

"Adrien, don't you have lessons at this time?"

'Figures,' Adrien thought bitterly. He was used to being addressed without eye contact, so that was no surprise, yet he still couldn't believe his father. There he was, banishing the only family they had left, and all he was concerned about was Adrien's sacred schedule.

Adrien adjusted his posture and answered calmly. "Yes, I do. I had hoped we could make an exception so I can spend time with—"

"Absolutely not. Natalie, please escort Adrien to his room."


"I'm sorry Adrien. It would be best to do as he says."

The blonde whirled around once he heard his aunt's apology. He gaped helplessly at her sad eyes.

"You are not to speak to my son!" Gabriel roared.

But Jacqueline wasn't easily deterred. "Gabriel, leave him out of this," she commanded.

Then she turned to Natalie. Her voice was sure, despite the obvious pain in her eyes. "Please…take Adrien."

The woman nodded, silently agreeing that it was for the best. Adrien did not need to witness this. Natalie gently placed her hand on the teen's back. She then proceeded to guide Adrien upstairs, while he was too taken-aback to resist.

The room was silent as the two adults stared at each other. Once Adrien was a good distance away, Gabriel began his interrogation.

"Why did you approach Adrien?"

Jacqueline rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry. Is it a crime to want to see my nephew?"

Her sarcastic tone only added fuel to the fire. "He is my son! You are not a part of this family!"

"That is not for you to decide!"

Gabriel straightened his posture. "How wrong you are. As the head of his household, everything is my decision."

Knowing she was losing her patience, Jackie attempted to breathe slowly. She already knew what would happen if she ever confronted Gabriel again: the information she obtained from Adrien was more than enough evidence to back up her theory. He clearly wanted her out of their lives, but that didn't mean she couldn't fight to make sure her loved ones were happy.

"Gabriel," she said as calmly as she could, "you and I are all he has. Adrien needs support."

"I provide plenty of support," Gabriel replied. "He is protected, and his future is secure."

"But is he loved?" Jackie pressed.

"Of course he is!" Gabriel snapped. "My son means the world to me!"

"Does he know that?!"

The man said nothing; he only glared at the woman until he turned his back.


Jacqueline was left dumbfounded. No matter what she did, or what she said, he would not listen to reason. Gabriel Agreste was simply too stubborn to accept any views besides his own. She grit her teeth in frustration.

"Just like you," she growled. "Turning your back instead of dealing with the situation."

Defeated, she showed herself out.