
Hello everyone and thank you for stopping to read my first fanfiction. I want to apologize for any grammar or articulation error I'm out of my comfort place. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy and neither the characters, they belong to the hard-worked of the wonderful Richelle Mead.

When a Door Close Another Will Open

Rose POV (2 Years ago)

"Roza, I know you saved me with the princess help. I will always be thankful for it. I don't know how to repay you." While listening to his words I believed we were finally going to be together after everything had happened. He continues, "I'm grateful for everything you did. However, I'm sorry, really sorry, but Rose, I don't love you anymore. Love fade, mine has."

At that moment Dimitri took my heart, throw it to the ground, and walk all over it. I couldn't talk, I didn't know what to say or do. Was he being serious? Our love was so insignificant to him? I put my guardian face on the one I have learned so well from him.

"Roza, I would like to be your friend and guardian partner. That is all I can offer, Rose, I'm so sorry", Dimitri ended saying.

I kept replaying his words over and over again. I can't believe after everything we have been through his loves have faded.

I can't believe that the love of my life.


Hi, I'm Rose Hathaway and this my life after saving the love of my life from being a Strigoi. As you know, with the help of my dearest best friend, Dimitri's soul was restored, and he became a Dhampir again. However, I was naïve to think that after everything we went through, we could end together.

Gosh, how wrong I was. I lost the love of my life and my best friend.

My dearest friend, Princess Vasilissa sided with Dimitri. She was there for him when I needed her the most. I tried to understand her decision, but as time went by; she started ignoring me and blocking the bond until there was nothing left between us. Yep, you guessed it right, all those years of friendship were gone. No, even a professional relationship. Never assigned to her after all the Las Vegas event. I have been stuck in a desk job for the past two years and taking Vasilissa's darkness that is the only connection between Vasilissa. That thanks to Adrian's charms I have been available to keep it under control. I'm pretty sure that if it was for her my so-called best friend once I would be crazy by now.

But enough is enough.

This is my time. It has taken me a long time, but I'm ready to move on. I'm have been finally assigned a charge after two years stuck on that disastrous desk job.

To my delight, I have been assigned to the person who has been there for me when I needed someone. He was there when Belikov destroyed my life, dreams, and happiness. When Vasilissa ignored and pushed me away demolishing our friendship. He was there when I couldn't keep faking a romantic relationship with Adrian just because of a promise. He was there when the relationship with my parent took a turn for the better.

And as he was there for me I was there for him. When he was heartbroken because of Vasilisa. When his aunt turns her back so she could push herself to Belikov, even tho he was and still ignoring her. When he returned to Court even when he hates it so much every open opportunity in any break from college to spend time with me.

Thanks to him have never felt alone because of him. He has always been with me and I will always be there for him because he means so much to me. I will protect him with my life, he is my best friend, he is the person I care the must above my family and friends.

Yes, Christian Ozera has become the most important person in my life. Who would have guessed that we would have ended like this?

Today is the day. Today, I'm officially Christian Ozera's guardian.