PAW Patrol: Meet Chase

A German Shepherd walked to a dumpster looking for food. He found a hamburger and woofed it down. Then he headed to his bed. "I wish I wasn't abandoned…" he felt sad. And rightfully so. He was not anyone's friend except for police officers as German Shepherds make great police dogs. He used to be one. A special one. Until one day…but we'll get there. Don't worry folks. Soon a 7-year old walked towards him and he growled and the boy went towards him cautiously. He knew dogs were mean when stray. Why? That we'll also cover later. Anyway, he approaches the dog with his hand towards him. The dog notices this and barks at him. The boy fell down and got up and just stood there. Waiting. But why? The German Shepherd walked towards the boy. Soon the boy sees this and then went to pet him but the dog growled telling him to wait until they knew each other. So the boy then spoke. "H-Hi doggy" said the boy. "Hi!" said the dog glaring at him. "Why are YOU here?" "I was walking down the street when I saw you and thought maybe try to pet you" said the boy. "Well lets talk first then we'll see" said the dog. "Ok" said the boy. "What's your name?" said the dog. "Ryder" said the boy. "I'm Chase" said the dog. "So...why are you here?"asked Ryder curious. "None of your business" said Chase. "I rather keep the past where it freaking is for now thank you!" "Sorry" said Ryder. "If you must know" said Chase. He took out a badge from behind a dumpster. "I WAS a Police dog before I was kicked off the team. Why? I'll give a's involves a certain somebody who I miss very much" said Chase. "I'm sorry for your loss...must be hard knowing you lost a loved one" said Ryder. "Ya! You probably don't even feel hurt like i did!" said Chase. "I...I..WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Ryder starts crying. "I...I...don't...know...where...they ...are…" said Ryder sniffling. Chase wasn't sure why he started crying but he wasn't letting up the attitude gig. "WHO?" he barked at him. "My...parents" he sniffled again. "Listen kid! I made a living as a police dog! I'm in no assistance unless you have an offer I'll be willing to accept! OR ELSE!" said Chase baring his teeth. "I got it! How about if you find my parents, I'll make you a member of a new team that my dad was thinking about assembling before he was lost one day here in Adventure Bay somewhere" said Ryder. "Ok but if we don't find him…" said Chase. "Yes yes i know Chase" said Ryder. He takes out a notebook that shows his dads last sighting. "Here" he pointed to the empty lot where the police station used to be. "There used to be a police station where my dad worked before he moved somewhere" then he tapped on the X."He left something there that might tell us why my parents left me here" "Well lets go!" said Chase. "All right. Let me do a mark where we were so we can know where we started. I'm sure my dad would love the info" said Ryder who does a red start mark at the alleyway. "Ok now Let's go!" said Chase. "Hold on" said Ryder. "Huh?" said Chase. "This won't just be me and you" said Ryder. "What do you mean?" Chase asked confused. "In his notebook he wrote: "Dear son, I want you to assemble a team of 5 pups, they will help you find my secret hidden underneath the police station that was recently destroyed and replaced by what the secret is. I hope you find the pups, discover the value of friendship and find the secret. Sincerely your dad" "WOW! 7 pups?" said Chase beaming with excitement. "Yep!" Ryder said. "I want to go now!" said Chase. "HAHAHA! All right!" said Ryder. "AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOO" howled Chase. "So my dad isn't worried about being lost. He wanted me to think that" said Ryder. "I wonder why?" "Ahem, Ryder as your second in command, Shall I call you sir after your name? I as a police dog must be respectful as your sidekick" said Chase. "Sure Chase" said Ryder. "Ok Ryder sir!" said Chase. "Before we go, I should tell you why I wanted to pet you. I wasn't trying to make you defend your turf. I was only thinking you were dangerous because I heard about German Shepherds so I wanted to be cautious around you" said Ryder. "Yes! That is true but don't forget that" said Chase."Right!" said Ryder. "I'm sorry if I made you do that. I mean no harm. Honest!" "I forgive you" said Chase. "Besides people would do that too to be honest" "Really?" said Chase "Oh yeah!" "My parents were protective of me when I was a baby. I even got a teddy bear that I...OH NO!" Chase freaks out. "Is this what you're looking for?" said Ryder as he waved the bear in his hand. "OFFICER BEAR! GIVE ME HIM!" said Chase mad at him. Ryder laughed. "HEY! NOT FUNNY!" said Chase still mad at him. "Hold on Chase!" said Ryder. "You mind?" "Do what?" said Chase. "This!" said Ryder who takes the bear and puts it on his back and ties him up. "How's that?" "Oh My God! This is cool! Now I feel like I have a backpack" said Chase. "Thanks Ryder!" "Your welcome! Whenever you need me, Just yelp for help" said Ryder. "Ok I will" said Chase. "Shall we go now?" "Yes!" said Ryder. Soon they take us to find the next pup.